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Messages - LuWoo75

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Nintendo Gaming / RE: Live?
« on: May 17, 2005, 09:36:17 AM »
Bolonga, take the rev out of it and it was just mediocre.  Zelda was cool, but we already know it's going to be great that is a constant.  Mario kart online?..... no not really still the same ol thing just playing online.  Buffering Nintendo is in last place there is no room to buffer. Every developer is jumping ship i cant even play a darn star wars game anymore w/nintendo.  Silicone Knights is gone now, konami never was onboard to begin with. They better get some good 3rd party development or it's for sure over.  And on top of it all they show all those I LOVE HALO 2 games and 4 Mario titles, mario soccer, mario party, mario dance etc.  That just ruined my day.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Live?
« on: May 17, 2005, 09:22:28 AM »
That was the worst E3 opening for Nintendo ever.  All they did was regergatate every we already knew.  Why was there no specs given for the revolution?  That's just dumb unless they knew that they were going to havta go back to the drawing board and up thier specs to fit everyonelse.  That Nintendogs, planktons demo just reinforced every negative sterotype about Nintendo as being tiku tiku tiku!  and all those Mario titles just shows that all nintendo dose is re-hash old titles.  This is bad, if this stands as is i probably wont even get the next nintendo and i have  had every system that they put out.  What's going on?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Live?
« on: May 17, 2005, 07:08:00 AM »
I'm getting the same thing.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: First Revolution Picture! (Plus new details!)
« on: May 17, 2005, 05:17:28 AM »
Yeah it's by far the most atheticly pleasing maching but my worries are still power if it can still port over the 3rd party games w/ no drops in performance them it will be fine.  I just hope Nintendo has capped the technology limits of the revolution.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: REV's mainstream media coverage
« on: May 16, 2005, 03:43:05 PM »
Well it's official now the ps3 is now unveild and the specs are shown over  It looks alot like the ps2 IMHO just more streamlined.  Nintendo looks to be last at unveiling it's new console.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Another mock up
« on: May 16, 2005, 03:32:41 PM »
I guess Sony has announced the PSIII already here is a pic of it.  It's on as well.  Click here.

Nintendo Gaming / Another mock up
« on: May 16, 2005, 03:06:28 PM »
Here is a link to another Revolution mock-up in case no one as see these.  click here

Nintendo Gaming / RE: REV's mainstream media coverage
« on: May 16, 2005, 01:58:14 PM »
I'd agree, most of the boards i've been on NO ONE is talking about the Revolution.  Even some family and friends dont' even mention it.  Nintendo is going to havta come up with something 'cool' in order to even be competitive.  It's like everyone thinks its a 2 system race.


Originally posted by: Hedorah64

Originally posted by: Artimus
Is no one else seriously glad this is fake?

Did anyone, well excluding LuWoo75, actually think this was real?

Not me cause it just made me look like a dumb *#@, J/K :^) but let me say that dude has too much time on his hands.

I'm glad it woulda been ok as a side project but not the rev itself.  It intrigues me even more to find out what the Revolution really is.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: What If
« on: May 14, 2005, 02:25:19 PM »
Wouldn't that mean u would have to be within proximity of the Rev.  Why would u wanna look at a small portable when the exact same movie is playing on the tv?  Maybe i misunderstood the question.

Nintendo dosnt' do dumb stuff mmm.. virtual boy...maybe....cart..nevermind.  What i meant it sounded like that eccentric buisness philosphy of Nintendo(always has to be different).  I thnk it dose have some grain of truth to that video...maybe it's old something Nintendo was dreamfasting but i believe that came from someone at Nintendo just IMHO.  I don't believe everything that gets posted on the internet who dose but this one SEEMS like it has some grain of truth.  It was even linked at IGN they wouldnt show it if it wasnt in some way could be true.  

I know Nintendo has given the dimensions of the machine and they don't seem to look like the machine in the video.  If i could re-dub the previous post I would say it wouldn't suprise me if this something from nintendo.  

I dunno i just couldnt' imagine some kids having that much time and that much resourses and imagination to think something like this up.   This looks like some dumb stuff Nintendo would do, i believe it untill proven otherwise.  Notice there were no controller seen in the video.  If this is fake the real question would be who did it and if it is real would you still get it?  

This looks to be a rough draft of a demo it lacks the real direction that Nintendo normally shows in it's finished demos.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: General Revolution Talk
« on: April 20, 2005, 07:16:14 AM »
PSP isnt cart based.

Interesting theory, I think it would be a long time b4 a new GB will come out.  The GC disc a fairly big in size bigger than the disc for the PSP so that would make the player itself bigger though it could be possible though.  That would be a good idea though to make the next GB backwards compatable with GC games.  Nintendo is so secretative sometimes that i loose interest in figuring them out, guesss we will havta wait till e-3(when is E-3 by the way?).

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Beta Revolution Pics?
« on: April 17, 2005, 06:46:47 AM »
Where is the link for these drawings anyway?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Beta Revolution Pics?
« on: April 17, 2005, 06:34:20 AM »
I think it looks pretty cool overall, i'd be happy with that.  Whoever designed that did a fairly good job with just the lil bit we know about Revolution.  I think the controllers look fine to me anyway.  U know Nintendo could intentially leak pics of the Revolution and there would be people saying that it sucks but as soon as it came out they would be like "dude, that's the coolest thing ever".  Karazy how that works.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« on: April 10, 2005, 11:52:43 PM »
I don't think the ps2 looks like crap for it's time it looked ok, the new thinner version of the ps2 dont look bad either.  I new alot of people that like the look of the ps2 back in the day when it first came out.  But then again the x-box looks like a juiced up atari and it's selling better than the gamecube, maybe due to the fact that it is my post is a train wreck and that it touts better specs for those tech whores out there.  So in a way ur right looks alone won't make a system sell but like i said b4 in order to catch a fish u need a worm.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« on: April 10, 2005, 02:42:12 PM »
It's funny how this topic got hijacked into a Apple vs Pc thread lol.   But since it is already officaially been hijacked OS X kicks the hell out of XP period.......back on topic i like kdr_11's marketing tech u should do that for a living.  Def there is alot of hype w/o substance esp with my post is a train wreck most of there games that selll alot ala halo arnt even that good but they make u wanna buy it cause everyone else dose.  Nintendo dont have the revenue to do what sony and my post is a train wreck dose so they havta use a different stradagy the same one that Apple dose "think different" that is why Nintendo is always trying to do something different cause they havta.  That is why there is so much parody between the two that is why they keep gettin compared.  Neither Apple nor Nintendo have the Juice of my post is a train wreck so they havta be "different".  The real question is, can Nintendo exist being the Apple of Video Consoles.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Will it be called the Nintendo Revolution?
« on: April 10, 2005, 08:04:40 AM »
I like the name it dosent sound very catchy like thepoga said but i'd stick with it.  If they change it the real name would havta be something very smooth.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« on: April 10, 2005, 07:57:50 AM »
I do think that in order to catch a fish u havta use a worm.  Looks do count that why i dont understand the thinking behind the Gamecube.  I think the Revolution should be something artsy but cool.  I dont ness think it has to be like Apple, even though i luv apple products and i'm writing this post from a Mac but it should be something within that same realm of concept.  It should be interesting to find out how this machine will look.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What type of games should the Rev launch with?
« on: April 09, 2005, 06:38:37 AM »
I think that they should come out with a new series a game that is designed to take full advantage of the Revolution.  Kid Icarus is well overdue Nintendo would be silly if they didnt revive that game.  Mario of course is pretty much a lock for a launch game.  I think they should get Namco to do a RPG for the rev maybe Tales or Baiten sequel.  Since Zelda is coming out this fall i dont see a need for that to be launch game.  If they do a Metroid it's going to havta be something overwhelmly different like 3rd person perspective or a really epic adventure.  They really need capcom to come through for something at launch also like a RE or a new series.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Gamecube to VGA mointor?
« on: March 26, 2005, 06:02:53 AM »
Kool thanx I just bought this new mac mini w/LCD mointor and wanted to use it as my primary display so that way i wouldnt havta buy a tv.  I'll just share the adapter that came with my mini as see how good it is.  

Nintendo Gaming / Gamecube to VGA mointor?
« on: March 25, 2005, 03:33:43 PM »
I was just wondering is it possible to hook up the gamecube to a VGA LCD?  I have the old Gamecube with the DVI outlet?

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