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Messages - Koekoenutt

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Nintendo Gaming / RE: Tiger Woods 2007
« on: March 13, 2007, 09:28:45 AM »
Anyone pick this game up yet? Pretty sure it came out today and was wondering if I should pick this up, or wait off for Medal of Honor. Wasn't really to happy with Pangya and WiiSports Golf, and I've always been decently entertained by the Tiger Wood games, besides the fact that all my friends rock at the game and make me feel like a chump playing it. Metacritic doesn't seem to have a review yet.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Medal of Honor looks purdy...
« on: March 12, 2007, 08:19:06 AM »
I was reading up on this title to see when it comes out exactly on, and I think I'm going to preorder this game today. The weird Q&A part of the Gamestop's Wii Medal of Honor Vanguard page, and I noticed this about the controls.


Wii seems to be perfect for first person shooters and so far all of them had their special approach to the Wii-controller. How did you approach it?

Vanguard will take advantage of the Wii’s two-handed controls, using the nunchuk and the remote to make for a very unique, exciting and compelling shooter control system. Most of the movement-related controls – running, strafing, jumping, crouching, are executed with the nunchuk. There are gestures for jumping and crouching, as well as for reloading your weapon. A popular and really useful gesture is turning around 180 degrees, which is extremely useful when surrounded by the enemy, and even better in Multiplayer, where the player can whip around on someone trying to get you from behind.

Another important feature that has been added is the ability for players to customize and refine several aspects of the controls. We listened to the suggestions of our fans who wanted to be able to adjust the sensitivity of the remote pointer, depending on their preferences. Now, If the player wants a more controlled play experience, you can lock the reticle in the middle of the screen so your pointer only controls your view, as well as constrain the range of vertical movement.

Seems like EA put some more thought into the controls and listen to some feedback from other Wii FPS. I was really hoping for a FPS to do this type of control customization, so I think I'm definately going to pick this up when it comes out. I just hope you can turn the brightness up in the game a bit.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Tiger Woods 2007
« on: March 09, 2007, 07:46:55 AM »
I found this video today that goes into how to hook shot and what not in Tiger Woods 07 Wii. It's on and ussually can skip the ads if your quick enough. The site itself is laggy though. Here is the Link to Tiger Woods 07 on GT. It's the Swing Tutorial video.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Fire Emblem 10
« on: March 09, 2007, 07:39:22 AM »
Gametrailers has a pretty nice preview up on the new Fire Emblem. Gets me excited for when it will actually come out. I like Gametrailers for the most part, besides their laggy site and community that comments. Here's the Link for anyone who is interested. It's March 8th's Preview.

TalkBack / RE:REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: March 09, 2007, 07:17:13 AM »

Edit: Made some long rant that really doesn't do much for the thread, and can't figure out how to delete it, any help!?

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: March 08, 2007, 08:45:34 PM »
I actually don't mind the tilt and tumble controls. I love Excite Truck and still play it here and there. Would never trade it in. I just think in Sonic, they didn't really flow with the game itself like they should have, and other than moving left and right, I think could have been a lot better. Not saying they are the worst possible, but some of the things, like going backwards and even some jump techniques, could have been worked out way better. It hindered the gameplay a little bit and think the controls should take a penality to the game. I got used to them, sure.. Just think they could have put way more thought into and applied them better to the game itself. It's a mix of some of the levels with the non-precise controls that just annoyed me about the game. They are "good enough", but could have been way better and way more user friendly.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: New game idea thread
« on: March 08, 2007, 09:48:28 AM »
I would really like to see a Mario Dodgeball. I loved Super Dodgeball for NES, and think putting a Nintendo twist to it would be great. Mario characters and items would be a good start, and recreating everyone's powerhits like Mega Man Soccer did on SNES. Give it maybe a good control scheme with the Wiimote's motion controls and online play, and I think it would be a pretty solid addition to Mario's sports games.  

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: March 08, 2007, 09:33:25 AM »
I don't think using the original Mario Bros. controls really is to great of a debate, since they were very limited to what they could have used. Years later, developers have way more to work with and actually have to think more about controls than what a couple of buttons do and a d-pad.  

Edit: I take that back, but I do think that the depth of controls have given developers more freedom. Sometimes I think developers are just lazy and over look controls for the most part. They think about them, and then they don't put in second thoughts about it later. I think it was easier back in the day to work a game around the controls you made, but now it seems people just don't really care as much as they used to. There are those companies that do however.  

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: March 08, 2007, 09:19:26 AM »
The thing is Smash Brothers, I have beaten the game and actually received a lot of silver medals by the time I traded in it last night. There were a few missions I didn't get to complete, and what not, but I finished most of the game after beating the story. I understand all these fundlementals of the game, the whole breaking and jumping and what not. I mean, the controls were in tacked enough to play it. I mean, really, don't get me wrong because in the long run, I did enjoy the game. I really hate how people call me whiney though, and then act like there isn't anything wrong with the game itself. Many of reviews and a lot of people have complained about the controls. I noted in the Wii Section's Sonic thread, that my one buddy who plays Xbox360 all the time hated the game. After he watched me play it and soar threw some levels and have the controls down pat, He started playing it a little more and liked it kind of. He still couldn't stand the controls though, and that's understandable since he didn't really have time to get the hang of things.

The sliding on rails was annoying and weird to get the hang of, but I found that to be less of a problem and annoyance than other things. The breaking wasn't the issue for me, it's when you start back up and sometimes I found it to quickly jolt to the left or right, even though sonic is moving slowly forward. It's not until after you let go of the brake, that I found it real easy to move to the left and right, and yet you move so slow forward. It seemed out of place and broken. I admit that it has helped me move around something when I stoppped right before it, but it's the same loose controls that made it able to accidently bump into something when it was completely needed.

I never turned off Sonic's speed abilities either. I always kept them as fast as I could. I would take off quick grinding sometimes or even quick air, and I never really found his speed to be an issue. His speed is totally controllable if you know how to slide and brake right. I liked to use the short jump to gain acceleration, but the short jumped to me seemed broken even. A lot of times you really need to slow yourself down, and slide to attack an enemy. Sure there are ways to get around it, and things you can do to adjust to it, but a lot of times the controls felt clunky and broken. Anyone can "learn" controls, no matter how horrible they are.

The game needs precision like no other game, and the controls do not fall into being precise. You can grow used to it, memorize the level and obsticales, go through a section knowing exactly what you need to do over and over just to get the hang of it.. but in my opinion, doesn't make the controls better afterwards. The controls are clunky, and just because you force yourself to get used to it, doesn't make it perfect. They seemed slapped on, just to use the WiiMote's technology over finding a good rythme and a comfortable level of controls. I think a good example is how people use the Gamecube controllers for VC titles. They suck for the most part and are always put together in a horrible way compared to the classic controller. You can get used to the buttons easily, but the button mapping could have been much better.

I think a big problem is jumping backwards too. I ended up having to run backwards instead of jumping back, which is an ability you gain as you level and should be utilized better in the game, and just so clunky feeling to do that move. Once you got Sonic to move backwards, it was fine.. but to get him to stop dead on and start it right away, was kind of tricky and could have been layed out way better.

When I mean slip up, It's easy to hit jump cancel and slide button when you meant to hit the brake button. It's easy to attack an enemy when you meant to slide forward while jumping, or vice versa. It's really easy to slip up on the rails and not do what you really want him to do, unless you want to take it real slow. When you're shooting for a gold or silver, it's way to easy to slip the controls and timing up, and it's even harder to recover. I'm not asking for it to be dumb-downed or anything like that, I mean.. When I play FPS on my computer, I play them on Hard right off the box, as with any game practically that gives you a difficulty setting. I like a challenge, but learning such loose and broken controls for such a precise, intense game.. that put things in the game just to piss you off to make it hard, instead of creatively making it a challenge.. I find to be a lot different.

If you want an example of it.. Think of how they just pop a few enemies in front of you or drop a pillar at the last second. You really think this was in the best interests? Don't you think a good level design could have made it where you could take a higher road, which is harder to get to and you need to do a few things first like jump off 3 well placed enemies, so you could easy fly passed that part and not deal with it. I think so, because some of the missions/worlds do that in Sonic, and it really works out well. Some worlds/missions are thought out brillantly, and then you run into those that just make things pop out so you die and have to memorize that part. It's not about reflexes, it's about dying at that part first so you know it's coming next time. So you can hold the jump and slide, and actually clear the part before it even shows up. I found way to many levels doing things like this, and wish they would have kept the level design consistant and not choppy. When I mean choppy, I mean not throwing in a level that took you 10 minutes to create just to make the game longer. Collect Zero Coins? Great, Lets take the level you played 2 rounds ago, make it exactly the samething, but lets just add a bunch of coins at the very end to make it different and a challenge. Things like that piss me off.  

TalkBack / RE: Super Mario Galaxy Footage
« on: March 08, 2007, 08:22:24 AM »
The awesomeness that is Mario! Definately cannot wait for this title to appear on the gaming retail shelves. It's a shame to have to wait 6+ months probably for it, but for another classic Mario game, it will be worth it.  

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: March 08, 2007, 07:52:53 AM »
No one is asking for a "hold forward and watch the level go by", but I still stand by my statement that the controls could have been worked on way more, and didn't really have much thought put into them. Smash Brother, I want to know really though, have you ever died in the game becuase you slipped up the controls in anyway? Have you ever died becuase you were trying to go backwards and all sonic would do is something other than move backwards? Have you ever died because you did a complete stop and the controls made you fling left or right suddenly accidently? Have you ever died from the controls not picking up the forward flick and attacking the enemy on time, or having the controls accidently flick forward? Have you ever had to go back to a level you should have been able to pass, but held it off for another 10 levels for upgrades, when it's from the second or third world and your on one of the last. There is not ONE mission or level in the game that frustrated you to no end?

I don't mean to be a "Whiner", but you seem to totally ignore anything bad about the game at all. This isn't a 9-10 rating game, and you act like there isn't any downfall to the game at all. I mean, The controls were decent and in tacked enough for me to complete most of the game after beating it. They did their job as they were supposed to, and could have been way worse. I agree with this, but I also think the controls could have been way better. You're only arguement to this is you have to get used to it and later in the game it makes it easier, but even then.. it's still easy to accidently do something you don't want to with how the scheme is, and I think that is flawed. Also, Not EVERY level starts you only a few feet back at the beginning of the section. Only levels that are REALLY long, like the first mission of the worlds.. or missions that you need to and do the levels in sections. Granted this is most of the levels, but it's still a problem on some.

I call out on poor level design, because I think the levels could have flown together a lot more. I have said that some worlds are done with such greatness, and really shine through out the game. I expect to die, and I expect to have hard challenges to get passed.. but this game does have a lot of missions and a good amount of content to play through. I think a good example of a hard challenging design, was any Water Temple in a Zelda game. A lot of people had problems with it, and it was challenging. SOME missions that you had to beat in Sonic to progress through did not have this type of thought put into them. A good amount of content in Sonic could have been brought out better, and the game does have it's problems. To act like the game doesn't have any problems at all, besides the player playing it and their skills, is beyond me.    

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Medal of Honor looks purdy...
« on: March 07, 2007, 08:26:32 AM »
I was wondering the samething ShyGuy, I think I am going to go with Medal of Honor just becuase the controls looked a little improved from other FPS out, but I'm also going to wait and see if this has any type of multiplayer once so ever. My roommate bought The Godfather for XBox when it came out, and while it was amusing.. I can't seem to get into GTA type games since GTA 3, the original. I played way to much GTA3 on PS2 that Vice City and San Andres never looked interesting to me. I do admit that the Wii Controls for Godfather make it look noteworthy though.  

TalkBack / RE:REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: March 06, 2007, 10:02:25 AM »

Originally posted by: pap64

As for the Secret rings argument, I think we all have learned that sometimes the value of a game lies in the eyes of the gamer.

Its obvious that many gamers loved or truly enjoyed SR, flaws and all, while gamers like Evan and Golden couldn't comprehend the game's appeal and called it the worse. Its a love/hate game. That we can all agree on.

That is something we can all agree on. =D

TalkBack / RE:REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: March 06, 2007, 09:53:23 AM »

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother

But to make the whiners look even worse, Sonic doesn't even HAVE lives!!! He just starts again 20 feet back from where you died, not forcing these whiners to even start the level over most of the time.

I have no problem with this control scheme, once I learned it. When I figured out the rhythm of steering Sonic, homing attacks, jump timing and jump canceling, it rapidly became second nature.

This is where I disagree. On the levels that are tedious and longer, they have waypoints from about 20-60 feet back from where you died. A lot of levels also started you off from the beginning though, and I found this to be annoying on the levels that it did change from this aspect. I bet you still slip on the controls very often, even though you have learned the controls. The controls are down to a habit for me, but this game requires the most precise controls, and sometimes it just doesn't deliver as well as it really could have. The controls work, I agree.. but to just throw off the idea that the controls could have been way more thought out and intuitive, I think is being stubborn. To say that you haven't gotten made at some type of feat in the game that you had to over come, all becuase you slipped on the controls.. is crazy to me.

I enjoyed Mario Sunshine a lot, I still own it to this day and never traded it in. Hell, I traded in Wind Waker becuase I had no money and wanted to buy new games, and I loved that game. I love a challenge. I bought Gradius from the VC Channel, becuase it's a challenge. Hell, the game intro video shows the player CHEATING in the demo. Same reason I bought R-Type, for the extreme challenge it gives you. I love playing Contra 3 at least three times a week becuase beating it on hard difficulty gives me a sense of accomplishment. The sameway Mario Sunshine gives me. Sonic to me, Isn't really that hard. Some of the missions really do peak immensely from other missions, but the way the levels are designed are just frustrating. The way things come at you, and where things are placed. Some of the worlds are really thought out and done nicely. It's challenging but you can still go threw the level and seem to have a rythme and flow to it. Monster placement in just the right areas to get to another part of the level you couldn't reach. There are really song strong missions and levels in this game, but then you get to the ones that are just poorly thought about and seemed slapped on to make the game longer. The game has a lot of content to unlock, sure.. but it's damn repeative and frustrating for something so little. Find the Fire Rings is enjoyable and a challenge.. Making me go threw a whole level just so the end can screw me becuase they wanted to put a ridiculous amount of coins right at the end of a No Coin mission is stupid. Putting in boxes with pearls in them on a no pearl mission, where it's almost a habit and reflex to automatically do that, let alone easy to slip up and do, is poor level design. Some missions it seems like they TRY and piss you off, and not trying to make it hard creatively.

I think it's kind of rude to call me a whiner about the game, becuase it could obviously be worked on a hell of out more. They tried so hard to impress people, that I think they looked passed a lot of things. Anyways, It's just my opinion and review, and I personally don't think calling out the negatives of the game that really bring it down, that I should be called a whiner. I disagree with the scoring, but the review itself handled it pretty well on the negatives. Even with all the reviews on Meta-critic, Almost every review has said something about the controls being clunky, even after power-ups. So, Obviously I'm not the only one who has slipped up a lot and got frustrated, and the controls aren't exactly perfect. I also loved Excite Truck and is one of those keepers that I have for the Wii. So unlike GoldenPhoenix, I like the tilt and turn controls.  

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: March 06, 2007, 09:17:53 AM »
I did forget to mention a few things I meant to bring up. I was wondering if people had problems when they hit the brake button, and come to a complete stop, that sometimes Sonic would stear to the right/left a lot and end up hitting something, even when your controller was barely tilting a direction, if at all? I found this also to be an issue on later missions where precision is an absolute must. Also, I find it impossible for anyone to get gold coins in every mission. Some missions I was surpised to get a silver/bronze.. and some I was surpised I didn't get anything at all or just bronze. I have one gold, but I haven't gone back to missions I have cleared, instead I have beentrying to get the game done so I can trade it in for another Wii game. Just don't think it is a keeper.

Also, I did think the reviewer, based on his scoring.. was harsh. I would definately rate this game higher than a 5, but like GoldenPhoenix.. I wouldn't rate it anything higher than 7. Putting 3.5 in gameplay was really low scoring, becuase as much as I complain, I still find it enjoyable enough to at least finish. Then again, I'm also the type of person who hates putting a game half way down and not finishing it.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
« on: March 06, 2007, 07:54:36 AM »
Oh, I wasn't doubting how he would be transformed. I just think the general shape of Link as a wolf with Midna wouldn't realy fit in or look right in the game. I also don't think there would be enough moves for them together that would really balance itself out into SSBB. Like I mentioned, there were characters that I didn't really think would have made it into Melee, and they still came out great... and a lot of people tend to disagree with me on wolf Link/Midna, so I can easily be mistaken. I just think it would almost be out of placed to put them into the game is all, compared to other characters that I think would fit better for the game. I guess my examples would be the hitboxes for when he is in wolf form, since he is longer/wider and short and midna is just kinda stubby on his back in the middle. As for moves, when Midna does that circular aura for a multiple attack in Zelda:TP, I can see that being a Down-B/A move or something of the kind that attacks all around you, but the graphics and animation for this I think would be kind of broken. Compared to how the animations and everything is done for the other characters, I think they would have a harder time doing this character.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
« on: March 06, 2007, 07:21:57 AM »
Some of my close friends that I play Smash Brothers Melee with have been saying they want Wolf Link and Midna in it, but I would have to disagree. I really don't think the gameplay mechanics of Smash Brothers would really incorporate that character combo in to smoothly. Then again, some of the new characters in Melee from the original, I never thought could have been transformed into the game. I just think the shape of the wolf Link and Midna, and most move sets would work for them in the game. As much as I love the character Midna, I really hope this is one of the characters that doesn't make it into the game. When I look back at every Nintendo made game, I find a lot of characters that haven't been touched by Smash Brothers that deserve it more than that character layout. Granted, It is the Zelda for Wii and this will be the Smash Brothers for the Wii, and would fit in that respect.. but I would like to see some other characters get their light. I am perfectly fine with two different Links, even if they change Young Link into WW Link, which I actually think would suit more than Young Link. Especially how Phantom Hourglass uses the cel-shaded link.  

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: March 06, 2007, 07:05:26 AM »
I think you guys are kind of being to harsh on the reviewer and I think this review deals with a lot of the problems in the game. The game itself is just frustrating, and it can be fun at times. I'm all for a challenging game, and I don't like when my games are too easy, but this game is just on the lines of frustrating. The level design was poor, especially in Pirate Bay and Dino Jungle. Granted, I have beaten the game and went back and did most of the missions afterwards even, I am still disappointed in this title, and I really think most of you just want this game to succeed.

The controls really are iffy. When people complain about the controls, it seems everyone is taking it as moving left and right. I really think jumping doesn't feel natural at all, and the flicking to attack/shoot forward in air is really tacked on. I think when the reviewer was talking about targeting the enemies, I don't think it was about being able to target generally... You have to wait for it to turn red to actually make the attack, and having it as a green target does nothing for you most of the time. On top of that, moving backwards seems really tacked on. Granted, after getting to about the 3 World.. You are used to the controls and getting level upgrades that help the control out a lot.. but this game NEEDS precision and timing. I find it way to easy to slip up the controls and do the wrong thing under pressure for how delecate you need to be. It's a game of memorizing the level, and I find that annoying.. Especially when you go threw the whole level and they make the last 5 seconds of the level unexpectedly and unreasonably hard. You can get past it of course, but I found it annoying on most levels that you have to start at the very beginning when the only real challenge is at the end. Granted there are some levels that use a waypoint system, but most of the time they don't. I really don't see how anyone who has completed most of the game, can't say that a lot of levels have poor, lazy level design and some missions/levels were poorly thought about. I found myself pissed a lot of times, becuase I knew when and what I needed to do exactly, but becuase of the level design and poor layout of controls, made it extremely annoying to pull off.

Don't get me wrong. The game has it's enjoyable parts. Riding on a bullet, the Magic carpet ride.. It's just to bad you don't see stuff like this more, than some lazy level design that has you memorizing a level completely. I'm not all for beating a level in one single ride, but the way they did most obstacles, seemed like they put it there just to be annoying. A lot of obstacles in the game seemed unreasonably placed. I think there is a huge difference between a good, reasonable challenge and putting things in the game just to frustrate you, just to make it harder.  It is a fun game, but I also feel that the game holds you back from enjoying it more, and really holds itself back in general. It's a perfect example of one of those games that are "Just Good Enough", and being the only 3D Sonic game that is slightly enjoyable to come out in the past few years.. Makes it even easier to let yourself sink into.

In general, I thought this review handled the problems with the game quite well. He could have talked about more of the positive things about the game, like the boss fights being pretty well done and challenging. I really only had a problem with one boss fight, and that had to do more with the controls than the boss encounter itself. I enjoyed the game "enough" to play it most of the way threw, but in the back of head I was down right disappointed. Way to many times in the game I asked myself, "Wtf were they thinking?". It's a likeable game, but it's still just an average sonic that isn't anything to boast in my opinion. Better than what has game out from Sonic/Sega Team, but the game lacks and holds you back a lot at times.  

TalkBack / RE: No Nintendo News at GDC
« on: March 04, 2007, 01:51:03 PM »
Does this also mean that they cannot talk about upcoming channels for the Wii?

TalkBack / RE: No Nintendo News at GDC
« on: March 03, 2007, 10:44:29 AM »
Since Super Smash Brothers Brawl has already been announced, would it still be possible for a new video to come out during this time? I heard there was supposed to be multiple videos of different characters that will be in the game by the time it comes out, and so far we have only seen two. I was at least hoping for a new video or shots for this upcoming. Figured they are working hard on it and only want to give out new information/videos during events like this. Also hoping for new info/videos on Super Paper Mario, but I try not to expect anything at these event.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Pokemon MMORPG in development and online NOW!!?
« on: March 02, 2007, 07:01:28 PM »
That is pretty interesting, and I haven't heard anything about it until now. You would think if it was officially legal, that you would hear more about it? I would think Nintendo would go after this, since they went after the homebrew of Zelda: OoT 2D. I didn't really look that much into it though, and haven't downloaded it to try.. but it could be an interesting idea.

I just hope that Nintendo does learn something from this though and work with more titles that are based on gameplay like this. It really couldn't hurt for Nintendo that much to try and experiment with different online games and styles. Can't say I'm interested in this Pokemon Online, simply because it's kind of underground and not made/published by Nintendo. If I hear good things about it though, I think I might try download it to try.  

General Gaming / RE: General Choas
« on: March 01, 2007, 09:47:53 PM »
Agreed. I miss those days and the mindset of developers. I enjoy the flame thower guy as well, though the grenaders and TNT'ers would always get me after killing one of their dudes. Everyone was fun to play in the game, and was really a blast when playing with someone else.  

General Gaming / RE: More co-op!
« on: March 01, 2007, 09:46:09 PM »
I think we started to see a huge decline in co-op when games like Quake 3 and Counter-Strike came out, and did really well. Sadly, there has been a lack of co-op in many games, and I really do sit there and ask myself why they don't put this option for multiplayer more often. I do, however, notice a huge incline in upcoming games that are noted to have this option. I think we are going to start noticing a lot more games in the near future that deal more on this aspect, than some sort of deathmatch. A lot of companies wanted to go with having a "team against team" type of multiplayer in the past few years, and have been to worried about making it new and fresh.. Like making new styles, examples like Capture the Flag and King of the Hill. It's always nice to see they add on and create new styles, but I think it has been a shame they left the 2-4 player co-op out lately.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: "Secret Rings" doesn't suck...
« on: March 01, 2007, 07:08:53 PM »
Yeah, Im sorry about that, I wasn't thinking at the time. I went back to edit and put spoiler text on the parts that could have been. All the stuff I mentioned really were just little knicks that didn't add up to anything in the game but annoyances, so really I'm not to sure what part you guys thought was the spoilers, so I tried going back and doing what I thought was reasonable. Sorry again! I guess I need to work on my Forum Manners, huh? lol

GioGio, I understand that and actually do that for the rest of those type of missions. It's just the end of the one on Pirate Bay where you can't get hurt and there are a lot of coins. Have to constantly cancel jump and make sure you are PERFECT. Then you fall off the edge on the left so you hit the button that makes you spring into the Goal Line without getting any coins. I know exactly what to do, and it's frustrating that I can't pull it off. I just can't do that part in the Pirate Bay World, and think it was sloppy and lazy level design.  

General Gaming / RE: General Choas
« on: March 01, 2007, 06:52:44 PM »
I totally forgot about that stuff Shecky. I used to love getting into close combat fist fights with the guy and kicking him in the shines. I never knew why they would fall to the ground and act dead, and then shoot you though! I thought it was random, but now it makes more sense... my brother was a button smasher in the game and would always get the trigger pulled on him.

I used to love the rocket dudes that shot things that looked like lazers, and then good old comedy relief comes in and they turn into a skeleton and fall apart. Always nice to get an instant kill and not give them a chance to call medic! =D

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