Author Topic: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread  (Read 16890 times)

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Offline Spak-Spang

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Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« on: September 14, 2006, 01:47:12 PM »
This is a thread designed to collect all of the PGC readers single thought opinions on the Wii launch information.

The idea is everyone to respond just once to this thread, only giving their thoughts on the information...and not responding to others thoughts.

Then people can come here and get a good vibe on whether people are positively receiving the news or negatively...I think it is a good idea.

I will go first.

This event kinda feels like a sucker punch in the middle of a surprise party.  I am excited about almost everything announced.  The updated games look fantastic, new games look interesting, and I am excited about alot of the games.  The Wii Channels all took me by surprise and it is a great navigation system actually featuring tools I will use (Like Weather and News).  Finally, I love the Mii Channel and all the potential that service has.  First company to make a Mii Character FPSer will become my hero.  Everything is so perfect...or so it seems.

Then comes the Sucker Punch...or Sucker Punches, not enough to ruin the experience, but just enough to really hurt.

1)The Price.  At $249.99 I would hope for just alittle more.  Maybe another controller, I dunno.  I don't think the price is unreasonable at all, but I just don't feel I am getting a great value either.  I feel that I need just alittle more with the entire package.

2)Cost of Accessories.  The Wiipointers we knew were going to be expensive, I think we were all ready for $50.00 with the analog attachment, but to have it be $40 and $20 just seems wierd.  Nintendo has shown the Analog attachment from the beginning and it felt to me like the default option not the other way around.  Throw in the Classic Controller too and you are spending a pretty penny to play full 4 player multiplayer.  It is just sad.

3)Launch games.  I actually go back and forth on this.  I wish Nintendo had a greater presence, but I think saving games for steady releases into next year is important.  And I like that 3rd parties get a chance to shine at launch.  Hopefully 3rd parties appreciate that as well.

Those are my big negatives, and they aren't alot, but they do add up.  

The positives far outweigh the negative though.  

Finally leaving on a positive note, the Virtual Console just keeps getting stronger and stronger, and the price structure is more than fair for classic Nintendo games.  I will have to buy atleast one classic controller to download and play oldskool games.

So, in the words of Mario:

"Thank you for Playing Nintendo 64...Whose Next?"

Offline WalkingTheCow

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RE: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2006, 02:05:34 PM »
Still planning to get one soon. More determined to see if I can get a good deal.

Obviouslly the price is a letdown. I agree that one more controller would really make that make a whole lot of sense. It's not too expensive as it is but it's also not very impressive and isn't gonna wow as many people as it would have. THERE IS GOING TO BE A LARGER AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WHO JUST OPT TO GET A 360 THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. Missed opportunity on Nintendo's part to be really aggresive with the price.

The date is also a missed opportunity. All it would take would to be a week, hey, even a few days before the PS3 launch and Nintendo could have stolen a ton of attention. But no. . . two days after. I dunno what they're thinking on that one.

The pricing on the controllers is about what I expected actually. Not great news, but it's not really a blow to me.

The channels look good. The Mii page is going to be fun to mess around with and will draw in some people for sure. The games look better than ever (congrats to Retro on making a control scheme that everyone's apparently very happy with). So that's wonderful.

All in all, a dissapointment. But it is a dissapointment among what is otherwise a fabulous beginning to what looks like a fabulous console.

I'm not phased.

Offline ShyGuy

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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2006, 02:08:50 PM »

..wait not a single word response? I give yay to Nintendo OS /Wii Distro, yay to new screenies, nay to $60 controller  

Offline Sir_Stabbalot

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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2006, 02:08:51 PM »
30 VC games. That's all. Whoever was in charge of this needs to be beaten. That's pathetic. I doubt half the games I wanted will be avalible.

Otherwise, nothing really big. I'll buy it as soon as I can.  
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Offline decoyman

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RE: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2006, 02:15:52 PM »
The console price and those of accessories were disappointing, as was the date of the launch. However, there were tons of pleasant surprises (Wii Channels, Mii creation, new MP:C control improvements, region-free-ness, new games – I want to go diving!) info that came out too. The price might keep me from getting it anytime soon, though...
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Offline Neodymium

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RE: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2006, 02:28:02 PM »
I'm happy with everything in every way excepting four gripes:

1) One month too late. Way to lose a chance to kill Sony, guys.. No question that if they had shipped it in short supply at the end of October and had demo units everywhere, buzz would be mad. Then they could ship again, flooding shelves on November 17th. Instead, they'll be playing second fiddle as an afterthought to the mass media madness of the PS3 launch.

2) Fifty dollars too much. We all think this.

3) No DVD playback.. *sigh* you want to charge us 50 dollars too much, which is one thing, but we all know Nintendo could have integrated DVD playback into each unit for like 5 dollars. They say it isn't worth the price when putting a plain ol' DVD player in there would have been a negligible cost.. yeah, it's not a huge deal to me but it's a huge sign of weakness to the mainstream consumer, I assure you.

4) No online. Absolutely ridiculous.

The cost won't be a huge issue once the deed is done, but the late launch could snowball into long-term suffering like Gamecube. It's funny because if you look at old magazines where Iwata and the rest discuss the "NES5" they all swear to beat Sony and MS to market, by "a year if we have to." Hopefully Wii won't flag into oblivion like Gamecube but instead become more and more and more popular like DS.

And hopefully we'll be shocked that online is great.. Xbox didn't have XBL for its first year and if we were surprised and got something that good (one name across the board and universal communication are most important) then it'll be fantastic.

I guess that's it. Maybe, just maybe Nintendo will partner with another electronics company to create an HD-DVD USB drive a la 360, but it's not going to be Matsushita because they're behind teh bloo-rae =0.
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Offline Smash_Brother

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RE: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2006, 02:30:00 PM »
Price is a bit high, controllers cost too much, but after Sony admitted they'll have so few units shipped, it makes sense to launch post-PS3 because all of the people who believed they'd get a PS3 will come crying, broken hearted, to Nintendo's waiting arms.
"OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

Offline Famicom

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RE: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2006, 02:33:08 PM »
Still excited about the launch. System price doesn't bother me, release date doesn't bother me, Wii Sports pack in doesn't bother me, controller and attachment prices DO HURT, but not enough to turn me off from everything. Throughout the summer I had been planning my purchases and thinking I was going to be swamped with buying games, but looking at the final list, only Zelda: TP is a true lock for me. Prime 3 was delayed, and everything else I'm still on the fence on when it comes to controls, fun factor and the like.

The interface is absolutely fantastic. I admire Nintendo's ambition to make the Wii a useful piece of electronics in the household outside of entertainment (unlike the competiton, which just provide more forms of entertainment outside gaming). I probably won't be using it for my regular news and weather updates, but I can see these things as another way of locking in the non-gamer. Hopefully the messaging and message boards take off and can become a trustworthy source of finding (and trash talking to) online opponents.

The region free news is truly a blessing. You KNOW Wii will have endless quirky games coming out of Japan that may never make it over here, so here's hoping third parties embrace this "feature" and allow us outsiders to enjoy the fun too.

Overall it looks like a satisfactory launch to my tastes. I doubt I'll be lining up at midnight to get one (never have, never had to) though. Strange the way it's panned out now however; 2007 is looking much brighter. Prime 3, Super Paper Mario, Pokemon Online, Super Mario Galaxy, and Smash Brawl all on the horizon, and those are just what we know about!
Oops pow suprise!

Offline Kairon

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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2006, 02:35:42 PM »
Nintendo slid right into the spot where they can't be criticized, but can't be praised.

-They have a pack-in game, but no second controller.
-They're cheaper than their competitors and a better value proposition (pack-in games and pack-in wi-fi ability), but they're not fanboi-hype cheap.
-They've delayed a couple first party games to just outside the 30-day launch window, but are sure to avoid a drought in the immediate future.
-They don't have major online support at launch, but Pokemon Wii is Online in Japan in 2006, and Wii will be internet capable out of box.
-They don't have any awesome hardware surprises, but they showed some awesome Apple-slick UIs and lifestyle channels.
-Their controllers are more expensive than anticipated, but they're also more fully featured compared to a 360 or PS3 controller.
-They're launching several days after the PS3, but will have an astounding 4 million units worldwide this year.
-The VC will be online right away and we'll get 10 new VC titles every month, but it sells at XBLA prices and the Classic controller ain't included.
-Nintendo has revealed so so so much but they're still hiding in-depth news on channels, functionality of Mii, full VC details, some pricing details, and exact dates on many games.
-Nintendo's Wii Holiday 2006 is far from perfect, but neither are MS's or Sony's offerings.

Especially when compared to their competitors (Sony especially), it's hard to connect any criticism of Wii in 2006 with any predictions of material harm to their objectives. Nintendo has disappointed in plenty of small ways, but these small things are counterbalanced such that its impossible to express any real criticism on them.

~Carmine M. Red
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline trip1eX

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RE: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2006, 02:40:39 PM »
Looks good.  Not alot exciting actually today.  The channel stuff does look well designed and like some good family fun.  It's great they put in WiiSports, but the price is at the high end of expectations.  

I'm getting one.  Can't wait to get my mitts on it.  The bottom line reason to buy remains the Wiimote for me.

Offline Smash_Brother

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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2006, 02:41:09 PM »

Originally posted by: Kairon Especially when compared to their competitors (Sony especially), it's hard to connect any criticism of Wii in 2006 with any predictions of material harm to their objectives. Nintendo has disappointed in plenty of small ways, but these small things are counterbalanced such that its impossible to express any real criticism on them.

That's a good way of putting it. Yeah, most were expecting a bit better on date/price, but they're still way ahead of the game across the board.
"OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2006, 02:41:39 PM »
1. I really do not like the launch date, I think the PS3 marketing blitz could damage the Wii

2. Price, even though I've come to accept it. After analyzing things a bit more there is more included than I originally thought with it, and if it does come with composite cables for 480p then that is even better. I am really interest in the UI, Mii channels and the ability to surf the web, upload pictures (I think they even said movies!) which you can edit, so that makes it alot easier to take down. With all that said though I think they could have at least included an extra Wiimote (heck even if it was just the remote and not the nunchuck) since Wiisports is meant to be multiplayer. Also I fear that price may hurt 3rd party sales a bit, I do hope I'm wrong

3. I love the region free (Isn't this the first time that a console is region free?) even if I don't utilize it. I like it for the marketing potential and a better way to further distinguish Wii from the competition.

4. The launch game lineup looks solid and I hope we see some quality 3rd party games that Wii buyers will actually buy

5. I don't mind the Wiimote and the nunchuck being sold separately, like someone in another thread said if one breaks you don't have to buy a whole new package (Maybe down the road they can have a combo package or the separate package). 60$ is not really that surprising because the Wiimote does have tons of technology in it and I am willing to bet it is much more complex than the 50$ Xbox 360 wireless controller

6. Don't mind the only color choice being white, I don't believe this will impact sales that much

7. The visuals are looking amazing in some games and some actually look next generation (maybe the hardware got a boost?)

8. VC games are priced about right, 5-10$ isn't bad at all and I know I'll be getting alot of games for it (better value for your money than the 360 live games!)

9. The packaging for the system looks so slick, I think this could encourage people to pick one up. It is sleek and futuristic looking, more so than Xbox 360's packaging

10. I think that is it about now.
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RE: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2006, 02:46:14 PM »
$250 is not that bad of a deal with the game included, but its wiisports, and Im not interested in the game so I don't like the deal. With Metroid delayed I have no reason to get the console, the remote+nunchuck is expensive so it would have been so much better if it was included instead of wiisports. Still I really feel like supporting ubisoft for having this amazing list of games for the console so maybe Ill buy it, but the price makes me doubt a lot, $50 is another game I could get, or almost another controller.

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Offline willie1234

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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2006, 02:48:15 PM »
my 2 cents.

1). Date - this  is actually great news for me.  It shows a certain confidence in waiting to launch just after Sony.  I think customers will pick up on this too.

2). Price - not great, not horrible.  As others have said, if one thing was lower, for example, if 250 included game of choice, (or just $200 w/o game), or if the controllers came down a bit then this would look a lot more attractive.  Virtual console games are borderline.

3). Release Games - BAD BAD BAD!!!  I believe this is why nintendo pushed the date back as far as it did.  Having metroid pushed back, no paper mario (probably), and having many games not ready on launch DAY is not confidence inspiring.  With nintendos credibility pretty much gone when it comes to keeping dates, I have zero confidence that games not ready on launch day will be available soon after (before Christmas).  I certainly would put any money behind that assumption.

4). Other - channel, Mii and these things look great.  I'd like more information on Opera though, that would be a big plus if it was bundled.

Conclusion - After seeing the GameCube drought after launch and then the lack of suport/pushed back Zelda I am not ready to make an impulse Wii purchase on launch day as I did with the cube.  Before the conference, I was 50/50 undecided depending on price and games.

I will not be buying any consoles this year, but will most likeley pick up the Wii eventually as I gain more confidence in the library.  Nintendo might get a few bucks from me from Zelda GC if the reviews look good.

Offline NWR_pap64

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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2006, 02:48:59 PM »

Originally posted by: Kairon
Nintendo slid right into the spot where they can't be criticized, but can't be praised.

-They have a pack-in game, but no second controller.
-They're cheaper than their competitors and a better value proposition (pack-in games and pack-in wi-fi ability), but they're not fanboi-hype cheap.
-They've delayed a couple first party games to just outside the 30-day launch window, but are sure to avoid a drought in the immediate future.
-They don't have major online support at launch, but Pokemon Wii is Online in Japan in 2006, and Wii will be internet capable out of box.
-They don't have any awesome hardware surprises, but they showed some awesome Apple-slick UIs and lifestyle channels.
-Their controllers are more expensive than anticipated, but they're also more fully featured compared to a 360 or PS3 controller.
-They're launching several days after the PS3, but will have an astounding 4 million units worldwide this year.
-The VC will be online right away and we'll get 10 new VC titles every month, but it sells at XBLA prices and the Classic controller ain't included.
-Nintendo has revealed so so so much but they're still hiding in-depth news on channels, functionality of Mii, full VC details, some pricing details, and exact dates on many games.
-Nintendo's Wii Holiday 2006 is far from perfect, but neither are MS's or Sony's offerings.

Especially when compared to their competitors (Sony especially), it's hard to connect any criticism of Wii in 2006 with any predictions of material harm to their objectives. Nintendo has disappointed in plenty of small ways, but these small things are counterbalanced such that its impossible to express any real criticism on them.

~Carmine M. Red

Wow, I think that out of everyone that has analized the recent news, you did the best job.

I agree that Nintendo has neither destroyed their launch, but is far from perfection.

Pedro Hernandez
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Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2006, 03:06:54 PM »
In the end, I found this disappointing. For some very simple reasons.

1. No black console at launch. It may seem trivial but I've been wanting that darned black Revolution since they showed it at E3 05. For a long time, Nintendo has even said that the two launch colors will be black and white. Suddenly it's just white. My whole electronics set (tv, surround sound and stand) are black. I don't want a white system that sticks out like that. It's the same reason I haven't been tempted to get a DS Lite. It's just been the white color. That's probably why they're only releasing white. Since there's a huge amount of white DS Lites sold, they'll match the most with their console. Still, if you look at Nintendo's website, they have a poll of what color DS Lite you want and Onyx is rocking with 63%, White is second at 26% and pink third with 11%. Give me the  Black console.

2. Still, I might have changed my mind if Nintendo had one Wii game I really wanted at launch. Excite Truck looks all right but its a rental first to me. Zelda is not that game either. I might be one of the few who isn't buying it. Metroid delay was expected, thought I hoped against it. Same with Mario Galaxy. But I figured Galaxy would be delayed since they were moving Paper Mario over to Wii and it might launch first. But nope. That game has also been delayed. I guess it wasn't as developed as it seemed. Heck, I'd settle for Wario Ware but I don't see that either. And forget the third parties. When it comes to third parties I rent first. The only one I might buy is the Sonic game. It really does look like it could be the answer to 3D Sonic. And where is that Miyamoto IP? I'd even taken. So, no. Zelda won't cut it for me.

Now, what did I think of everything else.

I for one am glad they're bundling Wii Sports. I hope it's bundled with the Black Wii when it comes out.

I also think Nintendo's online strategy is awesome. I really didn't expect this much stuff. I thought it would be bare boned like the DS. It's some of the most positive news of the day.

The price is not an issue. I've had money stored away for a long time. The controller thing isn't a biggie either. I'll buy some extras slowly over a few months.

The virtual console had some good and bad. The idea of always expanding is good. Heck, they may yet add old gameboy games on it too in the future. The price of 64 games was nice and reasonable to me. I think they had been rumored at 16 to 20 dollars before. SNES stayed at the same price range that has been suggested for a while. NES is way overpriced. Frankly, I don't even find NES games that appealing, so I probably won't get any.

Still, in the end, I think I'll skip the launch for two reasons. No black console. No big game besides Zelda.
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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2006, 03:39:50 PM »
All in all, it looks like a promising launch for the console once known as the Revolution.

* The price. With a game (five if you want to get technical), controller, controller accessory, sensor bar, compsoite/component cable, batteries and out-of-the-box channel service, this is still more than half the price of the "upper crust" PS3 bundle. The PS3 games--which will probably be $60 plus will push a single-player adopter well above $650 once tax has its way. A $249.99 w/ Game is solid. And, complete compatibility with all GameCube software and hardware out of the box.
* The channel service. Nice, and unexpected. I have to say that as a weather enthuiast, I like the idea of looking at weather maps on my Nintendo console. The customizing avatars and solid, clean organization of the varying channels is nice too.
* Ever-Growing Virtual Console Support - Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, and Donkey Kong were mentioned and more than 30 games should make a wide variety of people happy. And, another console--one I've never heard of--MSX or MCX--was added into the fray.
*Games. The games for Wii look great. Not only WiiSports, but also Sonic and the Secret Rings, Super Mario Galaxy, Pokemon Battle Revolution and some of the others have caught my eye like Big Brain Academy, Cooking Mama, and Wings Island.

* No DVD playback. Not really a HUGE hit, because I have an excellent DVD recorder, but a slight disappointment nonetheless.
* Super Paper Mario, wherefore art thou? :P
* Slightly high accessory prices--but still better than the expensive X-Box 360 controller.

All in all, my mind has not changed. I'll be pre-ordering a Wii as soon as possible. Wii are the champions? You bet!  

Offline Karl Castaneda #2

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RE: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2006, 04:02:01 PM »
- Maybe I'm just Pro-Nintendo, but I'm not really sure that releasing after the PS3 is a bad idea. I mean, the "PS3 launch" will be over within an hour due to poor shipment numbers, and for those looking for new consoles (a small number - not nearly as many as some journos would have you believe - but they exist) can find a healthy supply of Wiis available for purchase. Are we going to see anyone at launch scratching their head on whether or not they're going to buy a PS3? I think if I saw a PS3, and I had the right amount of cash, I'd pick it up without hesitation. That way I'd make a killing on eBay with enough to purchase The Ultimate Wii Package (Patent Pending). All kidding aside, though, it's not a huge deal. The GameCube launched shortly after the Xbox, and it didn't make much a difference (Nintendo's lack of sense was what screwed the GC over, not its launch date).

- The price. It's funny. If Nintendo stuck another Wiimote+Nunchaku in there, I'd be all over it as the greatest package ever. Combined with the multi-heavy Wii Sports, it'd be a genius move. It'd also help out music devs out there looking to make rhythm games. But that's not the case, so I might as well get my head out of Fantasy Land. Is $249 a scam price? Meh. Every next-gen console is a scam on its own scale. At least Nintendo's is a little more economy-friendly. $60 for a servicable controller set-up is pretty bad, though, and is easily the low-point of the entire day. Here's hoping for a cheap third party knock-off shortly after launch. But the other stuff isn't so badl. And the games are actually starting to look better, so it's somewhat justifiable. Somewhat. Too bad they'll be hitting their ceiling in another couple years (while the PS3 and Xbox 360 explode with graphical ability), but it's something I came to terms with a while ago. Go Wii60 (when cash permits)!

-Games. Well, this part is great news for the most part. I've heard rumblings of Fire Emblem coming out as soon as Spring 2007, which makes me happer than you'll ever know (Path of Radiance has turned me into a fan). Also, RE: Umbrella Chronicles sounds HAWT from the rumors - let's hope they're true (I'll expand on this if asked). Pokemon being online is rather nice as well - too bad it's not a U.S. launch game, but it couldn't be too far off. The third party selection is actually pretty well-crafted - there's something for everybody. Splinter Cell, Red Steel, Far Cry, Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (Shut up! I have hope!), Elebits, Rayman, and the list goes on. It kind of reminds me of the DS's breakout last year. Good times.

-Extras like Mii and photos and such. Eh, I could care less. Aside from making your own avatar, it seems like an Apple knock-off. That's peachy for some people, but if I wanted something along those lines, I'd power up my MacBook - Weather and News Widgets are probably faster. I'm a little confused on the whole Opera sitaution, so I'll leave that up for judgement later.

-On the whole. If I've got the cash ready, I'll get one at launch, sure.
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Offline Nick DiMola

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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2006, 04:23:23 PM »

Originally posted by: Kairon
Nintendo slid right into the spot where they can't be criticized, but can't be praised.

-They have a pack-in game, but no second controller.
-They're cheaper than their competitors and a better value proposition (pack-in games and pack-in wi-fi ability), but they're not fanboi-hype cheap.
-They've delayed a couple first party games to just outside the 30-day launch window, but are sure to avoid a drought in the immediate future.
-They don't have major online support at launch, but Pokemon Wii is Online in Japan in 2006, and Wii will be internet capable out of box.
-They don't have any awesome hardware surprises, but they showed some awesome Apple-slick UIs and lifestyle channels.
-Their controllers are more expensive than anticipated, but they're also more fully featured compared to a 360 or PS3 controller.
-They're launching several days after the PS3, but will have an astounding 4 million units worldwide this year.
-The VC will be online right away and we'll get 10 new VC titles every month, but it sells at XBLA prices and the Classic controller ain't included.
-Nintendo has revealed so so so much but they're still hiding in-depth news on channels, functionality of Mii, full VC details, some pricing details, and exact dates on many games.
-Nintendo's Wii Holiday 2006 is far from perfect, but neither are MS's or Sony's offerings.

Especially when compared to their competitors (Sony especially), it's hard to connect any criticism of Wii in 2006 with any predictions of material harm to their objectives. Nintendo has disappointed in plenty of small ways, but these small things are counterbalanced such that its impossible to express any real criticism on them.

~Carmine M. Red

QFT. I agree with everything said here. Just to expand a little, after thinking about it more, launching post-PS3 is genious. Nintendo fully realizes there will be jack squat on the shelves as far as a PS3 goes. So all those parents going to buy PS3's will probably end up with a Wii instead. The price after thinking more in understandable and nowhere near the range of unacceptable. Some of the game delays are frustrating but with the new price, I doubt I will be buying anything more than Zelda, Red Steel and Excite Truck. As far as some of the criticism goes with WiiSports, I think it's unfounded and a little melodramatic. For Nintendo to reach their target market they need a demonstration, adding some cost to the bundle isn't putting the console out of the affordable range and will most likely gross Nintendo quite a few more dollars in the end of all of it. They need people who don't understand Wii to get it with the simplest of games, just like Super Mario Bros. did with the NES. All in all Nintendo has done a really solid job on the Wii presentation and I think they are still positioned to grab a ton of market share this generation.
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RE: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2006, 04:48:02 PM »
my initial reaction was negative, and while that's soothed somewhat, I'm still greeting the Wii with increasing skepticism because:

1. Price was the most it could've possibly been
2. Launch date was the latest it could've possibly been
3. The VC is more expensive and features fewer games than I'd have possibly imagined
and most importantly
4. The launch lineup is looking worse and worse.

MP is pushed back, SSB is pushed back, Mario is pushed back. They released a list of third party launch window titles for the US today and all the Square Enix titles are conspicuously absent. Namco isn't on the list either. The third party lineup is wide as an ocean but shallow as a puddle. Sure, Red Steel... but everything else is either Wiimote enabled remakes of franchise titles I didn't buy the last time and animated movie tie-ins.

My big concern is that third parties have not figured out anything compelling to do with the wiimote and are just investing some "just in case" money to have an established presence. While I still think the idea has promise and it'll eventually amount to something, I have a hard time justifying buying a brand new console for one game that was originally supposed to be released for the last console.

Winning me back into the pre-order camp is out of Nintendo's hands now. If Dragon Quest doesn't find its way back into launch title status, or some compelling Namco RPG, I'm not considering it any longer. With my Gamecube broken, I'm basically left with my DS and my PS2... and that's what Wii is going to have to compete with for my dollars, and they're just not doing it so far.

RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2006, 05:19:24 PM »
Since the topic about my rage was locked I'll post here.

Why dose it seem like everyone here on planet WHINEcube seems so upset about today's event. So many of you people are so disappointed it's crazy, and what hurts even more is that you don't have a real reason to complain so I'll give my 2 cence about the Launch announcements.

1. the price: Nintendo stated that the concol won't be higher than $250 so why is this so unexpected. Nintendo didn't break any proemeses, they gave you just what they said they would. Did you all already forget about the "599 US dollars PS3 deal?" And if your upset because it's only 50$ less than the Xbox 360 core model do you think anyone who really wants the xbox 360 will get the core model? Anyone who actually got it only did because there were out of the regular model.
Then you keep bitchen that it doesn't come with a second controller therefore it's a rip off but I say it doesn't matter, if you've been paying close attention not every game in wii sports has each person using there own controller. Games like bowling and golf have you pass the controller to one another so you can still play multiplayer. And about Wii sports being packedged with the system without letting you choose what game you want or not but remember: you haven't played the game yet. It seems there were no negative responses from the E3 demo and everyone walked away smiling, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!! It's something you have to experience for yorself to judge, gameplay videos don't cut it. One last thing about the price,I guess it's the media's fault for getting our hopes up at pricing the system at unreasonable prices like $150 or $170 but don't forget it's still the cheapest console on the market.

2.The controller price: What did you expect, obviously the controller is a lot more high tech then any other working controller so obviously it's going to cost more. And about the nunchuck being sold separately: not every game will use it, it's so we have a choice wether we want a Wiimote + Nunchuck or if we want the Wiimote by itself. It's the gift of choice. I will admit that this part of the argument is the weakest but I stand by the first sentence.

3. The launch titles: first everyone is SO happy that the Wii will have 30 launch titles and it mey mark the best launch in history. Then MP 3 gets delayed and suddenly everything else sucks. Have you already forgotten about LOZelda, red steel (which is shaping up great) Sonic ATSOTR, excite truck, Rayman, farcry, (inhale) splinter cell, dragon quest, a new and improved madden, Tony hawk and marvel UA (which had a lot of work put into the Wii version) <weezez> I'm sure there's more. The point is if Zelda has taught us anything it's that A delay makes a game better, you you should be happy about this.

I kow I must sound like a ranting fanboy but with all the complaints on this site from Zelda control to the the vertual concole prices, to lack of a showing at PAX, to lack of online support nt the beginning of the lounch cycle, to release date to IAN!!!!!!! I just couldn't stand not saying something.
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RE: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2006, 05:26:13 PM »

Wii wiin!
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Offline IceCold

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RE: Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2006, 05:32:58 PM »

MP is pushed back, SSB is pushed back, Mario is pushed back.
Uh, we already knew that Mario and SSB would be in 2007..
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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2006, 05:36:05 PM »
mehh nintendo lost momentum

Like it or not, it's very obvious the price announcement knocked Nintendo off it's high wave of publicity and momentum it had gained recently. Look around the internet, which represent a good portion of the video game "hardcore crowd", and you'll see people have gone from "i'm gettin it at launch", or "yes!! 360 and wii beats ps3" or "my ps3 and wii is all i need" to alot of doubt in gettin 2 systems or the wii in itself. I seriously believe this 1-Day event messed up Nintendo more than helped puttin the final nail in the Wii domination coffin.

The thing is that alot of people dont think that the Wii is truly next gen and the technology being old and admittedly inferior, already shouldnt even be close to $250 (lets not mention the glorified tech demo called wii sport). Perhaps it was the fact that Nintendo constantly drove the point home of the Wii being a "complimentary inexpensive system" that threw everyone off but i'm pretty positive September 14 was not as helpful
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RE:Single Response Wii Launch Opinion Thread
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2006, 05:50:48 PM »
Overall feeling? Disappointment. And it all points directly toward the price.

I guess I wouldn't be so disappointed with it had Nintendo had not given false expectations. All we heard is how great a price point it would be and how it was going to grab the non gamers as well as the gamers. For $350, which by the time you pick up a game and an extra controller is what you are going to be paying, there is no way non gamers are going to pick this up on an impulse buy. I was fully expecting the price to be around $179, or $199 worst case. Does anyone else think Nintendo may have intended this to be the price but then tacked on an extra $50 when they saw the price of the PS3? I get that feeling. This is the most expensive Nintendo console to date if I'm not mistaken. Weren't all the others $200?

I guess it's nice to get a pack in game but it almost feels like you are getting a game like solitaire that comes with your PC. This certainly isn't a free Mario game. I would gladly let Nintendo keep this one if it knocked $30-$50 off the price.

On a personal level, it's hard for me to get excited about all the the WiiConnect features when I know I won't be participating (stuck on dial up). But that's not Nintendo's fault. Will there be options available to those of us without access to this to download games, like maybe through EB or something?

Finally, what is with Nintendo make the GCN owners wait an extra 2 or 3 weeks for Zelda?