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Messages - WuTangTurtle

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General Gaming / Re: Resident Evil 5 is the greatest thing ever.
« on: January 30, 2009, 09:12:42 PM »

Also, like I said earlier, Sheva is useless. Goddamn that bitch keeps getting in trouble.

Funny, I don't remember Ashley being too much of a pain....and she never even used a weapon.  Friendly AI never seems to be that great does it, reminds me once in Left 4 Dead when my character was hanging off the side of the building and the friendly AI decided to come and help me up......but instead fell over the edge leaving us both hanging for dear life as the other two remaining survivors were being killed by a hunter and a tank.

General Gaming / Re: Prinny Can I really be the hero?
« on: January 30, 2009, 09:05:05 PM »
I understand that they are the publishers but i also understand that publishers typically have a say in what gets made.  That's why I'm surprised they release so many PSP games in the U.S.  I guess if they find a way to make money it's all good, plus it'll just put money into the development of their more major games.

General Gaming / Re: Resident Evil 5 is the greatest thing ever.
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:33:14 AM »
if this is like Gears of War then count me out.....I hated the controls, it was like a tank that could slide and hug up against random objects when all you want to do is dodge an oncoming enemy looking to chainsaw you.....of course that just leaves you hugging a wall and telling your opponent "plz chainsaw me, it feels ever so good!".

when I get my xbox repaired I'll still download the demo to try it out though.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: The Conduit
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:23:19 AM »
Yes, but KIDNAPPING HVS or Sega will get us a release date. Not saying anything, just putting the option on the table. Think it over, no rush. I'll check back tomorrow.

i think that would just result in the game being delayed : (

General Gaming / Re: Prinny Can I really be the hero?
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:18:29 AM »
it makes sense for them to release it in japan for psp but for the usa, i don't know that many ppl at all that still use their psp's.  it does kind of suck for companies like them, they can't spend fortunes on making lush 3d games and expect to make a lot of it back.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: FF Crystal Bearers -- Harmonica/WTF Trailer
« on: January 28, 2009, 05:48:22 PM »
Do want! Desperately!

The tree scene is freaking sweet, with that Yuke phasing it in and out and hitting the person behind him.

Yeah when i saw that I was like "did i just see some Portal $hit", awesome!  I also can't wait to see some more chocoboback riding lol.

General Gaming / Re: Prinny Can I really be the hero?
« on: January 28, 2009, 05:08:27 PM »
at least they could have done was release it on the PS2 also....

Nintendo Gaming / Re: FFCC: Echoes of Time
« on: January 26, 2009, 06:30:37 PM »
I assume you mean $39.99 each.  GAWD I hate how Square inflates their DS games prices however the Wii version is a nice surprise.  Is it confirmed that it is online capable or just local play?

General Gaming / Re: Resident Evil 5 is the greatest thing ever.
« on: January 26, 2009, 06:25:34 PM »
I hear the demo is availabl on the 360. Anyone want to give impressions?

I so wish I could but my 360 died a few days ago.......I feel like crying now.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: The Calling
« on: January 26, 2009, 06:06:16 PM »
I'm very aware of the fact that the game uses the creepy girl cliche but it's nice to see a horror game taken on in a adventure styled game instead of FPS or 3rd person shooters.  I think the idea that you don't really have a weapon makes you feel a lot more vulnerable and that definitely is a plus.  I hope this game gives children nightmares lol.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Why the Wii is great (Let's Catch WiiWare)
« on: January 26, 2009, 05:49:48 PM »
Anyone else think of the episode in "Friends"?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: The Calling
« on: January 25, 2009, 06:05:14 PM »
wow, that totally reminded of Ju-on (The Grudge).  Any info of this actually coming stateside?

General Gaming / Re: Son of a hoe...My 360 is dead...AGAIN!
« on: January 24, 2009, 06:53:36 PM »
Oops I meant Novemember of 07, so yeah it lasted a more than a year but that is still unacceptable.  I have a PC, TV, Gameboy, etc that all have lasted well over 10 years and are still currently working.

General Gaming / Re: Son of a hoe...My 360 is dead...AGAIN!
« on: January 24, 2009, 01:34:28 AM »
I got mine last year on November when the overheating rrod problem was supposedly fixed >:(.  I'll pray for your system Bill ;D

Nintendo Gaming / Re: How much of your Wii library is 3rd party?
« on: January 23, 2009, 08:25:13 PM »
The difference is at the same time the Cube had better third party support and Nintendo's output was 100% core gamer focused and thus there were more first party games being released that I was interested in.

100%?  I think your exaggerating a you not remember all of the Mario whoring?  Mario Party up the whazoo, all the mario sports titles?  Sure Mario Strikers was good and watching Luigi dunk over Carmelo Anthony was funny but for the most parts those games were not for core gamers.  By the way when does another Mario Party come around?

General Gaming / Re: Son of a hoe...My 360 is dead...AGAIN!
« on: January 23, 2009, 08:12:45 PM »
Dammit mine busted today.....turned it on went to the bathroom real quick and heard a loud crackle sound coming from either the TV or 360.  I think I would have been more pissed if it was the TV.  I bought it for my parents for X-Mas ($800).

I haven't played my 360 for about 3 weeks and I just finished buying all the Rock Band instruments for it.......such bad timing.

Games journalists can wield their opinions like a club to batter and tear games down sometimes, and it can be an ugly thing

Anyone else reminded of Too Human, lol.

whether that game was good or not, it got ugly.

already almost 5,000 signatures.  That's pretty impressive especially since it just barely went up.  Then again petitions don't work on this kinda stuff......hope i have to eat my own words here though.

And let's not forget, by purchasing Ping Pals on the DS I and about 100,000 others helped bring Contra IV to the DS via WayForward!

Looks like Kairon's got us there.

Anyways, I didn't like all the camera switching stuff....reminded me of resident evil.  However I do love the idea and I did like the video, that last enemy reminded me of the witch in Left 4 Dead when it finally attacked.  I'm sure if they had say a year and add about 20-30 guys to the team this game would be pretty rock solid.  If it ever comes out it has me as a potential buyer.

General Gaming / Re: Japanese style games going extinct?
« on: January 20, 2009, 04:59:02 PM »
Well I think it's gonna shrink a bit especially since so many big time FPS flopped.  Free Radical is gone now thanks to Haze, Army of Two didn't sell very well, and Fracture failed to sell well.  I think it's gonna come to a point where only the biggest FPS developers are gonna be making them kind of like how RPG's are now.  You'll have your Call of Duty, Halo, and anything Valve comes up with.  Oh and James Bond games due to the continuing movie releases.

General Gaming / Re: Sonic Team cares not for Sonic.
« on: January 20, 2009, 04:48:08 PM »

Wow I didn't know Sonic went survival horror....and shouldn't Ashley be following Sonic instead of the other way around?  ;D

Nintendo Gaming / Re: The next games in the "Wii" series
« on: January 20, 2009, 04:42:11 PM »
I personally think that would be a bit too complex for a Wii-series game...Sounds like a great idea for a Mario game, though...

I dunno bout you guys but one of my first level editors I've messed with was Super Mario World of course that was thanks to the Rom and emulator community and it was extremely simple.  All you had to do was click on what you wanted and just place it in the level.  Butt sliding levels FTW!!!!

General Gaming / Re: Japanese style games going extinct?
« on: January 19, 2009, 07:39:41 PM »
Where previously Square-Enix and co dominated the RPG scene now they've yielded to the likes of Bioware and Bethesda.

I liked Mass Effect and Fallout 3 but it would be a very sad day if those kind of games replaced JRPRGs.  Anyone else feel like Mass Effect was pretty linear and empty for a game where you are exploring different galaxies!?

Luckily some JRPGs are on the way though, I believe Star Ocean comes out next month on 360.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Canceled Wii project Red Faction B.E.A.S.T.
« on: January 18, 2009, 01:09:47 AM »
I got to test early stages of that game mid last year, I wonder how it turns out.

General Gaming / Re: Sonic Team cares not for Sonic.
« on: January 18, 2009, 01:06:00 AM »
It might really suck to be the “Game Evaluator” guy at Sonic Team. He probably wrote up so many reports about games not being good enough, complete with his suggestions to fix them, which were then completely rejected.


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