Author Topic: Mafia 15 - Prize Mafia! Yes, Mafia has formed a partnership with NWR Trivia. Sign-up thread.  (Read 24049 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Well, it's been quite some time since we had a mafia game on this forum and I think it's really needed. I'm sensing a lot of pent-up rage among different posters and I think people are just waiting for a way to release their anger by killing those who have been bugging them. (Plus, I got tired of waiting for Shift Key) So, here it is. Mafia 15.

What is the prize?

And as stated, this will be a Prize Mafia game. What is the prize you may be wondering? Well, it's not something that can be measured monitarily but through sentimentality.

As stated, I have formed a partnership with NWR Trivia. The winner or winners of this mafia game will get to take part in creating a round of Podcast Trivia. You get to pick the songs. You get to pick the questions. You could even make a bit of a script talking about the games you chose. You get your name or forum name recognized as the person responsible for the round.

TYP and I look forward to seeing what the results of this will be. We both think it could be a very fun idea and we hope you agree.

Now, I should state that if you want to play the mafia game but don't want the prize, that's fine. If you are the winner or a winner, you can let me know then if you want to make a round of podcast trivia or not.

When is the mafia game?

So, for now, I am going to leave this thread open for sign-ups. Sign-ups will close Saturday April 7, 2007. I am shooting for April 9 as the starting day for the game.

Over the next couple days, I will let you know what the roles and rules are and what the theme would be. But for now, I just thought I would get the ball rolling for the next game since I know there are a few people who will sign-up right away before reading the rules.

Podcast Trivia Rules

Just in case you are wondering what the rules are for making a podcast trivia game, TYP has provided me with the following guidelines:

1) All games and songs must be found on a Nintendo platform. (Wii Virtual Console and Nintendo arcade games are valid choices.
2) All songs picked for a game must be found in the game as heard. No rearrangements, remixes, etc. (PSX rearrangements found in a SNES->PSX port are not valid. Remixes of songs in a series that are found in the Nintendo platform game are perfectly acceptable.)
3) Three songs per game.
4) No licensed music.
5) Unless agreed upon otherwise, an episode should be five games long.

I (TYP) offer to help find/pick songs for the winner's podcast, and help coordinate if there is collaboration among multiple winners. Potential winners should understand that we may not be able to find (a good enough version of) some songs and should be flexible. Of course, NWR has the final say on what can/cannot be used and may bend the guidelines above as it sees fit.

There you have it. This could turn out to be a more cutthroat game now that there is a prize available instead of just playing for personal honor.

As always, new people are welcome to join and I am happy to explain the rules to you.  
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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The Theme Revealed

So, I've been trying to figure out what theme would be best to encapsulate the trivia aspect. I thought about a Kirby theme in honor of TYP butit just didn't seem right. Plus, trivia covers many games. So, in the end I decided to have a theme that encompasses many ganes. And that theme is......

Nintendo Villains/Bosses. Yes, choose any Nintendo villain/boss you would like to emulate for this game. I think it will be interesting to see which badguy is the baddest of them of all. I would prefer that a major villain was chosen. i.e. Marx instead if Waddle Dee. (A Kirby reference). But, I know many of you prefer to use the more obscure characters. Regardless, the only criteria will be that everyone chooses or is assigned a Nintendo villain. So, Dr. Robotnik would not work but Bowser would.

Remember, first come, first serve. So grab your favorite villain now.

The Rules

How to Play. (If you are familiar with the mafia games already, skip to the gameplay reminders section)

Playing mafia can be summerized in one word: Survive! As long as you are still alive in the game, chances are you are winning.

Of course, it is a bit more complicated than that. You should remember that there are two sides to a mafia game. You are either a part of the townie side or the mafia side. If you belong to one side, you are looking to eliminate the rival side. How do you kill players.

Everyday there is a vote to choose one person to eliminate from the game. The person with the most votes at the end of the day is killed. Both sides can vote during the day, mafia and townies. However, after the day vote, there is a night action period. During this time, the mafia can send in a hit for whichever person they choose. The townies have no say in the matter. The next day or turn, the townies learn who the mafia killed and the game repeats until one side is left.

The victory conditions are a bit different for either side. For the townies to win, every mafia member must be eliminated. For the mafia to win, they just need to equal the number of townies left. So, if there are 3 mafia members left and 3 townies, the game is over and the mafia wins. The reason for this is that mafia members are supposed to be so powerful as to overwhelm the townies one-on-one. Obviously, if the townie number is lower than the number of mafia remaining, the mafia wins. A tie is the minimum win condition for the mafia.

It should be noted that there may be a couple roles that don't fit into either catagory (mafia or townie) and have a different win condition. These roles most also be eliminated before one side can claim victory.

Finally, since it is a prize edition, this should be stated clearly. If the townies won, not every townie would get the prize. Only those townies who are alive at the end of the game would get to claim the prize. It is just the same as any other mafia game where only townies alive at the end get to count a victory. With the mafia, you can count a victory even if you are dead so long as the rest of the mafia is able to win. However, because of the prize being involved, only the mafia members still alive at the end of the game would be eligible for the prize.

Voting Rules

Everyday, a new thread will be created for each day the game lasts. In this thread, you can cast a vote for whomever you want. To do so, simply type in bold "VOTE (Name)" where name is the person you are voting for. You can only vote for one person so votes for different people will not be counted. If you wish to change your vote at anytime, simply edit your message and erase the vote. There will be a deadline each day for when votes can be cast. Once the deadline is reached, all votes are binding. If you change or edit a vote after the deadline, the new vote will not be counted and the old vote will remain as your choice instead.

Gameplay Reminders

I am going to stick with the long voting hours I introduced in Mafia 10. So, basically, the voting thread will be open for 21-22 hours. This gives everyone in all time zones a fair chance to play.

Breaking voting ties.

If there is a tie at the end of the day's vote, I will leave the thread open a bit past the deadline for a length of time afterwards. I will list then how much extra time will be given as circumstances may vary for me. No more than half an hour. During this extra time, any player can change their vote if they wish. As well, any player who hadn't voted that day may then cast a vote. The first vote that breaks the tie ends the voting. The person with the most votes will then be killed.

If however, the remaining time has expired and the vote is still tied, the players who are tied are all killed. However, those players get to choose one person who voted for them to die with them. Thus, you may want to avoid ties.

Revealing someone's role after you are out of the game.

If you are eliminated and then give away someone's role, (i.e. Mafia member reveals a townie player's identity or townie reveals a mafia player's identity) the team that was hurt by the information gets to immediately kill 3 people of their choosing in retalition. Do ont think you can create a loophole of this rule by hurting someone on your own team (i.e. Mafia member reveals another mafia member's identity). In this case, you are stupid.

Giving out information.

If you wish to tell the players of the game a message, you have a couple of legal channels to do so. One, you can post this information in the voting thread or two you can send a private message to players. You can not, however, create another account and use it to hide your identity while giving out information. If you want to say something, you must accept the responsibility of being known as saying it.

That should about cover the rules for playing the game. If there is something you are still confused about or something I didn't mention that you think should be covered, you can let me know by sending me a message or just posting it in this thread. Thank you.


Townie Roles

The Private Investigator

Of course. The most standard of all townie roles. With this role, someone will have the ability to investigate one player each day and learn their role. However, the charming leader and the identity thief will be revealed as townies to him.

The Mad Scientist

This is a new role, so pay attention 007. The mad scientist can bring back any player who has died. The person brought back will only last the day however. The dead person can vote and speak his mind on anything he wants about the game. However, if the dead person had a role, he will not get to use it. Interestingly, the dead person can be voted for again. Nothing like digging someone up, resurrecting them and then killing them again. And the mad scientist can only use this ability twice and can only bring back one person per day.

The Chivalrous Villain

The honour among theives. You know how there's always this one villain who could have killed the hero many times over but doesn't becuase he wants to fight the hero one-on-one in a duel? Well, that's this dude's problem. He wants to kill the mafia members but he fears killing an innocent or two along the way. Yes, the chivalrous villain is a fancy name for the vigilante. The chivalrous villain can send a hit out any night on person. However, if the chivalrous villain kills an innocent, he will do the honourable thing and kill himself also.

The Tough Guy

The tough guy acts big and looks tough but he's really just a dirty fighter. The tough guy has the ability to protect one person during the night. He does this by hiding in the shadows. Then, if someone tries to kill the person the tough guy is protecting, the tough guy comes out from the shadows and kills that person instead. Of course, the tough guy can't protect himself if confronted and will die when a hit is put on him or if he is voted out.

The Stoolie

The stoolie can't help but squeal. It makes him feel big. Everyday, the stoolie can send me, the narrator, a message that will be broadcast to everyone. Yeah, way to go big man.

The Back-Up

The back-up takes the classic doctor role. He can choose to protect someone from the day's vote or to keep someone safe from the night's actions. He can not, however, protect himself.

The Rogues

Rogues is just a cooler name for townies.

The Mafia Roles

The Charming Leader

The charming leader is the godfather role. The charming leader is the head of the mafia and has gathered this motley crew by his charismatic charms. He is the one who ultimately decides who the mafia will kill each night. In addition, he will give me the name of the mafia member performing the hit. One bonus to being the charming leader is the fact that if he is investigated by the Private Investigator/cop, his identity will be given as a townie. After all, you never realize the danger of the charming leader until it is too late.

The Corrupted Cop

The corrupted cop is the mafia's inside man. He can investigate players roles just like the P.I./cop giving them information they need to hit crucial townie roles. The corrupted cop only gets to investigate on odd days.

The Muscle

Sometimes it isn't always neccessary to kill to help the mafia. Sometimes, you just have to intimidate another person. Never play an ace if a two will do, kid. The muscle can be used to nullify someone's role for a day. He will tell me which person he wants to intimidate for that day and that player will be unable to use their role for the day and night. So, if he intimidates the chivalrous villain for instance, the chivalrous villain can not make a hit that day and acts as a normal townie. Interestingly, the muscle can only use his ability on even days.

The Seductress

O foul temptress, who can resist thee? The seductress has the ability to make anyone fall under her spell and join the mafia. However, she can only use this ability every 3rd night for the mafia. It takes quite a few drinks to get someone completely under her spell. The charming leader must decide whether he wants to make a hit that night or a recruitment by the seductress. If he chooses not to recruit, he must wait another 3 turns before getting the chance to recruit again. If he chooses to recruit, the seductress must let me know who is being seduced.

The Brains Pay attention here. This is an original role

The genius of the group. He may not be the stongest, prettiest or most charismatic but there is no denying his brilliance. He just might be the most egotistical of the group also. He considers himself above all these lowly people. He wants everyone to recognize and acknowledge the greatness of his master plan.

To show how everything has been accounted for and all the peices are falling into place, the brains will send me the name of the person he believes will be voted out the next day. He must send me this guess before the day's vote begins. If the brains is correct, he will get that person's role. So, if the person with the stoolie role was the person who was voted out and the brains correctly picked that person as being the one who would be killed, the brains then gets to use the stoolie role.

Some more information on the brains role:

It should be noted that if the person's role was just a rogue/townie, that does not mean the brains becomes a rogue/townie. It just means that he doesn't get any new abilities.

If the person voted out was the chivalrous villain, the brains would not be able to use this role. It's alliegence and instructions are contrary to the brains role.

Also, if the brains predicts someone in his mafia will be voted for and is correct, he would get that role. So, if he guessed the charming leader was going to be voted for and was right, he would get the charming leader's role and all its benefits.

Other Roles

The Identity Thief

The identity thief can choose any person in the game to be killed. The role of the person they have killed becomes the role of the identity thief. So, if it is a mafia role, the identity thief would become part of the mafia and have that role. If the identity thief killed a rogue/townie, then he would just become a rogue/townie. The identity thief becomes whatever role he gets from his victim.

One other thing to note. The Identity Thief doesn't have to use his role and he doesn't have to be killed by either the townies or mafia for them to win. But the Identity Thief can not claim any victory because he is not affliated with any side. So, if the Identity Thief wants to win, he needs to use the role at some point and join a side.

Let me put it this way. If it came down to 5 townies and 5 mafia and the Identity Thief, the mafia would win. Using the Identity Thief role would have no bearing at that point. If it was used, the roles would still end up being 5 towines and 5 mafia left. The Identity Thief would just end up joining one side.

The Slasher

Oh no! A killer on the loose. The Slasher has the ability to kill anyone he wants each night. However, in order for the Slasher to win, he must kill everyone and be the last man standing. In order for the townies or mafia to win, the Slasher must be dead.    
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

  • is an Untrustworthy Liar
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The names and characters of those who have signed up so far:

Wandering (Wario)
Shyguy (ShyGuy)
TVMan (StarMan Deluxe)
Vudu (Fawful)
Stevey (Ganondorf)
Pittbboi (Medusa)
Zach (DK)
Dasmos (Mother Brain)
Shift Key (Metroid)
Sir_Stabbalot (Dark Space Pirate Commando)
Sessha (Belome)
Spak-Spang (Iggy Koopa)
18 Days
Thatguy (Croco)
S-U-P-E-R (Sturm)
Mantidor (Majora's Mask)
Garnee (Tom Nook)
Athrun Zala (Master Hand)

24 people have signed up so far.                    
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline wandering

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In like sin.

edit: but I'm not sure I'll accept the prize if I win.
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

Offline ShyGuy

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Participating and playa hating.

Offline nickmitch

  • You can edit these yourself now?!
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In and rockin' it.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline vudu

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Just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in!!

EDIT:  I will be Tatanga the Mysterious Spaceman.

Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline stevey

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My Demands and Declarations:
nVidia is CRAP!!!
BOYCOTT Digest mode and LEGEND OF OO!

Your PM box will be spammed with Girl Link porn! NO EXCEPTION!
Wii want WaveBirds

Stevey Duff
NWR Staff All Powerful Satin!

Offline oohhboy

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This is a good day to die! For honour and GLORY OF THE PRIZE. In.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline MaryJane

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Yeah, what if the person who wins doesn't want the prize?
Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

Offline Pittbboi

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Offline Khushrenada

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Absolutely. Anyone can play.

As stated in the rules, if you don't want the prize, that's fine. If you want to give it to someone else, you can. It's up to you. The only thing is that there is no replacement for the prize. So, if you don't want it, you don't get anything else except the satisfaction of your win in the game.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Zach

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in, hopefully I last longer in this game than I did in your F-Zero game.
WiiCode: 2469 4326 9885 9257

Offline Dasmos

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Images are not allowed in signatures. That includes moving images (video).

Offline Khushrenada

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Welcome to both of you also.

EDIT: Just thought I'd point out the latest update. The theme for this mafia has been revealed. It is Nintendo Villains. Details can be found on the second post.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Dasmos

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I'll take Captain Blue, because I can't find any character art of Jet Black anywhere.
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Offline Khushrenada

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Ok, but wouldn't Captain Blue really have to be King Blue to be a villain? Also, is this really a Nintendo villain? It seems more like a Capcom villain to me.  
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Zach

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Define a nintendo villain, does it have to be specifically a nintendo villain (ie bowser), or can it be a villain from a game that was just made for a nintendo console?
WiiCode: 2469 4326 9885 9257

Offline Khushrenada

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Well, I thought I had defined it already but I guess what I'm thinking is it was a villain created or owned by Nintendo. So for instance, Gruntilda from Banjo-Kazooie would not count since that is a Rare villain now. Nintendo doesn't have any rights to that villain. However, King K. Rool would be a Nintendo villain becuase Nintendo does have the right to use him still.

Now, in a case like Smithy from Super Mario RPG, I would allow that. Although Smithy may be owned by Square, he has never appeared in another game, the game was only on a Nintendo console and the game was a Mario game so it defintely had a Nintendo influence. So, you can get leeway that way.

I'm going to try to not be too picky about it becuase really this is for you to get some more fun out of the game. So, if Dasmos is insistent on Captain Blue, I'll let him use it. I would just prefer everyone try to work in the parameters I've given. It wiil help me with the story when it's characters I readily recognize and can make something up about. That's all.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline wandering

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Does Wario count as a villain?
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

Offline Zach

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Alright, go old school DK.  I will win this mafia game with my mighty power barrels.  
WiiCode: 2469 4326 9885 9257

Offline stevey

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My Demands and Declarations:
nVidia is CRAP!!!
BOYCOTT Digest mode and LEGEND OF OO!

Your PM box will be spammed with Girl Link porn! NO EXCEPTION!
Wii want WaveBirds

Stevey Duff
NWR Staff All Powerful Satin!

Offline Khushrenada

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Wario counts.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Dasmos

  • Needs Him Some Tang in His Lollies
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Ok, fine I'll change to Mother Brain.
Images are not allowed in signatures. That includes moving images (video).

Offline Khushrenada

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Awwww, Dasmos. You care. You really care.

EDIT: Gameplay rules have now been added.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.