Author Topic: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!  (Read 12478 times)

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Offline The Omen

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RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
« Reply #50 on: November 20, 2006, 11:13:35 AM »

Originally posted by: Luigi Dude
Well it's nice to see I wasn't the only one who was unlucky.

I arrived at the local Best Buy a few minutes before it opened and to my surprise there was a huge line that stretched around the entire store.  Then I went to the Toys R Us that was nearby and they were sold out, the Walmart and Shopko were also sold out.  I then drove to the Shopko on the other end of the city and they were sold out, so was the Walmart on that end.  

I then drove the next Walmart that was over 30 miles away since it was located in a town of only four thousand I thought I might be able to find one there, but I was wrong.  Then I drove back to the city I realised that I didn't try the K-mart, and thought who goes to K-mart anymore.  Well the lucky people that now own a Wii that's who and so K-mart was also sold out and with that every single store in my area is now sold out.

So now I'm spending my time playing Wind Waker to get my Zelda fix until I finally get my hands on Twilight Princess.  Hopefully I'll be able to arrive early enough for the second shipment whenever it arrives.

That's about the exact same experience I had.

And I'm playing OoT to get my Zelda fix until I can gank a Wii and Twilight Princess.

"If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the muses, believing that technique alone will make him a great poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the inspired madman." Socrates

Offline Tansunn

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RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
« Reply #51 on: November 20, 2006, 11:26:51 AM »
I'm stuck on a military base in Korea.  I'm not likely to get one until I'm out of here.

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
« Reply #52 on: November 20, 2006, 11:27:12 AM »

And I'm playing OoT to get my Zelda fix until I can gank a Wii and Twilight Princess.

Me too =p  I'm playing Master Quest right now.  It's hard for me ;___;

I hate all the reports of mid-week shipments.  It puts A LOT OF PRESSURE ON ME.  Should I call EVERY STORE?  Should I just go hunting?  Will any be left after school anyway?  WHAT IS GOING ON.
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Offline matt oz

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RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
« Reply #53 on: November 20, 2006, 05:18:06 PM »
Does anyone else think if the Wii had launched before the PS3, we would all have gotten one?

The PS3 launch put it into EVERYONE'S head that if you camp out for a system on launch day, you can sell it on ebay and make a quick profit.  I know this isn't the first time a console has gone on ebay during a launch, but it's the first time that a launch was so widely publicized, especially all the news crews interviewing people in lines saying they were gonna sell their PS3s.

I remember Nintendo saying for about a year they would launch before the PS3, that it was integral to being successful.  And instead, they launch two days later, on a Sunday of all days, and all the PS3 campers who went home empty-handed ended up camping for a Wii to sell on eBay.

Could I have camped?  Yes.  Was I going to waste a Saturday night sitting on the ground in 40 degree weather, not getting any sleep, being cold, hungry, and going to the bathroom in a bush?  Hell no.

I really wanted to get one before Thanksgiving.  It's the only time I'm gonna have to play games until winter break starts on December 19.
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Offline Requiem

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RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
« Reply #54 on: November 20, 2006, 05:39:14 PM »
Broke as a joke....

Plus, like Ian, the Wii hasn't proven to me that I should purchase it. Zelda is the only thing I want (possibly Trauma Center) and I am perfectly content with renting the damn thing for my cube (plus, it gives me a reason to play the cube version). Also, with all the reports of the Wii network servers hiccuping and stores selling out their supply, I think its best just to wait till after the christmas season. After a month or so, when everyone has gotten past the novelty of the Wii and the reality starts to sink in, that's when I'll make my decision to purchase the Wii. The Wii seems like its worth the purchase for future software alone, but that has no bearing for me right now.

As for the rest of yall who actually own a Wii, I salute you.

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Offline Ceric

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RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
« Reply #55 on: November 20, 2006, 05:50:42 PM »
My Wii is defective and I'm going to lose all my game saves when it becomes undefective...  Does that count.... (I waited a whole day trapped in Lawn and Garden for it Too... )
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Offline Rhoq

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RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
« Reply #56 on: November 21, 2006, 04:59:15 AM »

Originally posted by: matt oz
Does anyone else think if the Wii had launched before the PS3, we would all have gotten one?

Not a chance.


Originally posted by: matt oz
The PS3 launch put it into EVERYONE'S head that if you camp out for a system on launch day, you can sell it on ebay and make a quick profit.  I know this isn't the first time a console has gone on ebay during a launch, but it's the first time that a launch was so widely publicized, especially all the news crews interviewing people in lines saying they were gonna sell their PS3s.

Wrong, the 360 started the trend last year. PS3 merely mimicked history.


Originally posted by: matt oz
I remember Nintendo saying for about a year they would launch before the PS3, that it was integral to being successful.  And instead, they launch two days later, on a Sunday of all days, and all the PS3 campers who went home empty-handed ended up camping for a Wii to sell on eBay.

Nintendo lies. It wasn't the first time and certainly won't be the last. They launch on Sundays because they don't want people having to miss work or school to camp-out and wait in lines for their new systems. Any unsuccessful PS3 hopeful that bought a Wii had more-than-likely planned to buy a Wii anyways. Nobody waiting in the line that I was a part of was there because they missed-out on a PS3. I'd be surprised if any more than 10% of all Wii consoles sold on November 19th were because the buyer settled for a Wii instead of a PS3.


Originally posted by: matt oz
Could I have camped?  Yes.  Was I going to waste a Saturday night sitting on the ground in 40 degree weather, not getting any sleep, being cold, hungry, and going to the bathroom in a bush?  Hell no.

That's what I originally said, too. Until the reality hit at about 10 PM Saturday night that there would be absolutely no way I would be able to get a Wii if I had waiting until the morning. Me and 67 others suffered through the conditions you described, except it was 35 degrees and we had plenty of food options available to us throughout the night. Me and a friend got some Pizza Hut. Others had Taco Bell and Dunkin' Donuts. A few guys supplied some beer. Besides the cold weather (and the nasty chest cold I now have as a result), I had a blast! I personally didn't use a bush. The back wall of Target was secluded enough for me.


Originally posted by: matt oz
I really wanted to get one before Thanksgiving.  It's the only time I'm gonna have to play games until winter break starts on December 19.

Thanksgiving is in 2 days. Aren't new shipments expected in stores today?  

Offline Plugabugz

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RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
« Reply #57 on: November 21, 2006, 06:13:42 AM »
With the exception of Infernal - who managed to land in proverbial fourth place - I've pretty much been shafted repeatedly.

I did manage to secure a pre-order with Game, with a £20 deposit. I am guaranteed one before Xmas. Wii Play has been pre-ordered while i decide on what else (Zelda, one other game and one other item, probably a nunchuck).


Offline nitsu niflheim

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RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
« Reply #58 on: November 21, 2006, 08:42:23 AM »
the problem is that pre-ordering was almost impossible because how Microsoft fked over the retail stores so bad last year by under-delivering and stores themselves not using common sense, knowing full well that launch day supplies are always slim, that this time around they chose not to take any advance orders and most stores still aren't.  Those that did take pre-orders raped their customers by forcing them with useless stuff, gamestop especially with their warranty thing.  That was my main contention with thier bundle.  if they hadn't forced that I would have done my best to get a pre-order with, but I went with yesterday and procured a order.

they are acting like the intial stock is th eonly wii systems to ever be manufactured.
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