Author Topic: 3rd party support Revolution  (Read 3253 times)

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Offline NIGHTWING2.5

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3rd party support Revolution
« on: October 23, 2004, 02:42:32 PM »
Do you guys think the 3rd party developers will support the Nintendo's new system.; or will it be a repeat of the N64 and I hate to say it; now the GC?
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Offline Draygaia

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RE: 3rd party support Revolution
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2004, 05:00:04 PM »
Either way can happen but I see it getting better.  Nintendo needs to apply to the Rev as they did with the DS.  Nintendo did say that the Rev will really be something and that the DS is a taste of it.  Don't just eat meat.  Eat chicken.

Offline couchmonkey

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RE: 3rd party support Revolution
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2004, 09:47:23 AM »
I think it's impossible to say because Nintendo is supposedly planning something very radical with the next system.  So I think we'll only know the answer to that question depending on how different the system is and how developers feel about the differences.

Assuming Revolution were just a powered-up GameCube, I'd expect things to go about the same as they did this generation:  Nintendo will get a bunch of fresh third-party support in the beginning (maybe even more this time), but developers will slowly withdraw for the same reasons they're leaving the GameCube.  I just don't think Nintendo's attitude has changed that much, and until Nintendo either changes it's attitude or somehow manages to sell a lot more systems than MS and Sony, third parties will spend more time on MS and Sony's systems.
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: 3rd party support Revolution
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2004, 10:23:49 AM »
The userbase they get counts. If they get people who buy third party games a lot on board then third party games will sell and the support will be there. Ninty got only the "first party only" group in significant numbers.

Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: 3rd party support Revolution
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2004, 10:46:14 AM »
What's kind of funny in this case is that it's the developer's own fault their games sell like crap on the GC...It's hard to lower yourself down to the crap a lot of devs churn out when you are used to quality titles...This is pretty much beating a dead horse but games like REmake and VJ show that *quality* third party titles sell...  
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: 3rd party support Revolution
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2004, 10:59:32 AM »
It's all based on the size of the Revolution userbase after the first year or so.  If Nintendo doesn't want a repeat of the last two gens they have to be incredibly competent.  They have an uphill battle so stupid little mistakes like tiny memory cards and wacky controller designs are going to make or break them.  They pretty much have to do everything perfect.  That's really the only way they'll get the general public to care and they need the general public to care in order to get third parties to care.

Aside from not f*cking up they also have to do some things exceptionally.  The launch lineup for example NEEDS to have an amazing killer app.  Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Advance, or Super Mario 64 DS are not going to cut it.  They need something on par with Super Mario 64.  First impressions are everything and if the launch lineup is lame people aren't going to give them a chance.  They also have to line up some really major third party exclusives, like the Resident Evil deal except more than that.  If they have to throw some cash around so be it.  The extra cash spent on getting a major third party exclusive for the first year of the Rev's life will more than pay off later in system sales and third party licencing fees.

They also have to suck up to third parties.  No more having the most expensive licencing fees.  No more elitist attitude.  They have to suck up big time.  They have to give third parties an incentive to make Rev games.  Cutting fees for exclusive titles, getting third party input regarding the hardware's design, publishing and localizing games for small developers are the sorts of things they have to do.  If they have some truly new innovative idea that would provide a decent incentive as well providing this idea doesn't wang traditional game design.

And of course they need good marketing which is a big question mark.  Making the best system ever isn't always enough.  Aggressive marketing will be a key role in how many consoles are sold within that first year.  MS nailed it with the JSRF bundle pack.  Those are the sort of ideas Nintendo has to have.  They can't assume people will just buy their stuff just because.

However the one big variable that may very well f*ck everything up is online support.  If the Rev doesn't have it that will limit third party support.  If a third party can't make an online game on the Rev then that's a lost game that didn't NEED to be lost.  The Cube has lost titles like Burnout 3 and Godzilla 2 because it's not online.  No online is a limitation and developers don't like limitations particularly when the competition is allowing that freedom.  It's also a limitation that's going to become more significant next gen.  Plus the lack of the feature affects systems sales.  If you're missing a feature the competition has it's going to cost you sales.  The Rev absolutely HAS to be online if there is to be decent third party support and Nintendo has to have plans from the get-go.  If they pussyfoot around it like they did last time people are just going to assume they have no plans because that's how it turned out last time.

So it's going to be pretty hard.  There's very little room for error.  I think they are capable of this.  Whether or not they actually pull it off is something else.  

Offline NIGHTWING2.5

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RE:3rd party support Revolution
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2004, 11:22:16 AM »
All I can say to you're comment Ian Sane is; get out my head.!!! You're stealing my thoughts!!. I couldn't have said better myself. Now if only we could get say about; 400,000 GC owners to send emails with those much needed comments; to Nintendo. Maybe they will actually listen, and not assume they no what we want. What do you say GC owners?
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: 3rd party support Revolution
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2004, 11:45:17 AM »
"Now if only we could get say about; 400,000 GC owners to send emails with those much needed comments; to Nintendo. Maybe they will actually listen, and not assume they no what we want."

That is a pretty big number but it probably wouldn't work.  Nintendo isn't going to base major decisions on what we think the company should do.  They should know how to do this themselves.  If they don't a petition or massive email campaign from the fans isn't going to clue them in.

Offline NIGHTWING2.5

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RE:3rd party support Revolution
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2004, 01:07:29 PM »
It still doesn't hurt to try, though. Hey they gave into to pressure when it came time to port Mortal Kombat II to the SNES. Which was the best out of every version made back then.  
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Offline DrZoidberg

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RE: 3rd party support Revolution
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2004, 09:44:53 AM »
yeah, I'm going to go ahead and ban this guy. Apparently he hasn't learnt, despite warnings, avatar rules. Also threads in the wrong area.