Author Topic: Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?  (Read 16204 times)

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Offline GanonSlayer

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« on: February 17, 2003, 01:22:33 PM »
I got my Cube around launch and I have been fairly satisfied with my purchase. I have yet to see a title that completely blows my socks off like a couple for the N64 did (SM64 and Zelda: OoT) but I think we are getting a much better suply of quality titles like Metroid, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil at a much greater rate. I am hoping Zelda: the Wind Waker will be that game that astounds me but so far I am very happy with both the quality and quantity of top-notch titles released.

Offline Ian Sane

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2003, 01:28:09 PM »
I'm happy with my Cube now though I wasn't so keen on it during the release drought in early 2002.  It really irks me that I paid full price at launch when I could have waited until the price cut as nothing that I would consider "must have" was released before then.  It also would have been nice if I could have got a Platinum Cube.

Still overall there's enough great titles that I'm content.  There are actually a lot of released titles that I really want to play that I haven't had time to play yet.  That sort of thing never happened with the N64.  There could be more RPGs and I wish there wasn't so many crappy third party PS2 ports though.

Oh and the Player's Choice titles should be the same price as the PS2 and Xbox "discounted hits".  The extra ten bucks is bullsh!t.

Offline Sean

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2003, 01:28:51 PM »
Well, games like ED and Mario blew my socks off, but Metroid Prime left me with nothing but my birthday suit.  I'm satisfied with my Cube, yes.  There've been 'droughts,' but I got mine the middle of last year, and I've been consistently happy with it.  I think that someone buying it TODAY would be overwhelmed with goodness.

Oh, and Ian, I COMPLETELY agree with the player's choice comment.  Thirty bucks retail is just sad.
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Offline Infernal Monkey

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2003, 01:32:42 PM »
At the moment, no.
Lack of PAL releases is the big reason. Nintendo's obsession with fu<king over their fans in PAL territories has left the shelves rather bare of any new releases in quite some time. It'll change soon enough though, with the likes of Metroid Prime.

But overall, I've been happy with my GC purchase. SSB:M alone was worth the price of admission.
But like yourself Ganon, I'm yet to be really blown away by a GC game, much in the same way I was with Nintendo 64 releases, but that's thanks to the slow release dates, but mainly, due to the fact that everything on N64 was stunning because it was new. Nintendo were showing us what could be done with polygon worlds and interactivity.

Now it's common to see a full blown 3D world the likes of Mario 64 and Zelda: OoT.

I do believe Nintendo will catch me off-guard with the release of Zelda:WW though, seeing this game via compressed AVI's isn't enough, I need to feel the magic first hand!  

Offline Sir Pinch-a-Loaf

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2003, 01:57:25 PM »
Currently, no, because I can't play it.  It's sitting at home, while I am here at college.  and my roommate broke his, and it's either in the mail, or being repaired.

If I had one to play though, I'd say absolutely.
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Offline RahXephon

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2003, 02:01:35 PM »
i love my cube to no end.  I have many games, 21, and have played them all at least 2 times through.  I don't know what to say to those dissatisfied, the only thing i can think of is you just dont enjoy the games that everyone else likes, not that that is a bad thing, but i cant understand being dissatisfeid any other way.
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

Offline Christberg

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2003, 02:19:43 PM »
You know, the GC was my first *SERIOUS* console purchase.  I'd been playing PC games for some time (I'm a huge fan of PC FPSes and RTSes) and I'd been getting sick of the same 2 aesthetics being rehashed over and over again with essentially the same gameplay so I decided I'd try out console gaming and Nintendo really was the ticket for me.  

Now, the first couple months I had it were great (got it about a week after launch) being that I got to play Pikmin, SSBM, Rogue Leader, XG3, and Luigi's Mansion (which despite being too short is actually a pretty good game despit the shortness),  but then January rolled around and that was pretty disappointing and it was a good thing I had those 4 games to tide me over.  I got Sonic Adventure in February and despite not liking the game by itself all that much (horrid multiplayer) got totally hooked on that evil Chao breeding stuff so that kept me busy for a while.  There were some third party titles that kept me somewhat entertained (Bloody Roar was pretty good) but during that time my PC still got the vast majority of my gaming time.  I really hadn't gotten my 200 dollars out of the unit until Eternal Darkness and the REmake came out, and both of those games just got the holy heck played out of them.  Since then, the thing has gotten very steady use and has had a nice stream of titles that have kept me interested and I'm really quite happy with it as a purchase, which doesn't look to change anytime soon.

As the system has matured it's really become a great addition to my spare time and I look forward to continuing using it.

Offline LOUiE

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2003, 02:57:49 PM »
Yes, I'm happy with my purchase.  I've had it since a little after launch and bough more games for it in a year than I have any other system I've had.  Only PS1 have I had more total titles.  I'm currently in the middle of Star Fox Adventures and am liking the story.  Game's easy but that's cool.  It's currently kind of on the backburner though as I was playing through Kingdom Hearts(stuck at stupid giant Ursula, kills me every time I get her power down to where if I get one combo on her, she'll die.  It's extremely annoying!) and was watching through the first season of Angel(love this show!!!).

Can't wait for Wind Waker and then who knows what's next for me and my little cube, probably the Cube GB Player.  I still need to beat Golden Sun as the second one comes out in April and having a bigger screen will help me see.
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Offline joshnickerson

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2003, 03:36:29 PM »
It was a rough going from launch until summer 2002, since I only had Luigi's Mansion, SSBM,  Road Rage and Sonic Adventure 2 to tide me over, but since Mario Sunshine hit, I've been very happy with my cube, since about every month brings along another must have title. The only problem is, I hardly have any time to play anymore!

Offline Calibretto

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2003, 03:47:13 PM »
The Cube has never let me down. It rocketh!! (That's "rocks" in ye olde english)
It has had some slow periods, but that is coming to an end.  Even though it has a smaller title selection than the PS2 at the moment, I have many more games for my Cube.  The Cube rocks; it may have started out with a slow beat, but it is turning into hard rock fast.
"This makes the master of the Gun-Katas an opponent not to be taken lightly..."

Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2003, 04:14:41 PM »
     Having just recieved my favorite game of all time on a bonus disk, and just unlocked everything in Metroid Prime, I'd say a definite Yes.  At the moment, on the scale of satisfication, my cube that I bought at launch, ranks a high 8 out of 10. By the end of this year, I am prospecting a perfect 10 out of 10.
      ^^---"There is still hope"---^^

Offline Uncle Ed

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2003, 04:22:01 PM »
Eh, I was letting it dust for a while. Got back to playing Metroid Prime again. Almost done! 4 Artifacts left.

The computer it sucking my time away. Counterstrike, Day of Defeat, Natural Selection, Battlefield 1942..
Playing it Bogart.

Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2003, 05:21:12 PM »
I got my cube on release day, and am very satisfied with it.  I had a dry spell afterwards where Nintendo hadn't released any first party games, so it gathered dust for a few months.  Now I'm fine, and am very satisfied and am eagerly anticipating legend of zelda :ww which whill hopefully keep me occupied for weeks.
it was time for a change.

Offline JSR

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2003, 05:48:01 PM »
I’m very happy with my GameCube. I got it a week after launch (I was on a trip when it launched) and have loved it since! Even though there was a game drought in early 2002, it was more than made up for in late 2002 (Mario, Metroid, Star Fox, Animal Crossing, etc.) This year also looks very good for GameCube!
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Offline Grey Ninja

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2003, 11:16:25 PM »
I have no complaints.  There are too many games that I want as it is.  I am starving to death as I am skimping on food money to pay for the new games.    Ah well, I have no regrets.
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I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline Hybrid Hunter

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2003, 11:33:26 PM »
I'm satified for as long as i can be with SSBM and ED.
Still have Zelda and Final Fantasy to be on my list.

Offline PIAC

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2003, 11:52:44 PM »
well the poor effort of Nintendo of Australia doesn't help, but my gamecube is gathering dust for a different reason, tv blew up =\ a couple of days after i got fifa2003, so of yet i haven't really played the game (playing it on "my" flickering postagestamped size TV just isn't fun)
but my pre order on metroid and zelda should provide me with sufficiant entertainment
provided the tv gets fixed/a new one bought

Offline Hemmorrhoid

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2003, 12:54:13 AM »
Yes im very satisfied with my GCN.

So far I have 9 games. GOt almost  good games for GCN.
I bought the GCN with Rogue Leader and THPS3, those got boring after like 2months, but then I got SSBM.
When that didnt excite me much anymore I got ED, which was awesome, didnt even finish it twice when SMS arrived.
THat game entertained me for a while and when I was getting too stuck(i never finished it) SFA arrived which certainly entertained me.
THe day after I finished SFA Metroid arrived which was gaming heaven even better than ED.

After Metroid nothing that exciting has been released yet, so I got TS2 and REmake Zelda isnt that far away.
I guess I must be satisfied because i play almost every day and spend as much money possible on Games and still miss out on alot.
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Offline David G

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2003, 02:45:23 AM »
I got my gamecube about a week ago and I've been stuck on it since.  I don't know why i didnt get one sooner...

Offline Termin8Anakin

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2003, 03:14:08 AM »
I am pretty happy with my Cube. Thing is, though, I made three impulse buys simply cause they were cheap. These games are Rogue leader for $29, Nightfire for $60, XG3 for $60 (all prices Australian). While I loved Rogue Leader, the replay of getting gold is too hard, and I hardly play it. I finished Nightfire in 2 days, and it's the same problem with RL with all the medals. XG3, whilst a great racer, is very short. I'm on the 500G class, and I can't get past even bloody Crystalaria cause the AI is even worse than Mario Kart 64. So while these games are good in their respective genres, they were a bit to quick.

The two other games I have are Etrenal Darkness and Harry Potter. These games have been infinitely more enjoyable than the above three, simply cause they are adventure games. And I love adventure games more than arcade space shooters, future racers (looking forward to F-Zero), 1st person shooters, even platformers. Which is why I want Zelda more that Metroid. Because not only will it bring me that epic feel back (Potter was tooooooo short, ED is not epic enough cause all the environments are indoors). Right now, I'm depending on Zelda to fulfil my needs until the next Zelda, or even Gamecube 2.
That said, I know now that I love Zelda games more than any other exploration/adventure game. Zelda is all I need.

I remember when I had my N64, I was only allowed a game on my birthday and for christmas. And because of this, I had to choose my games wisely, or else I had to wait another 6 months until another choice could be made. And I did choose wisely. Mario 64, Ocarina, Majora, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie/Tooie and Diddy Kong Racing. PD wasn't that good, and Goldeneye went by pretty quick, but I was very suprised at how much I loved DKR. The characters were charming, the tracks were fun, and the music was soooooooooooooooooooooooo catchy, I had put in the cheat so I could listen to the music over and over again.

Sorry to be a bit off topic, but out happiness with our Gamecube (and N64) depends on the games we have after all. And if Nintendo can make another platformer/kart racer with music as catchy as Banjo Kazooie/Tooie and Diddy Kong Racing, only then can I truly say good riddance Rareware.

EDIT: Which reminds me. Does anybody know if there's a site where you can download music rips from Diddy Kong Racing? Just mentioning it above made me think back to the tune to Walrus Cove. Ohhhhh, sooo catchy.
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Offline JoeSmashBro

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2003, 04:35:35 AM »
"SSB:M alone was worth the price of admission"

Amen to that. If it wasn't for that game, a GCN wouldnt have been worth purchasing until July for me. Of course since then it's just been awesome.
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Offline Kellk

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2003, 05:21:50 AM »
I'm happy in general with my Cube.  The biggest problems so far, for me at any rate, have been the crappy ports of third party titles.  I went ahead and got a PS2, for a variety of reasons, but mostly because they have the better sports ports (online capability), Baldur's Gate, and because of their exclusives.  I really wanted to play Gran Turismo 3 and there are no "realistic" racers on the Cube as of yet.   Additionally, there were no RPG's to speak of for the first year of the Cube's lifespan, so I grabbed FFX.  And again, Bloody Roar didn't satisfy my fighting game jones, so I was forced (yes FORCED!)  to get VF4 and DOA2.  
So yeah, the exclusives on the cube rock, and that's why I got one, but there were (and still are) big genre/feature voids in the collection of games available that drive many of us to grab another console.

Offline WhoDey

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2003, 06:13:45 AM »
I'm very happy with the Cube so far. I've had it since midnight of launch day and I probably average 1-2 hours a day, more on weekends playing the thing. The first few months were a little dry with quality games but I was able to occupy myself perfecting my Wave Race: Blue Storm runs, playing through Luigi's Mansion a few times, and playing Monkey Ball. Since summer of last year though, there has always been a game that I'm in the process of playing through. Now, it's to the point that I'm falling behind with what I want to do. I still want to earn all 120 shines in Mario Sunshine (I had 112 when I quit playing) but now I just want to start all over and play completely through it again. I just don't have the time though, which is cool.

I just started running through the hard mode on Metroid Prime, I'm in the middle of my first play through of Resident Evil 0, and I've been hopelessly addicted to Animal Crossing for 5 months now. On top of that I've been looking for good deals on Cube games such as when I got Nascar Thunder 2003 for $20. I missed out on the Beach Spikers for $10. But playing these "older" games keeps me busy too. Not to mention the fact that I badly want Skies of Arcadia but am waiting till I get some of my other games finished. And Zelda comes out next month? And I'm getting the bonus disks?

How could I not be satisfied?

There is also a ton of games scheduled to release this year that I'm very interested in along with the GameBoy Player that will significantly add to the time I spend playing my Cube.

Offline Moonwatcher

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2003, 06:51:55 AM »
While there is a definate lacking in certain genres (racing, RPG, Fighters) the Cube has kept me very busy and very happy.
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Offline Naiku

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Are you satisfied with your Cube at the moment?
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2003, 07:08:39 AM »
Yes, Extremely,

I'm just finishing Skies of Arcadia, today I'm going to go Pre-Order Legend of Zelda, and start playing Master Quest.   Then I've got a few other games to look forward to, by the time I finish the Zeldas.

Really I haven't even Finished Metroid Fusion yet (I know not gamecube), because I got into Skies of Arcadia Legends.  I need to hurry up and finish Fusion so I can play the old Metroid... it's not like I haven't played it before though.

Actually I have a good number of games (15-20 I think, I don't really keep count), the only thing that bothers me a little is that I can't hardly find anyone to play Smash Bros. Melee w/ anymore, but I've got other games to play, so I'm still happy.
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