Author Topic: Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?  (Read 8300 times)

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« on: February 27, 2003, 01:16:27 PM »
I heard it was going to be animated, and by the same people who did the Pokemon movies. I think that it should be good, because the Pokemon Movies were very true to it's gaming roots and were even enjoyable despite pleas of "Pokemon sux0rz". Does anyone have any info. on the story? Even if it was just Ocarina of Time or something translated onto the Silver Screen, that'd be pretty cool.

BTW, have any of you guys seen Spirited Away? If the animation in the LoZ Movie was on par with that, I'd be a happier man.

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Offline Smadte

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2003, 04:05:23 PM »
Oh, GOD no. Pokemon GAME = good. Pokemon merchandising = downright horrible. Hopefully this movie doesn't get drenched with anime badness. If it winds up like Pokemon, I'll eat a donkey head!!!  

Offline RahXephon

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2003, 04:54:22 PM »
I LOVE THE POKEMON ANIME AND I AM 20 with a quite large social life.  I think a legend of Zelda movie could be real cool, after all, spiderman didn't look like it could be done, but it came out good.  I believe it can be done, and i would be very interested in an end result.  They should make Link mute, except for hyaaa noises.
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Offline mouse_clicker

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2003, 04:58:15 PM »
I think msot anime fans agree that the Pokemon anime SUCKS. It's horrible, and I will personally bash in the skull of every single person at 4Kids found working on a Zelda movie. I'm convinced they all spawned on damp locker room floors and have the IQ of travel soap dishes. I wouldn't trust them with anything sharper than a pair of safety scissors much less a Zelda movie. A god, strike me where I stand lest I am to be subjected to this torture!
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Offline RahXephon

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2003, 05:12:52 PM »
i don't see what is wrong with the pokemon anime.  It is not made for older people, it is made 4KIDS.  It is just supposed to be somehting fun.  I dont believe 4kids would do zelda though.  It is far more epic than pokemon.
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
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Offline Grey Ninja

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2003, 05:29:53 PM »
I am an anime fan.

I like Pokemon.

Pokemon as an anime was made for kids as RahXephon so kindly pointed out.  Older anime fans of course would scoff at it for being so juvenile, (Yet they seem to have no problems with shows like FLCL or Love Hina.... hmmm...), and Pokemon became insanely popular in both Japan and the US.  It just wouldn't be very cool to admit that you like something so popular would it?

But that being said, my favorite episodes were the first 6, and Bye Bye Butterfree.  Even if you aren't a Pokemon fan, and hate the anime, I would encourage you to watch those.  They are quite well done.
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Offline Chris150

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2003, 05:43:32 PM »
Hmm.. I liked the first few episodes of pokemon, but it got sorta bad sometime during the orange islands i think.

Back on topic, i would like to see Zelda the movie animated, but not like pokemon though. I would like to see it darker.
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Offline RahXephon

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2003, 05:59:09 PM »
i am sure you have seen the zelda commercial, it could be a movie.  It is live-action, but it seems to just automattically scream I AM ZELDA.  Although i love anime, i believe Zelda could be produced beautifully as a live action.  If it became an anime movie, i have a feeling it would have too much sword play.
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2003, 07:10:18 PM »
Its funny how I proposed the speculation in a thread about a month ago that the Zelda movie would be made animated like pokemon.  I hope thats not where your gathering your info from because like I said, it was my own speculation.  I have heard nothing about the Zelda movie.  I'm sure everything you've heard is just speculation turned rumor.
it was time for a change.

Offline RahXephon

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2003, 07:44:47 PM »
its all speculation now.
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

Offline mouse_clicker

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2003, 02:26:07 AM »
"I don't see what is wrong with the pokemon anime. It is not made for older people, it is made 4KIDS. It is just supposed to be somehting fun."

I LOVE kids cartoons- you have to realize this. I love any cartoon that's quality enough to be enjoyed. You ever heard of this cartoon on Nick Jr. called Kipper? Great show about this little British dog- I love it, yet it's made for preschoolers or kindergarteners. Pokemon s just poorly made- I'm a modest fan of anime, too, so thjat's not the reason I don't like it. It could just be so much better.

And 4Kids only knows how to make one kind of cartoon, and that's the "dumb" kind- I had hopes for Kirby's cartoon and it was pretty darn bad. I have no faith in a Zelda movie if 4Kids is making it.

Good thing this is all a rumor, though.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

Offline DevilishDude

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2003, 05:22:39 AM »
i hope it looks NOTHING like this.
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Offline TheOnionMan

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2003, 09:47:05 AM »
Ok, I am a big anime fan and I HATED Pokemon.  The episodes have the same format every time ( starts out- stupid arguing with ash and misty,  then- team rocket tries to steal Pikachu, last- everybody is happy and learns a lesson or gets a new pokemon added to their arsenal).  And I have watched low maturity level anime (ex: LupinIII Castle of Cagliostro, My neighbor Totoro , Nausicaa, etc ). So obviously, I hope 4kids does NOT do the Zelda movie. They would completely wruin it and turn it into an exbarassment. Thank you for your time worms.
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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2003, 09:56:16 AM »
I don't think a Zelda movie is on anyone's plate right now. Whether or not it will be in the future is doubtful, in my opinion.

Aside from that, I personally hope a Zelda movie is never, ever made. I love the franchise, always have, I can play some of the songs on my bagpipes, but I never want to see a movie of it made. This is simply because a movie could never live up to its greatness unless it were a Lord of the Rings-size undertaking (if live-action). If it were to be animated, it would have to be Don Bluth (Dragon's Lair, Secret of Nymh [sp?], Black Cauldron), or a really high-profile company over in Japan. It would also have to be akin to the shots you see of cel-art in the original LoZ manual. The voice actor that did Ganon in the Captain N and Legend of Zelda catroon series is a must. The others are expendable, but that man is brilliant.

I actually have written a treatment--three, actually, since it's meant to be a trilogy--for a Legend fo Zelda cinema epic. Did a little scripting, too. It's pretty brilliant, even if I do say so myself (and others that have read it), but it was basically for my own amusement. It's a good conversation piece between my friends and I, who are both very much fan of film and Miyamoto.
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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2003, 04:37:21 PM »
What's so bad a bout 4Kids? At least they kept Pokemon true to it's roots. Nothing like some other Video Game turned movies where the only thing the people have in common is the same name (i.e. Final Fantasy: Spirits Within).
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Offline RahXephon

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2003, 08:12:53 PM »
i still love pokemon anime alot.  
ANyway, back to the topic, if you can read the instruction booklet for A link to the past, that is the perfect set up for a zelda movie.
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2003, 07:44:13 AM »
I hope it's *NOT* anime, because then Nobody would watch it! (except for fan of the series, of course, like me).

It should be real people. When I saw fellowship of the ring for the first time, All I could think about (ok well, not ALL I could think about) was how muhc Legolas looked like Link. Orlando Bloom would make a great Link.

Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2003, 05:58:35 PM »

Originally posted by: The Caucasian Cubist
I hope it's *NOT* anime, because then Nobody would watch it! (except for fan of the series, of course, like me).

It should be real people. When I saw fellowship of the ring for the first time, All I could think about (ok well, not ALL I could think about) was how muhc Legolas looked like Link. Orlando Bloom would make a great Link.

I agree.  The U.S. wouldn't embrace an anime movie and the U.S. is where the big bucks are to be made.  Mainstream U.S likes live action with lots of special effects (myself included). I am a die-hard Zelda Fan but would rather have it live-action if it were made.  Most movies that weren't live action and were teen/adult targeted have done poorly at the box-office. Sorry, anime is not all that and a bag of chips.  Just because Zelda was a cartoon before (a bad one at that) does not mean a potential movie has to be.  And yes, cartoons and anime are the same thing.  Anime is just more adult oriented. So there, *sticks out tounge*
it was time for a change.

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2003, 11:15:08 AM »
I definitely think they should make a Zelda movie based on Ocarina of Time and have actual people play the movie out, cartoon would be cool i guess but if people did then the perfect person to play as Link would probably be that guy who plays Legolas in The Lord of The Rings hes perfect he can use swords, arrows, ride a horse and all that other stuff Link does.  But any type of Zelda movie will probably be a great movie anyway.

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2003, 06:29:24 PM »
unless nintendo themselves actually make the movie, i dont want it in creation, the general rule is movies made from games are horrible cause holywood dont play games (read that somehwere..)

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2003, 10:32:10 AM »
I would like to support the idea of Evin (in his March 12, 2003 message) who proposed the idea that Link should be played by Orlando Bloom (a.k.a Legolas in "The Lord of the Rings"). I also agree that Ocarina of Time could be a very nice plot and even better if they can add to it some historic matters from Link's past (Ganondorf arrival, the very first meeting of Link with Zelda, Link's birth... in two words: THE STARTING OF THE LEGEND) But moreover it should be a LIVE ACTION movie. (After Nintendo 64 Ocarina of Time, Zelda's Legend should not be an animated movie like pokemon- it won't interested older people and more teens to play the games.) It has to be real.

It might sounds discouraging for the fans who enjoy playing constantly Zelda's games and doesn't accept any other adaptation of Zelda... but you should not forget this masterpiece is also a story, a legend...that young and old people should know about.

So imagine yourself in front of a version of Zelda that you can absolutely not modify in any other way, in other words... you are not playing or holding the stringsā€¦ you are not Link. He is in troubles and you can't even help him... so you watch and pray everything will be ok... Since you don't know what Link is going to do, you are in constant alarm and worries like you do when watching a suspense movie...

See the fun you'll have watching the new adaptation, a complete masterpiece of The Legend of Zelda... (What about a trilogy or a never-ending series)

Of course such quality of game must be adapted by the best producers, directors, and actors. It must be something as good (or even better ) than The Lord of the Ring, which I remind you, is a very but very well interpretation of Tolkien's book.

Last thing... who should make Link? Hum... this question bothers me many times since the day I played Ocarina of Time and thought how amazing would be a movie of it. Three years ago, I still couldn't find one: definitely no one was good enough to be our silent, dynamic, courageous Link...until Legolas came out. The agility, acting and shape of Orlando Bloom will perfectly match with the principal character of the Legend. He will make an absolutely perfect Hylian wearing elves clothes. (Just watch Lord of the Ring, if you don't believe me)

All we need is to give a scoop to the best producers and see if they are interested in getting an outstanding cast and organisations for an outstanding movie!
NB: The producers and/or directors MUST be fans of The Legend of Zelda games!!(For the best adaptation this item is a must)

Someone have any idea??
(Oh, well I hope I convinced the most sceptic ones with my long arguments... but if you don't agree please reply.)

Offline Bill Aurion

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2003, 01:08:04 PM »
Why stop at the producer and director being fans of the series?  In my opinion it should be Ninty themselves at least producing the movie if it ever comes to light.
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

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Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2003, 04:36:59 AM »

I'm not convinced about Nintendo's producing abilities... what would be more useful is to make sure the movie respects the game, make sure no false items is included (that should be their job and rights).

Also it's better for the respect of the game that the producers are, maybe not "fans", but at least, admirers. They will have more consideration for their production. Just consider Peter Jackson and his group,fanatic of Tolkien's work: see how fine they made LOTR.  

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RE:Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2003, 07:46:10 PM »
The Spiderman movie however was not any way shape or form made in pokemon anime and personally i think Zelda has a better chance with live action than anything else really better effect potential

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RE:Any news on the Legend of Zelda movie?
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2003, 07:49:09 PM »
anybody who likes the pokemon anime thats one thing zelda was not made 4kids alone it is a well known fact zelda has fans ranging from the ages of 4-87 so reall zelda aint so much "4kids" as you say