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Offline jme

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« on: February 10, 2003, 08:31:26 PM »
Besides PSO being online are there any other games out there taking advantage of this technology for the gamecube?
Ghost Recon has online support for the other platforms, does that mean it will have it on the cube?
I heard rumors that Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, and Mario Golf would have online support but I don't know how true those will be...

Are there any games officially slated to be online?
and i ain't lyin' neither!

Offline Mingesium

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« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2003, 08:33:40 PM »
Ghost Recon is only XBox Live. There has been no announcement of any upcoming online games for GameCube. Wait til E3.

Offline nolimit19

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2003, 08:34:49 PM »
ghost recon wont be online for the cube, i think its only online for the xbox and pc. i dont think its online for the ps2 even. nothing has realy been announced for online yet, but i think all star baseball 2004 might be online. i really would like a couple games to play online, but only if its free, and not all games need to be online. i am not a freak about it, but it would be a nice addition especially to the sports department imo.
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Offline KrazyJ1098

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« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2003, 03:53:26 AM »
give it some time guys, wait for e3. i think we will all be in for a big surprise. personally, i truly believe that nintendo will put mario kart online as well as make it LAN enabled. yes the gamecube can do LAN  connections. but you need a broadband adapter.
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Offline E f f e k t

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« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2003, 05:29:40 AM »
Personally, I think it would be kind of cool to see a game like Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords appear online for the GameCube. Anything with a Zelda'esque feel would do good as an online game, in my opinion.  

Offline sycomonkey

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« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2003, 08:05:49 AM »
Nope, nothing except PSO is online right now or will be for a while.  They might come up with an online title at E3 or something, but meh.  I don't like online gaming at all and therefore could care less.  I, in fact, hope Nintendo has the forsight to just let the fad pass without wasting time and money on it.
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The universe will not be altered by forum threads, even those which are very wry. --Tycho Brahe (Penny Arcade)

Offline bonestormer

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« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2003, 10:56:33 AM »
How many online games have you actually played? Personally I find them VERY adictive and an extremly fun experience. I wouldn't want every game online, but the lack of any right now (besides PSO) finds me playing Xbox more then GC. Which is sad I really hope Nintendo does bring some games online, or else i may be forced to buy more and more games for the "dark side".

And online gaming isn't a fad.  

Offline EggyToast

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« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2003, 11:08:08 AM »
Well there's definitely an audience for it, albeit small, and I think Nintendo has the right idea by only pursuing online gaming so far if it'll work for people with both dialup and broadband (instead of only offering it to 15% of all US internet users).

It is fun to play a big multiplayer FPS online sometimes -- when you can kill all the bots at the highest intelligence level by a wide margin, you start hoping for something a little more challenging.  Same with strategy games -- something like Black & White would be cool for online play.

But most of the popular online games for PC fit nicely into genres that make sense as online games -- RTS, FPS, and MMORPG.  RTS hasn't had a lot of success (any?) on consoles, FPSs are quite different on consoles (being usually more story driven or at least adapted for split-screen), and MMORPGs also tend towards people who like to waste weeks at a time instead of play a game for fun.  Most of the games that are online capable for the Xbox (not including silly "downloadable content" vaporware) are your rather standard arcade-type game, and the only thing online play gives you is a) a good challenge sometimes and b) someone to talk to on those lonely nights.

Ironically, Xbox's push to emphasize the voice capabilities of Live could be a downside, as I know quite a few people who DON'T like to talk to people while playing games, let alone people they're playing against, and it could certainly be a deterent for females.  Girls playing most online games can simply not make a note of their gender, since there's no way to really find out, but online where you need to talk to people?  You KNOW every guy is going to hit on her, regardless of her playing skills.

I think the only games that Nintendo have confirmed as having online play are some upcoming pokemon game and AC2.  Animal crossing would be easily to support any connection speed, and the net code doesn't need to be the cleanest -- making sure you get that headshot in isn't important.

Offline Jollus

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« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2003, 11:44:47 AM »
FYI - Black and White was a horrible online game.  I hear that they are changing a lot of things for B&W2, so maybe that will be fun for more than a week.

Offline ruby_onix

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« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2003, 01:17:47 PM »

Originally posted by: EggyToast
Ironically, Xbox's push to emphasize the voice capabilities of Live could be a downside, as I know quite a few people who DON'T like to talk to people while playing games, let alone people they're playing against, and it could certainly be a deterent for females.  Girls playing most online games can simply not make a note of their gender, since there's no way to really find out, but online where you need to talk to people?  You KNOW every guy is going to hit on her, regardless of her playing skills.

You're assuming there are any (real) females left in the XBox world.
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I'm about to go punk up some 3rd parties so they don't release games on other hardware, ciao!
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Offline sycomonkey

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« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2003, 02:36:09 PM »
How do you know that Online gaming isn't a fad.  Nobody thought Disco was a fad, and nobody thought the Macerana or bell bottoms were either.  But there were.  Just because it's popular now doesn't mean it will be popular 10 years from now.

No, the way I see gaming 10-20 years from now is this: Consoles will be the primary game playing platform, with Cell phones Gameboy type things being a 2nd place.  I'm pretty sure PC gaming will have become a niche market by then as most PCs will be replaced with smaller, more task-oriented devices like TabletPCs and PDAs.  I think the consoles 10-20 years from now will be very small, about the size of a GBA, and taking disks as small as the GCN's if not smaller.  The only ports will be for the TV/Audio out and the memory card(which at that point will be virtually infinite in capacity).  There won't be Online gaming because it will have died out and we'll probably be using a different protacol by then anyway...

And I'm not pulling this out of then air.  Smaller and more integrated designs is always how electronics evolve.  They go from things that take up rooms and have hundreds of switches, displays, tape reels, and keyboards, to become essentially desktop appliances with just a keyboard and a mouse.   So that's how I'm sure it will continue going. As far as Online gaming is concerned, it's just popular because of it's novelty.  The idea of playing a video game from a distance is just interesting, but people will grow tired of it much like they grew tired of Tomagochis.
I find the lack of sig images annoying. I have this nice image I use as my sig in all my other forums and I can't use it here.  So instead I'll just complain...

The universe will not be altered by forum threads, even those which are very wry. --Tycho Brahe (Penny Arcade)

Offline Stimutacs Addict

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« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2003, 03:16:14 PM »

Originally posted by: EggyToast

Ironically, Xbox's push to emphasize the voice capabilities of Live could be a downside, as I know quite a few people who DON'T like to talk to people while playing games, let alone people they're playing against, and it could certainly be a deterent for females.  Girls playing most online games can simply not make a note of their gender, since there's no way to really find out, but online where you need to talk to people?  You KNOW every guy is going to hit on her, regardless of her playing skills.

I thought that Microsoft was going to add a feature where you could have a different voice through the Xbox Live communicator.. or was that feature removed?
I'll shut up now...

Offline JoeSmashBro

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« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2003, 05:27:43 PM »

Originally posted by: sycomonkey
How do you know that Online gaming isn't a fad.  Nobody thought Disco was a fad, and nobody thought the Macerana or bell bottoms were either.  But there were.  Just because it's popular now doesn't mean it will be popular 10 years from now.

Uh... You didn't think the Macerana was a fad??? Loser!!! ;P I wasn't alive for disco or bell bottoms, so I can't confirm those ones. Funny how you talk about the ten years thing... ten years ago was just about when online gaming started. And it's now bigger than ever!!


No, the way I see gaming 10-20 years from now is this: Consoles will be the primary game playing platform, with Cell phones Gameboy type things being a 2nd place.  I'm pretty sure PC gaming will have become a niche market by then as most PCs will be replaced with smaller, more task-oriented devices like TabletPCs and PDAs.  I think the consoles 10-20 years from now will be very small, about the size of a GBA, and taking disks as small as the GCN's if not smaller.  The only ports will be for the TV/Audio out and the memory card(which at that point will be virtually infinite in capacity).  There won't be Online gaming because it will have died out and we'll probably be using a different protacol by then anyway...

Uh... You are INSANE. Stop living in your fantasy world in which Yamauchi is the supreme ruler. PC's are the same size they were in 1983, when they were still new. PC gaming will die out?? Are you kidding me??? How can you even BEGIN to think about justifying that statement??? Console gaming cannot possibly exist without PC's. Games need to run, compile, and test on desktops. The Nintendo programmers of the future must learn how to program computer games as youngins. The thought that only company-backed software-licensed console gaming will exist in the future is terrifying. It's also ludicrous. Independent developers, as well as companies that make mostly pc-only games like RTS and mouse-oriented FPS will forever keep PC gaming alive. Not that hundreds of other things wouldn't anyway... I don't know how to respond to your comments because they make no sense whatsoever. If the memory card has all that capacity you should only need one, so why not just build it into the console?? The discs will mostly be the same size of the standard media of the time (cds on PSX, dvd's on PS2/XBox) except who knows about Nintendo, because Nintendo is weird.

Oh yeah, online gaming will die out. Yeah right. Why is it that so many Nintendo fans are so negative about online gaming??!! You must not be blessed with broadband. Yes, some people just use online gaming to waste time gaining stats in MMORPGsand building up thier ego by beating other people in a FPS but I personally find online PC gaming a very rewarding, fun experience that I play with friends I know and people I meet online. Not every online gamer is an idiot, many servers can be found with people who enjoy teamwork and fair gameplay and unbelievably there are an abundance of servers where people agree not to cuss at each other. You loco.


And I'm not pulling this out of then air.  Smaller and more integrated designs is always how electronics evolve.  They go from things that take up rooms and have hundreds of switches, displays, tape reels, and keyboards, to become essentially desktop appliances with just a keyboard and a mouse.   So that's how I'm sure it will continue going. As far as Online gaming is concerned, it's just popular because of it's novelty.  The idea of playing a video game from a distance is just interesting, but people will grow tired of it much like they grew tired of Tomagochis.

Yes. Online gaming is is like Tomagotchi.

(slaps forehead) Don't you know, while you were at home playing Mario (so was I), PC gamers have been enjoying online gaming for years already????????????????????????????????????????????? GET OVER IT. If you can't beat them, JOIN THEM ALREADY! I used to complain about online too but you have to give it a chance and just because my broadband internet only makes up 15% of the online community or whatever, doesn't mean I should be allowd to enjoy it.

edit: yeah you can change your voice with XBox live but most people seem to hate when others do that and the voice-changers get flamed bigtime (so I've heard)
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Offline sycomonkey

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« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2003, 06:46:28 PM »

Uh... You didn't think the Macerana was a fad??? Loser!!! ;P I wasn't alive for disco or bell bottoms, so I can't confirm those ones. Funny how you talk about the ten years thing... ten years ago was just about when online gaming started. And it's now bigger than ever!!

I thought the macerana was Stupid, but i wasn't sure if it was a fad or not.  And no, Online gaming did not start 10 years ago it started with Dreamcast i think.  Unless you're talking about PC in which case you are completely missing the point.


Uh... You are INSANE. Stop living in your fantasy world in which Yamauchi is the supreme ruler. PC's are the same size they were in 1983, when they were still new. PC gaming will die out?? Are you kidding me??? How can you even BEGIN to think about justifying that statement??? Console gaming cannot possibly exist without PC's. Games need to run, compile, and test on desktops. The Nintendo programmers of the future must learn how to program computer games as youngins. The thought that only company-backed software-licensed console gaming will exist in the future is terrifying. It's also ludicrous. Independent developers, as well as companies that make mostly pc-only games like RTS and mouse-oriented FPS will forever keep PC gaming alive. Not that hundreds of other things wouldn't anyway... I don't know how to respond to your comments because they make no sense whatsoever. If the memory card has all that capacity you should only need one, so why not just build it into the console?? The discs will mostly be the same size of the standard media of the time (cds on PSX, dvd's on PS2/XBox) except who knows about Nintendo, because Nintendo is weird.

Yamouchi was a good presedent but I think I like this one better.  The fact that PCs are plagued with a static design for the past 10 years does not change that fact that home electronics tend to get smaller and cleaner over time.  It's the natural progression of technology.  Seeing as how console are not computers (well, Xbox is a weird mix) then weather or not computers stay stagnant in designs of the 80s is of no consequence to predicting some of the future of home entertainment electronics.

PCs and consoles have nothing to do with each other, except some of the design happens to be done on computers, but that could easily change.  Sony could make a special comptuer to design Playstation 5 games on and sell it do developers.  As could Nintendo or who ever else happens to be going at the time.  

Haveing an integrated memory card would be almost as bad as having a hard drive.  Sure it would be a little better, but you'd still be stuck with it if it broke, and you could never trade files or let a friend borrow it for a while.  The disk thing is just a matter of convience.  I prefer Nintendo's disk to the Playstation's bulky ones because they don't take up as much space to store.  I have a little binder that I keep my GCN games in, and the thing fits in my pocket.


Oh yeah, online gaming will die out. Yeah right. Why is it that so many Nintendo fans are so negative about online gaming??!! You must not be blessed with broadband. Yes, some people just use online gaming to waste time gaining stats in MMORPGsand building up thier ego by beating other people in a FPS but I personally find online PC gaming a very rewarding, fun experience that I play with friends I know and people I meet online. Not every online gamer is an idiot, many servers can be found with people who enjoy teamwork and fair gameplay and unbelievably there are an abundance of servers where people agree not to cuss at each other. You loco.

I happen to have broadband internet, yes.  But that doesn't have anything to do with online gamings many horrible issues, except a little bit about lag.  Here's my issues with Online gaming:

1: The cost.  Let's say I had an Xbox.  First i'd have to buy the console, then the game, then I'd have to pay for the Online kit, then subscription to Microsoft's servers, Sega's servers, and my internet bill too.

2: Lag.  Broadband helps out a little, but it's still so annoying that it makes the game not worth playing.  

3: The players: If for some strange reason I feel like playing a multiplayer game in the first place, I don't want to play "Shoot Random People" with a bunch of 733t h4X0rs.  I want to play Smash Bros. with 3 of my friends.  Because I know them, and we can talk about stuff while we play.  You might be able to track down your friends online, but that takes a lot of work, and they still aren't there.  You're playing together, but not.  It's empty and pointless.

4: A waste of bandwidth: There are so many other things I could use my precious bandwidth for that doesn't involve video games.


(slaps forehead) Don't you know, while you were at home playing Mario (so was I), PC gamers have been enjoying online gaming for years already????????????????????????????????????????????? GET OVER IT. If you can't beat them, JOIN THEM ALREADY! I used to complain about online too but you have to give it a chance and just because my broadband internet only makes up 15% of the online community or whatever, doesn't mean I should be allowd to enjoy it.

But I'm not talking about PC online gaming, I'm talking about everyone saying "Hay!  There's people playing PC games remotely with strangers!  Let's saturate console gaming with this completely pointless gimmick!"  If PC gamers want to play online I don't care that much, but it's when they start taking valueable money and time away from the console games to cash in on a fad is when I get upset.  Instead of trying to make Pikmin2 online or something they should try to make it, you know, NOT a 10 hour game.  this sort of stuff pisses me off.

I've given Online gaming several chances.  I don't like it and I don't see it lasting much longer (at least for consoles).  I am not going to jump on the random online gaming bandwagon, because I have no need to.  As long as I can get a good game of Zelda, Metroid, and Silent Hill I'll be happy.
I find the lack of sig images annoying. I have this nice image I use as my sig in all my other forums and I can't use it here.  So instead I'll just complain...

The universe will not be altered by forum threads, even those which are very wry. --Tycho Brahe (Penny Arcade)

Offline jme

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« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2003, 01:47:08 AM »
I've been online gaming since the Sega Genesis (Sega Channel Anyone?!?!)
I don't think it's a fad. It's been growing over the years, and now with the right technology it's working out better than ever.
and i ain't lyin' neither!

Offline Zebulahn

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« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2003, 08:23:45 AM »
Anyone who actually thinks that online gaming is a fad is just swallowing what Nintendo is spoonfeeding them and not thinking for themselves.

Offline Sir Pinch-a-Loaf

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« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2003, 08:33:49 AM »

Originally posted by: EggyToast

Sorry, I don't really have anything to say, I just wanted to tell EggyToast what an AWESOME name he has...especially if he took it from the song of the same name by Mike & Rich (a.k.a. Aphex Twin and Mu-Ziq).

That is all.  Return to ignoring this post.

What, you thought you wasn't gonna see me?  I'm the Osiris of this s**t.

Offline The Omen

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« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2003, 08:53:38 AM »
  When has Nintendo said online gaming is a fad?  Never.  So 'anyone who believes online gaming is a fad is just swallowing nintendos spoonfed crap' statement would be incorrect.
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Offline PaLaDiN

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« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2003, 09:24:27 AM »
What's the big commotion about console multiplayer anyway?

I want multiplayer, I'll play it on my PC.

You know, where it's FREE... as free as the wind blows...

And to be quite honest, I have broadband... but the only game I played multiplayer was Half-Life, and that only until it got boring.

Know why? Because anything that lets more retards interact with you can only be bad.

And don't retort with, "What about these boards?". I think the mods are doing a fine job of weeding out the retards... and I have to assume most of them would get stuck while registering, by nature.  
<BR><BR>It shone, pale as bone, <BR>As I stood there alone...

Offline DevilishDude

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« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2003, 01:17:35 PM »
I cant wait for a free online game to come out.....

i dont really think its worth it bo buy the game, adapter, and machine and still have to pay every month to play.....

they should make all online games free, they will probably sell more copies
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Offline JoeSmashBro

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« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2003, 10:11:30 AM »

I want multiplayer, I'll play it on my PC.

You know, where it's FREE

It is free on PS2. After all, you're already paying for the console, games, and internet connection, right? So all you're paying for is the adapter--which comes with playable online demos, a full free version of Frequency, and a card to send in to get Twisted Metal:Black Online for FREE. And it's true that anyone who says online gaming is a fad is probably just hoping it is. I mean, do you realize that? The people that love online gaming say, "Online gaming is the thing of the future!" and the people that seem to despise it say "It's just a fad!!" and they are usually stubborn Nintendo fans.
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Offline muzein

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« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2003, 01:56:22 PM »
Didnt read the whole thread..but noticed quite a bit of online gaming bashing going on.

Why do some of you guys HATE online gaming? Not only hate it,alot of you dont want it even available in games.

Let me clear a few things up....

Rumor: If a game has online play the single play experience sucks
Answer: FALSE, some of my favorite solo games have been multi as well,it has nothing to do with having multi in a game,it has to do with whoever is developing it.

Rumor: Internet gaming is a fad
Answer:Internet gaming has been around for a long time,and is only continuing to grow.  How could it be a fad?  The internet is constantly growing and why wouldnt people want to play with other people rather than an AI sometimes?  On the contrary,I am going to take the opposite stance and say that its set to explode into the mainstream.  It may be small( not even that small) now,but have you noticed its all anyone talks about anymore and the Xbox + PS2 are using it as one of their main selling points + PC games have been selling tons soley for online features for a long time.

Rumornline gaming is expensive
Answer:The bulk of online games are FREE.  The kind of games that cost you money are games that require you to play on a permanent server hosted by a company.  You must understand also,that $10 a month is VERY cheap for unlimited use.  I cant really think of cheaper forms of entertainment,infact, if your like me and spend most your gaming time in a single game for $10 a month, online gaming can end up cheaper than solo gaming.

Rumor: The Macarena is dead
Answer: What?! I still do my daily Macarena every morning

  I have well over a thousand hours (prolly more like thousands) of online gaming logged + I work at an ISP and understand just how quick server costs add up.  I have atleast a fairly good idea of what im talking about.