Author Topic: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4  (Read 13236 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« on: October 11, 2007, 07:20:20 PM »
Judge Khushrenada mafe a decision. He wasn't going to wait for people to come to him. He was going to go to them. He was tired of missing most of the action that happened. He was going to go out and see it unfold instead. Witnessing a great commotion at the saloon, he hurried over there. Inside the saloon, a great arguement had erupted over an incident that occured in the daily newspaper.

Appearently, the endless arguing over whether causing the neck to snap by hanging was the most humane way to die had caused someone to snap and post filthy images in the newspaper that morning while it was being printed. Most townsolK figured it was Volente who posted those pictures since he would be most opposed to this hanging idea. However, nothing could be proven. Instead, baseless accusations based on past history could only be thrown around. This had caused folks to pick on two people. Shift Key and 18 Days. Things got so tense over this weird distraction that the town was equally divided as to who was guilty.

Judge Khushrenada checked out the saloon window to the gallows. Yep, there were two ropes. Looks like a double hanging today today, he thought to himself. But then he noticed Saloon Girl Sally mingling with the Vote Shift Key crowd. Now what is that little vixen up to, the judge wondered. She definitely had the eyes of many of the people in that crowd. But there was one person in particular that seemed to be head over heels in love with Sally. As Sally went to get another round of drinks, the love-sick puppy followed her over to the bar. There they talked and flirted for a bit more. The judge was pretty sure the man asked Sally for a date tonight. Then, the conversation took a hushed tone. There seemed to be a bit of arguing. From what words the Judge strained to hear over the noise, it seemed that Sally wouldn't go out with the man unless he changed his vote, which the man didn't want to do. After a bit, Sally walked off in a huff and served the other froup some drinks. The man watched her, torn between his buddies and Sally. Finally, the man decided to follow Sally and but ho's before bro's. With a loud hollar, he announced that he was now voting to hang 18 Days.

Well, that sudden shift of momentum soon eroded the rest of the Shift Key faction's resolve and 18 Days became the most hated man in the room. Noticing the judge was there in the saloon, they brought 18 Days before.

"Open you courthouse Judge. We're pretty sure we found our man."

"I've been watching you argue for quite awhile," answered the judge, "And I say, why bother to hold a trial? Where there's smoke, there's fire. Let's hang the scoundrel!"

The mob roared in approval. Khushrenada smiled to himself. He was always good at inciting a mob.

Standing at the gallows, Khushrenada asked 18 Days if there was anything he had to say in his defense before he was hung.

"Yeah. I'm a townie, you stupid *bleeping* idiots. And another thing, I didn't put those pictures in the paper. RABicle did. Finally, I just want you to all know that you are...." 18 Days yelled defiantly.

He was cut short as the trap door beneath him was released and he was hung.

"Well, you win some, you lose some," said Khushrenada. Then, on thinking about the recent events, he added," Actually. You haven't really won anything you have you. I guess you just lose some. No. Wait. You lose them all. Well, see ya later."

And with that, he went home smiling to himself. Another perfect day in Stumbleton Creek Valley. I should make myself a pro-Volente badge, he thought to himself. It looks like I am going to need it.


That night, Pale was following a lead on the filthy images scandal. Pale was the top reporter for Stumbleton Creek Valley's newspaper. Well, he was the only reporter. Anyways, Pale had finished talking to the sheriff about the revent events in town. Both agreed that the Judge didn't really seem interested in helping the townies but in hanging everyone he could. They both agreed that it no doubt stemmed from the incident that occured last week. They both agreed that for their sake, they should keep clear from him. Other than that, the sheriff had no new leads for Pale. But, that didn't matter because Pale had received another lead which he didn't mention to the sheriff.

Slipping through the shadows, Pale went over to the town stable where he had arranged to meet with a close friend of his who always seemed to know what was going on in town. Slipping in to the stable, Pale saw his friend and went over to meet him.

"Hey. What have you got for me?" Pale asked, coming up to him.

"This," he replied. And with that, someone stepped out behind Pale and knocked Pale's cowboy hat off his head.

"Hey, what the heck, man?" Pale asked, "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm sorry buckaroo but you've been a bit too nosy. I'm going to have to take care of that," answered the man. Then 3 other men stepped out of the shadows.

"You're Col. Sancho Volente," Pale said, putting the pieces together.

"Ha ha ha. You are indeed correct, small man. All this time, I, your trusted friend and compatriot was really the great Col. Sancho Volente. Ha-cha!" Volente exclaimed. Then he proceeded to dance a quick jug while his men applauded.

"But enough with the dance and its beauty and mystery. I can not let you live now, you swine! Not when you know the greatest secret of this town. Boys, you know what to do," Volente yelled.

With that, one of the men produced a bucket hat and started walking towards Pale.

"No! Not that! Please. I'll do anything. I promise I won't tell anyone your secret," Pale pleaded.

"There is only one thing that you can do for me. The great Volente. With all you investigative knowlegde, tell me. Who is Black Heart Jack?" asked Volente.

"I don't know. I wish I did. If I did, I'd tell you. I swear," Pale sobbed.

"I believe you. But that doesn't mean I'm going to let you live. Finish it boys," ordered Volente.

"This death sucks," yelled Pale, "But you know what really sucks? Being a townie for the 5 games in a row. I can't believe..." But his complaints were silenced and the bucket hat was placed on his head. Afterwards, Volente realized they were in a stable and decided to put horseshoes on Pale's hands and feet. Then, they rode him around the stable until he died. Volente has a twisted sense of humor.

"Ha ha ha. Well, that was fun, wasn't it amigos? But, you know what is not funny? This Black Heart Jack trying to steal attention away from me. I'm a worse villian than him. I want him found and killed. You understand me? The great Col. Sancho Volente will let no man take his spotlight. Now, let's go," Volente said. And then the bandits went off into the night.


At the same time this was happening, Windyman was going to the headquarters of the Stumbleton Creek Valley Newspaper which he owned, operated and printed. He knew that Pale should be back soon with the day's news and they would have to get to work. But as he waited in his office, someone else entered the building.

"Hello Windyman," the man said.

"Yes. Hi. What can I do for you?" Windyman asked.

"Don't you recognize me?" the man asked, "I applied to work for your paper twice now and you've rejected my application both times."

"You know, I get so few applications it's hard to keep track of everyone," Windyman replied, hoping to end the conversation before the man rants about deserving a job.

"You should have hired me!" the man yelled, getting upset, "I have a lot of good ideas for this paper."

"Yeah, I'm sure," Windyman replied, wondering how he could get the man to calm down and out of the office, "Let's hear some of them again"

"Well, for one thing. You should give every good game you review a low score and every bad game a high score. This will generate a lot of controversy and get a lot of people to read your paper. Also, you should make you letters to the editor page like that Nsider Paper and have people working to up the number of letters they send to the paper."

"I do remember you. You suggested we just stop bothering with the paper and shut it down. You have terrible ideas," Windyman said.

"It's a good idea and I'll prove it!" yelled the man. Then he shot Windyman 21 times. "There. Now this paper is shut down. Now everyone will see that I was right."

With that, Black Heart Jack walked out of the Newspaper HQ and slinked off into the night, trying to control the nervous tics that were causing his face to spasm as rage flowed through his body. Revenge is sweet, he thought, as his arm began to twitch uncontrollably.


"Did you hear the news?" asked Sheriff Rock Williams.

"That Pale is dead?" replied Doctor John Baxter.

"No. I'm refering to a different townie. Windyman is dead also. Killed last night by Black Heart Jack," explained the Sheriff.

"Cripes," replied the Doctor, "This town is going to hell in a handbasket."

"Well, I'm not going to give up. I'm going to do all that I can to bring these killers to justice. They'll slip up sooner or later," said the sheriff.

"Yeah. I just hope it's sooner," replied the doctor.

And with that, they left the doctor's office and faced the new day.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2007, 07:20:40 PM »
Heads up.

Voting ends at Midnight Eastern. Like usual. The quick events for those that hate long text.

18 Days (Townie) - Killed by vote.
Pale (Townie) - Killed by Volente
Windyman (Townie) - Killed by Black Heart Jack

It should be noted that although Shift Key and 18 Days were tied in the vote, Saloon Girl Sally changed a vote to 18 Days, thereby breaking the tie.

The following people need to vote today or they will die:


Finally, let me know if you want to play on the weekend. I'm thinking of just making a double day which will be open after this day's vote and run until midnight Eastern on Sunday. Will that work for most everyone?
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline ShyGuy

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2007, 07:23:24 PM »
Listen up you poltroons! Now I'm only gonna say this once more: Windy, Stevey and Vudu.  Stevey likes to lie low when he's playin' outlaw, so once again, I UNVote Stevey

Offline Shift Key

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2007, 07:25:20 PM »
I said Stevey yesterday but changed my vote to save myself.


Offline stevey

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2007, 08:38:39 PM »
But I didn't even vote 18 or any other townie, why are you blaming me (plus I only lie low When I'm I townie, since It no fun when your all alone....)
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Stevey Duff
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Offline Shift Key

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2007, 08:42:42 PM »

Originally posted by: stevey
But I didn't even vote 18 or any other townie, why are you blaming me (plus I only lie low When I'm I townie, since It no fun when your all alone....)

This isn't about revenge. But feel free to explain your questionable voting pattern.

Offline Darkheart

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2007, 01:26:36 AM »
Jesus people Ive known Wandering and Pale were townies since day 1 of one or more townie but I aint tellin anyone until I have PROOF of your IDENTITY.

Later on today I will post a crazy man Jenkins post, and farther down I will post my vote. . .  

Offline Spak-Spang

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2007, 01:53:03 AM »
My sincerest apologies for voting off 18 Days...I was only going for a hunch of thatguy's, and was unfortunately wrong.

Ok, yesterday I got a PM from Bustin98 saying he wanted to vote for Pale and was sending the message along.  Pale is a confirmed townie...and when the Mafia noticed they couldn't vote Pale out, they decided to do a hit on him.  

Vote Bustin98  You are either Mafia or being manipulated by Mafia.

I will give Bustin98 one more chance...but his votes are way to suspicious.


Offline decoyman

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2007, 03:08:56 AM »
"This town's breaking down. I think it's time to high-tail it outta here," brisco thought to himself as, whistling softly, he casually made his way for the saloon's swinging doors, and the shelter of the bright blue sky.

outside, the streets were deserted. Clearly, the people of the town were inside for fear of their lives. Grabbing his horse from the corral, Brisco mounted up and rode towards the edge of town. And that's where he realized he wasn't alone. There, where the road crumbled into desert loomed a shadowy figure. Standing guard as if to protect its borders from Volonte, or to keep the people in, was Sheriff Rock Williams, atop his white-speckled horse.

"Sheriff," said Brisco, tipping his hat.

"Well, Mr. County. Beautiful day, isn't it?"

"Sure is. That's why I figured I'd hit the road. There's somewhere I've got to be in Santa Fe. But I wish you all the luck in dealing with this..." he trailed off as he saw the expression on the sheriff's face change.

"Yep, beautiful day. Clear blue sky, not a cloud in sight. It'd be a shame to break this peace, don't you think?" Still gazing up at the sky, the Sheriff pulled back the edge of his coat to expose the silver revolver in the holster at his side.

Brisco was beginning to see that he may as well have been trying to bargain with a rattler. This town was going crazy, and even a good man such as Sheriff Williams wasn't seeing reason. If they'd just let everyone leave, escape to another town, a larger place with more protection, they wouldn't have to worry about Volonte. But Sheriff Williams, a proud, stubborn man, was determined to see this through on his own, even if it meant the deaths of innocents and the town's very foundations crumbling into dust.

"I knew your father, Brisco. Damn shame what happened to him. He was a good man."

"A better man than me, Sheriff. Let's go to the saloon and have a drink, see if we can't figure this out."

"I'll have my drink here. But you go on back now. Nice talkin' with you, son." Sheriff Williams pulled a small flask from his jacket and drank deep, wincing a bit as he finished. Brisco turned back towards the saloon, wondering how they were going to get out of this mess.
3DS Friend Code: 3067-7420-5671 (Aaronaut)

Offline nickmitch

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2007, 03:09:39 AM »
Why are we voting for who again?
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline bustin98

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2007, 04:09:58 AM »
Spak, you're chasing the wrong cat up a tree. Believe me.

unless one of my animal friends can vouch, I'm not voting at the moment.  

Offline NuclearSpeed

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2007, 05:24:20 AM »
Bounty Bob checking in from his gold minning. Still not to sure what is going on, all this fighting just ain't that good, that newspaper was a good read down in the mine while I took my breaks from getting the gold. However it seems that there is another one that is being quiet that usually puts comics into the paper has been silent, and I haven't seen my funnies while in the mine. So i will be Voting Sir_Stabbalot

I'm willing to hear from others but Bob is going to a square dance tonight and may be back late. But it may be possible to change.

Offline decoyman

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2007, 05:25:27 AM »
Back at the saloon, things were quiet. Too quiet. There were only a few folks around, but no one was talking. Each man sat at his own table, head staring down and hovering over their bottles. The barkeep was staring at nothing in particular while absently polishing a glass. The stress was taking its toll.

"Give me the hardest stuff you've got. It's been a rough day."

The bartender reached down underneath the bar, and pulled out a dusty bottle of greenish-looking liquid.

"Absinthe. Ever heard of it? It's illegal in most parts, but I reckon this is a special occasion. Who knows how much time we've all got left anyways. This ain't goin' well."

"Hand it over, that sounds fine."

Brisco sat at the bar and gulped the shot down in one sip. A moment passed as his face contorted and he shook briefly, before falling backwards off his chair onto the floor, unconscious.

"Again? I told 'im it was strong. No one ever seems to believe me." He shrugged, then continued wiping down glasses.
3DS Friend Code: 3067-7420-5671 (Aaronaut)

Offline ShyGuy

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2007, 05:50:58 AM »
So various cowboys keep whisperin stuff in my ear, but I don't cotton to that kind of nonsense. I'll state my business right out in the open. I think Stevey is guilty, and I'm standing by my detective work.

Offline Darkheart

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2007, 06:48:48 AM »

Originally posted by: ShyGuy
So various cowboys keep whisperin stuff in my ear, but I don't cotton to that kind of nonsense. I'll state my business right out in the open. I think Stevey is guilty, and I'm standing by my detective work.

I have also pm'd stevey asking for specific info if he doesnt comply and provide the information everyone should vote Stevey.   I am sure by now hes recieved my pm and I worry for our safety especially my own . . . If I die tomorrow you will know why, Stevey if guilty is running the mafia towards me. . .

Offline vudu

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2007, 07:00:39 AM »
VOTE KHUSH for completely effing up his role spreadsheet.
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline decoyman

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2007, 07:13:55 AM »
Brisco, out cold for awhile, shakes off the shock of the absinthe, and gets up, looks around, and addresses the masses in a moment of sudden clarity

Ok then, ShyGuy, I'll keep this business in the open too.

I think darkheart makes a good point. If stevey's not responding (I've tried to contact him too, with no response), then the evidence is mounting. I've noticed that people play differently depending on the roles they have, and silence is sometimes the mark of mafia.

Darkheart, let us know whether stevey gets back to you today with satisfactory results. I'll do the same. If we don't hear back, I'll have a clear conscience casting my vote tonight.

edited for story continuity!
3DS Friend Code: 3067-7420-5671 (Aaronaut)

Offline Spak-Spang

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2007, 07:20:00 AM »
A Double Day is good for me.  I have already moved back in time...why not add extra long day to the messing with time.

Offline bustin98

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2007, 07:29:22 AM »
Angel Eyes is taking in the sights of the saloon when a big shiver and a horrible feeling creeps over him.

Man, I'm not feeling so hot. I better try to find ole Doc Baxter and have him take a look at me.

Aw shucks. . . my money clip fell off somewhere. I won't be able to purchase any meds from the Doc. I'll just walk it off instead.

takes a stroll through the streets of town  

Offline vudu

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2007, 09:26:01 AM »
Daddy, these rubber pants are hot.
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline Darkheart

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2007, 09:26:35 AM »

Originally posted by: decoyman
Brisco, out cold for awhile, shakes off the shock of the absinthe, and gets up, looks around, and addresses the masses in a moment of sudden clarity

Ok then, ShyGuy, I'll keep this business in the open too.

I think darkheart makes a good point. If stevey's not responding (I've tried to contact him too, with no response), then the evidence is mounting. I've noticed that people play differently depending on the roles they have, and silence is sometimes the mark of mafia.

Darkheart, let us know whether stevey gets back to you today with satisfactory results. I'll do the same. If we don't hear back, I'll have a clear conscience casting my vote tonight.

edited for story continuity!

No response thus far I sense guilty Stevey is on the run from the LAW~!

Offline Zach

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2007, 09:27:16 AM »
all the people who have PMed Stevey,  makes no sense for me to pm him also.  I have suspicions, but I think I will wait too see if everyone hears from from Stevey before I act on them.
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Offline bustin98

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2007, 09:57:57 AM »
As Angel Eyes is out walking, Looney Jenkins springs out of nowhere


And where do you think you're going, Bright Eyes? You'll not be flirting with my wife now, will ya?

Jenkins, its Angel Eyes. And I have no intention of even looking at your feet, much less flirting with whats on them...


And just how the heck can I trust you? You seem awfully suspicious walking out here by yourself.

Look, I wasn't feeling well. I'm just out for some fresh air. You have no reason to worry on me.


Yeah, well, I'm keeping one eye on you. And my other eye on that eye in case it wanders.
By the way, looks like a storm be brewing. Never a good sign. I've got to get my laundry off the line!

And with that, Looney Jenkins was off, skipping and running down the dusty road.

Offline stevey

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2007, 10:07:49 AM »
I been really really really busy this week, Smash bros megaton, Zelda PH, school, my internet keeps dieing every two day & needs to be fixed, AP, NHS, other stuff that keep poping up, ect... hell, I haven't read the roles yet. I start (really) playing next Monday after I have a chance to catch up on nearly everything....

I every role play post I drawled attention to me laying low so no one thought I was hiding something without having to say "I not playing kill me now." Also can explain why not voting on day 1 and voting for some who vote for you is "questionable voting pattern" or "either Mafia or being manipulated by Mafia"? I think AZ a godfather and that's why 18 was killed for voting him and your all trying to kill me now.

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Wii want WaveBirds

Stevey Duff
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Offline vudu

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Day 4
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2007, 10:35:06 AM »
You're deceptive.

Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!