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Offline JonLeung

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Personal gaming accomplishments
« on: June 24, 2006, 01:53:47 PM »
I think we should have a topic where we brag about our gaming accomplishments. And this will be that topic where we drop humility and show off.

I'll start. I play a lot of games, and usually finish 100% of most games I care too, which is nearly all of the games I touch. Which is bragging in itself, I guess. But the ones I'll point out are ones that stood out...though I think some of you will find them a little ridiculous.

Soul Calibur II (Arcade) - 10000 Wins in Conquest Mode

I think this one's a little unfair, cost-wise, as I worked at Playdium for over a year (some of the best times of my life, since work and play were so intertwined!) - and one of the benefits was having a half-hour TimePlay card with every shift. (Playdium fitted all their game machines with a swipe-card system, so people could either purchase Credits or TimePlay on a convenient PlayCard.) So essentially, this would've cost me A LOT of money if I didn't have that advantage.

Anyway, I specify the Arcade version because it has one mode the console versions don't have - the Conquest mode (though one area in the console games' Weapon Master mode actually has the same music and layout). In Conquest mode, you create a character, join one of four armies, and fight (computer-controlled versions of) others from opposing armies to increase your rank and gain territory. When one army takes over the world, it starts again with each army having 25%, and the top four players are, by default, resdistributed to being the leaders of the four armies and it starts all over again. That part comes and goes, but your personal record of wins and losses continues as long as you play often enough to keep your character account active.

I used Nightmare, and called him "VGMAPS.COM" (seriously). I started playing and soon got addicted, enjoying the whole part about raising my rank. For a while I tended to work weekdays, when it was quieter in the mall...and so I noticed the regulars, including a guy who used Cassandra (who he named Kai) who was probably challenging my record. As I got more wins, so did he/she. When my character encountered his character, I was impressed that she gave me a challenge. (Or rather, that he used enough moves with her that the AI version could kick my butt as often as I kicked his/hers.) We never really spoke (I guess I didn't put off a friendly enough vibe) and even though I'm sure he knew I worked there (he bought Credits from me a few times) he still wanted to put in the time and money to keep his rank comparable to mine.

In single Conquest rounds, which put you against eight opponents, I had a habit of consistently finishing them all off in four minutes. So by my estimation, if I never had any losses, for 10000 wins, it still would've taken me 5000 minutes...or 83 1/3 hours. So, say, maybe 85-90 hours including losses. On an ARCADE GAME.

And I did get that 10000 wins. I played a little more, but not much...Kai had given up by the 8000s, so I had no more rivals. And it got ridiculous that one day I came in for a whopping 750 games (using a few monthly two-hour TimePlay cards)...yeah. Anyway, Playdium soon closed a few months after I quit, sadly, and the arcade machine was auctioned off...I wasn't going to buy it for $1000, but if I actually had to buy all the Credits necessary to get 10000 wins, it wouldn't surprise me if it would've been about as much or more.

Animal Crossing (GameCube) - 999999999 Bells without the use of an Action Replay

This game is an example of more tedium. I don't know if Nintendo just wants you to find a way to cheat, or to seriously play often enough to do this. One piece of "furniture" in Animal Crossing is the Post Office Model, which requires a maxed-out savings account (1 Bell short of a billion Bells). But it really takes a long time in normal play to save up to a could anyone get a thousand times that much? It would take years - many more than most people would play for.

Now, some people resorted to using cheat devices - such as the Action Replay - to punch in a few codes and voila: a lot of Bells or a Post Office Model or whatever.

But not me. I managed to do it without resorting to something so simple. I did it with an in-game glitch...but it still cost me a lot of time to do, so in a twisted way, it really does count as a kind of accomplishment.

Using the "doppleganger" money-making method (leaving town on another Memory Card, then removing that Memory Card and resuming your real save game as if you never left, leaving you with a Gyroid doppleganger of yourself to play as, then taking out all your money and throwing it outside, then coming back to town as yourself - with your bank account magically back to what it was when you left, but all your money also sitting on the ground outside), I was essentially duplicating (or "duping") my money. But here's the catch - the GameCube game only let you have bags of up to 30000 Bells, and each bag would take up a whole space. And the increasing distance between the Post Office and the next empty space made each run-about longer. Typically I would fill up four acres in one hour, which would allow me to "dupe" 22.5 million Bells, so it was part of my daily routine for a while. About a month and a half of doing this majorly tedious run-around just about every day, I finally got to 999999999 Bells. Which means that I dropped, duped, and picked up about 33334 bags of money. You're thinking I'm a lunatic now, I'm sure, but at least I have my Post Office Model.

Star Wars: Rogue Sqaudron II - Rogue Leader (GameCube) - All Gold/Ace Medals (including Endurance!)

With the drought of GameCube games worth owning in the first year of its life, I revisited my first purchase (which I had bought a week before the GameCube itself) - Rogue Leader. I figured I might as well try to earn some more Silvers, after finishing the game with mostly Bronzes and only a couple Silvers. Now, I was NEVER any good at any game involving flight...or at least I never felt I was a fluent flyer. Yet with not much to play at the time, I just kept going at Rogue Leader...eventually earning all those Silvers, and then some Golds! I soon had enough points to unlock Endurance.

For those of you who don't know, Endurance is the fifth bonus mission, devoid of any story. You're just flying around above the Death Star, as 99 waves of TIE Fighters come at you. Actually, it's not really 99 waves...every tenth one is of Imperial shuttles whereupon you get an extra life.

Each wave is a flurry of craziness, unless you use a certain technique, in which case it becomes a test of patience. The best method is to use the Naboo N-1 Starfighter, fly really far out, then as all the TIE fighters far behind you seem to "line-up", you turn around, fly into and through them with lasers blazing. You'll get a bunch but likely not all of them, so each of the 99 waves takes a few passes and takes a couple minutes.

It is an awkward feeling. It's tedious, but you don't want to screw up so you try and stay awake even though you think you can be doing it in your sleep. If you were doing this, you probably would have gotten used to never considering losing any life (especially to have gotten all the Golds in all the other missions beforehand), so you would freak out if an errant action sent you smashing into the Death Star below. I remember losing two lives on one of those waves with just shuttles. >_< You don't want to waste what would soon be a three-and-a-half hour ordeal by being careless. It's like reading a phone book to save your life or something.

The first time I did it, I was extremely nervous nearing the end of it. Though it's been said that surviving Endurance is a near-guaranteed Gold, there's still the slight possibility that maybe I shot nothingness a few too many times, hurting my accuracy. Or something. That little twinge of "uh oh" is a big scary moment as you wait for the medal to show up on screen after knocking out Darth Vader's TIE in the final wave...and it feels longer than usual...and then BAM! GOLD! I was absolutely ecstatic.

But then I realized that I'd have to do it again in Ace Mode. >_< Which I did. o_0 But let me tell you, 7 hours of just shooting TIEs is enough to drive people crazy. So, you know, don't...unless you're sure you want to and can handle to insanity of repetition. And be hopeful that there is never a power outage during those runs...

Anyway, now I know I can beat games of less-familiar genres if all I have to do is spend more time with them.

Pokémon: Ruby Edition (Game Boy Advance) - Growing 100 of every berry (except Enigma)

Plant a berry, water it often, come back later, voila, more berries.

By my estimation, I spent as much time, or maybe slightly more, tending to the berries than actually trying to catch all the Pokémon.

Some berries, like the much later ones, only grow one more after 3-4 days. Sure, if there was room for a straight doubling-up each time, it should only take a few rounds to get to 100...but there wasn't the room for that, I had to travel enough as it was from the Berry Master's dirt patches to a few nearby ones, and so it took me months to get 100 of them all. Months! What insane hoops will I have to jump through in Diamond/Pearl?

Offline IceCold

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 02:48:24 PM »
F-Zero GX (GameCube) - Completed game, including unlocking & beating AX Cup, and beating all of Story Mode on Very Hard (without snaking)

This is the one gaming accomplishment that I'm actually proud of. Talk about an adrenaline rush.. It is the kind of game where even though the challenge is extreme, you're grinning the whole way through. Part of this is because only one or two of the tracks are actually unfair. The rest may seem hard at first (see Mute City: Serial Gaps, Lightning: Half Pipe, Sand Ocean: Lateral Shift, and others) but once you figure them out, you just have to execute.

The only two courses that I can't consistently get first on in Master Difficulty are Big Blue: Drift Highway and Phantom Road: Slim Line Slits. The former is mayhem with 30 cars on Master, and though I can get in the top 5, I need a lot of luck to win it. The latter is just too much - I usually hang on for the ride and not try to do too much, since by that time I've won the Cup already. But those are the only two that I feel were too hard. The rest were, at times, an exhilarating challenge, but were not unfair.

With that being said, Master Difficulty wasn't altogether too hard for me to finish. I had memorised the tracks and perfected my boost management by the time I got there, so it was fine for me. There were some frustrating times, though. Memories of being metres away from the first in Serial Gaps, then boosting on the bump and flying out of the track.. yeah, good times. But unlocking the AX Cup was a thrill - I spent too much time doing it. The tracks themselves in the AX Cup weren't too special and were pretty easy, but it was getting there that counted.

The Story Mode was hard. I don't know how I got myself through it, but needless to say, I became a master of pushing Start-Down-A-Left-A consecutively.

In the end, though, it was worth it. What a game.. Nintendo should really buy out Amusement Vision.
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Offline S-U-P-E-R

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2006, 03:13:14 PM »
A big pile of local game tournament wins; SC2, DDR, and some other stuff. Beaten some silly hard games like Maximum Carnage, Battletoads, Castlevania, and can do Contra without losing a single life. Actually played all the way through RE: Gaiden. Can beat flashing 7s in Beatmania IIDX while drunk.

Offline ShyGuy

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2006, 03:43:53 PM »
I saved the princess! At one time, I had an iron-on patch that stated as much too.

Offline Famicom

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2006, 05:48:14 PM »
I'm sure I've done more than a few, but the only ones that come to mind are KO'ing Gabby Jay in 8 seconds in Super Punch Out and meeting every one player mode time requirement to unlock all the cheats in Goldeneye.

Oh, and I acquired all 20 hearts in Ocarina of Time with no strategy guide. *shrugs* It was important to me at the time.  
Oops pow suprise!

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2006, 07:30:32 PM »

I just can't bring myself to put enough time into a single game to make any great archievements. Usually my interest has waned to zero by the time I beat the singleplayer mode but with many games it's even faster and I finish maybe the first 10-30% of the game.

Maybe beating R-Type on the Gameboy (only the first run-through) counts?

Offline Kairon

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2006, 07:50:30 PM »
I... uh... hm....

I once jumped off a ladder backwards in Turok 2 and at the height of my backward leap, fired off a scorpion rocket that headshotted my brother's raptor who waited to headshot me at the top of the ladder, resulting in an epic maneuver!!!

~Carmine M. Red
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

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The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline wandering

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2006, 10:20:19 PM »
100 clicks on the click game.

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Offline Deguello

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2006, 11:16:15 PM »
Hey IceCold!  Did you beat F-Zero GX on Master Mode with every character?
It's time you saw the future while you still have human eyes.

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Offline Strell

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2006, 11:22:51 PM »
I beat the original Super Mario Bros at the age of 4 without dying once and had over 30 extra lives at the end.
I must find a way to use "burninate" more in my daily speech.

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Offline IceCold

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2006, 11:29:21 PM »

Originally posted by: Deguello
Hey IceCold!  Did you beat F-Zero GX on Master Mode with every character?
Shutup Deguello
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Offline oohhboy

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2006, 12:30:54 AM »
Did you spend 7 hours  for ace endurance or for all aces? Ace is easy compared to gold, but if you spent 7 hours on endurance alone... the damn cheating ties were such a pain. But I think I did it with the X-wing.

Completeing everything for Goldeneye (N64). Fun times that. Dr Doak must die!

Perfect Dark. I am somewhat ashamed to say I haven't done every single thing in this game. WAR! Perfect Agent eludes me. Also one or two other unlocks.

100% Time splitters 2. A walk in the park compared to many other games.

Burnout 2, all unlocked/Gold. Pretty easy.

RE 4. All unlocks. Castle something like 180000+ points. There is a thread about this some where.

Orginal star fox Lvl 3 one life with average of 95%. This was achived only a few scant years ago.

Time Crisis 2 Arcade on 1 credit. An exhasting 30 minutes for a game.

Crisis Zone on 1 credit. My hands were numb afterwards.

In progress.

S ranks for Truma Center and extra missions.
Maxing out the stars in MKDS.
Unlocking everything for Advance Wars DS.
Metroid Hunters 100%.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline Caliban

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2006, 03:53:42 AM »

Originally posted by: IceCold
F-Zero GX (GameCube) - Completed game, including unlocking & beating AX Cup, and beating all of Story Mode on Very Hard (without snaking)
The Story Mode was hard. I don't know how I got myself through it, but needless to say, I became a master of pushing Start-Down-A-Left-A consecutively.

Uh, what do you mean? Is that some kind trick in the game or something?

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2006, 04:24:07 AM »
I'd assume it's Menu->Retry Level -> Yes.

Offline Deguello

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2006, 12:59:04 PM »

Originally posted by: IceCold

Originally posted by: Deguello
Hey IceCold!  Did you beat F-Zero GX on Master Mode with every character?
Shutup Deguello

huh?  HUH?!  DIDJA?!

Cuz I did.  And it wasn't so hard except for some of the AX drviers.  Particularly Don Genie.  Screw that guy.  Pile of crap.  
It's time you saw the future while you still have human eyes.

... and those eyes see a 3DS system code : 2750-1598-3807

Offline Caliban

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2006, 01:28:53 PM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
I'd assume it's Menu->Retry Level -> Yes.

Oh. *laughs at himself* Haven't played the game in a long time.

Self-achievements? None, I think. I don't normally try to over achieve in a game because generally it's time consuming, unless I'm having alot of fun.

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2006, 02:51:25 PM »
I am kind of like some others here, I do not play my games to death, and don't really attempt to unlock stuff (For the most part). But I still have a couple of accomplishments (Nothing big mind you).

Super Mario 64 and 64 DS- all stars collected

Mario Kart 64- completed Nintendo's Power challenge of completing the course in 1:30 seconds (i believe that was the time) for a gold controller. I did that track many times, and was thrilled when I beat the time, sadly I was not 1 of 3000 or so to get a gold controller.

Beat Rygar for NES (nothing huge but I know some say the game is too hard)

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2006, 03:22:16 PM »
Beat all of Trauma Center, Getting an A rating on each

Ok, I didnt get an A on the first time around, but I did in Challenge mode.

Beat everything on Super Smash Bros. In less than a year

I even did this without any guides. The reason mostly is because i spent forever playing the original, and was really good by the time this came out.

Got 6 of my pokemon up to level 100 on Blue Version

... only for it to be deleted by my brother a few months later. I even did it without any cheats.

I know ive done more, but thats the only things i can think of right now. Be back when i think of more.
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Offline EasyCure

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2006, 04:44:50 PM »
- also met all requirements to unlock all cheats in goldeneye 007

- beat super mario bros 3 and mega man 2 at the age of 4

- found all heart containers in zelda: ALttP without any sort of strategy guide (hell playing through and beating that game without some sort of guid is an accomplishment within its self

- probably not that hard so i dont personaly count it as an accomplishment but ive heard some people do: beat all bosses in megaman x only using x-buster

hm... thats all i can think of really. nothing major there but i wanted to brag too
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline IceCold

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2006, 10:07:59 PM »

huh? HUH?! DIDJA?!

Cuz I did. And it wasn't so hard except for some of the AX drviers. Particularly Don Genie. Screw that guy. Pile of crap.
No, I can't say I did.. I was well on my way, but for some reason my interest waned - I think I just might go back to it, though.
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Offline UltimatePartyBear

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2006, 06:27:58 AM »
The first time I beat Rogue Leader's Endurance, I didn't get a gold, but I found a cheesy easy way to beat it if I ever unlocked Ace mode (the only reason I haven't is because I got the N-1 by passcode instead of by shooting womprats, which I couldn't figure out for some reason [there aren't enough of the buggers to shoot to reach the goal]).  Once things got hairy, I started leading the TIEs in wide circles.  As they attempted to line up behind me, they began crashing into each other.  I had only to watch as the red dots disappeared two at a time until there were only a few left to kill the old fashioned way.  Tedious?  Yes, but very amusing, too.

Similarly, my favorite thing to do in that game is to fly very close to asteroids so that pursuing TIEs crash into them.  There's no more satisfying crunch in the entire game than the sound of a TIE getting slapped out of existence by a big rock.

So yeah, accomplishments.  I don't really pay attention to that sort of thing.  I mean, even for the single game I was best at, Super Mario Kart, I don't recall any particular accomplishment.  I just remember being really accomplished at the game.  My best friend and I played it so much that red shells stopped being the most dangerous weapon because we were too good at avoiding them.  I remember racing them to corners, leading them by mere inches until I got an item to block them with, and even hopping over them (one time he managed to hop one and stop so that he was inside its turning radius, causing it to circle him forever; of course he doomed himself that way).  Our most deadly weapons became the green shells, which we could snipe someone with from across a level, even banking the shots.  Our matches tended to come down to racing through narrow passages filled with traps while trying to get shots off at each other.  I've never become so good at a single game since.  There have been others that I became very good at -- Action Quake comes to mind -- but I felt like I had SMK beaten on some higher level.  Of course, I always wonder if I was really that good or if a single game in a real tournament would have broken me.

Offline stevey

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2006, 10:06:49 AM »
I can't really think of any super accomplish in any one game but I've fully beating way over 100+ games if the that mean anything.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2006, 10:16:22 AM »
I have this annoying situation where I really love videogames but I kinda suck at them so I don't really have any big accomplishments.  To me beating a game is a big deal not only because I was good enough to do so but because the game is interesting enough that I don't get bored of it.  The biggest one for me is probably getting the sound test in SSBM.  My brother and I just played that game non-stop until we did it.  He would play after school and then when I got home from work I would take over and we would tag back and forth.

And the other day I beat the computer in Baseball Stars 2 (which is hard in itself because the computer NEVER swings for balls) without any effort towards my pitching.  I just pitched straight across the plate and relied on fielding to save my ass.  Then when I batted I used the powered-up bat every time I could and immediately put my pinch hitters in at the beginning of the game.

I do have a big accomplishment regarding game collecting however.  I bought a Star Fox Super Weekend cart at a used game store for only 3 bucks!

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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RE:Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2006, 11:43:42 AM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
I have this annoying situation where I really love videogames but I kinda suck at them so I don't really have any big accomplishments.  To me beating a game is a big deal not only because I was good enough to do so but because the game is interesting enough that I don't get bored of it.  The biggest one for me is probably getting the sound test in SSBM.  My brother and I just played that game non-stop until we did it.  He would play after school and then when I got home from work I would take over and we would tag back and forth.

And the other day I beat the computer in Baseball Stars 2 (which is hard in itself because the computer NEVER swings for balls) without any effort towards my pitching.  I just pitched straight across the plate and relied on fielding to save my ass.  Then when I batted I used the powered-up bat every time I could and immediately put my pinch hitters in at the beginning of the game.

I do have a big accomplishment regarding game collecting however.  I bought a Star Fox Super Weekend cart at a used game store for only 3 bucks!

I guess I have to go with Ian on this one, I am not the greatest game player around either and beating a game is a big accomplishment for me (besides those few accomplishments I've listed). Back a few years ago I was pretty good at gaming, but now days I don't have the time to play alot. A game has to be really good to keep my interest from beginning to end, which is why I do prefer games on the easier side so I actually have incentive to beat it. Of course, when a new Mario 3D platformer or a new Zelda come out I play them from beginning to end, and you can't drag me away from the TV! Anyway, also like Ian I am a big game collector, if a game looks fun I will get it even if I don't have much time to play it (I have a large collection of games for PC, GC, Xbox, PS2 and most of the retro systems as well. Sadly I haven't beat the vast majority of them lol).  
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Offline Kairon

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RE: Personal gaming accomplishments
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2006, 01:28:15 PM »
Yeah...the truth is... I suck at games! /cry

And my tastes have gotten refined to the point that although I can appreciate lesser works, it is the very RARE game (usually Nintendo) that I will actually care about enough to finish.

~Carmine M. Red
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.