Author Topic: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.  (Read 13192 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« on: October 13, 2006, 11:00:50 PM »
Silver Neelsen aka NuclearSpeed had never won a Grand Prix or tournament before. But with the field of competitors down to just him and 7 other racers, things were looking better than ever before for a chance to win. But this desire to win made Silver a bit more uptight than usual since he was making sure he didn't mess up this chance to win. However, his crotchety behavior started to wear fast on the rest of the racers, especially in the heat and sour mood they were already feeling. Some racers began muttering about the fact that since Silver has never won before that might make a big temptation for him to join the MaxVelocity Mafia and ensure his win. Plus, he doesn't seem to be too involved in the fight against the mafia. It's a sure thing. And so, the racers began knocking Silver and his machine around. "Dadgummit!" yelled Silver, "Leave me alone! I ain't no mafia and I certainly ain't no killer! I'm just trying to win me a race." But it was to no avail. The racers kept pounding him. This particular course that Fire Field engineers designed happend to take a low dip so that the course was just a few 100 meters above a lake of lava. However, there had been a small eruption and some lava had spewed up into the air and landed a bit on this low part of the course. As Silver raced along the dip, a few racers pushed him into the spilled lava. That was all it took to kill what was left of Silver's shields. His racer slowed to a stop above the spilled lava. Silver immediately opened the cockpit of his craft. A blast of incredibly hot air hit him and he broke out into an instant sweat. Sparks and haze were everywhere in the air. Silver knew he had to walk up the track to the top to get out of there. He hoped off his racer as it began to burst into flames as it melted on the spewed lava. Silver began walking as fast as he could. At his age, he couldn't run. That is until a spark hit Silver's beard and it burst into flames. Then, Silver ran faster than he had in 20 years. He looked around desperately for relief. And then he saw it. A platform with water just a bit off the track. Officals must have sent it to get him off the course. Neelson ran towards it on the road that extended out from hit. As Neelson ran to the platform, he saw some gold shining in the water. "Gold!" he cried, "Gold! He he. I'm rich now. Who needs you F-Zero." The other racers slowed to a halt as the watched Silver running through the lava field, his beard on fire, yelling about gold. Then they watched him stop at a certain point and start diggin into the flames, looking startled, asking where his gold had went, then stopping when he realized that it had all been a mirage. All that running had a price and Silver then had a heart-attack and fell into the lava where he was consumed by it. The racers finished the race with out incident. Of course, the question was, did they do the right thing? Inside Silver's personal locker was a ton of pills. "No wonder he kept living so long," said an amazed Blood Falcon who promptly started grabbing all the pills he could. "What?" he asked the crowd, noticing their shock and disgust at the scene, "He's not going to need them anymore. Sheeesh." And thanks to Blood Falcons hoarding fo pills, the racers were able to find the information they needed. Silver Neelsen was a regular racer or townie. Everyone left disappointed, except for Blood Falcon. "This is like a bloody treasure trove of pills"

Gomar & Shioh aka Mantidor were enjoying a game of cards together. They also liked doing things together and as such didn't spend much time with the other racers. Hence, they were very surprised when another racer came up to them. "Congrats on coming in first. You forgot to pick up a little gift the Fire Field officials was giving to the winner of this circuit. It's just a little native trinket. An ancient mask of some sort. Anyways, I thought you might want it and had offered to drop it off for you when we realized you forgot to pick it up at the post-race party. Well, see you at the nect race," said the guest, who handed them the mask and left. "What do you want to do with this?" asked Gomar. "Throw it away and lay a card down already," said Shioh. "Fine," replied Gomar. They kept playing for awhile but something started happening. Slowly, the two racers began to get suspicious of one another. He's cheating, Gomar could hear a faint voice whipsering. He's cheating, a faint voice told Shioh. They tried to fight these disquieting thoughts. They looked around the room carefully watching the other. No one else was there. It had to be a voice in their minds. What if he's a mafia member or a killer, the voice asked. How could you know for sure? Maybe he plans on killing you too. It would be the perfect alibi. He always has you to depend on to back up his claims. Finally, the two pilots could not take the strain anymore. "Die, you lying Mafia worm!" yelled Shioh. "I'll get you first, Killer," yelled Gomar. And so the two began to wrestle on another, tearing up the garage they were in. The people from Huckmine (Gomar & Shioh's home planet) have an odd custom of partnering up when young and doing everything together. But, that same team spirit can also be reversed into an incredible hate for the other person if they have a falling out in the partnership. Such was the case now. The fight went on until bloody and bruised, both threw wrenches at the other and then ducked at the same time. The wrenches hit two switches which caused a bunch of chains to fall on them and activate a conveyer belt. Weak and exhausted from the brutal fight, neither could get free of the chains as they caught onto the conver belt and started dragging the two tangled racers towards a garbage compactor. Before the racers were crushed, they heard a bone-chilling laugh. It was coming from the mask. The voice was that of the racer who delivered the mask. "Hello boys. My you've had quite the fight. I guess that's what happens when fear hormones are released in the air and you get subtle suggestions. In case you're wondering why I'd do something like this, allow me to introduce my self. Boys, you just met the leader of the MaxVelocity Mafia. And you're going to pay for the time you saved the life of a racer Deathborn tried to kill. Just another message I'm sending to the rest of the racers to quit messing with MaxVelocity. Ta ta." A few minutes later, the MaxVelocity member walked into the garage, shut down the conveyer belt, collected the mask and grabbed the doctor's certificate Gomar & Shioh kept hidden in their racer and ripped it to peices.

The Skull aka Blackfootsteps was doing some thinking. Why couldn't he, with all his years of experence, why couldn't he solve this mystery? And so, he began thinking things over and trying to solve the clues. But then, he began to think about the killer's victims. And then he realized who the killer would hit next. I have to warn him, realized the Skull. He raced over to the bay of the the suspected victim. "I'm glad I found you. You need to come with me..." the Skull stopped. Lying everywhere was weaponry of every sort along with diagrams of buildings, security cards, and disguises. "Well, good for you Skull. Looks like your going to die again," said the Killer.
"Dang. I'm an idiot," said the Skull turning and fleeing. And as ran from the spray of bullets showering over his head, the Skull thought back to an earlier time when racing vehicles had wheels. Things were simplier then. Back then, you just had to go fast. Of course, there was one spotty batch where the Skull had a breakdown and later had to learn how to drive with the fear. But fortunately, he always had a partner to shake and bake with. Maybe that's what was missing, a partner, thought the Skull as he fell to the ground after recieving a crowbar to the head. If he had a partner, maybe he wouldn't have made this mistake. Two heads are better then one and maybe then he could have solved this mystery. And so the Skull's last memories were of the time he raised under the name Ricky Bobby and those heady days of championships. After the beating, the killer took the Skull back to his bay and then went searching through the Skull's belongings. He found nothing other than the fact that the Skull was a regular racer or townie. Picking up the Skull's head, the killer said, "Alas poor Yorick. I knew him well." And then he left.

The glorious finish of the race was supposed to take place at Earth, just above orbit and in outer space. It was to cap off a glorious tournament across the F-Zero organization and be the crowning glory of it's illustrious history. With all the top racers competing, it was sure to be the greatest thrill for the fans. But instead, five hobbled racers were lined up at the starting line. 29 racers had died over 9 days. There had been talk of just ending the tournament but instead, people and officals just consigned themselves to letting the thing play out. It looked like this would be the end of the F-Zero organization. The sports reputation had sunk incredibly low. People were shocked at the manner many racers were killed. Planets involved with the race had suffered incredible disasters, while the collapse and disillusionment of the race by the fans caused many planet's economies to collapse after depending so much on the revenue it generated. And so, they let it play out. Let them kill one another, people thought. Maybe this way we can start over and be clean from the scars they have covered the race in. Indeed, it was rather telling when instead of counting down for the race to begin, someone yelled from the sidlines, "Just go already." and waved them forward. And so the final race began. No one knew who was in the lead because with all the deaths, the scores had become so jumbled and updated and changed that there was almost no way of figuring out who had been winning. Despite this, all the racers still felt they had a shot at victory and raced off to sieze the moment.

The Lane Corporation
Lab Headquarters.

"My goodness, what a disaster this race is. Why didn't our agent Pheonix do anything?" asked the head.

"I can't answer that. QQQ hasn't given us enough information on the subject. Should we send out the task force yet?"

"No, we still need to figure out who was left of this mafia and who was acting as the killer. We need to wait," answered the head.

"Why don't we just round the remaining ones up already?"

"And do what with them. We don't know who's involved with what so how can we fix this problem when we don't know who to fix. We can't go changing the time back correctly until we know what exactly has to be changed. Otherwise, we just mess up time and tamper it ourselves. It's fine. We just need to finish getting the facts already and then we can move," explained the head.

"I understand that sir but time is not something we have much off ourselves. Already, even our building is being penetrated by the changing past. If it's getting through our time defences, it means we've almost run out of time to act," said one technician by a wall of security cameras.

"Let me see what's happening," said the head, coming over.

"What's happening? The galaxy becomes female only or something? What's with the wierd clothing?" asked the head after scanning the cameras.

"I don't know how this connects to the past but I can tell you that it isn't female only. Some of those people your seeing in the affected regions are men. But I don't know why everyone is dressing that way."

"Men? They sure all look like women. We need to solve this fast. I don't know how this F-Zero competition could be responsible for this. Keep going QQQ," said the head.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 11:18:06 PM »
The quick story:


NuclearSpeed - townie
Mantidor - townie doctor
Blackfootsteps - townie

Clearly, the townies have moved one step closer to victory. The following need to vote today:

Yes, once again, no one actually needs to vote. The thread closes at midnight eastern. I don't think anything else needs to be said.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Shift Key

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RE:Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2006, 11:27:48 PM »
Well, after all those hits, the alliance still stands.


Good job fooling us for this long. Pity that the killer refused to join you. Once a townie, always a townie I guess.

Offline ShyGuy

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2006, 11:30:59 PM »

Offline ThePerm

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2006, 12:03:04 AM »
vote bigjim

for now
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Offline BigJim

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2006, 12:23:00 AM »
I see a pattern forming.

Offline ThePerm

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2006, 12:31:10 AM »
 Vudu - Blood Falcon    ? ? ?
NuclearSpeed - Silver Neelson - Townie
BigJim - Draq   ? ? ?
Blackfootsteps - The Skull - Townie

idk I didnt get a message saying I switched with Vudu using my magicianing
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Offline ThePerm

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2006, 12:32:33 AM »
that is unless khush forgot to send me the message
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Offline Shift Key

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RE:Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2006, 12:44:04 AM »

Originally posted by: ThePerm
Vudu - Blood Falcon    ? ? ?
NuclearSpeed - Silver Neelson - Townie
BigJim - Draq   ? ? ?
Blackfootsteps - The Skull - Townie

idk I didnt get a message saying I switched with Vudu using my magicianing

If not, that's ok. Check your PMs for the exit strategy.

Offline BigJim

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2006, 12:52:12 AM »
It would be comedy gold if the magician stepped in and swapped my role. Just for shits and giggles.  

Offline Shift Key

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RE:Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2006, 02:51:13 AM »

Originally posted by: BigJim
It would be comedy gold if perm stepped in and swapped my role. Just for shits and giggles.

Mafia can't swap with townies. Nice try though.

Offline vudu

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2006, 04:37:35 AM »
Alright, this isn't good.  I was sure either BFS or NuclearSpeed was mafia.  Since neither of them are, I'm in trouble.  I was also almost certain BigJim was a townie.

The "townie alliance" has the numbers to back up their story.  However, it's feasible (although unlikely) that they all could have been recruited and the MaxVelocity mafia is really much larger than I thought it was.  However, if that's the case, I'm screwed regardless because the mafia far outnumbers the townies, so I couldn't do anything about it anyway.

I'm going to have to cross my fingers here and VOTE BIGJIM.

If the townie alliance is lying to Blood Falcon I will destroy you all!  I will wash the Blood Hawk in your blood!

EDIT:  I just remembered that someone in the "townie alliance" told me last night that the killer was going to go after BFS--which he did--so I feel a bit better now.
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline ThePerm

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2006, 09:07:45 AM »
BigJim - Draq
Shift Key - Jody Summer
Shyguy - Pico
ThePerm - Phoenix Lestrade
Vudu - Blood Falcon
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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2006, 10:46:36 AM »
You're making a mistake. It's not coincidence that the killer's been killing in conjunction with the townies. Information and clues *I* have been supplying for days now.

Vudu was cool with and supported every vote/kill I gave. Maybe because none of them targetted him? I don't know.

It's not guaranteed there's just the recruiter left. And they might still be able to recruit again.

Edit: Vote shyguy

Offline Shift Key

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RE:Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2006, 04:11:28 PM »

Originally posted by: vudu
Alright, this isn't good.  I was sure either BFS or NuclearSpeed was mafia.  Since neither of them are, I'm in trouble.  I was also almost certain BigJim was a townie.

It comes down to who you can trust. No matter how much recruiting has occured for the MaxVelocity mafia, we need to kill BigJim off. From there Khush will tell us if any mafia remain. If not, then we remove the killer.

From the Killer:

Ok, here's the story. If found out tonight that the last mafia member is BigJim. He tried to recruit me, but I rejected it (yeah, I don't remember that in the rules either, but anyway)

Perm: Save the magicianing in the unlikely event that someone has been recruited. I honestly think that BigJim and Svevan (yes, Svevan, stop manipulating the game from beyond the grave) are putting thoughts of doubt into people's minds.

We'll see what happens tomorrow.

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2006, 04:20:48 PM »
A killer is not a good person to trust. What killer would work with the townies and guarantee his own death? We need to watch each others backs here.

Deal with me later if you really need to.  The killer is the known problem tonight. He and/or the mafia knows I am a sitting duck since I don't have a distinct role... I am just the next on the list of easy targets. Either the killer, vudu, or both are dangerous. The killer is the only certain.

He may have accepted a recruit and they're just throwing me to the wolves next. The townies will lose if they're down another 2 men tonight.

Did the swap fail?

I changed my vote to shyguy. I trust vudu more right now.

Offline Shift Key

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RE:Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2006, 04:54:21 PM »

Originally posted by: BigJim
Deal with me later if you want. The killer is the known problem tonight. He and/or the mafia knows I am a sitting duck since I don't have a distinct role.... I am just the next on the list of easy targets. Either the killer, vudu, or both are dangerous. The killer is the only certain.

Wrong again. Aside from you, I know that the remaining people have had their roles swapped by the magician. There is only one townie left and I know who he is. You're not him. Everyone else has a townie role. You haven't been part of the swaps because you are mafia through and through.

You are the only problem tonight. If we leave you be you'll just continue to try and recruit. If it works then you drag this game on for even longer.

It's come down to:
Serial Killer
Townie Idiot

Recruiter: BigJim

You do the math.

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2006, 04:58:40 PM »
The math says the Killer is not a friend by the definition of the game. He's either screwing around or incredibly stupid.  

Offline Shift Key

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RE:Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2006, 05:02:48 PM »

Originally posted by: BigJim
The math says the Killer is not a friend by the definition of the game. He's either screwing around or incredibly stupid.

Looking back over the PMs I've received tonight indicates that something is amiss. I'm waiting for Khush to get back to me at the moment before i respond to this.

Offline ThePerm

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2006, 05:48:43 PM »
up vudu cleared out,

also BigJim..what can the killer do if his identity was compromised?he can either team with the townies, which would allow him to last longer in the game...or get voted out as soon as possible
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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2006, 06:05:10 PM »
If he's been recruited, he can win for the mafia. There's 3 townies left and 2 bad guys. Townies are officially done for if those 2 have paired up today.

Teaming with the townies is certain death for him, no matter what.  

Offline Shift Key

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RE:Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2006, 06:12:15 PM »
Recent PM Activity:

Shyguy BigJim revealed himself to me. I will kill him tomorrow.

Khushrenada So, you are opting to win as the killer? Or do you want the mafia win? I'm still waiting for this response.

Shyguy I choose the killer.

Yeah, pity the recruitment backfired BigJim.

See you in the dead thread.

Offline ThePerm

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2006, 06:19:42 PM »
bigjim your overlooking one thing...
the magician..the magician keeps the killer in check because the magician can change into the killer..and then kill the killer
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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2006, 06:29:21 PM »
But the recruiter can hit too. If a recruit REALLY backfired, then there's no reason why the recruiter would keep him alive. The person who is the killer, right now, would be dead no matter what. It's not a logical play for the killer. The magician would be the first killed so he could keep the role to the end.

Offline ThePerm

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RE: Mafio - GX: Day 10. Outer Space.
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2006, 06:32:52 PM »
if the magician gets taken out by the killer....then big whoop..the killer gets voted out the next day, that still gives him 1 person left to take out, but a townie would still be the only one left in the end
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