Author Topic: My E3 Impressions  (Read 4218 times)

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Offline ABlueflameA

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My E3 Impressions
« on: May 19, 2005, 05:27:48 PM »
Hey all, just thought that I'd let you all know what I thought of this years E3 as well as give you access to some pics (and video if someone wants to host it) that you might not get elsewhere.  Literally, I have pics of a monitor with signs around it saying "Do not take pictures or video" as well as video from a movie about XBox 360 where pictures were allowed, but movies were not.  Basically I lied my ass off when I was questioned about it.

Basically, I equate E3 to a giant Casino with a bunch of mini-casinos inside it.  It is larger than life, window free in the main halls, no clocks, and everyone is vying for your attention.  The difference is free stuff, there is a LOT of free stuff to be had at E3 (I hear that its referred to as "swag").  Whatever.  I've picked up about 5 shirts, a poster and a hat that are exclusive to E3 signed by Falcoon (lead artist for SNK), a cloth bag from Infinity Games, a Nintendo Power pin from Nintendo, a Mario Kart DS Stylus, a hardback book with funny pictures from last years E3, countless magazines that you would normally need to pay for, my friends got the guys from Penny-Arcade to sign stuff but I didn't feel like staying in line for that.  I saw Gary Coleman (no evidence), Morgan Webb (of G4TechTV I got 2 shots of her back/ass as she was being escorted quite quickly to the Sony booth, and met Gallagher and he posed for a pic for me.  Countless booth babes, countless people dressed up as stuff and there were about 5,000+ monitors and televisions, all HD of course.

DS Downloadable demos played:
Submarine Demo
Zelda Gallery
Table Hockey

Countless other games for DS, Gamecube, PS2, PSP, PC, Xbox 360

Link to my photobucket site:

I haven't added anything from Day 2 yet, including the "restricted" stuff, but I will shortly.

Again, if anyone wants to host the video, or high def pictures, just reply here and we'll figure something out.  I have a half gig from day 1 and 157mb from Day 2 (I haven't gotten rid of the blurry ones or edited the video at all, some of which is downright ugly).

P.s. any questions, please post them here, also due to the fact I'm staying with someone from CalTech who has an incredible amount of work he has to do, we're not sure if we're going back for the 3rd and final day, but if we are and anyone really likes a game and wants more pics/vid/impressions of it, let me know.

Yea! Ramen!

Offline ABlueflameA

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RE: My E3 Impressions
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2005, 05:40:29 PM »
Edit: Updated with pics from Day 2
Yea! Ramen!

Offline mantidor

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RE: My E3 Impressions
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2005, 09:02:10 PM »
what do you mean by "restricted" stuff?
"You borrow style elements from 20yr old scifi flicks and 10 yr old PC scifi flight shooters, and you add bump mapping and TAKE AWAY character, and you got Halo." -Pro

Offline ABlueflameA

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RE:My E3 Impressions
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2005, 09:13:12 PM »
By "Restricted" I mean that there are things at E3 that anyone/everyone is restricted from taking pictures and/or video from.  For example, on my page you can see a picture that shows a tv with Xbox 360 software on it and signs under the tv that say do not take pictures or video of this display.  Hehe.  Stuff like that.
Yea! Ramen!

Offline stevey

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RE: My E3 Impressions
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2005, 07:06:29 AM »
How you get to go *sniff*
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Stevey Duff
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Offline ABlueflameA

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RE:My E3 Impressions
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2005, 03:51:24 PM »

I got to go b/c my friend was the CalTech student volunteer coordinator.  I've known him since middle school (im going to be a senior in college this year) and I asked very very nicely.  220 dollars later I had a plane ticket to LA.

Sonic, for whatever nextgen system it is for, looks amazing.  Really good.  Also shown in SEGA's 15 minute movie reel was a game called Chrome Hounds, its a mech squad-based game which also looked really good.

Finally got to play Zelda today, it played very nicely, looked even better.  The area it was in was probably one of the neatest of all E3.  Fog, mechanic wolf, the interactive pond, costumed Link, and many, many, gamecubes playing Zelda.  I waited in line 3 hours to play it, and I ran to the Nintendo booth the second the doors opened.  It was the longest I waited in line for anything, including a poster and hat i got signed by Falcoon (lead artist at SNK).

Played New Super Mario Bro's today, it is amazing.  Its like a better version of Mario World for SNES, which I didn't even think was possible.  Looks VERY good and was much fun.  I'm going to buy it the second it comes out.

Also really good, Meteos.  Its like crack.  I was able to play 2 player versus, me and a friend both managed to download it from the kiosk today.  That was a lot of fun.  I still have it on my DS and I'm going to keep it on there stored in RAM for as long as humanly possible.

Nintendogs: looked nice, but I only got to play it for a few seconds, I had to run to get a free pikachu plushie that Nintendo was giving away.  It'll go nice with a monkey ball plushie I got from SEGA.

Castlevania DS: another really good castlevania game, plays a lot like circle of the moon (i'm pretty sure that was the name of the advance game, i haven't played it in a while) except slightly better graphix.

Nanostray:  Hard, I sucked at it.  but it was really pretty

Lost in Blue: actually looked really nice when I played it, could be an interesting game, I'm undecided on it.

I think its about time for dinner, I'll be back on later to answer any questions, update pix on my photobucket page, and anything else.

p.s. if anyone wants to host Hi-res pics or movie, please reply and let me know.
Yea! Ramen!

Offline mantidor

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RE: My E3 Impressions
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2005, 03:52:23 PM »
LOL I was actually thinking of something else about the "restricted"
"You borrow style elements from 20yr old scifi flicks and 10 yr old PC scifi flight shooters, and you add bump mapping and TAKE AWAY character, and you got Halo." -Pro

Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: My E3 Impressions
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2005, 04:18:21 PM »
Its like a better version of Mario World for SNES, which I didn't even think was possible.

It's BETTER? O_O  SMW is my favorite Mario game, so that's insane!  Ahhhh.........AH CRAP, DROOL ALL OVER MY KEYBOARD!
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline ABlueflameA

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RE:My E3 Impressions
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2005, 05:14:39 PM »
Yeah, no kidding. BETTER.  Picture Mario World combined with some of the really cool moves you could do with Mario in Mario 64.  Wall-kicking, butt stomping, and a really really big mushroom.  I mean, I hit the item box and the top of the mushroom appeared, I hit it again and more appeared.  I had to hit the box 3-4 times for the whole mushroom to finally get pushed out of the item box.  Its about 5x the size of the item box and makes Mario (nearly?) invincible.  He runs THROUGH boxes and enemies.  Small mario doesn't look weird anymore, he just looks like a smaller size as best as I could tell.  There are normal size mushrooms for the first normal power up, and fireflowers for the transformation into white flower-power mario.  The second screen, whichever that happens to be at the time (I'll explain in a sec) houses your extra powerups.  I believe 3 of them are stored there and when accessed fall from the sky to give mario a needed upgrade when his luck has been down.  Now, for the explanation of the dual screen.  When mario goes into a pipe that he has to jump up into, he goes UP into the top screen and the status screen switches places with it.  When he goes back down, so does the action, onto the bottom screen.  I actually really liked it, but I'm not sure how you access the powerups when they're on top.  Because when they are on the bottom you just touch them to use them.  Oh well.

Oh, also Mario and Luigi 2:
I kinda liked it but not nearly so much as other games.  I played it for about 5 mins, long enough to almost get the timing down for hitting enemies with hammers and learning how A and B each control the different characters.  It looked pretty good, but as far as mario games go, there are only 2 that REALLY warrant your money: Mario Kart DS and New Super Mario Bros. DS.

DDR Mario: Too easy, even on the hardest modes, looks great though.  Hopefully they'll increase the difficulty level before release.

Mario Soccer and Mario Baseball: Didn't play.  Mario Soccer did look kinda fun though, a lot like Mario Tennis in its insane style.  (Mario kicking the ball straight up into the air, bringing out a large wooden hammer and smashing the ball down into the goalkeeper creating an explosion)  Just crazy fun, not a realistic soccer title by any stretch of the imagination.

Geist:  Played 4 player versus mode with 3 other people and we threw in a few bots. yes, computer controlled bots.  It was a decent lil multi-player thing, but I don't see it as being the part you'll play the most in Geist, I think the single player will be the largest part of the game.

I'm going to post this now before I accidentally delete half of it again like I did a sec ago and frantically had to hit "undo" to bring it back.

More impressions coming soon, I'm going to update my photobucket page within the next few minutes of more pics, including Link.  ;-)

Yea! Ramen!

Offline Arbok

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RE:My E3 Impressions
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2005, 05:29:28 PM »

Originally posted by: ABlueflameA
Mario Soccer and Mario Baseball: Didn't play.  Mario Soccer did look kinda fun though, a lot like Mario Tennis in its insane style.  (Mario kicking the ball straight up into the air, bringing out a large wooden hammer and smashing the ball down into the goalkeeper creating an explosion)  Just crazy fun, not a realistic soccer title by any stretch of the imagination.

Sounds really good to me, and it has hit my "to get list"... but then I hate normal sports games without a twist, so.
Toho Kingdom


Offline ABlueflameA

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RE: My E3 Impressions
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2005, 05:36:00 PM »
Photobucket page updated, it now includes the very meaning of Nintendo. :-)  Also a pic of INSIDE the Zelda area of Nintendo's booth, some DS communication action. There was 8 player PuyoPop being played while in line.  Finally, what it looks like when there are multiple demos to download onto your DS.

Unfortunately, the morning had the DS server nearly down, but it got better and functioned almost flawlessly in the afternoon.  I was able to download Meteos and Electroplankton.  In fact, Meteos is STILL on my DS and it will be until I screw up and turn it off.  If anyone lives in the Orlando/Winter Park area in Florida, I'm going to take my DS to the EB Games in Winter Park Village probably some time on Sunday or Monday and let people, especially the staff there, who ROCK, play it.  Also, I'm bringing in ALL of the pics AND video that I've taken to show them, and anyone who happens to be there.

Yea! Ramen!