Author Topic: Mafia XIX: The Wild West. Player, Role and Announcement thread.  (Read 4117 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Mafia XIX: The Wild West. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« on: October 08, 2007, 04:38:15 PM »
Here is a list of the players who are alive and who are dead.



Bustin98 - (Angel Eyes)
Crimm - (General Custer)
Nuclearspeed - (Bounty Bob)
Shift Key - (Blondie)
ShyGuy - (The Duke)
Spak-Spang - (Marty McFly)
Stevey -
Zach - (Hedley Lamarr)

There are 8 players still alive.


Dasmos - Telegrapher George "Cactus" Bartlett
Patchkid15 - Townie
Golden Phoenix - Townie
Thatguy - Townie
KashogiStogi - Mafia Bandit #5
Wandering - Townie
18 Days - Townie
Pale - Townie
Windyman - Townie
Sir_Stabbalot - Townie
Vudu - Townie
Decoyman - Bandit #4
Darkheart - Townie
Athrun Zala - Bounty Hunter Captain Aran
TVMan - Col. Sancho Volonté
Sessha - Bandit #3

This is a list of the roles that are still active. When a role is eliminated, it will be removed from the list.


Bandit (Mafia) Roles:

Bandit #1
Bandit #2

Townie Roles

Sheriff Rock Williams
Doctor John Baxter
Saloon Girl Sally

Other Roles

The Killer Black Heart Jack

Finally, there are 2 townies still alive.        
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Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia XIX: The Wild West. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2007, 04:38:53 PM »
This post for announcements.

Announcement #1 - There are still 6 players who either haven't chosen a character or created a character. I will start assigning these people characters. Because I care. Also, KashogiStogi, I need clarification on who you are supposed to be. It was never mentioned when you sign up and I don't recognize the avatar so for now I just put a mexican. Let me know if you have a name for your character.

Announcement # 2 -  We will be playing under the forced participation rule. You must vote at least once every two days. Players who have not voted within the two day limit will be eliminated. So, it's imperative that you play. Remember, if you vote often, you won't have to worry about.

Announcement # 3 - Role actions are not handled by time. You can send me your action at any time. Instead, let me explain how actions will be resolved.

The sheriff can investigate at any time during a turn (Night or Day). He will get the result as soon as I see the message. But, he can only get one investigation per turn. If he misses a turn to investigate, tough luck. Note: The sheriff can get results as soon as Day 1.

The doctor can protect a person at anytime during the day. However, this protection will not be announced. There are some limitations though. The doctor can not send in a protection for someone voted out in the day thread after the voting deadline or during the night action. It must be sent during the day. Second, the doctor can still send in a protection order at anytime during the turn (Day or Night) until the next turn (Day) is posted. So, if you wanted to protect someone during the night but the new day is already posted, it is too late.

The bounty hunter can send me his hit at any time during the day or night. However, if he sends me a hit after the next day or turn has just been posted, the hit will not go through until the end of that day.

That same rule applies to the Killer and The Godfather. As another reminder, if a godfather is killed by the day's vote, no hit will be carried out. Instead, the godfather can only choose his successor.

Saloon Girl Sally can only use her role during the day since it only affects the day votes. She can pm me the vote change at anytime during the day. However, if a vote change is sent after the deadline for votes then the vte change is not carried out. It is too late. In the case of a tie, she can still pm me a vote change to resolve the tie unless someone else has already cast a vote to end the tie.

Telegrapher Cactus can call for help at anytime during the day or night but the cavalry will not arrive until the start of the next day. If Cactus doesn't live to he next day on the turn he sends his order in, the cavalry will not come. Finally, if Cactus sends in his order after the next turn or day has been posted, he will have to wait until the following day before it is carried out.

Finally, it should be noted that if two people send out a hit on the same person, they will both get credited with the hit. But neither person will now that someone else has already gone after that target until the next day's story. If someone is protected by the doctor and they are voted out or have a hit but on them, the protection won't be learned about until the next day's story. If someone is put in jail by the cavalry, they can not carry out an action, they can not vote nor can they be affected by someone else's role or have a hit put on them.

That should explain how I will be resolving orders and actions for this game. Any questions, send them to me or post them in this thread.

Announcement # 4 - If you want to roleplay your character in the town of Stumbleton Creek Valley, please go ahead. Roleplaying is encouraged and can add some good laughs to the game. Plus, it can help ease the tension, what with all the deaths occuring around the town. I know the Saloon is always open and is a good place for gossip. But if you don't want to roleplay and just get down to business, you're welcome to do so also. Whatever gives you the most enjoyment while playing.

Announcement # 5 - If you would like me to send you a message claiming you have a different role than what I originally sent you, just ask and I will do so. You can use that message however you wish. But I will not respond to anyone asking if this person is actually such and such a role or post publicly that this person has such and such a role.

Announcement # 6 - If you are dead, DO NOT TALK. You can create a thread to post in amongst your dead selves. (May I suggest Mafia XIX: Dead thread. Bury 'Em Low?) But do not post any knowledge you may have about the game until it is over. I wouldn't even recommend speculating unless you want to do that privately through pm's to each other.

Announcement # 7 - The Bounty Hunter can kill the Killer and live. This is something I've been meaning to post for awhile but kept forgetting about. Since the killer would be wanted in the wild west and can kill townies, it's only right that the bounty hunter could still bring this person in dead or alive. So, heads up in that regards to those who have that role.

Announcement # 8 - If the killer is voted out during the day, just like the godfather, no hit by the killer will be carried out in the night. His actions are nullified. He's dead before he can use them. I should have mentioned that earlier when talking about how I resolve roles but it slipped my mind and I only mentioned that applying to Godfathers. Well, it applies to the killer also.
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Offline that Baby guy

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RE: Mafia XIX: The Wild West. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2007, 04:40:35 PM »
The twelve living townies are just normal, everday townies, right?  That doesn't include roled townies, correct?

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia XIX: The Wild West. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2007, 04:41:39 PM »
That is correct. If you are unsure, just add the townie number with the roles listed. You get 24 which is the number of players.
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Offline that Baby guy

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RE: Mafia XIX: The Wild West. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2007, 05:00:51 PM »
Yes, but it's much more fun to force others to do math.

What's the ratio of normal townies to players in the game?
1/1.  For every player with a role, townie, bandit, or killer, there is one townie.  It allows a lot of cover for those with roles.  In the previous couple of games, this ratio was a lot smaller, and anyone who claimed to be a townie was likely to be lying.  This time around, there is good cover.  Claiming the townie role is not something to be suspect of this time around, at least initially.

12/24 players are townies.
1/24 is a killer.
6/24 are mafia.
5/24 are roled townies.

Those are the odds.  If you know thirteen people are claiming to be townies, the odds show that one is lying.  Just remember that one half of everyone you talk to is a normal townie, and if an abnormal numbers are popping up, you might be talking to a gang of mafia trying to leech you for info or something.  I don't know.  Just use the boost wisely or something.

Offline decoyman

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RE: Mafia XIX: The Wild West. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2007, 05:11:06 PM »
Brisco County Jr. kicks in the swinging saloon door, and looks around to address everyone inside:
The Crazy Prospector is telling the truth. He may be crazy, but you can't argue with his math.

turns to bartender
Whiskey. When's this train get rolling, Mr. Khush?  

(Brisco County Jr. talks kinda normal-like. It's gonna be tough to role-play. That, and I haven't watched the show since, well, since it was on tv. I'll do my best, but don't hold it against me, ok??)
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RE: Mafia XIX: The Wild West. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2007, 05:12:43 PM »
Looks like I'm a townie once again.


Wandering, wandering, wandering. Just a hard luck townie you are.
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia XIX: The Wild West. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2007, 05:14:04 PM »
Just added 4 announcements, so check them out. Announcement # 3 will be useful (hopefully) to anyone who has a role, so you'll want to familiarize yourself with how the actions are resolved. Will now post the first day.
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Offline that Baby guy

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RE: Mafia XIX: The Wild West. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2007, 05:14:29 PM »
Yeah, I haven't started RPing this stuff yet.  That's why I went with questions and numbers here.  I'll give a nice in character speech once the day begins.

Apparently Stinky Pete also thinks he's Dr. Frasier Krane from Cheers and Frasier.  It's kind of surprised me.  He may go on to believe he is Sideshow Bob as well as other Kelsey Grammer roles, too.  I'm not sure yet.  All I know is that he's truly insane.  

Offline vudu

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RE: Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2007, 06:36:17 AM »
This is the reason why Khush is the best host ever.  Next to Stan.  Thank you for being so organized.
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2007, 01:04:25 PM »
You're welcome and thanks for the compliment. Organization is really the biggest key to hosting. I must be doing a good job of it because I've had only one question asked so far and very few messages sent to me which is very unusual for the first day. But I'm not complaining. It just makes things easier for me.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2007, 07:20:42 PM »
Have just added announcement 6 and 7. So, you may want to be aware of those.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia XIX: Hang 'Em High. Player, Role and Announcement thread.
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2007, 07:02:20 PM »
Announcement # 8 has been posted. It concerns the killer role and his actions.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.