Author Topic: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA  (Read 4312 times)

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Offline AennilQ

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6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« on: March 25, 2005, 10:58:21 AM »

Why is it that 6 year olds are telling me about these M rated games that they are playing? Do the parents just not care about what their child is seeing? Its rated M for reason, and if you allow someone as impressionable as a young kid to play it, who knows what kind of reaction its gonna have with them?  
Yeh its me. Dont get all excited.

Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2005, 11:23:01 AM »
Parents don't care.  They're too busy watching American Idol.  Maybe they bought the game so the kid won't bug them (busy on their own tv) while they watch American Idol.

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Offline nickmitch

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2005, 12:31:02 PM »
They do it so that they have someone to sue when they leave their gun on the kitchen table and the kids wind up kiling each other.
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Offline S-U-P-E-R

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RE:6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2005, 05:26:38 PM »
Or maybe their parents are cool with it because their children don't happen to be psychopaths

Offline Guitar Smasher

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2005, 07:43:56 PM »
"Or maybe their parents are cool with it because their children don't happen to be psychopaths"
Some of them are.  There's a reason why children can't buy guns.  Not because they'll all shoot people, but because a certain amount of them will.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2005, 10:13:21 PM »
You don't need to be a psychopath to kill people with a gun. Children love playing with things like that and firearm safety is a lost cause with them. Hell, not even adults handle guns properly all the time (I remember that our instructor told us "The rifle is not a hammer! You will NOT use it to ram tent hooks into the ground!").

At the age of six children still imitate what they see in play. That's why you're supposed to give them harmless shows with educational value, not gorefests. Hell, when I was a kid it was Power Rangers that made us "violent", a friend and me tried to emulate Super Mario Bros., etc. Children at that age are impressionable and unresponsible.

That screams "bad parenting". It's one thing to assume your 14 year old is mentally mature enough to play 16 or 18 rated games (depending on whether you're talking about GTAVC or 3), it's another to assume the same of a six year old.

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RE:6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2005, 10:21:51 PM »
People just dont care about swearing or damage or anything anymore. I blame this on the loss of popularity towards religeon. If people dont care what happens after death then they wont care what they do now. However my parents say I have been posseced by the spirit of my grand father since I wore a tweed suit to school. Parents dont care, so kids dont care and the government doesnt care either. In fact the only people to care are religious freaks (I am not one I just have the mind set of a cool versian of a victorian gentlemen) and the few careing souls that we are at planet gamecube. It is also true that left alone with weapons kids will kill each other. That is why they make games like GTA and why kids go to laser quest. And as usual I have run out of steam half way through a post, Ah hell.
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2005, 05:18:16 AM »
That has zero to do with religion and all to do with giving your child the attention it needs. Many parents see that giving lil' timmy a TV and a game makes him shut up for the rest of the day and later wonder why he's gone on a killing spree (too many games -> lack of social life -> outcast -> hates everyone -> snaps). A child must be brought up but many parents don't realize this anymore.
Also, I think it's part the ESRB's fault that parents buy violent video games for their children because they don't understand that EC, E, KA, T, M, AO, EA rating system. Another part of the fault hits the mentality that videogames are for kids. Many parents don't realize that videogames aren't just Mario and Sonic anymore, that games these days are mostly about recreating military conflicts and often include subject matter unsuitable or even harmful for kids.

Speaking of harmful for kids, what was on that RE4 bonus disk? I saw a note on a pile of RE4 GC bundles today saying the bonus disk has been removed because it got indexed (found harmful towards the development of children/banned from advertising and sale to minors).

Offline S-U-P-E-R

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RE:6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2005, 10:33:45 AM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11kAlso, I think it's part the ESRB's fault that parents buy violent video games for their children because they don't understand that EC, E, KA, T, M, AO, EA rating system. Another part of the fault hits the mentality that videogames are for kids.

How is this the ESRB's fault?

Offline Guitar Smasher

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2005, 03:40:44 PM »
It's confusing.  Why not just put 6+, 14+, 17+, etc. instead of confusing letters?  Yeah, the age is printed in small above the letter, but there's also whole lot of other things on the box.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2005, 10:41:22 PM »
A big red "18+" cannot be misunderstood.

Offline Myxtika1 Azn

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2005, 04:13:10 AM »
There was a bonus disc that came with RE 4? I bought the special edition one and did not get one.  Are you talking about the US release?
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2005, 05:54:18 AM »
Nope, PAL. The US doesn't have a law against material harmful towards children. And I think it was only included in the RE4+GC bundle, not the game itself.

Offline nickmitch

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2005, 03:37:11 PM »
Some people are just too stupid to have kids.
On a side note: I LOVE Power Rangers!  
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Offline darknight06

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2005, 08:29:40 PM »
"People just dont care about swearing or damage or anything anymore. I blame this on the loss of popularity towards religeon."

I've seen more than my share of religious folks just as bad as you describe.  Religion has nothing to do with it.

Offline WuTangTurtle

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RE: 6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2005, 03:36:00 AM »
At work i have parents that buy GTA for their 6 year olds, I always ask the parent if they know that this game is mature and is not suitable for children, they always tell me "well, they have played it before" and i always tell them "so you know that your child goes out on the street and shoot people, steals people's cars and run them over with there car?"  They almost always respond "if i don't get it they won't stop bitching".

Blame it on religion or whatever, but it boils down to bad parenting.  Seriously when the father of the Columbine shooters calls police and says i think my son might have shot up the school, you know something is wrong in the parenting of children, and i don't just mean in his case but ever household.

Funny story about 2 days ago during closing a family was finishing a purchase, there 16 year old son went out of our store to wait at the benches and he set off our alarms, he attempted to steal a Playboy DVD!  We didn't do anything to him but I know his parents were gonna rip him a new one, LOL.  I was amazed he tried to steal that with his parents there, what an idiot.

Offline Gamebasher

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RE:6 Year Olds Bustin Caps In GTA
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2005, 04:25:41 PM »
It´s all in how kids are being raised. I pretty much see it this way:

A child is born, and he or she is blank! So that little person must now learn everything from the beginning, and will do so. That is, will learn what the teacher (the parents) teaches! Get it?

They do what the parents make them do! They don´t know any better. They are so receptive, that they copy everything that the parents do, are, say. Down to the last little detail. That includes the bad deeds too. So if any parent has a problem with the behaviour of their child/children, they had better look at themselves and make the appropriate changes there first before complaining! Next there is the huge problem of secondary influence from the surrounding society! Rap musicians who sing lyrics about raping, killing etc. Tv shows where people participate to be seen and to view other people fight open, brute battles (whether it be verbal or physical), with no intimate details left out and walk home craving more. School kids who "persuade" them to follow the latest trends, and which doesn´t stop short of the most violent games, movies if they are deemed cool by a leader of the pack. The blind follow the blind, and the rich get richer on other peoples moral and intellectual ruin. I see it over here and I see it elsewhere in the world. You gotta admit it to yourself: the world is going down, and it is not going to get better until it has gotten a lot worse. Have we even hit the bottom yet? Are people strong enough to steer cleer of the pitfalls which can dangerously alter their behaviour, and provenly so?  

Parental responsibility, if not strictly enforced, will eventually result in a generation of children who grow up being insensitive to too many things. Including killings, theft, rape etc. I am not saying they will all develope into homicidal maniacs, but the foundation has been laid already. Some of them, if not many of them, will. The seeds are in the ground, and they are sprouting everywhere. Who knows what people do outside the media-spotlight? What they get away with, without ever being brought to justice for lack of evidence? This everyday incident or that international conflict, this invasion or that invasion which trigger something inside them which has been steadily built up over the years playing games the others said were harmless, being exposed to violent or downright stupid media output again and again, eroding the boundaries of the sense of morale, sense of reason? So a lot could be going on already, which we don´t hear about and which is rooted in a society marred by media-created violence, gore and which appeals to only the lowest instincts in the human psyche. Drugs are everywhere too adding to the probable dangers with their mindaltering abilities. I personally know of people who are exactly like in the above scenario and I do my best to stay very far away from them.

Best hope that there will eventually arise a new trend in society, one which has zero tolerance towards irresponsibility on the administrative levels of society, and towards greedy executives in the media who value the Mighty Buck higher than they do human relations. Perhaps when people overall get enough of shootings (which is really only the tip of the iceberg, signalling grave disorders in childrearing these days) they will start to unite and do something on a worldwide scale. Of course, that would have to be controlled from a high level of political office.

The alternative, I am afraid, will be generations of people who don´t care about anything, resulting in anything from local crime incidents popping up everywhere on a steady rate to wholesale obliteration worldwide. There is already wars everywhere, all the time threatening to spill over to other regions and becoming a major worldwide conflict and the only thing that can stop it, is people who love their fellow man and woman and child and who will be seen by people as beacons of light in the evergrowing darkness, so that they will be listened to and followed. Even if not expressed directly, then in the heart and in the mind. People need such leaders, who will make them see the right way to conduct themselves. Rear their kids etc. Preach over.

Society is made by people, and the quality of people in said society directly determines the quality of that society. No kidding! And remember that those who are children/adolescents now, will be tomorrows adults! But what adults will they be? And where will they work, and what power will they wield? How well will they be able to conceal their probable psychopathic tendencies and will there be enough people with a proper morale to keep them out of the picture altogether seeing the danger before it becomes an unavoidable threat? You don´t want a guy who has gone cold, blank, dead inside, to sit with the finger on the nuclear trigger, would you? I have seen all of above things for years, and I am not exaggerating. Now it´s come so far that it hits the news several times weekly in newspapers all over the world. Ominious signs.    
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