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Messages - MaleficentOgre

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 [32] 33
Nintendo Gaming / RE: Halo Coming to GBA??
« on: September 12, 2004, 09:55:08 PM »
In terms of taking hype and money away from its baby your mother is competitions to microsoft in the Halo department.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Is Nintendo killing thirdparty support itself?
« on: September 12, 2004, 09:51:52 PM »
I hate the overwrite key.  It needs destroyed.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Is Nintendo killing thirdparty support itself?
« on: September 12, 2004, 09:50:29 PM »
No Acclaim killed acclaim with BMX XXX.  That and turok would've killed any company.  Hopefully Reggie can cook up support for revolution.  IF revolution gets support like the DS then the planets all will be right in the universe.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Silicon Knights and Nintendo break up
« on: September 12, 2004, 09:44:52 PM »
Factor five is making pilot wings, my brain was malfunctioning.  Unless revolution puts out sound wise Factor Five is gone forever.  I just hope that nintendo is smarter than I give them credit for.  I don't think too human will ever come out.  SK probobly has some other huge shindig going down and is using nintendo's silence is golden theory.  As far as someone message boarding info if SK is nintendo of the western world then whoever would decide to release that info would most likely be tracked down and erradicated from the globe post haste.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Title Overload
« on: September 12, 2004, 09:32:57 PM »
I'm working as much as humanly possible now so that I can afford the new games and systems coming out by christmas.  Speaking of PoP:tWW, I don't like that all my games are turning darker, but at least this one makes sense.  I'm tired of games becoming darker just for the sake of becoming darker(Jak II)  PoP:SoT was a pretty dark game in its own rights, I mean the prince's life should have been extinguished at the begining of the first game, it only makes sense that after being chased for so long that he would get real pissed go on a killing spree.  At least he didn't start off hopping around and then majically pulling out guns and shooting things.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Pokemon "Ideal"?
« on: September 12, 2004, 09:24:39 PM »
The problem with pokemon online is the majority of pokemon players are 12 years old.  I don't know very many 12 year old online gamers.  Online pokemon is just too big of a step to happen anytime soon.  And who considers themselves a pokemon pro.  What constitutes a professional pokemon player.  The first pkmn game I picked up was sapphire and I beat some kid that had been playing since red/blue by just attacking and hoping my pokemon didn't die.  As long as you upgrade your pokemon as much as possible and have better move sets than your opponents you will always win.  Coliseum was a step in the right direction.  All it needs to do is get rid of the turn based system, add logic to the storyline and include voices and unique animations for all pokemon and attacks and pokemon will take off with people that currently are too cool to play it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: It's high time for info, nintendo
« on: September 12, 2004, 05:36:53 PM »
That's the japanese lineup most likely.  And november third is kinda late.  The system will probobly come out not two weeks after that.  Not nearly enough time to get billfolds ready.  They have to release the lineup in mid october, for their customers sake.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Goldeneye 007 DS
« on: September 12, 2004, 05:33:03 PM »
Squenix is going to support both consoles almost equally in an odd sort of way.  DS will get more games because they'll be cheaper and faster to make.  PSP will get the huge gigantic FFXII type games because it can.  DS will probobly outsupport PSP SE wise three to one.  But three games for DS might equal one PSP game.  IF the DS games are really good though PSP production will stop in order to make more money on the more profitable DS games.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Super Smash Bros DS, Can it be real??
« on: September 12, 2004, 05:25:58 PM »
Don't want to be burdened with stats during gameplay.  The only way I'll accept a map is if there's a way to watch games online without participating in it.  Or maybe gamers not playing can use a map to deposit items and what not about the stage.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: No DS games for launch?!?
« on: September 12, 2004, 05:16:16 PM »
Actually gamestop is the better of the two stores.  However I only buy used games from EB unless they're much cheaper at gamestop.  DS will have launch games, but no one knows what they are and when they'll get here so take everything you see on anysite other than as speculation.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: halo ds?
« on: September 12, 2004, 05:13:50 PM »
Perfect dark won't come out for DS until it comes out for xbox 2.  Microsoft has rare and wants to make as much money off them as possible

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Title Overload
« on: September 12, 2004, 05:01:21 PM »
Nintendo isn't making real money on the gamecube right now.  Nearly all of their profits in the console market come from software sales.  Software prices go down profits go down.  profits go down new nintendo innovations go down.  innovations go down nintendo goes down. my logic final.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Resident Evil 4 Discussion
« on: September 12, 2004, 04:40:42 PM »
Too bad that most resident evil fans know crap when they see it.  We can wait for the dvd releases.  Dawn of the dead 04 was good.  I grew up twenty minutes away from where the origional was filmed. that fact serves no point I just like saying it, because that's the best movie to come out of the pittsburgh area.  but Shaun of the dead finally realizes how silly zombie movies are and is going to capitalize on it.  That's why its the best zombie movie this year.  

doesn't take a million, only 999,999.  Look around I'm sure you can find it for at least 20 somewhere.  Just stay away from walmart.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Goldeneye 007 DS
« on: September 10, 2004, 03:32:24 AM »
Oh I forgot, EA is Damn good at what it does, you don't become the biggest publisher in the world for not being good.  You can't push out crap titles and expect to sell unless you're square.  The lord of the rings games are great, and everything or nothing is the best bond game since goldeneye.  Burnout 3 is game of the year contender it won't win, that's halo 2.  NBA street is the best basketball series out there.  NFL street has some work to do, cube owners have no choice but to play EA sports games because no one else has sports games on cube.  EA has a quality that most publishers don't, sure they occasionally release a bomb(catwoman) but usually they release stellar titles.  And release them for nintendo.  The sims(most boring game ever) will sell like snow cones in august on the DS.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Goldeneye 007 DS
« on: September 10, 2004, 03:25:44 AM »
IF the DS version winds up anything like its console brothers then we know it'll be playable.  And final fantasy games are sucking the big one lately, its going the way of mega man, only less playable.  After VI they got to FMV happy and way too full of themselves.  That's why the rehashes sell so well. We like playing games.  nothing against xenosaga, but even RPG gamers want to play games.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: EB in Santa Monca California has DS for $200
« on: September 10, 2004, 03:21:19 AM »
Sony doesn't care how much the game cost to make, If they see that pricing the games at a stupid low price will drive DS down then they will do it.  You must realize that sony has no problem losing money in the video game market when they are taking your money with every other electronic device imaginable.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: It's high time for info, nintendo
« on: September 10, 2004, 03:18:34 AM »
"They must have huge preorders" you can't be serious.  Have you been under a rock for the past three years.  Halo 2 is the single most pre-ordered game ever.  GTA SA is coming close, but Halo 2 has been taking pre-orders for three years.  A midnight release would be the kind of thing to cause riots.  Its a good idea for people like me who don't want to wait in a line at 3 in the afternoon.  The problem is getting in trouble for having a hundred people sitting outside your store a one in the morning making all kinds of riotous noise waiting to get their hands on the game of the year. well maybe second place to burnout 3 which is amazing, too bad it won't come to cube.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Silicon Knights and Nintendo break up
« on: September 10, 2004, 03:10:22 AM »
Silicon knights isn't gone forever.  They'll be back, not as a second party, but they will give exclusives to the revolution like pilot wings, and maybe even the game they've been developing for nine years if it doesn't go to xbox first.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Games on other consoles that are hurting the GC
« on: September 10, 2004, 03:07:38 AM »
Hardcore fans know a lot about MP2, but they were already going to buy the game with or without information on it.  I'm saying that nintendo needs to up its hype wagon.  The halo 2 hype wagon has been going on for years.  You can't watch tv without seeing a SLY COOPER ad. Sly cooper, not gta or jak III or any of sony's big hitter, fricking sly cooper.  You want to tell me that Nintendo can't push a sequel to the cubes best first party game better than sly cooper. Every big game site has been stuck on halo 2 since it was announced in 2002.  Nintendo can sure do a lot more to let people know about the game.  If you don't buy a new gamecube subscribe to nintendo power or have 5 registered nintendo games you can't get it.  I don't buy new games because I have to feed myself, no new games no registration, no registration no demo.  If you're not a hardcore nintendo fan you don't know about MP2 echoes.  IF you can breath you know about halo 2.  That's all I'm saying

Nintendo Gaming / RE: OFFICIAL Online mouse_clicker vs the world thread
« on: September 10, 2004, 02:57:15 AM »
You can't really talk about online gaming on consoles until november 10th.  After that we will know the true power of X.  As nintendo sees this, they will say wow, all we need is a good online game and voila.  Revolution will come with modem in box and one or two first/second party titles that have online capabilities.  The downside is we have to pay for it.  The good side is we have to pay for it so nintendo will likely run in much like microsoft does.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Resident Evil 4 Discussion
« on: September 10, 2004, 02:45:24 AM »
They should play the trailer in front of shaun of the dead, which will be the best zombie movie to come out this year.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Gameboy Sp price drop= Lower than expected DS price??
« on: September 09, 2004, 08:34:44 PM »
If the PSP goes at $200 sony looses a lot more than $50 a system.  The PSP is $300 hardware. At $200 they could possible lose up to $150 a system.  That'll be enough to buy a DS.  Sure they don't care about losing money but that's absurd.  Especially if the system sell the way they want it to.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: EB in Santa Monca California has DS for $200
« on: September 09, 2004, 08:31:23 PM »
IF the DS was going to be $180 then the GBA price wouldn't have been lowered.  I guesing the price might be as low and 140.  I doubt it. It'll probobly be $150.  Games can't be 40 bucks.  Nintendo needs them to be lower.  You can find AAA quality cube games for 40 new. (viewtiful joe anyone?)  Handheld games should cost less.   Sony is willing to lose millions making their UMDs real cheap for the PSP.  Like $20 cheap.  Nintindo can't be too much higher than that or it loses its price advantage.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: halo ds?
« on: September 09, 2004, 08:23:39 PM »
First thing first, unless you hate all FPS games then Halo is by no means defication.  In fact I'll say that its the best console FPS since perfect dark.  The only way Halo leaves a microsoft system is if the PSP does real well.  Microsoft hates sony more than nintendo and doesn't want them to own the entire world.  If they see that the PSP is killing the DS then They'll announce development of HALO DS without delay.  That is the only senario I see getting halo on a system that isn't microsoft controlled.  As far as GTA DS.  I beleive sony will pay Rockstar to keep if off DS.  Its coming to GBA because rockstar likes the gba and sony doesn't view the GBA as a problem.  As far as it going to xbox, microsoft has more money than sony does.

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