Author Topic: Mafia VI: Day 7  (Read 3757 times)

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Offline Bill Aurion

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Mafia VI: Day 7
« on: June 27, 2006, 05:50:24 AM »
The small crowd at the Town Hall was quite sullen, seeing their ends were growing ever nearer.  Today the vote was tied between Crimm and Khushrenada, so they were debating on what they should do.   "Crimm is Mafia."  "No, Khush is Mafia!"  "Dammit, then they are both Mafia, let's KILL 'EM BOTH!"  Pale took the garbage bag out of the trash can and chucked it into the crowd.  A fight then ensued.  Mint, who had somehow avoided getting into the pileup, decided it was time to pull a vote switch.  Grabbing Pale, she dragged him outside and whispered in his ear, "Change your vote to Crimm, and your fantasies will be granted."  Pale thought for a second, then spoke.  "Okay, but this is what my fantasy is..."  He then whispered something inaudible in Mint's ear.  Mint had a giant sweatdrop form on her forehead.  "I...see...Well this is the first time I've seen someone with a request like that, but okay..."  Pale then skipped back inside the Town Hall and changed his vote.  A weight bench suddenly immediately fell from the ceiling and...just barely missed the townfolk.  Crimm got up, gasping for breath.  "That was close.  Where did this come from?"  The Villager looked up just in time to see a dumbell crush him.  No one ever found out just why the dumbell and bench were tied to the ceiling...

Pale was in a good mood even though a Villager had been killed in the afternoon's vote.  So he decided to go do his favorite thing; check out the exhibits in the Museum.  He skipped the way there, and opened up the front door to come face to face with a cloaked figure.  "Oh, excuse me!," Pale exclaimed.  The cloaked figure stood there for a second in silence before speaking.  "Hello.  I'm...the new part-time worker here.  Here's your Museum Pin."  The cloaked figure gave Pale a small pin in the shape of the Museum.  "Oh, I didn't know the Museum did stuff like this," said Pale.  "Wait, what's that strange odor?"  The cloaked figure started pushing Pale in the direction of the Insect Collection.  "It's obviously your imagination...Why don't you start your tour here?"  Pale entered the room wondering just what was up with that pushy new Museum worker.  He began walking through the exhibit, feeling a different air then usual.  He felt something land on his shirt.  "What's this?  Oh, it's just a grasshopper."  Then he felt something land on his other shoulder.  This time it was a butterfly.  Then a cockroach climbed up his leg.  "Huh?  What's going on?," Pale said as he started to panic.  He began to run back to the entrance, but he heard another distinct scratching sound.  "Oh, no, it's a tarantula...Where i..."  Pale was preempted by the tarantula jumping on his face.  "Aiiiiiiiiiiiiie," he screamed in a muffled manner, as he ran around "blinded."  He yanked the large spider off to see a large ball rolling his direction.  "What...the..."  The ball picked up speed and the poor Villager didn't have time to avoid being crushed by the large dung beetle-rolled ball.  The "part-time worker" then strolled into the exhibit and removed the badge from Pale's body.  "Considering you're dead, I guess you don't really need my Insect Attractant badge..."  He then ran out before he could be crushed by the giant ball himself.

Dasmos had sprained his ankle in the fight earlier, so he had been committed to bed rest so it could heal.  As he rested, he heard the doorbell ring.  "Oh bloody hell.  Maybe I should just move my bed downstairs so I can answer the door easier."  As he moved to the staircase he heard something at the bottom of the stairs.  He looked down to see a fox glaring up at him.  "Auuuugh!  What are you doing in my house!?"  He turned to find something to use as a weapon to come face to face with Crazy Redd.  "Headline of the news tomorrow:  Local Villager Loses Life by Falling Down Stairs.  "H...Huh?  What do yo...," Dasmos stammered as he was cut off by Redd pushing him down the stairs.  At the bottom of the stairs, the henchman stabbed Dasmos' limp body a few times.  He looked up to see Redd glaring at him.  "You IDIOT, how would you get knife wounds from falling down the stairs!?"  "Uh, he left knives on the steps?"  Redd grabbed the henchman and they disappeared into the night...


~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline Athrun Zala

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RE: Mafia VI: Day 7
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2006, 06:59:24 AM »
holy sh...

things are looking grim now :S
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Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Mafia VI: Day 7
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2006, 07:03:09 AM »
HOLY ****

Well it's official, everything I ever do in this game is wrong =S  Sorry for voting for you Pale!
kka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wa

Offline Athrun Zala

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RE: Mafia VI: Day 7
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2006, 01:35:08 PM »
seems like noone wants to vote.......

so I'll take he first step
since I voted for crimm and he was a villager, I'l vote for the one he voted yesterday

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Offline Infernal Monkey

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RE: Mafia VI: Day 7
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2006, 03:54:08 PM »
Infernal sat on the roof of his house, looking up at the sky. Floating packages filled the heavens like a thicker, more exciting version of city smog. "It's pretty quiet around here" he said, finally noticing the complete lack of people around. Infernal slid off his roof and giggled like a school girl. Vote Athrun!

Offline Athrun Zala

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RE: Mafia VI: Day 7
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2006, 05:49:11 PM »
oh my!

it's the first time someone votes for me T_T (tears of joy.......................or not ¬¬)
Quote from: [b]Professional 666[/b]

Best. Quote. Ever. XD

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Mafia VI: Day 7
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2006, 06:22:00 PM »
KnowsNothing, finally realizing the true implications of Nook's death, put on a ski mask and set off into the night.  Upon breaking into Nookington's, he was met with a surprise: Nook's Employees lived in the store.  "Come play with," whisperd the twins as they scampered off down a dimly lit hallway.  KN decided to ignore their plea...though, those cute little guys did look like fun.  Instead, he took a bat to the point machine and started yelling something about "robot overlords."  He then grabbed the hairdresser, leaned her over in his arms and kissed her in a dramatic fashion.  Vote Infernal
kka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wa