Today is a double day. That is, the vote ends Sunday at midnight. Polls do not close at midnight Saturday night, but rather the next day. You get it.
Ok, onward and upward!
Today, things are nearly wrapped up:
You may already know that ShyGuy was transmogrified into an actual Shyguy. He was Mrs. Wormood.
Additionally, two people died over the night:
Toruresu, the fearsome feared Stupendous Man was killed by the last member of THE BABY-SAT CLUB!
Suzie, insane with rage, and desiring revenge for both Hobbes and Mrs. Wormwood, threw and ice balloon at Kairon.
The balloon struck with a thud, and smacked his mask off, revealing...Good Calvin!
Of course, this means that the mafia is defeated, and any character that necessitated a mafia win to has lost!
Oh, and even though I said I wouldn't say it, a protection was made. Duh @ who dun it.
The only road-block to a townie win is the T-Rex in an F-14! There are two Calvins remaining, Spaceman Spiff and Calvin himself. That's of note to the T-Rex, but not really to anyone else. Will the townies be defeated? Can they find and topple the Tyrannosaur? Find out this time, at your same mafia place, same mafia time, plus a day, it's Calvin and Hobbes Mafia!
(C&H theme music plays)
As always, send me questions you may have. Additionally, I expect anyone that is conditioned to keep their mouth shut about things to continue doing so. Which is basically two people, and they've done well with it so far, so there's really no reason in stating this. I just felt like it. GOOOOOOO!
Special thanks to Arbok for a correction of VITAL IMPORTANCE.
NEW BONUS INFO AND RULE CHANGES: Instead of the traditional double day, I'm mixing things up slightly. Everyone is to vote for two players over the weekend. Your votes may not both be for the same player. Halfway through, someone will die from the T-Rex's hit. Their votes will still count, but may not be changed at that point. The T-Rex's votes now count. This way, you can't come up with annoying strategies to smoke the T-Rex out. Ask me for more info about this if you're confused at all.