Author Topic: Bloodsworth, to be (lock-happy), or not to be, that is the question  (Read 2293 times)

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Offline Chrono

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I say this with all due respect, so forgive me if I sound rude.
Ok, there are obviously quite a few Bonus Disc threads out there, such as:

"Ocarina/Master Quest available separately"
"Difference between OoT and Master Quest"    
"When will the Zelda Presale start?"    
"Does anyone know if europe is getting the Zelda OOT/URA bonus disk?"    

But not one of those topic titles fits in what-so-ever with the fact that I went to Target and got the bonus disc for free (
"People need to freaking read. I'm getting a little tired of this nonsense."
Should I really have to go read the threads you locked before I post a message?  
You are being lock crazy, and if a moderator wants to put a stop to all these threads, they need to make an "official" bonus disc thread, and sticky it to the top, not lock every other thread that someone posts about the topic. Be reasonable. Many of the threads I would have posted my post in, are locked, such as:

I Wanna Talk About The Bonus Disc    
Zelda Pre-Order Discs   
Bonus Dicscs out already?!    

That's not to say that they are not just practical carbon copies of many of the other bonus disc threads, but by their titles, I would have posted my topic there instead of creating my own thread. But like I said, none of the threads I first mentioned had anything to do with my topic, except for the fact that it delt with the bonus disc.

Offline Bloodworth

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Bloodsworth, to be (lock-happy), or not to be, that is the question
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2003, 09:56:54 PM »
There are multiple official threads in Talkback. In the case that you want to post in this area, "When will the Zelda Presale start?" is a perfectly appropriate thread that your comment would have fit in, and it has been around the longest.  Now, maybe I can re-title it to make it clear that it's a little more general than the title might imply, but that should have been easy to tell just by looking at the thread.


But not one of those topic titles fits in what-so-ever with the fact that I went to Target and got the bonus disc for free

That's really the essence of this. Everyone gets back and thinks they have to make a whole new topic that they got the disc at X store when it really isn't anything different than what everyone else has been saying.  


Should I really have to go read the threads you locked before I post a message?

No, but you should have read the sticky thread I made at the top and found which of the five threads I linked to was most appropriate.  There are 31 comments in today's Talkback article.  I'm sure you'd find active conversation and interested readers there.

Also, you should have read the rules which state that public complaining is a bannable offense.  We tend not to ban people unless they're really nasty, but it's in the rules all the same and you should have sent me a private message or e-mail.
Daniel Bloodworth
Managing Editor