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Offline IceCold

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RE: Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2006, 11:01:31 AM »
Hats off to couch - some great points there..

I remember when the DS was starting to take off in Japan, outselling the PSP by double every week. At that time, there was a poll about the level of interest in the DS and PSP. Even though the DS was selling more, people in Japan were still more interested in the PSP. This didn't amount to much though.. the hype was not enough to convince people to spend that much money on a system which such few quality games. Then Nintendogs and Brain Training were released, and the rest is history.. The PS3 might have a high level of interest, but once the die-hard fans have bought the consoles and they are in good supply, Sony will have an extremely hard time selling them. Sony's brand name isn't that strong - Nintendo was at the top of the videogame world with the SNES. With the N64 they made mistakes, but they still had a very well-priced console and some of the best games ever made. The PS3, on the other hand, has few redeeming factors..

They save up. If something is important, or they feel it is groundbreaking, they feel the experience will justify the price (I study psychology).
That's great. Then you should know that many people feel the Wii is more groundbreaking than the PS3. In fact, I was talking to a girl who thought it would have been priced a lot higher since the controller is so hi-tech.

About the whole graphics and processing power thing, if Nintendo manages to become the market leader, then Sony and MS will have to do some serious re-evaluating. Now, more powerful consoles aren't the key anymore, and they would be forced to innovate if they want to retain marketshare.  
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Offline MaryJane

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RE:Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2006, 11:36:25 AM »
Funny thing about two strong point mentioned,

1. The ps2 wasn't more powerful than the GC but still outsold it: ask any casual gamer how the consoles ranked in horsepower and they'll undoubtedly tell you, xbox, ps2, gc. Why? The difference between them is negligible which isn't the case this generation. The PS3 and X360 far outshine the Wii, making it seem outdated. As much as I hate to sound like IanSane but we do need hardcore gamers to buy Wii games, so that it doesn't become 70% non-gamer games. That's not quite the case with the DS because games like New Super Mario Bros. and Pokemon are always going to sell, but where are the (new) hardcore RPG's? The FPS's the deep deep adventure games? The things we want to see on the Wii.

2. The DS vs. PSP: I wish I could explain to you how aggravating is to tell people what a DS is! My friends gf bought herself, and my friend PSP's, his cousin (who goes out with one my friends) followed her example. So now 4 of my friends(in that set) have PSP, people I work with and go to school with have them, and out of the 11 people I talk to that have PSP, a whopping 2 knew what a DS was, and 1 only knew because when he heard they were remaking FFIII he wanted to see if it was going to be on PSP or PS2, then read about the DS.  I know that argument is somewhat irrelevant because of the sales, but it just goes to show you Sony's intelligence (power?) that they can have a lackluster system and still be perceived to be on top.

And seriously, aren't any of you the least bit jealous of the PS3's graphical abilities? I would never trade my Wii for one, but I mean those graphics are astounding, I really wish for the Wii2 to be the best of both worlds. I like Zelda:TP's graphics, they are better than RE4, but honestly, they're just eh. Much like how when the X360 came out everyone was like this is next-gen? That's how I felt with the Wii except worse because of how much worse the graphics were. I've played Madden on both the PS3 and Wii, the obvious choice is the Wii, it is so much more fun, it's ridiculous, the graphics aren't even that much better, just smoother really. So I am well aware that gameplay is more important than graphics, but that doesn't mean graphics don't matter. They do! They should just compliment the gameplay, not be prioritized over them.
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Offline Vance

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RE:Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2006, 12:38:26 PM »

Originally posted by: MaryJane

And seriously, aren't any of you the least bit jealous of the PS3's graphical abilities? I would never trade my Wii for one, but I mean those graphics are astounding, I really wish for the Wii2 to be the best of both worlds. I like Zelda:TP's graphics, they are better than RE4, but honestly, they're just eh. Much like how when the X360 came out everyone was like this is next-gen? That's how I felt with the Wii except worse because of how much worse the graphics were. I've played Madden on both the PS3 and Wii, the obvious choice is the Wii, it is so much more fun, it's ridiculous, the graphics aren't even that much better, just smoother really. So I am well aware that gameplay is more important than graphics, but that doesn't mean graphics don't matter. They do! They should just compliment the gameplay, not be prioritized over them.

To be honest I have a hard time seeing the graphical jump between the Xbox 360 and the PS3. I'm sure some hardcore pro-Microsoft and pro-Sony developers will eventually exploit it, but I still haven't seen anything on the PS3 that I didn't feel the 360 could accomplish sometime down the road. The PC market doesn't help either-- when Vista comes out and all the Games for Windows hit the shelves, it'll make the leap in graphics the PS3 has even more underwhelming.
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Offline MarioAllStar

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RE:Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2006, 01:05:13 PM »

Originally posted by: MaryJane
...and out of the 11 people I talk to that have PSP, a whopping 2 knew what a DS was...

With all the DS advertisements shown on TV, one would think that more people would know about the system. It makes me wonder what could Nintendo do to win over people like this. Obviously, they do not follow video game news because the DS is all over the place in gaming media. I think many people liked the "cool factor" with the PlayStation and so continue to follow Sony, but they don't necessarily have an allegiance to the company (like fanboys do). Nintendo has to become cooler than Sony in order to appeal to these people.

I think that with all the media attention Wii has been receiving, it is well on its way to being seen as a cool system. If it succeeds in that, then those people will eventually give it a shot.  
Thanks for listening.

Offline Edfishy

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RE: Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2006, 01:35:07 PM »
The PlayStation(and Sony as well) is a little intimidating.  It suggests hardcore "gamer" quite heavily.  The Wii needs to become "iPod" cool, where it's obviously not just for the techno geeks but then again doesn't count them out.

Offline MaryJane

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RE:Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #30 on: November 25, 2006, 01:54:50 PM »
1. When I spoke of graphical difference I meant between the Wii and PS3, the difference between PS3 and X360 may never come to light, as some developers are saying the X360 holds an edge...

2. A lot of people don't follow video game news. Admit it we're nerds! Not in the "classical" sense but we are.

3. Everyone, save (coincidentally) the person who wanted to play FFIII and found out about the DS, said they should have bought a DS over a PSP. Why? Because of it's features, two screens, touch screen, WiFi, and single cartridge multiplayer.
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Offline couchmonkey

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RE: Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #31 on: November 27, 2006, 04:41:19 AM »
Hey MaryJane, I'm back to blab on some more.

Wii power - yes, the difference is a lot more noticeable than previous console generations, but that's why I pointed out the handheld industry.  The original Game Boy was very inferior to the backlit colour screens of its competition.  The DS' N64/PSX-like abilities are very inferior to the PSP.  How does Nintendo get away with this?  Is it pricing?  Well, Wii has that advantage too.  Is it battery power?  Maybe a little bit, but let's be honest: the number 1 reason to buy DS instead of PSP is that it has better games and games that people haven't seen before.

I'm surprised how many PSP owners you know, but statistically NPD sales show that DS is outselling PSP, and in fact Sony has dropped its shipment targets for fiscal 2006 (i.e. March 06-March07) by 9 million while Nintendo increased DS shipment targets by...9 million!  Nintendo is stealing Sony's expected customer base on a one-to-one basis!  I think what happened is that PSP was huge at first but now DS has captured a new market and hardcores are being sucked into its wake.  I think the guys at Penny Arcade and IGN are a great study on that: they were big into the PSP at launch, but at this year's PAX, DS was clearly the dominant system.  Matt C and Jessica Chobot *bleh* on IGN have both had blogs on how DS really surprised them and PSP is boring now.

And that's the scary thing for hardcore gamers: we don't matter.  Casual gamers and non-gamers outnumber us big-time and it's possible (in fact likely) that non-gamers and casual gamers will still dictate the market for Wii.  But hardcores will likely get sucked into the Wii's wake just like your friend has been sucked into the DS wake by Final Fantasy III.

Yes, I am a bit jealous of the power of the other two systems but from a business perspective, I realize now that Nintendo's lower power is all about disrupting the market.  These are the necessary features Nintendo got by reducing the power:

- small (it's novel and the inobtrusiveness appeals to people who think big systems stand out too much or waste space)
- quiet (hides WiiConnect24 power drain from moms - Nintendo is on ur Interwebs, killing ur environments)
- cheap (Most non-gamers I talk to think the other systems are way overpriced)
- cheaper to develop for (lower game prices and higher third party support)

Last, but not least, as someone else suggested, non-gamers view Wii as more ground-breaking than the other consoles (so did most people at this year's E3, judging by the lineups).  Looking at the game lineups, that makes complete sense.  The most ground-breaking product on the other two consoles is probably Viva Pinata or maybe Oblivion / Dead Rising - both of which still bear a strong resemblance to past game concepts (no apologies to Kojima).  
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline MaryJane

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RE:Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #32 on: November 27, 2006, 05:16:17 AM »
That article about square/enix is a uplifting considering they are such a large and respected company, and along with their storng support both ea and ubisoft are also showing good support for the Wii. 3 major development/publishing companies are showing love for the console, I still believe it will take more than this for the Wii to win. X360 is doing well, and the PS3 hype is still strong, I don't think much can be done to sway X360 fans, but it is possible for Wii360 to become a reality, and condemn PS3 to third. But this can only happen with more failures from Sony, more horrible games (did anyone see the XPlay review of the PS3 games? more on that later), more empty promises, and more system failures.

I believe Wii2 FTW, is more believable, Nintendo's mantra at E3 was playing is believing, not many want to even give the Wii a chance. I plan on having a party in the not to distant future(X-Men quote) invite all of my friends, and we'll do our "normal stuff" then play the Wii all night. Only one of my friends is really interested in the Wii and constantly questions me about it, especially about Zelda. I think word of mouth, or rather, sharing the experience could be the biggest help for the Wii. I'm going to do my part in this, but it's a long uphill battle.

I know the Wii is more groundbreaking than the PS3, and if it had launched for $500 I probably would have still bought it, though I'd be disappointed the graphics weren't better, to justify the price. After I have this party I'll post pictures, and the general reviews from my Sony-loving friends. I just need to buy a few more games, and two more controllers before I this happens, and another factor is that I am planning to move soon, so we'll see what happens, but it should be before the end of the year.

O.K so the XPlay thing: For the Wii they reviewed the following games and their scores; Madden 07 4/5 (X360, and PS3 version got 3/5), Red Steel 3/5, Rayman Raving Rabbids 4/5, Excite Truck 4/5, (and none of you should be surprised) The Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess received a perfect 5/5.

For the PS3: Madden 07 (I already told you) 3/5, Genji: Days of the Blade 2/5 (one if it's pros was it good graphics furthering proving that's not what makes a game good), Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom 2/5, Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire 1 (a FUKING 1)/5 , and Resistance: Fall of Man 5/5. I must say the game looked pretty solid in the review.

To sum it up, every non-multi platform game for the PS3 sucks except 1. And only one game for the Wii was less than exceptional. I know they didn't review all the games, but I think they pick the ones they like or thought they would. I used to think they were pretty biased, but if they were they wouldv'e picked games that showed the PS3 in a better light no? Link to reviews

If I rememer correctly they were also rather disappointed in the X360 launch, but G4 as a whole has been showing nothing but love for the Wii. Maybe they can win this gen, but I'm betting that next-gen they dominate.
Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

Offline couchmonkey

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RE: Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #33 on: November 27, 2006, 06:44:56 AM »
On "playing is believing": this is why I think Nintendo needs demo kiosks in malls and the like, outside of game stores and electronics sections.  But if the system had better graphics, you'd still have to get people to play it before they understood why it's better than PS3 or Xbox 360, and non-gamers would be turned off by the $400 pricetag.

On Sony, the problem is people think Sony is invincible just because it had two successes in a row.  Console history shows that Atari, Nintendo and Sega all had the most success when their brands were new, and declined almost constantly afterwards.  Not only that, but success usually comes by differentiation.  Nintendo promised higher quality games than the shovelware Atari and co. had been selling.  Sega promised better, faster, more violent action in the face of Nintendo's censorship.  Sony promised all that plus theatre-quality cutscenes (plus it made life way easier for third parties).

Sony did not decline with PS2, it had about equal success.  But PS2 launched well ahead of any real competition and the competition failed to differentiate itself.  And Sony is facing its first decline in the video game hardware industry with PSP.  People think that's because Nintendo is "invincible" in handhelds, but it's because the DS differentiated itself.  If DS was the exact same thing as PSP, and didn't feature Brain Training or Nintendogs, and had a big 3D Mario instead of New Super Mario Bros, where do you think it would be?

What console is differentiating itself this generation?  Wii.  
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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RE:Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2006, 04:06:39 PM »

Apparently (due to Sony's inability to manufacture consoles), Nintendo is destroying the PS3 by over 3:1. They've also gotten up to 15% of total Xbox 360 global less than 2 weeks. There's no doubt that Wii will be in the nimber one spot (which is odd, since "they're not competing with Sony and Microsoft") EASILY by this time next year, and possibly a lot sooner...provided these numbers are somewhat accurate.
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Offline WPack911

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RE: Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #35 on: December 02, 2006, 09:15:29 PM »
Those numbers are accurate as you can get without official press release.  Plus the Wii still has the Aussie and Euro launches later this week, so get ready for it to shoot up even more very quickly.  At this rate as long as they ship 4 Million Wii's they will sell 4 Million Wii's by the end of the year, and 6 Million by March seems on track also.
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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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RE:Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #36 on: December 02, 2006, 10:18:40 PM »
I'm not sure if you guys have checked ebay lately but the bottom has dropped out from the PS3, it is looking more and more that people mainly bought PS3 to sell. At the moment you are lucky to get 850$ on it. The Wii on the other hand seems to be going up in price, with prices going from 400-500$ (not to mention there are alot less Wiis on ebay than PS3s, that should tell you something right there).
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Offline couchmonkey

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RE: Next Gen Wars: Wii = heavy favorite
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2006, 05:22:21 AM »
It'll be really interesting to see how Wii does in the new year once Christmas and early adopters stop being a factor.  I think Nintendo will definitely reach 6 million by March, if it can produce more it may reach even higher than that.
That's my opinion, not yours.
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