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Messages - nhaines

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TalkBack / Re: Pikmin Shorts Coming to the 3DS
« on: October 25, 2014, 08:21:48 PM »
They said they did, but as far as I can tell they never actually stopped.

TalkBack / Re: Purchase eShop Games on Nintendo's Website Starting Now
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:32:43 PM »
Just in time for Christmas!  If the download codes include QR codes, this is my favorite feature ever.  <3

If I buy a game for a friend, do I get the Deluxe Digital Promotion points? That would change how I buy my Christmas gifts

No, but the person redeeming the code does.  (This is why you get them for pack in and bonus games that you didn't actually "buy".)

Wait, it takes 5% of the 3DS's processing power to accommodate the Circle Pad Pro? Yeesh, I didn't expect  it would take no more then like 2% to handle it.

I wouldn't be surprised if the IR receiver is really dump and the poll rate has to be really high to be reliable, especially for a game that needs a high enough poll rate to have super low input latency like a fighting game.

Well, with an integrated hardware component, the controller input is sent over a dedicated hardware bus.  All you have to do is read from a specific memory address and find out what buttons are being pushed at the current time.

But the Circle Pad Pro uses IR light to send controls to the IR port.  Now depending on how much work the IR port is doing, you may need to read from it fast enough to decode the digital pulses being sent.  It's like decoding Morse code.  You have to pay attention long enough to hear all the pulses and the silences, then determine which pulses were dots, which were dashes, which pauses meant next letter, next word, new signal, and so on.

So you have to dedicate enough CPU type to checking the IR input and then decoding that into controller button presses and then pass that along to the control input subroutines.  That's why it gets so much more difficult than an integrated button.

I think his point was that you called FF1 genre creating, but you can't create a genre that already exists (which is did, as Dragon Warrior was already out before it).

You're right--I meant "genre-defining", but there's no editing these posts.  But RPGs were around long, long before Dragon Warrior.

I'm just pointing out that it is only free if you get explorers which you failed to mention before.

I didn't mention it because it's in the article.  Your post "...Why?" wasn't exactly a lot of context to go on.

I played Dragon Warrior first, and it was fantastic.

But Final Fantasy was way more epic.

Free if you get Explorers, which... why would I.

So if you don't want to buy the game, don't worry about what others are getting when they buy it.  It's a value-add pack in.

If you do want to buy Final Fantasy I, do so when it comes out a month later.  And if you don't want to buy Final Fantasy I, well... stop wishing for other people not to have things.  That's ridiculous.

Because Final Fantasy I was a genre-creating masterpiece and why shouldn't we have it available and also for free?

I hate to jump on the Smash Bros. train, but between the Mii and Amiibo features plus the fact that it's the only game I actually got to play, it's looking really fantastic.  And beautiful.

Plus, the 3DS version appears to be shaping up to be very interesting, too.  So I'm definitely looking forward to more information.

Most disappointing missing megaton announcement for E3 this year: Art Academy for Wii U.

TalkBack / Re: Amiibo Prototype Packaging Revealed
« on: June 12, 2014, 05:50:06 AM »
Oh, thank goodness!

I was concerned these would be sold in blind packaging.  I wasn't having any of that.   :P:

TalkBack / Re: Swords & Soldiers HD Review
« on: June 02, 2014, 06:32:39 PM »
Because I'll never play this game,  I think Viking Axe-throwers should yell "Axe marks the spot!"

TalkBack / Re: Game Boy Advance Virtual Console Finally Coming to Wii U
« on: February 13, 2014, 08:28:56 PM »
The reason they're releasing Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island on the Wii U is the same reason they never released Star Fox or Yoshi's Island on the Virtual Console: no SuperFX chip support.

Basically, the SuperFX chip is an embedded processor that has to be emulated perfectly concurrently with the SNES hardware emulator, and if you do it perfectly you get synclock problems.  Most PC emulators really fudge it, but Nintendo wants perfection.  Which is fair enough.

Don't ask me about the Super Mario World GBA port, though.  I have no idea.

TalkBack / Re: This Week in Releases: January 5, 2014 
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:00:57 AM »
Well, a portable hard drive is $100.  So if you don't have that and your Wii U doesn't have sufficient storage space for the game and you want Wii Fit U, then $50 is a good deal.

But if you have all that and a Balance Board and just want to buy a Fit Meter, then hey, free game!  I look at it as more of a loyalty promotion than the "normal" price for the game.

TalkBack / Re: YouTube is Coming to the 3DS 
« on: November 14, 2013, 01:08:07 PM »
You tube 3D is for 3D glasses isn't it? like Red/blue glasses?

No.  You tell YouTube what kind of 3D display you have, and it serves the compatible video.  It transcodes 3D (and automatically converted) videos to the various supported formats.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: NWR's Fit Club Official Chat
« on: November 08, 2013, 04:13:01 PM »
Having the Fit Meter and being able to see how far I've been walking is a lot of fun.  Much nicer to have a display and it's easier to sync, unlike Personal Trainer: Walking, which was a bit clunky.

TalkBack / Re: Former Nintendo President, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Dies
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:45:37 AM »
Think at least 1960s or even earlier.

Oh, I didn't mean to downplay everything else he did.  But Nintendo was a toy and playing card company in 1978.  A couple of years later and everything had changed.

Videogames were a huge fad but far from a certainty--especially after the Atari incident.

TalkBack / Re: Former Nintendo President, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Dies
« on: September 19, 2013, 06:26:46 AM »
Wow, talk about the end of an era.

I know he wasn't really active with Nintendo anymore, and I blame him for Nintendo's online/networking reluctance, but he was a visionary who really shaped Nintendo back in the 1980's.  To put so much trust into these strange "video games" and stick to a clear vision while trusting his engineers really took a lot of guts.

TalkBack / Re: Star Wars Pinball Comes to the 3DS
« on: September 18, 2013, 09:34:09 PM »
Ooh, I actually picked up the Empire Strikes Back table on my Android phone.  It was pretty fun, but I never play it because I don't want to kill the battery.

I could definitely see picking this up for the 3DS if it's not too high.  3D graphics make pinball a lot easier to play.

I've already received this update in California. I don't notice any new photo filters in the camera app, though.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 326: A Big Bowl Full of Smart
« on: February 19, 2013, 10:45:40 AM »
Warlocked for GBC was *incredible*!  Not only did it have digitized sounds but the music was absolutely fantastic.

The levels were somewhat simplistic because of system limitations but the pathfinding was nice and the units were varied and it was a hell of a lot of fun.  I should probably dig out my GBC and play it.  :)

TalkBack / Re: Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone Review
« on: October 24, 2012, 08:47:27 AM »
Frankly, if I were you I'd buy it for your kid anyway.  The lessons start out dead simple and I'm a big fan of providing slightly higher-end tools for kids because if she has that inclination to draw, you might be really surprised to see how she grows with the lessons.

EDIT: You can always get the DSiWare game Art Academy: First Semester for $7 if you're on the fence, although on a 3DS it will probably be a bit of a shame.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Not Selling at Loss, Nintendo Believes in Value
« on: September 25, 2012, 03:26:15 PM »
She told me that it was still prototype/development software so I could take a picture of a friend playing or with both the gamepad and TV in frame, but she told someone else the restriction was no detailed closeup photos, so I'm not entirely sure.  It was the E3 demo and she'd also showed off the game at E3 and really knew the game well.  I was quite impressed at her knowledge.  Since I'd chatted a little while waiting, once I got the controller she said, "Okay, since you're already a pro at Pikmin I'll just stay quiet and let you play" which was awesome.  When she explained this or that to other onlookers I'd try to demonstrate what she was talking about.  Not bad for a 3-minute timed demo.

Bonus: the look on her face when someone asked the cost of the game and she said there was no announced price and I said "actually, Nintendo just announced their base price for first party games is $59.95," and how the smile returned when I said "However, Pikmin 3 will release in the launch window between November 18th and March 31st, but because a release date hasn't been announced, there's no official price.  Once they announce the release date, they'll announce the price as well."  The guy asked if I meant it might be more than $60 and I told him that Nintendo tended not to do that and would even price simpler games lower, but that this was a pretty complex, premium game so I expected it to be $60.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Not Selling at Loss, Nintendo Believes in Value
« on: September 25, 2012, 03:09:04 AM »
Definitely.  The GameCube was hands-down the best hardware of that generation and it didn't do a thing for Nintendo.

As Nintendo has proven on the Wii (Super Mario Galaxy, Skyward Sword), it doesn't take the best hardware to make the most beautiful games.  Even Factor 5 pushed out the very impressive Star Wars: Rogue Leader engine in 2 weeks for E3, and once the GCN was launched it was practically unrivalled.

I played Wii U on Friday and Pikmin 3 was absolutely gorgeous.  The Wii U Gamepad weighs just slightly more than my 3DS, and is super comfortable to hold.  Every game I saw looked beautiful.  Wonderful 101 looked wacky, Game and Wario looked Japanese.

I agree that the Wii U is a huge value for gamers.

Bonus: the Pikmin 3 attendant throwing herself across the screen and/or gamepad whenever someone tried to take a picture of just one or the other.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo 3DS XL Circle Pad Pro Design Revealed
« on: September 21, 2012, 06:01:45 AM »
Because if they did integrate it, two things would happen.

1) Because the accessory utilizes the IR port on the 3DS, it would permanently disable the IR port functionality because Nintendo would place the IR transmitter and transceiver internally to allow the second circle pad to function.

2) Nintendo would integrate the second circle pad functionality internally so that it uses internal hardware similarly to the original circle pad (i.e., no IR sensor) but is no longer compatible with any game that supported the original Circle Pad Pro.

You can't have both.  Either you implement the hardware absolutely identically (so old games keep working) or you change it (and no game continues working--future support only).

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Reveals Massive List of Release Dates
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:37:35 AM »
No Animal Crossing!  D:

TalkBack / Re: New Super Mario Bros. 2 Review
« on: August 11, 2012, 07:26:15 PM »
Haha, Neal, I saw you playing the game late at night this week and thought, "Well, I guess I know who's doing the review for NWR!"  Glad I was right.  :)

It got me to pick up SM3DL again and go from World 6-5 to Special World 2-1 over the course of two nights and I'm excited for the new game.  Although mainly for the chance to get closer to a golden nunchuck controller.   >.>

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