Author Topic: Winter Mafia Day 7  (Read 12677 times)

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Offline ThePerm

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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2007, 05:34:44 PM »
i say vote stevey because he was killed so needlessly.

vote for me because my almost mechanical rant guessing everyones vote
oh and because khush isn't dead that means he's mafia because if patchkid is dead if they were brother and sister as claimed by khush then they would both be dead!  
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Offline stevey

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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2007, 05:38:10 PM »
I never read the rule in any mafia game, just skim the roles....
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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2007, 05:56:37 PM »
And now it all makes sense...

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2007, 06:03:34 PM »
Well, how about a quick mafia retrospective since I don't think Wandering will be able to do one this time. I will try to keep this brief since I think most people can see my strategy anyways but I'll give a brief outline of the facts after a little intro here. (Ok I lied. It isn't brief.)

As you know, I love this game. I just love it. I just love all the new strategies that pop up in this game and how a player has to take the lessons from one game and adapt them to next. So what works one game, may not work the next but with a tweak, that strategy could win in the next game. I love the unpredictability that can occur in this game. A sure win can quickly turn into a sudden lose in one day. Look at the last game, Hang 'Em High Mafia. It seemed like the mafia would cruise to victory but in two nights and a day, the mafia was suddenly decimated and the game went to an easy townie victory. There have been a lot of great plays in this game.

I love the Pale play in Mafio - GX, where Pale had the last remaining rival mafia member hit the mole in his mafia who had a bomb attached to him, killing them both. There was also the Magician's trick as the player with the Magician's ability used it to switch with other townies, thereby forming a rock-solid alliance and utilizing the role in a way I never thought possible. 18 Days had a great run where he pulled double duty as the godfather in two consecutive games running the first game to it's limit but just falling short by getting voted out on the last day and then getting a fast victory in the next game. 18 Days showed the brilliance in voting out one's own mafia.

I have also had the privilage of being involved in some great plays of strategy. But I must say that of all the games I have played, I feel that this is hands-down, the best I have ever played the game. How well did I play this game? When I got home on Wednesday and saw the results of Day 3 and the beginning of Day 4, I layed out a blueprint of how the next 3 days would play out and for the next 3 days, everything went according to plan. So, now, here is my story:


I receive my role:


You are the Brother Role.

You will do anything to protect your sister that you love...including joining the Mafia.

Although the Mafia doesn't know it, you are member of the Mafia. You will only win the game if the Mafia wins, and if you can keep your sister alive. If your sister is the last townie alive you will save her life and get a perfect win.

If you die then your sister dies and vice versa.

One more thing. If you are investigated by the Detective you will revealed as the Brother Role, but your sister will find out you are truly a mafia agent. Then you two may have to figure out how you want to play. But remember she will not win the game unless the Townies win...and this is a prize Mafia after all.

Interesting. But what is the point of being mafia if I don't know the rest of my mafia? I'm going to be a high priority target by the mafia. Shouldn't they know who I am? What to do.

Day 1

Well, if I don't want the mafia to wrongly hit me, I better get some protection. But how? Obviously, you can see what I decided to do with my first post in day 1. And I get a bite. Stevey the investigator contacts me showing he did investigate for me. I've found the investigator. Great start already. However, Pale now knows my dirty secret. Stevey shows me the result of his investigation of me. I tell him that while I am willing to believe him since I revealed my role publicly, obviously all anyone has to do is say the investigated me and claim to be the investigator. He sends me more proof including the infamous townie mole warning that Pale sent. Meanwhile, Spak has decided to be lenient. Since I my sister now knows I am mafia, he will give me the name of the godfather and it is up to him what he wants to do. Excellent. That will save some time searching for mafia members.

I was now connected to the mafia and the mafia knew who the detective was. Easy kill, right? Well, no. We still had the bomber, killer, doctor, witness and vigilante to find. But, now we didn't have to waste time investigating people since we had the detective on our side and I could point out other people to investigate and keep him from investigating mafia players. I choose Darkheart at random. I was really conflicted since I also thought about voting for Bustin98 and Nuclearspeed but incredibly, my instincts came through again. Darkheart starts collecting a lot of votes. Suddenly, I'm getting messages from Darkheart saying he's the bomber and is going to blow me up. After, confirming with Spak the rules for the bomber, I'm happy to know he can't blow me up. Plus, the bomber tells me he is allied with the townies. Now he has to die.

But good fortune continued to smile on me. Sister Mary LeFever contacts me and reveals she is the vigilante. Unbelievable. It's day 1 and I've already found the vigilante and bomber. The only threat left is the killer really. I think about how I want to get rid of the vigilante. Maybe use her kill on a townie role and then sacrifice her on another townie. Still, will it be suspicious to Pale if the Vigilante makes those kind of moves? Might he call me out in the day thread? And then I see Sister Mary LeFever vote for the bomber. Should I save her? Nah. The death will look accidental and I get rid of two birds with one stone. Still, I watch the vote. It is a close one and I almost have to switch my vote to avoid bomber death. However, with thatguy not around for 3 days, I decide to leave the vote as is and let him go.

I send all my mafia members a report on the day and hit recommendations with Nuclearspeed being the top of the list. Nothing against him but it's best to hit players that don't attract much attention. If those players have a powerful role, they could last long in the game and ruin things late game. Bustin98 tells me that he is not sending in a hit. He's doing an investigation. I can't beleive it! Change the order. Change it fast, we don't need to do an investigation. We investigate by whacking people and finding out their role in the morning. But it's too late. His investigation? Golden Phoenix who was killed by the killer that night. It is agreed to do hits from then on.


18 Days seemed rather eager to attack me. It was easy to convince stevey to investigate him. Turns out 18 Days is the killer. Jackpot. Last threat has been found. But how can I work this to our advantage. I'd like to use the killer's kills for awhile if possible. In other games, the killer has been blackmailed by the townies. Forced to vote with them or get voted out. Would 18 Days do the same thinking he was being blackmailed by the townies? Let's find out. After checking the profiles to see who still hadn't logged after the first days night actions, I saw Zach was the only who hadn't been on for Day 1. If anyone else checked the profiles, they would know that Zach had a very good chance of being a townie. Of course, I knew for sure. So, I approached Zach and let him know what was happening with 18 Days. The plan was to blackmail 18 Days to perform a hit on ThePerm. (If that had happened, so long doctor) My only real reason for hitting ThePerm was his vote for me on Day 1. I don't like getting voted for. Plus, if the killer decided not to go along with the blackmail, the only person he could really kill who knew about it was Zach, the townie with some proof in his favor. Win, win.

Getting home from work and reading through the Day 2 threads, I realize some things. Although he is incorrect about a couple points, Vudu has somehow figured out that I am mafia. Plus, he voted for me. So, that is the hit for the night. Second, Bustin98 and KashogiStogi are talking way too much in the threads and giving out explanations for things that show they have more knowledge on the subject then they should. With Kashogi already getting suspicion from Pale, this has got to stop. Fortunately, Pale is to busy trying to vote out stevey now and I couldn't be happier. With me defending stevey and even claiming that I believe him to not be guilty, all I have to do is let Pale kill him off one of these days and no one will listen to Pale anymore. That takes care of my sister. I vote Mario to save stevey and get rid of another player who had the gall to say I was mafia. The mafia takes the chance not to hit the killer. Bustin goes down. I don't like it but it's not a surprise. He talked to much. In my mafia report, I outline that from now on, we just post we vote for only. If we must give a reason, one sentance only. If someone questions us, we answer by one sentance only. But we start clamming up.


In an effort to locate the witness and the doctor, I continue my strategy of players that don't attract much intention. I suggest Crimm to stevey. stevey agrees. Crimm is a townie. Nuts. With the godfather dead, stevey will most likely introduce himself and the townie alliance will grow bigger. Plus, Zach knows stevey is the detective since I told him at the end of Day 2 who stevey was to save him from the vote. However, stevey doesn't want to reveal himself. He thinks, from a message Spak sent him, the townie mole would be shown as a townie if investigated. Of course, I absolutely agree to that idea. Therefore, it is determined that I contact Crimm. Suddenly, it hits me. I can gain control of the voting. I can control an entire townie alliance and pick it apart at the same time. Every townie I talked to, I let them know the story about the townie mole and why I can't reveal important roles yet. This way, the alliance never knows who the allaince consists of. So, when members of it get hit by the mafia, the rest of the allaince never knows and assumes things are fine. The only person who could wise up to that is stevey. But once he's dead, no one but me knows who the alliance is made of. This way, I can keep the alliance growing from growing too large but always picking off a member when needed.

Even better, I can include my mafia members into the alliance. I start with a vote on KashogiStogi for the day. The plan is to vote out the killer which the whole alliance knows is 18 Days. But first, I tell the alliance, I want to vote Kashogi and make him sweat for a bit and maybe reveal his role to me. I even use a silly explanation of why I think Kashogi is mafia. I try to play it up that I don't know Pale knows I'm mafia and make Pale think I am trying to trick him into voting for a townie. Of course, later when we switch votes, I tell everyone that Kashogi said he was a townie and I believe him. I step out for the night but everything seems to be progressing nicely. We get our revenge on the killer and we move closer to controlling the day's vote. The hit is Shyguy. He's a good player and may catch on to mafia players later so it's best to take him down. Plus, he's part of a list that is growing smaller of possible suspects for the doctor and witness.

I come home and somehow 18 Days has managed to survive. Good for him. Fortunately, no further mafia loss is incured as we hit the same target. Still, once again we miss a chance to get rid of an extra townie. Reading over the Day 3 thread and the start of Day 4, I see it there in fron of my eyes. ThePerm is the doctor. I send him a quick message asking why I have the feeling he is the doctor. I then check my messages. (I'd get like 20 messages a day.) Stevey confirms that ThePerm is the doctor. I'm glad to see that I was able to figure it out before logging on. At the same time, I really was wishing 18 Days had gone through with the blackmail. ThePerm suddenly sends me a note saying he is not the doctor but a townie. Stevey investigates ThePerm to try and convice him of our honesty anyways. I'm glad because it means a waste of an investigation and the alliance continues in manageable numbers. I try to figure out how to best work out all that has happened.

Day 4

And this is the solution. My famous blueprint. I sent my mafia a copy each. I even sent it to some players who were out of the game and wanted to know what was happening. I even let the host know. The only copy I have left is the message I sent to TVMan. Here it is:


Here's how the next few days are going to go:

Day 4 - Killer (18 Days) dies in vote, doctor (ThePerm) dies in mafia hit
Day 5 - Detective (stevey) gets voted out because everyone will think he killed the doctor, townie gets killed in mafia hit
Day 6 - Accusations fly as to who is responisble for the detective's death. If things go right, Zach is voted out. If they go wrong, Pale is voted out. Townie dies in mafia hit.

That leaves us with these two outcomes:

Great outcome:
Athrun Zala

That leaves us one townie death away from victory. Best of all, if we vote myself out that day, I take Pale with me. With a townie hit, the game is won. Mafia 2 and Townies 2. Mafia breaks tie. This is the outcome I am hoping to reach.

Still doable:
Athrun Zala

That leaves the mafia two townie deaths away from victory. The vote and a hit.

Obviously, my recommendation is a Nuclearspeed hit on Day 5 and a Crimm or Zach hit Day 6. Of course, finding out the Witness may change things. Best of all, I'm going to tell the alliance today that Stevey investigated you and you were found to be a townie. When stevey is exhonerated as the detective after his death, you and Kashogi should be looking pretty good townie wise, especially with Crimm and Patchkid still around to vouch for your innocence by the detective and you have my voting record of trying to frame Kashogi.

This is the strategy I'm pursuing and it appears to have a good chance for success. Day 6 is the greatest variable but that's because it is so far away.

Best of all, I am working on a contingency plan with 18 Days in case he escapes the day's vote. Right now, he is certain that the mafia is just myself and Stevey. I'm not letting him think any differently. Just make sure you and Kashogi can avoid arousing his suspicion in case the deal breaks down.

Basically it isn't neccesary to go into what happened the rest of the days as things went pretty well. I did have to change the Nuclearspeed hit once stevey found the witness. And I didn't expect the killer to get a hit when he was voted out. But the contingency plan I worked with 18 Days paid off. Best of all, it removed Zach who had become an enemy of the allaince. Athrun Zala obviously became the guy I wanted to set up in place of Zach. Due to the hit of Zach, my townie numbers were off and all we needed was a Day 6 not a Day 7. I never did have to confirm TVMan's innocence. Instead, on Day 5, I told Crimm and Patchkid that stevey investigated Athrun and confirmed him to be mafia. I also got stevey to post that Pale and Athrun were mafia. Again, this helped in Day 6 when I asked Crimm and Patchkid to vote Athrun out.

I'm not sure if there are any other questions people would like to ask. If there is a detail about something you were curious about or wondered why such and such happened, just ask and I'll fill you in.

I'm not posting this story to get the most votes for the prize. I suspect I may have won that already also. Instead, I just wanted to share with you the strategy I used in this game. In the past few games I played, a lot of people were upset with the unbeatable townie alliances I created. But I just knew, if given the chance, I could also show how they could be stopped by the mafia. Obviously, this strategy isn't going to work for everyone. I was always afraid that Pale would expose me at any time throwing everything into disarray. He waited until it was too late. If the detective was anybody but stevey, I probably would have lost his trust a long time ago. But, Pale voted for stevey every day and I was able to use that to keep stevet from talking to Pale. Plus, I coached stevey a lot to make sure he did look guilty like mafia. It suckered everyone.

So, yes, if we were to play this game again and give everyone different roles, we'd most likely end up with a different result. Still, my hope is that the strategy used here today will be processed by everyone and further refined in future games. Perhaps some one will get a new idea of how they could expand one aspect of what I did and find a whole new strategy from it. But at least it shows that you can never be safe who you trust in this game. And maybe it will make it harder for townie alliances now opening up new strategies to combat the present weaknesses.  
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2007, 06:17:13 PM »
Holy crap! That's a long post. But I like to think it might be required reading for any mafia player. (I doubt it.)

Anyways, my vote goes to a few people for the win.

Stevey for listening to me. Sorry I couldn't save you against Pale.

Pale for playing so well into my hand. Defend the killer, go after detective, suspect Nuclearspeed.

Athrun Zala for taking the fall.

Crimm and Patchkid who voted with me.

18 Days for not killing me. You were the hardest person to whack in this game. After the convo we had, I really thought about working with you for awhile. But, since I had come up with my 3 day plan that I posted abouve in my long retrospective, I decided it was best to just stick to that. It was already worked out and everything seemed to be perfectly set-up for it. Sorry man. I'll find a way to make it up to you.

TVMan who is an underrated player but plays a smart game. I didn't want to step on his toes as the godfather but I know I gave a lot of directions to the team. Thanks for listening.

But most of all to KashogiStogi, who gave me plenty of encouragement, listend to what I said, and even came up with some suggestions I could use. He was rocky at first but really improved as the game went on. I think he would have outlasted TVMan if things went wrong for the mafia. A good first shoing for his belated debut. (You may remember, he wanted to play last game and never got the chance.)

So, since I can't vote for myself, I do think that KashogiStogi should get some praise here also and so I VOTE KASHOGISTOGI.
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RE:Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2007, 06:45:02 PM »

Originally posted by: stevey
Khush only find backstabbing funny......

Actually, that's not entirely true. I do agonize about who I vote for and who I choose to whack. In your case, stevey, I didn't really backstab you so much as stopped giving you support. But, I never voted for you once and the mafia never hit you. You were killed by other townies. I felt bad for Darkheart. He sent me a message on Day 1 really frustrated over the vote. He told me that he was tired of getting killed by townies on his own team. He said he could have chosen to side with the mafia or the townes but he chose townies. He did not seem happy over what was happening. I felt bad taking him out but I had to. I hope he realizes what happened now and doesn't feel so upset. I didn't like seeing a new player like Sister Mary LeFever go down so soon but again, I let it happen because we needed the role gone.

Yes, I may stab people in the back in this game and sometimes there is a bit of glee from it depending on the situation. But most times, I do agonize over it. I like everyone in this game and I don't like taking anyone out of it. That's why when I have the chance to help out someone in the next game I backstabbed in a previous game I do. I want to see all players succeed. That's why I kept choosing Nuclearspeed for a hit early on. Nothing against him. I like the man. We've worked together in the past. I just know that he has lasted longer in other games so rather than vote the same people out early, why not vote out someone who has lasted for a long time in previous games. Give someone else a chance to survive for awhile.

Still, when it comes down to it, if I have to take a person out because it is the smart thing to do, I'll do it. But I'll remember and try to make it up to them in the future.


Originally posted by: Pale
I'm really looking forward to the number of important townies that are going to look silly for being played by the mafia SOOO badly.

Now this I find funny. I'm not trying to stick it to Pale since I already sent him this after he voted stevey out but you have to admit, it's hilarious since it comes from Pale. Couple this with the current avatar he has and it makes his statement the qoute of the game.

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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2007, 07:14:21 PM »
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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RE:Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2007, 07:15:28 PM »
I vote for myself, because I had so much untapped potential!
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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2007, 07:17:10 PM »
I always tell people not to trust these townie mafias so easily, but nobody ever listens (im just giving everyone a hard time).  I could see that people were getting more and more trusting, and I knew that khush was exactly the kind of person to take advantage.

Now about my small role in this massacre.  I gets this message, so I decide to relay it.  In hindsight realize how dumb it was because I just let the killer know that I know they are the killer.  But I thought I had a good thing goin, 'cause once I was contacted by pale and realized khush was no good, I let 18 days know who khush was and everyone I knew of that he was associated with (ie stevey, who at the time I was sure was also mafia) I figured that maybe they would be more tempting targets than a townie like myself, I thought that even if I got killed, 18 would go after khush eventually.

I did however sense that my death was coming (though I thought that it would be a mafia hit).  I gave my info to pale, but it was of no use because the only thing I knew that pale didnt was the killer, who happened to die on the same night I did.
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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #34 on: December 22, 2007, 09:28:53 PM »

I learned so much from this dude and I can't wait to play again.
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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #35 on: December 22, 2007, 09:32:32 PM »
My vote goes to the brilliant Khushrenada.
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RE:Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2007, 10:13:22 PM »
Vote Khush, I fogured he was mafia early on, but I died before I could do anything about it.

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RE:Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #37 on: December 23, 2007, 12:15:01 AM »
You Really Started using me from day 3. I tried to vote with you each day which really helped the mafia to victory.

So good game Khush

Vote Khush

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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #38 on: December 23, 2007, 12:42:49 AM »
I... I can not find the words to describe my amazement. Khush... You are a master of this. Were you a KGB agent or something?

Vote Khush
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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #39 on: December 23, 2007, 01:06:55 AM » many people knew Khush was Mafia, but didn't jump out and say it early enough.  I think there is a lesson to learn.  If you find something out and are just a regular townie.  Specak it in public so everyone knows and can work on how to defeat it.  Unless of course it is another Townie roll you find.

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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #40 on: December 23, 2007, 01:53:43 AM »
Didn't read everything here, but I just wanted to say that I think the brother sister roles were great.

It was cool that the rest of hte world didn't know one was mafia, but I say in future games have it again and just tell everyone.  The only thing it would change is that Khush would have to not announce it on day 1.

Even though I ended up sucking, as the Sister it was really cool that I could just be a freaking pain in hte ass and never have to worry about the mafia offing me.
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Offline stevey

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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #41 on: December 23, 2007, 01:58:36 AM »
Pale why didn't you just come out and say your the sister and Khush is mafia right after spak told you? It wouldn't be that hard to figure out I was the investigator after I join khush side around when spak pm you.......  
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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #42 on: December 23, 2007, 02:44:17 AM »
Since khush detailed his plans I might make mention of a couple of sneaky things that I did.

Mafia fishing: On day one I PM Pale saying I KNOW that he's mafia and that I'm the killer. It was a total bluff that I wasn't really going anywhere with, I just considered doing a little fishing for Mafia members early game. Somehow talked Pale out of thinking I was the killer although unwittingly I probably brought attention to myself to Khush.

The Blackmail, ambitious tie: I knew something was up immediately with the blackmail. I knew it wasn't a townie alliance because it would require near psychic powers for the cop, doctor and any other alliance players to find themselves that early and provide a target for me to kill. After swapping a few PMs with Zach I came to realise that he wasn't part of it at all and it more or less confirmed for me that he wasn't mafia and that the people behind him were, especially since the Mafia made an investigation on day one. Little did I know that stevey had stuffed up bigtime. Publically I still attacked Zach and roped in Pale somehow, this was more a last ditch effort to tie the vote on Day 2, which I thought had work but I miscounted anyway. Zach proved his innocence to be be saving the tie. It really didn't go the way I wanted because Mario is nearly always my partner in crime in Mafia games, since we chat on MSN near daily.

The counter bluff The thought crossed my mind that the whole blackmailing was a bluff, that they just suspected me of being the killer, they didn't know it. So when I had hit the godfather randomly that night, I sent a hilairous PM to Zach telling him to tell his master that they work for me now and I knew who all of them were. I don't know if this caused Khush to contact me but I'd like tot hink it did. More likely it was continued correspondence with Pale, who outed himself as the sister and revealed Khush was mafia to me.

Actually I kinda feel a bit cheated by this game. One godfather and 3 mafia goons would've been fair, but an extra, hidden one, tipped the balance a little too much in their favour I feel. Then again, it might've been more fair had THE TOWNIE COP NOT BEEN MANIPULATED. Gah!

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RE:Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #43 on: December 23, 2007, 03:02:46 AM »

Originally posted by: stevey
Pale why didn't you just come out and say your the sister and Khush is mafia right after spak told you? It wouldn't be that hard to figure out I was the investigator after I join khush side around when spak pm you.......

My biggest worry is that if I did that to everyone, the townies would catch on that the best way to kill a mafia member would be to kill me.

I was also paranoid of the killer, which is especially funny because I was talking to 18 days a TON about it.  He just chose not to kill both of us right away and I'm not sure why.
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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #44 on: December 23, 2007, 03:04:58 AM »
I also knew that Khush was investigated day 1.  This meant that the detective THOUGHT khush was legit as he came back brother.  This meant that the detective was listening to EVERYTHING khush was telling him.  This is why I wanted you to tell me.  I understand why you would hesitate, as I'm just a random person, but you were a HUGE threat in the hands of the mafia.

Also, Stevey, if on the day you said you were the detective, if you would have just PMd me saying that you investigated Khush on day one I would have pulled all of my votes for you the rest of the game and convinced you why Khush, at the very least, couldn't be trusted.

Having found out that Khush told you who NOT to investigate, had we actually synched up, the mafia would have been destroyed.
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RE:Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #45 on: December 23, 2007, 03:38:14 AM »

Originally posted by: PaleI was also paranoid of the killer, which is especially funny because I was talking to 18 days a TON about it.  He just chose not to kill both of us right away and I'm not sure why.

See I was certain that stevey and Khush were the only two remaining mobsters, I didn't realise that Khush was an EXTRA goon. So I wanted to save you two for a final kill right towards the end.

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RE:Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #46 on: December 23, 2007, 04:37:25 AM »
yeah it was obvious khush was mafia, i had thought perhaps maybe one of the brother and sisters was in the mafia. I can't wait till the next mafia! I should work at designing my own. However, my mafia would be a mafia mafia.
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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #47 on: December 23, 2007, 04:38:54 AM »
hmm i got a strategy.....muwahahahahaah. Everyone who got destroyed by khush vote for Stevey! Crime doesn't pay!
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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #48 on: December 23, 2007, 04:54:25 AM »
interesting game this was... although I think that having the brother be a mafia member, and keep that info concealed kinda screwed the townies and the balance... still, can't deny it was an interesting role.

I got kinda screwed at the end, as I thought that Day 6 would last all weekend... oh well...

(will post a more detailed analysis later)
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RE: Winter Mafia Day 7
« Reply #49 on: December 23, 2007, 05:54:34 AM »
Well, I think from what I heard the Brother/Sister Townie-Mafia idea will work for future games...but it maybe should be announced from the beginning.  Though, I don't get why it screwed the townies so much.

The role shouldn't of worked to Khush's advantage.  I was actually afraid Khush could side the townies and therefore only gave him one Mafia name, and told the Mafia not trust him at their own risk...but he was in fact in the mob.  

As for the Mafia investigation, you are making too much of that.  They investigated GoldenPhoenix so they did not get any useful information, since she died first day.  

I really liked the Witness role to this game.  And although it never was used.  I am sure the Mafia was sweating every hit...and probably why they did not hit big name targets.  If they would have hit 18 Days on several of the days, then they would have been exposed.  But then who does the Witness tell.  If he announces it, then he is dead...but if he doesn't then the information never gets out.  It is a great role.

I will tweak the Bomber again...some of the complicated rules I chose because this was a prize Mafia.  But I like the idea of targeted explosions, and will incorporate that more and balance it more in the game.  The idea was that the Bomber had to decide the night before who he would attach himself too, and that would then mean he will blow up and kill that person and anyone that voted for that person.  But what if nobody voted for that person, it would be a wasted explosion.  It was a fun idea, that needs tweaking.  

Overall, I think this game was pretty well balanced...poor decisions on the townies was what did them in...not an too powerful Mafia.  Yes, Khush had an inside man, but that happens several times in Mafia...and plenty of people knew or suspected he was Mafia.  If Khush was exposed Day 1...then the Mafia would have been in trouble.  But, this was a prize mafia and that meant that Pale would probably lose the chance at a prize.  

In a way, I feel the prize brought out the best and worst in people in the Mafia.  People were willing to backstab their own team hoping to get the prize.  This is why I let every member of that team living or dead have a chance for the that people can sacrifice if they need to for the better cause.  Also,  I think it was important to allow all people to vote, because not everyone knows how everyone played...but sampling everyone gets a good sample.

Khush said I should of made it anyone was eligible period for the prize...and if I had enough Wii points I would have done it that way.  Perhaps next game.  I will have the best player on the winning team, and then the best player overall as winners instead of bribing people initially to sign up.  I just got overexcited about the gifting ability of the Wii.