Author Topic: Dogz 2008/Imagine: Party Babyz - Awesome new exclusives from Ubisoft!  (Read 29036 times)

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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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It is too bad, it isn't like Nintendo is trying to hold them down, in fact third parties should have had some good stuff for this june because Nintendo is not releasing anything from what I read.
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Offline ShyGuy

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Maybe I can use June to catch up with Bully and Okami and Boom Blox and Brawl and Lost Winds.

Offline DAaaMan64

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Prince Of Persia: Chrystal Chronicles: The Loli and Shota of the Deserts

Marvel Heroes - Marvel Heroes
Frozen Shoe Games

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Offline KDR_11k

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No matter what happens Nintendo CANNOT restrict games based on quality any more than they already do. Third parties still think of Nintendo as restrictive and if they get one or more of their games rejected they won't want to risk more games on Nintendo. Supposedly Nintendo is already filtering for a minimum standard of quality (mostly about the game not crashing too much) and some developers have trouble taking even that hurdle.

Offline Athrun Zala

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oh wow...

good to know that Target Terror and Cruis'n got some competition
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Offline Kairon

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The video for Dogz actually looks like it's headed in a good direction. Some shots even border on decent with obvious fur-shading and everything.

I'm just confused as to why Ubisoft would provide half the screenshots in good condition, and the other half looking like blown up DS graphics. The two shots in the OP are horrendous!
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 06:05:20 PM by Kairon »
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline KDR_11k

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That "fur shading" looks more like gaussian blur.

Offline Crimm

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That "fur shading" looks more like gaussian blur.

Blur shading?
James Jones
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Nintendo World Report

Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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Just a bad screenshot, again.
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Offline ShyGuy

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Nintendogs with a Gaussian blur

Offline animecyberrat

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proof that Wii is Ds 2.0
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Offline Kairon

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Whatever it is, it's STILL much better than the screenshots in the original post.
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline animecyberrat

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my cats **** looks better than my dogs ****, but it's still ****.

But I guess you can't judge a game by it's graphics so if it still interests you go ahead and sing it's praises.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 02:35:14 PM by animecyberrat »
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Offline Crimm

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Ubisoft needs to reconsider their business decisions.  Their current treatment of the Wii as a dumping ground is a mnemonic way to treat the current hardware leader.

Name one GOOD game headed to the Wii from Ubisoft.  You can't, because they're too busy making clones of successful Nintendo DS products (complete with DS graphics) for the Wii.
James Jones
Mondo Editor
Nintendo World Report

Offline animecyberrat

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The only think about the "Market Leader" mentality is the rules are not the same as before. Too many grandmas and soccer moms are picking up the Wii for themselves and their families to not care about the other games. So until someone can show some concrete data on what the Wii user base numbers are demographically nobody can win this argument.

Yes the Wii is out selling the GC we can all agree on that.

Yes the Wii is selling to "gamers" but, and this is BIG ok, how many of THOSE Wii gamers are JUST GC/Nintendo fans who were going to buy the system anyways? WE do not count as expanded market, or new customers because we bought the GC and were planning on getting a Wii anyways.

Software sales data we do have suggests that the Nintendo games, which always sell good on Nintendo systems, are still doing good on Wii, the same data shows that the games that are selling well are the simple "pick-up-and-play-and who-cares-the-graphics-looks-like-DC-games."

Next up the PS ports, well on one hand it makes no sense to keep bringing them over because the expanded market gamers are mostly gamers who already had a PS2 and already played those games, or are the grandmas and soccer moms who don't give a flying **** about them. On the other hand the same GC gamers who switched over to Wii didn't have PS2 and didn't play many of these same games that to them are brand new.

So the question remains, not how many Wii's are in homes but how many Wii's are in homes that did not have or do not have a PS2? And as it stand none of us have that data, it is likely the 3rd parties have a bigger picture, and therefore none of us can be right or wrong in this argument until it is all made clear.

That doesn't give them  a free pass to make crap games, except if those games have an audience they do want to cater to.

So what we need in the case of this game in particular is to take the DS sales of the game, compare that to the sales of ALL the Wii games made by Ubisoft and see which types of Ubisoft games make Ubisoft more money, to see if they are being total dumb fucks or if they are being conservative businessmen trying to capitalize on this new craze.
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Offline Crimm

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Point to note: Prince of Persia and Beyond Good & Evil sold better on the GC than they did on the X-Box or the PS2.

This is unusual.  Third party games tended to sell very poorly on the GC.  Ubisoft is neglecting that fact.
James Jones
Mondo Editor
Nintendo World Report

Offline animecyberrat

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but Prince of Persia did come to the Wii and it is getting an exclusive spin off. Who is to say the Spin Off won't be good?
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Offline Crimm

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But why a spin-off?  Why not a main-series game?
James Jones
Mondo Editor
Nintendo World Report

Offline Berto2K

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but Prince of Persia did come to the Wii
It came as a cheap port of the cube version, and a new subtitle which fooled nobody.  Your arguments make no sense.
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Offline animecyberrat

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Because of the same points I made earlier! Duh? And why is a spin off automatically considered bad? Nobody complained about Umbrella Chronicles like this did they?

Like everyone else I would love to have all these games come to the Wii, but like someone who can see all the facts I can see their logic, no matter how much I hate it I can at least see their point of view. Why am I the only one?

They recognized the Wii has an audience for  PoP game, so the purposed to spend extra money and resources to develop a game catered to the Wii capabilities and that would satisfy the Wii audience, a game that isn't even out yet, and all of a sudden it is a pile of crap that nobody wants?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 06:11:51 PM by animecyberrat »
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Offline Berto2K

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They couldn't care less if we knew about the Wii version or not. They mentioned it in passing because it was brought up in an interview as to why the PS360 one wasn't announced for Wii. To be only making a game worth mentioning in passing when it was the Nintendo base that sold nearly the most number of copies of the other PoP games on Cube/PS2/Xbox is a slap in our face.
Pietriots, we roll out to get the lol out.

Offline user0x7D

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They recognized the Wii has an audience for  PoP game, so the purposed to spend extra money and resources to develop a game catered to the Wii capabilities and that would satisfy the Wii audience, a game that isn't even out yet, and all of a sudden it is a pile of crap that nobody wants?

Well, the problem lies in the fact that 3rd parties aren't taking these games catered to the Wii audience seriously. This game will probably have most, if not all, of its assets ripped from last gen PoP games with tacked on Wii controls that either make no sense or break the game horribly.

Every time we hear spin-off it's a bad sign because a spin-off, plain and simple, isn't as important to the developer as the main series because if it were it wouldn't be a spin-off. The developer would have simply made a new entry in the main series specifically for Wii. They're not doing that though because they don't want people to associate the main franchise with the spin-off so later if (when) it bombs they can chalk it up to being a bad spin-off or that the Wii audience doesn't like real games and then move on.

And besides, spin-offs aren't as fun as the original game. Look at Umbrella Chronicles. I didn't want an on-rails shooter. I wanted a new adventure game. Did I get that? No. I got an on-rails shooter. Sure it wasn't a horrible game but if I had a choice between what we got and getting a real new RE game which do you think I'd have chosen? Which to you think most people would have chosen? DQS has the same issue. The game was nothing like the franchise who's name it bares. I'll bet that the new PoP game for Wii won't play anything like any past PoP titles.

People buy franchise games because they like the way the franchise plays and they want more games that play like it. They don't buy franchises for all the crazy spin-offs that make no sense.

Offline animecyberrat

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They don't buy franchises for all the crazy spin-offs that make no sense.

Tell that to the FF:CC fans then. Of all the spin offs that piss me off the most it is that series.

Does it matter? God damn it no it doesn't!

As of right now, Combined PS3 and 360 gave the larger install base, I don't know if there is a PC version or not but add that in and Wii is vastly out numbered.

No matter what I fucking say in this thread every one is going to fucking attack me, ****! The plain and simple fact is Ubisoft doesn't fucking care, why they don't care WHO KNOWS, I try and offer logical reasons why they don't care, and everyone rips into me. ****.
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*backs away slowly*

I didn't say there weren't reasons. There are always reasons for doing anything that you do. However, it is the validity of the reasons that is being called into question. Everything that you've come up with is reason, true. But it's flawed reason. To put it quite simply, it's like all those news stories or companies that spin statistics to make them say what they want them to say. Just because a company sites a reason for not making a certain game for a certain platform doesn't make them right. And in the case of Wii it makes them seem down right ignorant.

And again it is true that right now the combined user base of the PS3 and the 360 is larger than the Wii, however that won't be true any more in the very near future. Even still, that larger user base is only slightly larger than Wii. And you can't very well throw PCs into the mix because PCs have been around since long before consoles came out and if you want to use the argument that the largest user base always wins well then consoles shouldn't exist at all because developers would have only ever made PC games.

You yourself finally put the whole point to bed in your last post. They just doesn't care. Why they don't care, no one knows. Why they're blowing off a huge potential market is a mystery. I don't know what's going on but there definitely seems to be much more going on here than simply demographics and market share. Something akin to money hats or some industry wide conspiracy/grudge against Nintendo.

Offline animecyberrat

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Re: Dogz 2008/Imagine: Party Babyz - Awesome new exclusives from Ubisoft!
« Reply #99 on: June 01, 2008, 12:20:41 AM »
I am sorry, I just gave up on Nintendo getting the support they deserve and no longer expect it. I didn't mean to be rude, I just haven't been right today. I don't know I went from bashing the games in question to defending their existence, I guess I am the idiot here.
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