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Offline Ceric

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Re: Anime
« Reply #325 on: July 11, 2014, 12:07:32 PM »
I was looking at some items on the web and I'm thinking of starting Knights of Sidonia.  Its suppose to be a more realistic physics Space Opera.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #326 on: July 11, 2014, 01:30:51 PM »
I've been hearing good things too, but I absolutely cannot stand the art style. If they would have made the CGI a little less vomit inducing, I'd probably give it a chance.

Offline Dan Laser

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Re: Anime
« Reply #327 on: July 11, 2014, 04:59:58 PM »
My streetpass greeting is "El psy congroo."  :cool;

I'm picky about comedies, and really enjoy Space Dandy. It did take me a couple episodes to completely win me over but it's worth at least a 3 episode test (I'd suggest getting to at least the zombie episode). The show always has silly things happening, but it isn't some pure zany comedy. It's more like Samurai Champloo-level mix of drama and comedy. Part of the enjoyment of the show is the impressive animation and seeing what the different directors and writers do with the characters each new episode.

If anyone is looking for more sci-fi series, I recommend Masaki Yuasa's Kaiba for something different. Yuasa will be directing and writing episode 16 of Space Dandy. Eunyoung Choi, who works with Yuasa on many of his projects, directed the plant episode of Dandy. Yuasa also recently directed the Food Chain episode of Adventure time. I also have to recommend another show he directed, the Tatami Galaxy! It's available on Funi's youtube page and Hulu.

As for me, I tried giving Samurai 7 a try.

I couldn't get into this show, either. I didn't particularly like the characters in this anime retelling and as you said, the animation was kind of mixed. I'd probably watch something else instead... there are worse series out there but there are also much better series to spend your time on!

Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #328 on: July 22, 2014, 12:52:59 AM »
I just realized that the person who started this thread referred to Avatar: the Last Airbender as an "anime" Heh. Considering that the creators, writers, and original language of the show are American, the animation is done in Korea. It's a Western Animated tv show through and through, much like Spongebob.  ::)

Anyway, I just got done watching Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd Gig,and Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. Solid State Society. The first two are the two seasons of the TV show, and the latter is the film sequel to the TV series. To clarify, the Stand Alone Complex series is in a different continuity than the two films I reviewed earlier. While it is far less philosophical than the popular films, I ended up finding them far more enjoyable. Due to the longer run time, it allowed the writers to explore the different aspects of the Section 9 team more so than is possible in movie form. Almost every member of Section 9 got at least one episode dedicated to some sort of backstory, which allowed me as a viewer to find it easier to believe that these people are a true team.

Basically, the show and film sequel amount to a serialized cop drama. Some episodes are stand alone and the cases are solved within the 24 minute runtime, but others fit within the narrative of the particular season. Some might not like this format if they crave purely serialized fiction, but as a fan of Cowboy Bebop and cop shows I found myself right at home.

While there are many good things about the show, I do have a few issues with the series, mostly belonging to 2nd Gig. The amazing tension they created in the first season was completely nonexistant in 2nd Gig, save for a few fantastic episodes. They also seemed to sexualize Mokoto a bit too often, going so far for her to strip nude on screen and offer to have sex with a 14 year old (which was obviously not a serious offer, but it felt out of place to me). I still prefer the sexless (literally) Mokoto in the original film(s). The animation budget also seemed a bit smaller in 2nd Gig, leading to some hilarious shots in some episodes.

All in all, however, I throughly enjoyed myself. I didn't gobble it up as quickly as I did something like Steins;Gate, but it was still a fantastic show. It remains to be one of the more "adult" and serious modern animes I've seen that tries to ask and answer some tough questions.

After I take a small break, I plan on watching the three GitS OVAs that recently released that take place in another new continuity. 

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Re: Anime
« Reply #329 on: July 22, 2014, 01:25:57 AM »
A lot of Japanese anime animation is done in Korea nowadays.
Aaron Kaluszka
Contributing Editor, Nintendo World Report

Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #330 on: July 22, 2014, 02:09:55 AM »
Japanese anime animation

That was incredibly redundant. :P:

Regardless, yeah, I find that a little funny. I guess what makes anime "anime" is who created it?

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Anime
« Reply #331 on: July 22, 2014, 09:18:07 AM »
The new GitS OVAs are closer to the movies in tone than the series.

I found Mokoto less than sexy in her "Battle teddy" than when she was in her dress uniform or her "Mother mode" clothing in that episode with said 14 year old.

That scene has a different meaning in that world where bodies can be entirely artificial. It's less sexual. There is a difference between "You got a boob job, can I touch them?" and more an admiration of engineering. Remember, the kid is almost begging to be chopped up so he can go cyborg. It is Mokoto's unusual motherly side that prevents this and she is chaffed by this despite not having the prerequisite parts for it. Also for Mokoto, normal sex is truly superfical when one can intermingle minds which was not what Mokoto was offering to the boy.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #332 on: July 22, 2014, 11:30:43 AM »
Well, I get your point, but it's less the context and more the camera angles and what the camera focuses on. I could have done without the crotch shots and ass shots whenever she would walk into a room.

The new GitS OVAs are closer to the movies in tone than the series.

Hell yes, thats good to hear. I heard they got new voice actors (Japanese, I don't really care about the dub) how do they compare to the originals?

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Anime
« Reply #333 on: July 25, 2014, 08:29:30 AM »
The Sub in the movies were pretty huh. Great sound design and visually good stuff. Wayyy too pretentious.

It the series the sub was terrible since they speak a **** load faster and it is so full of technobabble making it near impossible to follow. The Dub for it on the other hand was exemplary. Clear , distinct , unique voices. So good in fact that they took the cast and went back and redubbed everything up to that point. It works great since the chemistry is still strong. Some what pretentious.

I haven't heard or seen a dub of the current ongoing OVAs, but the new voices are much better, helped with better dialogue and a slower, more relaxed pace overall. Pretentiousness not really present, instead said themes are more woven into the show instead of those god awful dialogue dumps.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #334 on: August 03, 2014, 10:15:54 PM »
So they announced today that the production side of Studio Ghibli has been shut down.

Suzuki was on Jounetsu Tairiku today. It's a documentary program on TBS/MBS where they feature various entertainment personalities. He declared that since Miyazaki has really retired, they're shutting down the production department.

This isn't really that shocking or anything though. I guess it seems like huge news to people who don't follow the industry at all and only pay attention to a Ghibli film once every one or two years. Like I mentioned before in the previous thread about the rumor - Goro Miyazaki is currently directing a CG TV series at Polygon Pictures which will start broadcast in October. This means he isn't able to direct anything in the next year or so. The latest Ghibli film didn't do well at the box office at all, and that probably made them rethink giving Yonebayashi another film immediately. Miyazaki has retired. Takahata is probably not making another film again. So who's left?

Ghibli doesn't have much directing talent because they chase good talent away with their studio culture, and very few end up rising through the ranks. If they have no immediate film to produce next, shutting down the production department makes sense. Could Ghibli never make another film again? Sure. Could they reopen the production department when they eventually decide to start making another film in a year or two? Also a possibility.

It's not as simple as "OMG Ghibli is dead!" because unlike other animation studios in Japan, Ghibli only makes feature films. So what this means in the immediate future is that they are not going to be in active production for a feature film, which is already sort of assumed based on recent events. What happens after that remains to be seen.Everyone in the -production- department has probably been let go based on what he said. But that's different from the -animation- department. The production unit would include staff who manage active projects like associate producers, planners, production runners, project managers, copy writers, etc. It is not clear to me from what Suzuki said that the animation department has been shut down at all. Ghibli does contribute inbetween animation and assistance with both TV and other film projects from time to time when they have the resources to spare, so they could continue doing that while there's nothing being produced at Ghibli. The details aren't clear.

Like it says above, the details aren't very clear. It doesn't seem the animation department is closed down. Basically, they are on some kind of break. Who knows how long it will be.

Regardless of the details, this is incredibly disheartening for me. Studio Ghibli doesn't hold any nostalgia for me; I didn't see all of their films until about a year ago. But they make some of the best animated films I have ever seen. Filled with breaktaking imagery and a lot of heart. I'm always sad at the end of their films because it's over.

I wish the company the best of luck for the future.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Anime
« Reply #335 on: August 04, 2014, 01:33:57 AM »
If Studio Ghibli is, indeed, closed, I'm not going to shed a tear for them. I've found their post-Mononoke work mediocre at best & laden with the same half-dozen character designs Ghibli's been recycling for decades, though I haven't seen The Wind Rises yet.  Miyazaki's apparently made his disdain for the modern anime industry clear in various interviews over the years, so it wouldn't surprise me if he moved to shut the studio down out of sheer spite when he decided to retire (again) and it was abundantly clear his son was not going to be a worthy successor.

It's a big blow to the prestige of the anime industry, but despite how creepy I find modern anime I think the industry will manage just fine without Ghibli if they really are closing.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #336 on: August 04, 2014, 02:01:44 AM »
If Studio Ghibli is, indeed, closed, I'm not going to shed a tear for them. I've found their post-Mononoke work mediocre at best & laden with the same half-dozen character designs Ghibli's been recycling for decades, though I haven't seen The Wind Rises yet.  Miyazaki's apparently made his disdain for the modern anime industry clear in various interviews over the years, so it wouldn't surprise me if he moved to shut the studio down out of sheer spite when he decided to retire (again) and it was abundantly clear his son was not going to be a worthy successor.

It really isn't in his power to close the studio or keep it up. He isn't the president or the producer of the company.

Here's the trailer for their (probably) last film ever.

It's a pretty damn good trailer.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 02:29:42 AM by Oblivion »

Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #337 on: August 08, 2014, 12:15:29 AM »

I'm actually ashamed to be watching this. I don't know what I'm dong with my life.

Offline Dan Laser

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Re: Anime
« Reply #338 on: August 08, 2014, 10:57:02 PM »
Don’t worry, Studio Ghibli is not going to shut down!

While there has been talk among some about dissolving the studio outright, Suzuki emphasized that the truth is that the studio is considering "housecleaning" or restructuring for now. The end result would be "rebuilding" the studio and creating an environment for the next generation.

Suzuki also discussed his studio's plans to take a short pause to consider its future direction after Miyazaki's retirement from feature films. "We're changing the way we make [animation]. We wanted to make a dream company. We thought we would make what suited us and not make what didn't suit us. We were able to realize [that dream] to some extent and we're very happy about that. But now we're at a point where we've got to think about what we'll do next."

Really it seems so unlikely that Studio Ghibli would totally completely shut down. They are coming to an end of an era, so it makes sense for them to take a break and plan for the future. Times they are a changing-desu, as they say. Some fresh blood and new goals can be a good thing.

Oreimo?! Stop! Don't do it! There are worse things out there, but there are also so many better series to waste time on!

With only a couple episodes left of each, I plan on finishing Mushishi season 2 and Kyousougiga on Crunchy Roll this weekend. Both great shows, but it'll be sad when there won't be any more to watch, ya know? At least Mushishi will be getting more eps in the Fall. I'd like to start Terror of Resonance, Shinichiro Watanabe's new show. It's also got music by Yoko Kanno and character designs by the same guy as Samurai Champloo!

Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #339 on: August 08, 2014, 11:15:01 PM »
Woah woah woah, he has a new show? I gotta check this out.

Oreimo?! Stop! Don't do it! There are worse things out there, but there are also so many better series to waste time on!

Yeah. I don't really know why I'm watching it, to be honest. Hell, I only know what it is because of the porn.

Kawai Complex was a much better "slice of life" anime.

I really want to get back into a more "serious" anime, but all of that Ghost in the Shell has me burnt out on them.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Anime
« Reply #340 on: August 10, 2014, 12:08:18 AM »
Well, today's been a surprisingly eventful day in anime news:

First, in the category of "WHAT THE **** TOOK YOU SO LONG?!", Funimation's announced they're finally putting Cowboy Bebop out on BluRay this December. I guess the Japanese have decided they've gouged their Japanese fans for as many $600 BluRay sets as they're going to sell. It'll be available in a standard DVD set, a standard BluRay set, and 2 online-exclusive premium editions: one for Amazon, and one for No word yet on pricing, but this is going to be an expensive December. -_-' Link

Now how about that Escaflowne BluRay set you've been promising, Funimation?

Second, ALSO in the same category...Funimation finally licensed the Steins;Gate movie, along with a bunch of Bandai rejects like Haruhi Suzumiya. Link

On a side note, just a reminder but Funimation is finally releasing the final 2 episodes of Hellsing Ultimate this Halloween on BluRay. My 8 year journey with that series will finally be over.

As for what I've been watching, I just finished Code:Breaker and...that sure was a thing I watched. I've thought about talking about this 12 episode show several times on NFR over the last 3 weeks I've watched it, but it's just not interesting enough to talk about. The villain's interesting and has a really good motivation, but the show as a whole just lacks passion and imagination.

My Cardcaptor Sakura BluRay set finally arrived today, so this is my first time seeing this show since a few scattered episodes of the Nelvana "Cardcaptors" version back in the late 90s/early 2000s. I liked the show then, and so far I like it now. The show looks gorgeous on BluRay, completely avoiding that washed-out, fuzzy look a lot of 90s shows had on DVD.  The box is really weird: rounded like my old Enterprise DVD boxes, with a hardbound episode guide/art book and a surrounding art box. I kind of miss the 90s Cardcaptor opening in all its glorious Fox Kids cheesiness, but I figure I'll just inflict that on you all on the next NFR.  :P: :

On the downside, while it's nice to HAVE a faithful dub on home video for the first time in North America, the 90s weren't a great time for anime English dubs, and this dub...was made in Singapore by Animax. To its credit, it's not the worst anime dub I've ever heard (it's tolerable, anyway), but man is it awkward. Sakura sounds like a 30-year-old Roseanne Barr, and NO ONE in this case can pronounce "SAH-kuh-RAH" correctly. They all pronounce it "Sah-KOO-rah".
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 12:15:56 AM by broodwars »
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #341 on: August 10, 2014, 12:16:34 AM »

My god I want to punch Kirino in her fucking bitch-ass face.

Well, today's been a surprisingly eventful day in anime news:

First, in the category of "WHAT THE **** TOOK YOU SO LONG?!", Funimation's announced they're finally putting Cowboy Bebop out on BluRay this December. I guess the Japanese have decided they've gouged their Japanese fans for as many $600 BluRay sets as they're going to sell. It'll be available in a standard DVD set, a standard BluRay set, and 2 online-exclusive premium editions: one for Amazon, and one for No word yet on pricing, but this is going to be an expensive December. -_-' Link

I'm not really excited, as I've had my UK copy for about a year now. It's still nice they are finally releasing it for those that don't have it yet.

Second, ALSO in the same category...Funimation finally licensed the Steins;Gate movie, along with a bunch of Bandai rejects like Haruhi Suzumiya. Link

Again, I feel like I should be more excited than I am. The dub wasn't particularly great in my opinion, and I really didn't like the movie. The series should have stopped with the OVA.

along with a bunch of Bandai rejects like Haruhi Suzumiya

Oh man, I gotta a buddy who would tear your throat out if you said that to his face. :P:

Offline broodwars

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Re: Anime
« Reply #342 on: August 10, 2014, 12:20:01 AM »
I found Haruhi to be really hit-or-miss. It could be really fun sometimes, but astoundingly boring otherwise. It depended on how much Kyon got to be a smartass with his internal monologues.  It's a show that made the classic comedy mistake of thinking that pointing out something as a cliche or bad writing not only automatically constituted a funny joke, but gave them license to use said cliches or poor writing anyway. And don't get me started on the Endless Eight, the single worst thing to happen to anime since 4Kids.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 12:22:29 AM by broodwars »
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #343 on: August 10, 2014, 09:04:59 PM »
Kuroneko is my waifu~

Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #344 on: August 10, 2014, 10:25:42 PM »

Yeah, **** this show. I'm sick of the brother-sister love that keeps getting shoved down my throat when that kid was fine with a nice girl like Kuroneko. I have like 7 episodes left of the series and I'm pretty much done. I already looked up what happens in the end and I don't like what I see so yeah.

I'm so weird

Offline Ceric

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Re: Anime
« Reply #345 on: August 11, 2014, 02:40:43 PM »
Japan can be weird.  Brother and Sister relationships tend to get written like Japan interpreted Western Holidays.  Yes, Brother and Sister can be close but its more like a Mother and Son Relationship mixed with a Rival than a Girlfriend-Boyfriend Relationship in which Japanese Anime Writers seem to think that it is.
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Offline Triforce Hermit

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Re: Anime
« Reply #346 on: August 11, 2014, 03:25:31 PM »
I'm surprised you went through it that long. The incest theme was just sickening. And every time his sister opened her mouth I just wanted to punch the computer screen.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: Anime
« Reply #347 on: August 11, 2014, 03:49:37 PM »
I'm surprised you went through it that long. The incest theme was just sickening. And every time his sister opened her mouth I just wanted to punch the computer screen.

Well, it was the other characters that kept me going. Plus, the last four episodes of season 1 didn't have the sister in them at all so it was pretty nice. Then the MC and Kuroneko got together and it was pretty good. Once she decided to break up with the MC so that they could "be closer", I was fucking done.

Offline Ceric

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Re: Anime
« Reply #348 on: August 11, 2014, 03:52:23 PM »
I haven't actually watched the trailer, not a Ghibli fan but, I didn't realize that wasn't a Tree Monster in a Boat but a Little Girl in a Row Boat till today.
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Offline Triforce Hermit

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Re: Anime
« Reply #349 on: August 11, 2014, 04:33:15 PM »
I'm surprised you went through it that long. The incest theme was just sickening. And every time his sister opened her mouth I just wanted to punch the computer screen.

Well, it was the other characters that kept me going. Plus, the last four episodes of season 1 didn't have the sister in them at all so it was pretty nice. Then the MC and Kuroneko got together and it was pretty good. Once she decided to break up with the MC so that they could "be closer", I was fucking done.
MC: "I want to be nicer to my sister, so I'll convince dad to let her keep playing her virtual porn  ;) ".
I stopped there. I had enough. I tried. I really did. But I'm not going to stomach sheer stupidity.
Sometimes, you just want to play a video game.
NNiD: Triforcehermit09