Author Topic: SP Import Shortage?  (Read 2520 times)

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Offline PGC-Agent Cooper

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SP Import Shortage?
« on: February 12, 2003, 12:18:52 PM »
People who’re interested in importing a Game Boy Advance SP later this week may have a hard time getting a hold of one.  We’ve got a few tips on where you’ll be able to pick one up.

I contacted our good friends over at Video Game Depot today and they informed me that they will be getting their full shipment this Friday.  This is the current info they have on their website…

This morning we received final word on our shipment of GBA SP systems. And in general our news is very good. We will receive our full shipment this Friday. All pre-orders will be able to be filled and we will actually have some extra Indigo left over for anyone looking to get them. Pre-orders are back up on the page for the Indigo GBA SP if anyone would like to secure one. The only bad news is that prices are slightly higher then expected, we are able to offer the SP system to all of our original pre-orders at a price of $150. We will be sending e-mails out to all pre-orders today and we ask that you please confirm that the new price is ok, we will not ship any orders that we do not receive confirmation for. The left over Indigo stock is going to be available for $155 for anyone interested. We may receive a few extra of the Black and Platinum but that is not confirmed yet, we expect to know on Friday.

National Console Support reported this morning that they’re getting an extremely small initial shipment of their Game Boy Advance SPs on Monday.  

Last week, we reported severe shortages of the GBA SP when it launches in Japan. About an hour ago, only one of our suppliers confirmed some stock availability this week at the price of Y19450 (US$160.52) per unit. According to their allocations, we'll be considered lucky if we receive 50 units from them this Friday. Adding to the malaise, suppliers in Hong Kong who are generally a good backup source of product will not receive any Asian distribution of the GBA SP.

   This presents a dilemma when our retail preorders went out at US$130. Due to the shortage, NCS will be unable to supply the GBA SP this week and possibly even next week due to the shortage and price revision. As the weeks go by with little or no supply, the impetus for importing a GBA SP will weaken among our customer base since the USA version of the GBA SP ships on March 22. Apologies for this situation but we would advise our customers to wait a week or so to see how the supply of the GBA SP settles. Nintendo may flood the market next week and prices will plummet. This type of "dumping" has happened before and patience may be rewarded.

   In any case, if you do not want to wait and must have the GBA SP, the earliest that we will receive any supply will be on Monday of next week. Pricing will be US$175 but even then, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to fill your order due to the limited supplies in the distribution channel at this time. We will contact all our customers on Monday with more information - we may receive 10 units or 50 and we won't know until we see the airway bill from our shipper. By that time, we may have information on new, lower priced supplies as well. All the time, preparation and effort that we've put into the Japanese GBA SP launch was for naught.  

   Note: 01:36PM EST. We don't expect any of our customers to keep their preorders due to the price increase and shortage. We will however keep everyone updated if prices should drop back to US$130 within the next week or two. Today's news is just our way of keeping our customers informed and aware.

Billy Berghammer
Founder -- Planet