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Offline NeoStar9X

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Re: Modern Warfare 3 to the Wii
« Reply #25 on: November 09, 2011, 07:15:25 AM »
It should be noted that in general there is a different feeling to gameplay when you compare Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops. It might be noticeable with Modern Warfare 1(Reflex) but much less so. I say that because some might have had a chance to play it if they only play CoD games on the Wii. 

Infinity Ward makes design decisions I feel that are at best unfair and at worse horribly stupid. They have a problem as a company I've concluded that think they can do no wrong. A lot of decisions Treyarch made, that were simply common sense, like excluding certain perks and kill streaks (because of their cheapness, they were unbalanced, and unfair), the staking of kills from kill streaks to let you get the higher ones, removal of game ending kill streaks like the tactical nuke, and letting you customize your character and weapons were completely ignored in favor of the system that was used  in Modern Warfare 2 that is being use din MW3 now. This isn't for the better I feel and it's part of why people are saying it's just Modern Warfare 2.5. It's not just because of how it looks but how it seems to actually be designed. Design decisions people have complained about for a long time, that IW knew people didn't really care for I believe. People were talking about this before the release but those really looking forward to the game tried to stop any discussion of this or label people as Battlefield 3 fanboys for even mentioning the negatives (even though that game has it's fair share of issues to.). As if you have to favor the other game just because you notice issues in this one.

This is another reason why I'm most likley passing on the game. I did not care for MW2 when I finally played it. Sure certain bad things are taken out but they've doubled down on other things and added new questionable elements. Their claim about wanting a more gun vs gun game pretty much is a lie when you look at the air offensive kill streaks they put in the game.  Now with the Wii version that could be true since certain ones aren't included. I've felt in the past CoD games were better on this front as a result of the Wii's limitations.  It's kinda strange. Less can be more in this case.

I hope people do enjoy it however.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 06:35:22 PM by NeoStar9X »

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Modern Warfare 3 to the Wii
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2011, 07:29:20 AM »
Black Ops is the most balanced COD game I've ever played, and it also has the best and most interesting singleplayer story too in my opinion. I definitely think Treyarch is the better COD studio of the two. Black Ops multiplayer isn't perfect by any means, but as I said it is the most balanced you will find anywhere. They cracked down on noob tubers and boosters which is a huge help, and they introduced the blackbird killstreak which makes it impossible for people to camp and hide. I think that's why a lot of people hate on Black Ops, because they don't like it being fair and balanced. They want something to be able to exploit the game to get cheap kills, and since that is hard to do in Black Ops they hate it and play Modern Warfare instead.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention quickscoping too. It is extremely unrealistic for soldiers to run around with sniper rifles and shooting them at close range. Treyarch fixed this problem by blocking sleight of hand pro from working with sniper rifles, which forces them more or less to be used the way sniper rifles are intended. Sure you still have people quickscoping or even no scoping, but at least it isn't easy anymore. But Infinity Ward doesn't give a **** about game balance, so the Quickdraw perk can be used with sniper rifles, so expect to see this practice return and people getting cheap unrealistic one shot kills against you at close range, when really sniper rifles are supposed to be long range weapons only.

And I hate the douchebag players out there who think you are only a good player if you quickscope. If you use any other gun or use your sniper rifle over a distance you are considered a "Noob" by these jerks. Thanks to Infinity Ward these types of players are going to be having a field day I bet.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 07:33:13 AM by Chozo Ghost »
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Offline Dasmos

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Re: Modern Warfare 3 to the Wii
« Reply #27 on: November 09, 2011, 10:20:26 AM »
Take it from somebody who has played the game, IW do it better than Treyarch. The single player is a trainwreck, but I haven't played a FPS in a while that wasn't this way. This game's multiplayer however shits all over Black Ops (and BF3, but that's because my comp is too **** to run it and I have only played the console version). And despite not being as cool (because of lack of zombies) Spec Ops Survival is more fun than the zombie mode in blops.

I'm glad the money system from blops is gone, I felt that I didn't have to earn anything in the game. Money wasn't hard to come by and I never didn't have enough money to buy what I wanted. It was too easy and there was a lack of accomplishment. This is the same for the emblems and callsigns, I like being able to make my own emblem but again there was no accomplishment in the things and I got pretty sick of seeing cock and balls everytime I got killed.

The levels are much better designed than previous games. They're not very big, but they're designed with a bigger focus on vertical changes. They could have used a little more variety, but that's more of a superficial gripe than anything. The new gun upgrades are pretty cool and upgrading them isn't difficult (it's just kills and headshots), but reaching levels to unlock sights and things is still more rewarding than just buying them. The pointstreaks are pretty cool too, and they can be tied to each class. It does suck that they have still included the point stacking, but hey it's hardly that unbalanced if I can exploit it too. Also it's pretty lol that they still included a nuke like streak in the MOAB.

All in all, it's fun. Not too different, just refined. I can't think of anything they took out of blops that I miss, and all the addition seems pretty cool and interesting, even if I haven't had too much time to mess around with it all.
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Modern Warfare 3 to the Wii
« Reply #28 on: November 09, 2011, 03:25:12 PM »
Oh yeah the Nuke from MW2. That was the worst thing of all time. I've gotten killstreaks as high as 25 so I could have activated, but I never had it set as one of my killstreaks so I never got it. But do I cheat in order to get it? No. But there were tons of players who did cheat in order to get it, by having their friend die for them 25 times via the tactical insertion. So the game would end all because some dipshit say in a corner the whole game with his friend and through no fault of anyone else.

Stuff like that happened every other game in Free-for-all. Treyarch did good by banning the use of tactical insertions in FFA mode, but it can still happen in other modes like Domination though it is less frequent. A game winning killstreak like that is just bullshit anyway, especially when the kills from other killstreaks count towards it. Treyarch wisely corrected these issues. If you want to see the game end in a nuclear explosion you can do that by playing on Nuketown, but at least whoever wins there will have earned it and not because they cheated with a buddy.
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Re: Modern Warfare 3 to the Wii
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2011, 07:00:19 PM »
There better not be a MW4 next year.
There won't be a Modern Warfare 4 next year because the games seem to come out two years apart, so it will come out the year after next. If we see any Modern Warfare game next year, it will be a port of Modern Warfare 2 on the Wii U.

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Re: Modern Warfare 3 to the Wii
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2011, 07:02:37 PM »
I don't think MW3 will be on Wii U. Wii U looks like it will launch in Fall 2012, so I think it's more likely that Activision would choose to release Call of Duty 9 on it instead.
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