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Nintendo Gaming / Re: Boredom and Nintendo
« Last post by broodwars on May 07, 2024, 06:59:21 PM »
Yep they always have a big Direct in June, as long as something like covid doesn't mess it up like in 2020.  And look at that, Nintendo just announced a big Direct in June this year that will show off the second half of the 2024 Switch games.

Hoping for an announcement of more GameCube & Wii U Remasters, myself. A Skies of Arcadia remaster (yes, a Sega game, I know, but just let me have this one) and a Yoshi's Woolly World port would make me pretty happy. You have to figure Prime 4 is Switch 2-bound at this point.
Thinking more about this, I don't think a lot of folks traded in their 3DS to buy Switches because they couldn't play 3DS titles on the Switch.

Likewise, folks didn't trade in their DS to buy 3DS systems, since they'd lose that GBA compatibility.

I wonder how many GCN-Compatible Wii were even still on the market to buy when the Wii U came out.  I'd say the 2m that sold were for Wii support alone.  Maybe collectors picking up Minis at the end of life?
With the 3DS, even with the online features shut down, I think Nintendo could re-release the 3DS in stores right now and folks would snap them up.  It's legitimately insane the prices they're going for now.  I do think one thing that helped the 3DS sale is knowing there were so many amazing DS/3DS titles that you *cannot* play on Switch.  If the New Super Switch 2 U is 100% b/c with Switch, unless there is a significant price difference, I could see a lot of folks just buying the newer system.

That said, I don't see a *lot* of used Switches for sale.  They exist (definitely on-line), but it seems to be a seller's market, for sure.  If there's not a significant amount of used systems at the end of the life cycle (which, I think, happened with the 3DS, as most owner's chose to hang on to theirs), that'd help boost sales of the original as well.

We'll see.  I definitely am not counting Nintendo out.
Nintendo doesn't have a stellar track record of first party support once the new system launches

We already know a sequel to Pokemon Legends is coming out next year.  Plus I expect the next mainline Pokemon game will still come out next Holiday as well for the Switch, similar to how Black and White came out for the DS after the 3DS was released.  Yeah in Japan Black and White came out before the 3DS but even there Black and White 2 come out over 1.5 year after the 3DS was released.  That was still a huge release for the original DS to have well after the 3DS .  I still expect several more remasters and remakes to hit the Switch in the next 2 years, since they'll be a cheaper way to still sell games to the Switch massive user base.  So I imagine the Switch post successor support will at least be similar to the DS and 3DS post successor lineup.

So if the DS could sell 7 million after its successor and the 3DS over 13 million, I don't see how the Switch doesn't at least do something between that range.  Unless they just stop making units next year which I find hard to believe when they still made 13 million more 3DS after the Switch was released and the 3DS was performing way worse toward the end of its life then the Switch is right now.
Yeah.  That's what Jim Ryan said.  Funny how Sony has never touted that figure in legal, financial disclosures. 🤣

Nintendo doesn't have a stellar track record of first party support once the new system launches,  But, yes, the Switch has some amazing third-party support.  That might be enough to carry it over the finish line, unless Nintendo does something stupid.
"160 million". 🤣

Hey I'm just taking Jim Ryan at his word, even though Sony's own reports have the PS2 at 155 million.  Either way the Switch will still surpass either number by the time it stops selling.  I already said the Wii still sold an extra 2 million after the Wii U came out and that was a system with no support at the end of its life.  The DS managed to sell over 7 million more systems after the 3DS came out and the 3DS sold an extra 13 million after the Switch came out. 

Unless Nintendo outright stops making Switch hardware next year, it's pretty much guaranteed to surpass the PS2 in the next 2-3 years.
Interesting that they would just casually mention this in a shareholder's meeting.  This pretty much means a 2025 Switch 2.  I'm both excited and nervous.  With the Switch Nintendo finally had good third party support again for the first time in 20 years.  But do they know why?

Well yeah, they actually designed the system with third party support in mind.  It's been well documented the Switch hardware was designed to be scalable with all the major game engines at the time of release.  Nintendo was also really aggressive to build up relationships with indie developers going into the launch of the Switch.

Some even speculate one of the reasons Nintendo waited so long to start releasing NES/SNES games was to help indie devs who specialize in retro style games build up a good audience early on, and didn't want there own retro games taking attention from the Indies.

So yeah the Switch good third party support is a direct result of Nintendo designing a system that was at the time easier to design for and went out of their way to build relationships with many smaller devs.

Most of us are hoping for a Switch 2 but Nintendo might double down on Labo instead or something like that.  They're very unpredictable.

Not really.  Outside of the Wii and Wii U, the rest of Nintendo systems have been natural evolutions of its predecessors.  Even the Switch itself is basically a perfection of the idea they had with the Wii U of people playing on TV then playing on the tablet if others want to watch TV.
"160 million". 🤣
Interesting that they would just casually mention this in a shareholder's meeting.  This pretty much means a 2025 Switch 2.  I'm both excited and nervous.  With the Switch Nintendo finally had good third party support again for the first time in 20 years.  But do they know why?  Is the Switch a happy accident or perfect execution of a good plan?  With Nintendo you never know.  Most of us are hoping for a Switch 2 but Nintendo might double down on Labo instead or something like that.  They're very unpredictable.

Though you would think that this announcement of an announcement could hurt Switch system sales.  Obviously you have to announce these things with some time before the launch but you don't want to do it too early.  And this isn't the old days where an announcement like this is largely unknown to the general public beyond hardcore enthusiasts.  This is on social media.  You can assume that the average consumer will be aware of this when they're Christmas shopping this year.
It'll probably depend on Switch hardware sales.  If hardware sales are keep at expectation or surpass them, then they'll probably hold off until early 2025, so they can get on last big holiday season out of the Switch without the general public knowing anything about a successor.

If Switch hardware sales start to sell below exceptions, then I could see them announcing the new system later this year to please shareholders that even though the Switch is selling worse then expected, here's the new system that will turn all that around.
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