Author Topic: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.  (Read 7564 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« on: June 11, 2013, 11:31:54 AM »
Alright. Well, rather than spill this out over every thread, let's do the annual NWR bitchfest in one self-contained negative thread. Maybe? Not likely but I can try.

Anyways, to be honest, my opinion on things is this. I honestly don't pay attention to the other consoles. I'm not going to buy them. I never actually play them. I have a couple friends with them but when I visit, we never play games on them so I am sadly really bad if I ever pick up an Xbox or PS controller becuase I am not used to them at all. So, that's my background.

I only buy Nintendo systems and if I keep buying and playing games, they will be the systems I purchase. Customer for life I guess. Whatever. I'm fine with that. I've got a huge backlog of games just from all those systems alone that I have plenty to play over time and there are a lot of games I like to replay as well so I really don't care if there actually is a game or two I'm missing out on the other consoles that actually interests me.

With that said, I have yet to own a Wii U. I'll probably buy one at some point but nothing in this broadcast made me sit up and say I have to get one fast. The best thing for me was more footage of X. With that a ways off, I have no sense of urgency. I think the biggest thing that is causing upsetment about this years E3 is the lack of new. Sure, we all knew that we would see Mario Kart and 3D Mario and Retro and Smash Bros but we expected something new out of them. After all, usually when Nintendo does do a new entry in a franchise, they take things in a different direction even if people don't always like it. This time, everything really looks like more of the same although I'm more excited about Mario Kart because of the F-Zero feel than most of the other games but at least that's something sort of new. A mash-up of two franchises.

Even The Windwaker. Looks lush but I was hoping to hear news that they had increased the length or added a new dungeoun but the only new stuff featured was an update on the Tingle Tuner and that you can carry many items over all the different buttons so you don't have to switch items too often but nothing else was mentioned of substance.

For all the innovation the gamepad is supposed to bring, it really doesn't seem to be translating into the usual franchises and I think that's the most disappointing thing.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 06:55:01 PM by Khushrenada »
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Offline EasyCure

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2013, 03:18:15 PM »
I'm off a similar background; never had to own anything other than Nintendo systems and have plenty of games I'm the back log that I don't feel the sting of delays, droughts or lack of 3rd party support.

However i do own a wiiu and am content with the purchase because I know games are coming and I have plenty to keep me busy until they do. I haven't seen the ND yet because I'm at work but I've checked here and twitter, seen a couple screens and recently a gif of Mario kart and honestly.. I'm not disappointed. In fact I almost jumped for joy when I read mega man is finally in smash. Sure I was hoping that retro would wow us with something original but a new dkcr is still great news for me because:

A. The original was a BLAST
B. My new gf loves dkc1 and has been playing dkc2 and returns with me. Another game that I can play with my s.o. is always a good thing.

I'm going to give Nintendo the benefit of doubt and say perhaps the reason we're seeing cookie cutter sequels right now is that HD development caught them off guard so they're having smaller teams pump out games based on Wii or 3DS engines in order to have games on the shelf. I think it's plausible, right?

Will these sell systems? Probably, but not like a Mario Galaxy would have. Do I care? **** no. I have my system and I love the games I have for it, and the ones that are coming look fun too.
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline EasyCure

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2013, 03:19:11 PM »
Please excuse any odd typos, I'm posting from my phone and distracted by my job
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2013, 05:57:22 PM »

Nintendo Direct abridged version.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2013, 12:15:18 AM »
Wait a second.... E3 happened already!?

was I under a rock or was it really just not all that this year?

Offline Caterkiller

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2013, 12:44:56 AM »
I'm really happy with what was shown at this years E3.

Bayonetta, Wonderful 101 and X are new and exclusive to the Wii U. If in house Nintendo didn't make them, I'm glad someone else did. The end result is what we beg for anyway, new IP's on Nintendo. Bayonetta is only in its 2nd title so its new enough.

Mario Kart impresses me with the graphics and the zero gravity mechanic looks at least visually appealing even if it may not change things up game play wise. Though the rubes will certainly be more impressed by that mechanic for its visual flair than Mario 3D Worlds 4 player co-op in a 3D setting.

After watching some high resolution footage of Mario 3D Land I thought it looked absolutely beautiful. The Nintendo Dirct feed made it look all crappy. I just hope the gameplay gets as complex as galaxy, so far 4 players appears to simplify things but its still only the first look. No 3D Mario has let me down yet even after Galaxy 2 completely underwhelmed me upon its first reveal. So I'm giving the game the benefit of the doubt.

Sonic Lost World looks more interesting than Mario 3D World! Another 3rd party exclusive that looks like my Sonic dream come true, only there is no 2 player co-op with Tails.

Donkey Kong looks great! Those camera angles really make the platforming so much more dynamic! I'm expecting this one to be just as fun and crazy as Returns and now with button controls! Not to mention Dixie Kong and water levels will further differentiate this one from the last game. Of and David Weis is back for some original music? Man this is gonna be good!

I could care less about the Wind Waker. It looks the same and I can't imagine the new content being worth buying the game for. I'll just borrow it from my brother.

Smash Bros...  What can I say that I don't preach about in every other thread? I want Ridley? I know Mewtwo is coming back? Teaming up with Bamco was the best thing for the franchise? They got Mega Man in the way that everyone wanted to see him!

What else is coming? Watch Dogs, Batman? I want those too.

3DS looks great as well.

That Pokemon man! All them new fairy Pokemon with older Pokemon getting retyped! S exciting.

This E3 was great accept for surprises.
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2013, 01:22:25 AM »
As a Wii U owner and someone who was really hoping the system would deliver in the latter half of 2013, I can say I'm a bit disappointed.

I know every review site is going to fawn over 3D World, so I have no way of telling whether or not it will really entice me, though some of the footage I've seen looks more positive than 3D Land. X isn't coming out this year, which is unfortunate. Really, the only games I'm looking forward to on Wii U later this year are Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, and Sonic Lost World so Nintendo did little to change that mindset. I might also pick up Watch_Dogs, but that's pretty much it. I have no real love for the Donkey Kong franchise and DKC didn't really grab me, so Tropical Freeze did nothing for me. Smash Bros. made me happy and I was glad to see both versions on display, but for the most part, this year felt like a higher-publicized version of what we've been getting all year- Nintendo Directs with some dropped bombs, and not much info.

Mind you, that's not a bad thing. Maybe the reason this E3 felt so underwhelming was because we've had such powerful Nintendo Directs all year- but that doesn't make up for the fact that Nintendo was dead-silent about the Wii U all this time and had very little to show for it. It's doubly offensive because all the support they've shown has essentially been scheduled for 2014. I mean, ****, Nintendo- you've been hyping this reset track for the Wii U with 3D Mario and Mario Kart, and one of those games isn't coming until next year?

Ultimately, I can't really complain- I still have the rest of the year to tackle SMTIV, Rune Factory 4, Pokemon, A Link Between Worlds, and whatever else Nintendo drops on us before 2013 is done with. I just wish they gave me a real reason to actually play my Wii U.
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2013, 04:27:08 AM »
Things Nintendo did Right
Smash Bros looked Great, Megaman being in Smash bros is what we wanted when brawl came out. Though to be honest my love for the Smash Series has shrunk because Brawl was meh.

Mario Kart 8 looked great.

X looks great

Things Nintendo did wrong
They released some information ahead of time in a Nintendo Direct, had they not released this information early it would have seemed like big news. What i'm talking about is the Sega Nintendo Partnership and Sonic Lost World.
Nothing was a surprise.
We knew we would be getting Smash Bros info, so it was expected.
No new Retro Project. Nintendo's controlling of information has gone to a serious low. I've been into it before on other threads. Where it seems like they should be outputting more than what they are. A new Donkey Kong game despite how nice looking is not going to cut it. I either want a new IP or something that hasn't been handled in a while. Nintendo should really have more games. They either need third party exclusives to fill the void or they need to make more games themselves.
All we're asking for is some variety, innovation, ambition, and spice.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2013, 08:53:32 AM »
I was content with what was shown. I have an idea of Nintendo's release forecast even if many of the games I really want are scheduled for 2014. I'm not terribly fond of announcing games this early though I suppose they felt pressured to show more with PS4 and One on the way. I'm glad they held off on revealing the next Zelda.

I'm really excited for Super Mario 3D World though I'm probably playing that mostly single player. Same with Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.

I admittedly got inappropriately giddy over Mega Man in the new Smash Bros. games though the more I think of it, the more I'm doubting BOTH Sonic and Snake will return. They were considered guest characters and guest characters typically do not show up in more than one installment. That's the only possible downside to the new games. They look excellent so far.

I'm still waiting for an all black 3DS XL.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 07:28:12 AM by Adrock »

Offline Ceric

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2013, 09:40:34 AM »

Nintendo Direct abridged version.
I had not seen that.  I love the part were he gets to Wonderful 101 and goes "I have no idea whats going on but I'm buying that Game."

Shameless plug for listeners.  All my thoughts are in the last 45 minutes of NFR's E3 Wrap Up.

I have to agree the Sonic items probably should have waited till E3.  I don't Agree with X being in the good category until its more then just a walking simulator.

Mario 3D World is vastly more impressive in person.  My opinion totally changed after the Demo.  DK, WW, Mario Kart Not so much.  Mario kart feels like it lost a lot of Whimsy with the cart design.  They need to look at Mario Kart DD and DS design and look into that before releasing.  WW looks like WW.  DK Looks Like, Plays Like, Smells Like DK ever did.
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2013, 11:21:30 AM »

Nintendo Direct abridged version.

I found this pretty entertaining actually. I didn't always agree with the opinion but I appreciated the humor and the final line with Iwata had me laughing out loud so thanks for that.
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Offline NeoStar9X

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2013, 11:44:11 AM »

This is a bit rantish. Sorry ahead of time about that.

I'm torn after this year. Nintendo announced games that I'm sure will be great. I have no doubt of their quality. The games I really want to play (Mario Kart, Bayonetta 2, X) though don't come until 2014!!!  Now I'm in a worse place when it comes to having faith in Nintendo's ability to turn things around for the Wii U. As a result I'm even more frustrated and partly upset that my investment in the system so early is not going to pay off and if it does it won't be until years from now.

More then ever if I had a chance to do it over again I would not have gotten the system at launch. Even if I've enjoyed it already. I would have waited and if I had there is a very real chance I would be choosing to get a PS4 this holiday instead.  For as much as I love Nintendo games I'm not really seeing the game experiences I want to play and of the little there is that is being offered it's not being delivered timely enough. The inaction on their part in a timely manner is just making it worse.

Seeing that their big holiday offerings were two platformers, similar to two games I already played very recently, honestly made me livid for a short period of time before I calmed down.

Perhaps it's just me. Perhaps I'm expecting to much from Nintendo. Expecting them to be something they aren't and to offer something they'll never offer.

This E3 has caused a roller coaster effect with my feelings toward Nintendo. One moment I can be happy with what they announced and another I'm cursing them for getting me to spend the money I did and making my investment possibly worthless.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 10:27:19 PM by NeoStar9X »

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2013, 12:16:15 PM »
What I love about Nintendo is that they know exactly what their fans want.  It's like they spoke directly to me and said "Hey lolmonade, we see you have quite a backlog of games to play.  Don't worry about it, because remember all of those neat looking games you're interested in from us?  We moved them to 2014!".
I was a bit underwhelmed when I first watched the video, but realistically, the Sony & Microsoft conferences weren't that enthralling to me either, if only because I don't want to use my ipad to play squad-based FPS games or Simulation driving games exclusively on the next-gen. 
From reading on these forums, the worst offending items were:
  • Retro Studios revisiting Donkey Kong Country Returns
  • Super Mario 3D World being too similar to 3D Land, with primary selling point being 3D Mario Multiplayer.
  • The most anticipated games coming out next year (Smash Bros, X, Bayonetta)
  • Glaringly absent franchises (Starfox, Metroid, F-Zero, New Zelda)

Frankly, I think it's just the trade-off we have to expect if Nintendo is going to feed us a steady diet of new game information in Nintendo Directs throughout the year, and frankly, I prefer having the steady drip instead of having to have all these silly expectations for E3 only to be disappointed.

Offline Ceric

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2013, 01:44:03 PM »
Swap out DK or Mario (any) for one of the missing franchises and I think we be having a different conversation.
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2013, 01:54:17 PM »
Swap out DK or Mario (any) for one of the missing franchises and I think we be having a different conversation.

It's just one change but I agree. It would not only mean variety in the holiday line up but it would send a different message I feel about what they're gong to focus on and what different paths they're going to take to turn things around. Doubling down on platformers, as fun as they might be, for me doesn't show they're serious about trying to turn things around and attract more people to the machine. Seeing platformers do well, if they do well, isn't going to make third parties change their stances. That's not going to show them there is a market for their games.

NSMBU didn't sell the system.  DKCR isn't going to sell it either. Both series are games that do insanely well when there is an install base. They don't create that install base. 3D World is a question mark at the moment. However watching videos of Galaxy and playing it again and seeing video of 3D World and playing 3D Land again I don't get a "must play" vibe at all.

I've felt for a while that games like Metroid Prime, Super Mario Galaxy might not do massive numbers in the long run but those are the types of games that sells systems to the more core audience early on. Early adopters. Games like DKCR and NSMB take advantage of the install base those games help create. This is why people were asking for a 3D Mario ala 64 at launch and not just a Mario game.  Why NSMBU failed to sell the system the way they hoped it would after seeing the numbers NSMBWii did. Those 2D games didn't sell the Wii  to the masses, Wii Sports and the rest of the Wii series did and that's still nowhere to be seen. Wii Fit U is worthless I feel without a Wii Sports U paving the way for it.

I was always afraid that Nintendo would interpret the wrong things from their success with the Wii and the various games and it looks like they have.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 01:56:13 PM by NeoStar9X »

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2013, 03:14:40 PM »
I was always afraid that Nintendo would interpret the wrong things from their success with the Wii and the various games and it looks like they have.

The Wii was a fad and I look at the Wii U as the sort of product the Pet Rock creator would have come out with if he legitimately thought he had replaced cats and dogs.

At E3 Nintendo demonstrated that right now they're a company with established franchises that is dedicating to making safe conventional and accessible sequels.  Ultimately how you feel about that is based on what you want out of Nintendo.  If you just want well-made Mario games then you are set but you're **** out of luck if you want something more original or creative.

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2013, 03:20:20 PM »
Other than Pikmin 3 not having online multiplayer and a lack of something fresh that wasn't shown in the past E3 or Direct, I think Nintendo did just fine.

Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World all look like hilariously fun games and they come out this year.

I would have liked something special for Wind Waker HD. Seriously, just show a new island or something. That's all they really had to do.
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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2013, 05:26:32 PM »
Disappointed, but probably because I had inflated expctations of this being the time where nintendo tries its hardest to fix the Wii U.
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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2013, 08:43:54 PM »
Usually every year I'm dissapointed. Why? Because its been years since there has been a good show. Last year I didn't get too dissapointed, but I wanted more. I figured they were saving things for this year. The fact that there was still barely anything is really sad. Nintendo really should have a lot more than what they have now. I don't care if they are making good money or if they are not. They are just so unfocused its disarming.

To put it in is what was released in 1994 on snes
Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country,  Megaman X, Mortal Kombat II, Super Mario All Stars, Super Punch Out, Super Street Fighter II, Final Fantasy III(VI). All of those games were the blockbusters of their time. I cut out a bunch of games. I could put in.
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Offline alegoicoe

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2013, 04:35:47 PM »
I was always afraid that Nintendo would interpret the wrong things from their success with the Wii and the various games and it looks like they have.

The Wii was a fad and I look at the Wii U as the sort of product the Pet Rock creator would have come out with if he legitimately thought he had replaced cats and dogs.

At E3 Nintendo demonstrated that right now they're a company with established franchises that is dedicating to making safe conventional and accessible sequels.  Ultimately how you feel about that is based on what you want out of Nintendo.  If you just want well-made Mario games then you are set but you're **** out of luck if you want something more original or creative.

Even if they have success this holiday season with Mario and DKC, they are going to have to pump something out for next year other than Smash Bros and Mario Kart, I highly doubt Zelda Wii U comes out next year, so what are we left with? Another Mario, I don't think so.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2013, 05:22:13 PM »
I just checked out a few E3 vids (yes, I really did miss E3 and had no idea it happened already)

SuperMario World 3D looks like a 3D version of SMB2 meets SML3D
- interesting, but nothing to get too excited over.

Super Luigi 3D
- NSMB U expansion pack, meh

I want to see more, in glorious 1080p before I make judgement. but it looks like Xenoblade with mech suits. I have yet to play xenoblade, so my interest is still piqued.

-umm I guess it looks good for a sonic game, but I've never been into Sonic, so I'm just as disinterested now as I was before.

- looks good. Megaman is a long overdue addition. they need to get bomberman as an assist trophy though

Mario & Luigi: Dream Warriors (or whatever it was called)
- looks great. I'm a fan of all the previous M&L games I've played on the 3DS, so I may pick this one up at some point.

New Yoshi Island
- I saw a trailer for this a while back, wasn't impressed so I didn't check out the new one. ^_^

- I have all the demo stuff, no need for a new trailer. just release the damn game already before I change my mind about buying it.... it may already be too late.

Donkey Kong
- this s what Rare... I mean Retro was ramping up for!?
where's the real game they were working on!? was it shown behind closed doors!? Is this a cruel joke? WHY RETRO WHY!? there better be no shake to roll crap this time. map it to a button dammit.
(I was really looking forward to a new/revived forgotten IP  i.e. *Star Tropics*)

Anything else I missed? I really wasn't paying attention. just ran across a few videos on the Nintendo E3 Channel.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 06:26:28 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline alegoicoe

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2013, 05:52:54 PM »
Usually every year I'm dissapointed. Why? Because its been years since there has been a good show. Last year I didn't get too dissapointed, but I wanted more. I figured they were saving things for this year. The fact that there was still barely anything is really sad. Nintendo really should have a lot more than what they have now. I don't care if they are making good money or if they are not. They are just so unfocused its disarming.

To put it in is what was released in 1994 on snes
Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country,  Megaman X, Mortal Kombat II, Super Mario All Stars, Super Punch Out, Super Street Fighter II, Final Fantasy III(VI). All of those games were the blockbusters of their time. I cut out a bunch of games. I could put in.

Great year indeed.
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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2013, 11:10:21 PM »
They didn't really show anything that made unique use of the gamepad.  That's what the Wii U is all about!

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Re: Your Reaction to Nintendo's E3 Thread.
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2013, 08:37:21 PM »
Everyone's already said everything I would have said, so short and sweet:

Great games, but nothing that justifies the GamePad.