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Messages - EasyCure

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:3D controls: not just "the next analog stick"
« on: April 20, 2006, 07:03:49 AM »

Originally posted by: mantidor

I really think the only possible negative feedback for the remote is going to come from people inside the gaming comunity, whether is fanboyism ir simply a jaded audience that cant acept change, for everyone else the concept is simply amazing.

agreed. when consumers are given next generation systems with last generaion controls the past 3 generations, those consumers wont except change because they are being led to believe what they have is what is good. ps1 and ps2 controllers are the same, ps 3's now cacneled controller-rang is the same thing in a new shape and xboxes control is still the same 'lets take that huge dreamcast controller that everyone MUST of forgotten about by now, make it look similar enough to a ps controller so people can feel familiar with it, slap on two extra buttons and call it a day"

for the rest of us, this change is welcome; the concept is, as you put it, simply amazing; and the technology is the only true next generation thing about this next generation of video games. the hardest part for nintendo will be getting those jaded gamers to try something new. i say though if people will play a game with a fake guitar or dance like morons in public, they MUST try this new controller atleast once. thats all it will probably take for even the most jaded players to realize what next gen really is.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:IF Revolution still is a code name...
« on: April 20, 2006, 06:43:48 AM »
oh man you guys crack me up. P-nes...thats just GREAT.
im not being sarcastic either i've been really really sick and sh*tty so i needed a good laugh like that.

Like alot of you the Revolution name as stuck with me. At first i didnt know what to make of it, it didnt sound like it would be a cool name for a video game system if it ever stuck but atleast it was a better code name than dolphin. the more i learned about the system the more i liked an appreciated it. all it does is tell you what Nintendo is trying to do with this machine.
if it does change though, i've always thought this would be the perfect system to continue the NES name with.
i know i've said this before in some other thread but ever since the first pictures of the revolution materialized, more-so the ones where it is set horizontal, i've pictured it as an NES in my head because it was simple. then after reading news of its virtual console and beign able to d/l so many classic games, i wanted it SO bad to look more like an NES. hopefully some of you have seen the mock-up photo on IGN where the rev was given an NES inspired paintjob. my jaw hit the floor when i saw it only because i've envisioned that in my head for a long time now.
why not call it NES-5? if sony can get away with calling their systems ps 1, 2, and 3, and microsoft calling their new system xbox 360 (by the way what does that even mean? i never cared enough to find out before), then why not just call the revolution NES-5. to 'noobs' it'll make it appear as it is 2 generations ahead of playstation (and with that innovative new controller, it might as well be) and it will truley be an "entertainment system" and besides...its the biggest throwback to retro gaming. it just makes sense. N5 sounds cool only in that abbreviation. playstation 3 and ps3 both sound better coming out of someones mouth than Nintendo 5 does.
the whole Nintendo Go thing wont work in america. people wont get it, it just menas 5 in japenese. Nintendo 5 really doesnt sound good, but N5 does. the problem with just calling it N5 is that some people might not realize its a nintendo machine.
it should either be NES-5 or revolution. if it has to be NES-5 than they should reiterate "revolution" in EVERY add for it so that anyone that soley new it as the revolution will be familiarized with it and all of us who have gotten used to calling it the revolution will continue to do so..

either that or P-nes!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:3D controls: not just "the next analog stick"
« on: April 20, 2006, 06:00:50 AM »
no doubt eljefe.

this isnt just "the next analog stick" indeed but we can all see that its impact will be similar in the fact that competition will try to "copy" this means of impu until, as nintendo predicted, becomes the standard.
nintendo has been doing it all along; d-pad, analog stick, force-feedback, and now xyz-controls.
i full heartedly believe this is the start of a "new generation" of video gaming.
I dont want to come across as soley a nintendo fanboy (cuz i am hehe) but i honestly feel that simply adding more buttons to controllers, as well as rehashed game concepts, is turning the video game industry to a stale peice o' crap. Yes you can argue that revenues of companies are higher than they were in year 19XX or 20XX but thats not what im talking about here. i didnt envision when PS2, GC, and XBOX were released that all we would be seeing was a Tom Clancy title every other month, a new WWII game coming out almost every day, or the likes of that (annual sports games are a given...). I thought that with the advancement of technology we would have games that could have NEVER of been done on the previous systems. what do we get? stale repetitive bull"plop".  I played Rainbow Six on n64, i dont have to play another five reiterations of it with updated graphics. i want something NEW. even now with the start of the 'next' generations of video games kicked off by xbox, what did we see? MORE WWII sims, the annual sports title, a sequel to a brilliant FPS that was on n64 and was beautifully butchered*, and an "epic" quest that also began its life as an n64 project...

(*im sorry but hd graphics just can't replace good overall gameplay)

what the revolution brings to the table is innovation, and a much needed breath of fresh air. the DS really was a hint of things to come and it saddens me i never bothered picking one up closer to launch that i now have to go back and pick up older titles before picking up the more recent ones (it saddens my wallet as well).
everyone in these forums, well almost everyone, is already excited about the gameplay for Red Steel, the so far ONLY revolution game unveiled to the public. to think, such anticipation for a 3rd party title. just imagine what Nintendo has in store for all their Major releases. forget all the talk bout cooking games and all those games geared toward a new audience. think about what suprises they'll have for us, the diehard fans, with franches like mario and zelda as well as any new IP's that take a "traditional" game and turn it on it head with these new control mechanics. We havent recieved any recent news about TP but instead were shown a new DS zelda title and look at how innovative touch screen controls work in that title. imagine if such things were adopted to a zelda title BUILT FOR THE REVOLUTION FROM THE GROUND UP. what if you could control the path of your boomerang with the 'revmote' the way you do in the Phantom Hourglass, or if you could use the revmote to mark notes on a map like in the DS title? just wiat to see what Nintendo's brilliantly insane creators/developers can come up with.
my friends, we are heading towards a brand new day in playing video games.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Red Steel Topic, new details added!
« on: April 20, 2006, 05:39:52 AM »
ah good ol' conkers bad fur day. first time a retailer actually cared if i was 17+. theres no shame in admitting it, i had my mom come in and pay for it after they tried to card me, and yes even after they told her she was buying a game with "mature themes" and "adult language" she did buy it for me (hell it was my saved up allowance money!) truth be told, at the time my mothers grasp of the english language wasn't very good, though i did explain what the man sad and she simply asked "why the hell do you want a game with curses etc..." and i told her "because its coming from a cute little squirel, how could you not find that hilarious?"

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Anyone else really want Star Fox Rev?
« on: April 18, 2006, 04:55:03 PM »
maybe oen day we'll see a dock for the revmote to be used like a joystick as i mentioned that can aslo be a battery charger for it! maybe that would keep it from being "too" sparkling innovationy i guess.
only reason i even thought of such a thing was it was the only way i could see myself TRULEY being immersed in the game. if you saw my last post about the possible level designs with all the branching paths and co-op multiplayer, the only other thing that would truley make me feel as if i was in the game (aside from maybe online microphone abiltiy to tell teamates strategies...which i probably left out of the last post) was to physically feel like im piloting the arwing. i wouldnt find just pointing the revmote at a screen would fit that style of gameplay. for a FPS like red steel thats fine but starfox is as much about piloting as it is shooting. using the remote as a pointer would, IMO, hurt the feel of the original star fox series. and yes, i am aware that the revmote is supposed to the revolutionary controller that changes the way we play games, but using it to aim and shoot as opposed to piloting changes the FEEL of the game. im not sure if that makes any sense to you guys.
one of my strategies for many a boss battle was to take shelter in the top-most corners of the screen and shoot center or near center (wherever weakness were). the way i see doing that with the revolution control as the way nintendo might program it would be to make it so the control in your hand behaves like the ship. remember the (i believe it was IGN) hands on preview where Mr. Miyamoto held the revmote like a toy plan and guiding a plane over isle delfino from mario sunshine? thats how i see it being programmed...
i see it as this: if i wanted my arwing in the top-most corner of the screen where few enemies could hit you, but point the cursor centered i'd have to have my revmote pointed center, slightly tilted and elevated to where it would match the arwing on screen.
that however, wouldnt feel as immersive as having the revmote docked upright where it can be minipulated in a 3d space.
-tild forward to descend
-backwards (toward your body) to ascend
-left/right to steer, tilting the arwing would be the most extreme left/right movement you could make

that way cockpit camera views would feel more natural and again, immersive.
that is just my own opinoin though. i guess this would be one of the games i wouldnt mind playing on a "traditional" controller, unless someone at nintendo was reading this forum and stealing my idea. i wouldnt mind though ;-)

and is it just me or my post too long?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Red Steel Topic, new details added!
« on: April 18, 2006, 04:28:26 PM »
i have a friend who works at a gamestop, so i did him the favor of becoming one of their member things and paying for a GI subscription so i could save a penny or two on used games because he said thats how he makes his money. so yeah, i get the magazine, i recieved mine a few days ago and non of the scans do it justice. ESPECIALLY the ones that are being blown up. graphics were never my thing but i've always said "good graphics dont hurt" (until games like terminator 3 that look good if you're not doing anything and have no framerate whatsoever). stop basing your opinions on the scans, the mag should be out by now go pick one up then come back and post ignorant remarks, k?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Anyone else really want Star Fox Rev?
« on: April 18, 2006, 08:38:43 AM »
i've been thinking for awhile now that it would be possible to release a base attachment for the revolution controller that you could use to dock it into a straight up position and use it as a pilot stick for flight simulators. i thought it would be cool but i know it would then make the controller look sparkling innovationy if more and more types or attachments were used. it would probably already be possible to simply hold the revmore in that fashion and it could then be calibrated so movements from that position would be translated into movements for the arwing or whatever other.
-the B trigger would be used for normal shotes (hold to charge)
-A button for bombs
-d-pad up/down could be used for u-turns and flips
-doubletappin the revmote to the left and right would produce barrel rolls or if that would affect precision movement, d-pad left/right could replace it
- twisting the control left/right would tilt it

thats all you would need to play it really.
i wish i could come up with some more cool level designs like my last post but im fresh out of ideas.

your canyon run sounds like it would be cool too requiem. the thought of destructable levels would add a new twist to the game. like you shoot a charged shot while not locked on to an enemy and it hits the side of the canyon so that rocks come crumbling down, or trees that get knocked over. even peices or starships could come flying at you if you and your team destry one, rather thatn simply falling off the screen. it could even work so that you open up newer paths on your mission making every stage replayable for something new everytime.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Anyone else really want Star Fox Rev?
« on: April 17, 2006, 07:06:35 AM »
after those last two titles i almost forgot about starfox, until this thread. I only played five seconds of adventure and i wasnt put off by it really, just wasnt interested. on the auhter hand i did play ST Assault and although i knew it wasnt a true starfox game, it was still enjoyable to some degree. who didnt like that level in corneria where you're standing on star wolfs wing trying to take out sgt. pepper? that was awesome in my book.
i do agree that straying too far from the formula however just wont work for a next gen SF game.
I like all the ideas of different paths within a single level. who remembers that level in the original starfox where you fly INTO a few of the enemies giant ships and avoid all the traps and come out th eother end? what if you take that sort of scenario and all a few different corridors to go down, where you have to find a certain part of the ship to destry and fly out, but the entrance was the only exact. what if you blew up like a reactor or something and you have to escape the ship before it ultimately explodes, so you do a U-turn and go back the way you came, but because the ship is falling out of orbit your path isnt restricted to simply going straight forward but as the ship tilts as it falls you go up and down. say you applied that to a submarine leven and the ship you're escaping turns completely upside down, changing the way you navigate your way out.
online multiplayer would be awesome too. ever since SF64 i wanted multiplayer to be co-op and not just VS battles. i want to have my wingmen  help me out in a level. i want two on the ground/sea and two in the sky. what if one of those ships you have to fly into to destry can be severly damaged from the outside by one of your wingmen and thus as YOU'RE inside of it you have to escape prematurely. co-op gameplay would be, in my own opinion, very much welcomed to the series.
ian was right in his post to say that though the formula didnt change much from the first two titles, what made ST64 stand out was the formula used within the levels. i too loved the landmaster/train level and getting to completely decimate that train. every level should be different. his boat idea was great too.
i picture something more like this. start off underwater but take a certain type of damage while trying to complete a mission objective could cause you to have to resurface, and thus branching off to a seperate part of a level otherwise unable to be reached. then yes, i could totally picture the submarine floating on the surface of the water as its forced down a math where you only have the minimilast control of left and right, maybe even an option of "ducking" for a second or two as a dodge. from there you have other paths the leven can branch off to and go down Ians waterfall and shoot enemies/obstacles as you descend.
now add co-op to that. atleast two of you start off underwater, either different points on the same map working towards the same destination, or start together but take different paths later on. one of you gets damaged and needs to resurface, the other proceeds submerged. two arwings in the sky are taking out air-based enemies as well as taking out obstacles for your surfaced wingman. say you both have to shoot at a boulder at the sime time or receive heavy damage to your ship. maybe even help you take out a few mines scattered in the water.
meanwhile the still submerged submarine (i cant remember the name of the sub!!) has to complete his objectives. if he doesnt take out the enemy ship its able to shoot surface to air missiles which can harm your wingmen in the arwings.
in the end you reach a boss battle that could be free-roam like many of the bossbattles in ST64 were. depending on whether or not certain objectives were taking care of, the difficulty increases. say you shot out anchors for a hidden weapon underwater with your sub, now its surfaced and the weapon concentrates most fire to the arwings as it protects itself. underwater you can shoot out a few weakpoints that will reveal the weakpoint for your buddies on the surface. OR...if you fail at your underwater mission you would have to fight the boss underwater while the arwings shoot certain weakpoints that reveal the main weakpoint underwater for the sub to fight.

all that in one level. is it impossible? i doubt it. will it happen? i hope so. thats only one level i could think up, and i got myself excited at the possibilities. anywone else have an idea for a crazy level? single or co-op, i wanna hear your thoughts!

TalkBack / RE:Revolution May Have Twenty Launch Titles
« on: April 11, 2006, 07:39:27 AM »
but theres that stigma in that alot of sony and ms fanboys don't even know/care what nintendo has up their sleeve. i know a few people that had no idea nintendo was even making a next gen system until i told them, and when i explained the revmote the expressions on they're face were undescribable. everyone i've told about it was like " would you play a game with a remote".
its my fear that this pure ignorance will lead to nintendo not getting any credit if sony/ms do copy the revmote, even if its not as good, then when people hear about nintendo and the revmote it'll be called a "ripoff" of the other systems.
clearly the revmote is something that will be push in advertisements but nintendo has to really push those ads if they want to get the word out to the masses. i see nothing but commercials for the other two companies and even when nintendo does have a big game out; you dont see anythinga bout it on tv. i was suprised when i saw their wi-fi ads on the bigscreen not too long ago.
speaking of those sony/ms fanboys and their ignorance....did anyone catch that ign video of an interview with matt c. which was followed by a 'man on the street' type interview where they asked people what they thought of the DSL? there was that one guy who couldnt take his eyes off the screen or stop touching the screen while he said things like "they got the same stoopid grafx they always have....they should just go outta business...they need psp grafx.....they couldnt even give me a revolution iw ouldnt play it..." and i repeat, he couldnt stop playing the damn thing. i on the other hand couldnt stop laughing at how dumb he came across and could relate to people i know that would do the saaaame thing.

TalkBack / RE:Revolution May Have Twenty Launch Titles
« on: April 09, 2006, 03:39:14 PM »
even so, doesnt nintendo have some patent on the revmote and its gyroscopes or whoever it works. i mean this isnt really like adding rumble to a controller we're talking about here or even as simple as adding a joystick in the attempt to copy the n64's analog stick (im sorry but every game i played on ps1 using that stick was horible, i couldnt control it any better with their d-pad (for those who dont know, nintendo made that too) either cuz of the way its layed out.
then again maybe its just fanboyism in me that desperately wants the compitition NOT to copy this idea. did everyone forget about dualFX already? when i first heard of that i was pissed that they were already trying to rip off nintendo until i found out more about it.
for those of you who dont know check out
and for those of you two lazy to copy and paste that in to your browser, heres the gist of it:
its a two-handed revolution style knock off not made by sony themselves but a chinese manufacturer to be used in FPS. the left hand holds a stick that has a d pad and control stick while the right, uglier controller has a second c-stick and face buttons, and is used like a light gun. according to the site it doesnt work very well and was due out last march for the PS2. i havent heard anything of it since.


in looking for that link i came across a few other sites with news i havent heard about (since im not into playstation news frankly). maybe you guys have heard of this but its new to me; that boomerang controller for ps2 was tossed out because feedback was so negative that their coming up with a new design to be unveiled at e3. i also came across a few sites mentioning that sony patented some type of 'want' technology that used a webcam type device to sense motion back in 2004. it probably ended up becoming the eye-toy but with all this talk of ripping off compitition, maybe im not to off when i jump to such conclusions. if they can work that thing to work like the revolution remote maybe theres nothing nintendo lawyers can do (if thats the case)

TalkBack / RE:Revolution May Have Twenty Launch Titles
« on: April 09, 2006, 10:44:07 AM »
20 is a lot of games, and thats if they mean 20 on launch day or that launch period, a game or two coming out every few weeks. Almost any 1st party nintendo franchise is getting my dollar (SSBonline, MP3, Z:TP if it does come out for the revolution launch with its fwd compatible controls) but so far Red Steel is the only 3rd party game i have any interest in. Granted, its the only 3rd party game we know of for launch. Nintendo is going to have to really wow me with a non-game if im going to want to buy it at launch too; a cooking game by nintendo could be fun, but im not going to spend my launch money on it...hehe 'launch money'...but anyway, i'll get those (if any) non-games from luanch later on when my wallet recovers.
also interesting news is the bigN considering to package 2 contollers...i think thats f-ing amazing. i always felt so alone the first month or so after a system launch when i'd only have the one controller and my friends still wouldnt own a system yet and i'd have no one to play with . looks like this time around my moocher friends will be able to get in on the action and jump ont he Rev boat even earlier since im the only one with a job, hooray!!! that would make smash bros. at launch THAT more enjoyable, knowing that right out of the box i have a second controller to toss to a worthy oponent.
as for the shell...not really interested anymore. i could care less about playing "more traditional games" in a "more traditional" sense. GIVE ME FREEHAND MOTION SENSING CAPABILITIES OR GIVE ME DEATH.
sure i'll use it for VR console games but the truth is im going to be SO into playing all those new games i wont get around to buying/renting (however its done) a retro game for awhile. I won't need that retro fix at around launch, especially when there are still a few GC games i could check out. save the NES/NES games for that time period when you have to wiat for that next new game to launch a few weeks down the road and you've played everything else already. thats my own opinion though.  i can be a picky gamer, there are a lot of third party titles that dont ever really catch my full interest, so even if there are games coming out to the rev on a steady basis (lets hope) i will be one of the ones waiting for the next 1st party game.  THATS when i'll check out the archives of those golden games of yore. thats why i could care less about the shell anymore. after reading of what Ubisoft's amitious new title can do, im just that more excited about what those ALREADY ambitious developers could do with this new controller. i have no more worries about the reVmote so if they decide to pack it in, they better pack a dust cover too cuz i wont touch it.

TalkBack / RE:Game Informer Reveals New Revolution Game
« on: April 07, 2006, 08:33:35 PM »

Originally posted by: bananaboy
Why play Tetris anymore we've made leaps and bounds beyond it...yet its still fun.  and thats all that matters.

I dont really want THIS game to be a rails shooter but a rails shooter would be MUCHO appreciated.

Anyways, this game looks amazing.  The more I read about it, the better it sounds.  Also I forget where I read it but they seemed to state that there would be online multiplayer in the game.  It just keeps getting better and better.

right on. do you not go back and play super mario bros. or donkey kong when you get the chance? sure we've moved on from side scrolling to 3d and from 4 levels to huge worlds but whats fun is fun and will NEVER die. the appeal will always be there. there are pretty good rail shooters out there. galaga anyone? okay just kidding, but there are good rail shooters in the sense we're all talking about.

to make it in a new/next generation and on consoles in general, they have to be hard and fast paced. it cant be, atleast in my own opinion, one of those games where you move to an area and shoot four enies, move four feet and do the same. repeat that about five times and fight some kinda boss, maybe add some move where you duck behind something. it cant be. in this day and age we need a game where you're thrown into an area with enemies everywhere, and you can look aruond in all directions not just be stuck with one perspective. sure you cant really move or side step but atlest be able to do 360 turns while being pushed into the next area. i hate that whole shoot a few enemies and move from point a to point b while the enemies in the next area just wait until you're in your position to shoot you. NO. you get a few seconds in one safe zone behind a crate or something, shoot whatever you can and are forced to move on, but in the next area where you're ducked behind something to dogde a few hits you can actually turn around and hit whatever you missed. while you're being forced into the next area there has to be some activitey going on, you have to be able to hit and run. there has to be different paths to take depending on what you do, what you shoot. what are some popular arcade shooters...area51 and games like that. you almost always have some kinda warehouse where there are things shooting at you from behind crates and machines and you can blow barrels up...well what if blowing up a barrel blocks your exit? you have to go down a second path that changes the way you go on to stage 2. it cant be the same linear rail shooters we have in arcades. i dont want House of the Dead on my revolution unless its a different experience from that of an arcade. this new controller opens up many possiblities to add to a genre like this and it could very well reinvent the genre.
what i'd LOVE to see thogh is Sin & Punishment....that was the best rail shooter ever, it was like starfox if you were forced to run across Corneria

TalkBack / RE:Game Informer Reveals New Revolution Game
« on: April 07, 2006, 06:52:03 PM »
holycrap this game does look good. i went to trip1eX's link to see them and even though their scans the graphics are great. for the first time im actually glad i was suckered into getting a GI subscription; i cant wait to get my hands on that issue. grenade lobbing is going to be so much fun! swordplay is so cool, lets hope this game delivers and becomes a killer ap for launch. wonder if it'll be playable at e3...if only i could go

TalkBack / RE:Zelda DS Revealed
« on: March 28, 2006, 06:05:14 AM »

Originally posted by: Bill Aurion
now i have to rush out and buy those three titles, and probably links awakening

WHAT?  More like Link's Awakening should be your FIRST priority!  FIRST!

-well maybe you missed what i said, but i've already owned links awakening and played it to the end many times, on the other hand i've never even touched the oracle games or the minish cap, so i'd rather play thru those first since i've already had my complete Links Awakening experience.

the title is stupid, true, but why even let it bother us. its been happening for years.
-peter jacksons king kong: the official game of the movie
-spider man: the movie game

...i'm sure theres more that i just cant think of right now.

i guess throwing a reference to the movie in the title is easier for fans of the movie that want to play the game, while hardcore gamer crowds would most likely play a more original concept involving such a franchise character.
its my opinion that most games based on movies suck because they are so limited, as hostile creation said, in gameplay concept because they have to stick to a certain story. if you play something like ultimate spider man, theres things things from almost the entire comic's series as well as others from the marvel universe.
i wouldn't expect  Iron Man or the Human Torch to appear in X-Men: the official game unless they were present, or because this is preluding the film, supposed to be present in the upcoming movie.

-edit- though i am intrigued at playing as nighcrawler from what i've read in other previews, and icemans little rollercoaster move cant be that bad, and when does beating sh*t up as wolverine ever not worth atleast renting a game?

TalkBack / RE:Animal Crossing in Development for Revolution
« on: March 25, 2006, 06:34:43 PM »
Why just fish? Imagine catching those damned dragonflies with the revmote as a netm or how cool would it be to have precision drawing to create your own patterns instead of using the original grid.
Why stop there? Chopping down trees would be cool too. Or...
What if you can pick up a guitar and jam along with K.K. Slider in a cool mini game where ya strum the 'strings' with the revmote while using some of its buttons, as well as maybe the z1, z2 triggers, or the control stick itself, kinda like using the ocarina of time or the windwake in their respective games. i can picture it now. like a weird hybrid of that style gameplay with a donkey konga-rythme style, where you hit a button on screen to produce a note while struming a certain tempo with the revmote. hmm if that were the case I'd say using the buttons on revmote would be akward, but im sure if using the nunchuk attachment simply pressing in one of the four main directions would be enough notes, you only need four chords at most for K.K.s songs, and pressing the z triggers could  create a different tone or key. man i hope somewhere out there one of their developers is reading this.

on top of that, using the revolutions virtual console, i can see them implementing a way of bringing back the NES games within animal crossing. i know they will most likely charge to d/l those games, but imagine if they did something where either you can compete against other people in your community, or even have your town versus another town (assuming four different players via wifi were living in the same town) in a sort of feild day where the prize from nintendo itself is a free NES game. maybe even having a way to purchase an NES or SNES from a traveling salesmen, which then lets you play any games you have saved either on memory cards or internal memory. genious!!!

If thats the case, i wonder if you would be able to buy an nes or snes seperately, i'll just assume n64 games would a lil too much to ask for, OR...just let you purchse a revolution in the game and let you use it's virtual console. makes ya think doesnt it?

TalkBack / RE:Zelda DS Revealed
« on: March 25, 2006, 06:08:06 PM »
links awakening was my FIRST gb game, ever!.
i actually never owened a gb or gbp and waited patiently until gbc was released, and because i never found the original i got LA dx and killed a thousand batteries in the process. was it worth it? hell yeah

TalkBack / RE:Iwata Compares Nintendo to Apple and mySpace
« on: March 24, 2006, 05:19:05 AM »
dude i dont even remember how it got into haiku's.
im still pissed off about the emo stuff though.  

TalkBack / RE:Iwata Compares Nintendo to Apple and mySpace
« on: March 24, 2006, 04:43:07 AM »
much more appealing
to write haiku poetry
than rag on emo

i hate emo kids
they come to my job and steal
much rather see them die

daddy didn't love them
mama never notices
hang out at hot topic

pay not big enough
to put up with their whining
but games dont come cheap

with gas price so high
and two zeldas coming soon
i will be in debt

in enough of the haiku crap. im so pissed off at emo/goth kids and any other "scene" kid out there its not even funny. they blow hard and i could sit here all day and rant rant rant till my head blows up about them. DAMMIT I HATE THEM!

TalkBack / RE:Zelda DS Revealed
« on: March 24, 2006, 04:23:41 AM »
this blows. i havent even played the oracle games, OR minish i have to rush out and buy those three titles, and probably links awakening while im at it because i have no clue where mine ran off too before i play this. meanwhile i just got Mario and Luigi: superstar saga and i want to play thru that without rushing it, as well as partners in time. im really picky about my gaming sometimes, if i dont do it chronilogically it bugs the hell out of me.  

TalkBack / RE:IMPRESSIONS: New Super Mario Bros.
« on: March 23, 2006, 06:51:19 AM »
it was an awesome game and the boss fight at the finale was super cool. if you get a rev, i say you MUST d/l this one.

TalkBack / RE:GDC 2006 Begins
« on: March 23, 2006, 05:34:01 AM »
ever since the first photos of the REV surfaced, i've DREAMED of them just releasing one style;
NES-themed like the anniversary SP and simply calling it Nintendo Entertainment System 2.

although i'll be the first to admit it would sound stupid with the 2 in the title. when playstation 2 came out my first reaction was "they actually put 2 in the title?". whatever the name ends up being, i hope there will be a rev with an NES paint job. that would ROCK

TalkBack / RE:IMPRESSIONS: New Super Mario Bros.
« on: March 23, 2006, 05:29:12 AM »
well the main reason i liked the backflip was to avoid enemies. i know the second i play NSMB i'm going to want to run thru the levels as if i know them like the back of my hand, just like everytime i play the original smb's. i just think that running than doing a backflip right before a giant gap would save me a live or two;-)

TalkBack / RE:IMPRESSIONS: New Super Mario Bros.
« on: March 23, 2006, 03:52:33 AM »

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
I suddenly realized what this, a new 2D Mario platformer, meant the other day, and I got really excited.  I'm hyped for this crazy-bad.
Game six or seven on my to-get list.

I'm also going to finally  play Yoshi's Island when Rev comes out.  AWESOME apltaengt

you never played yoshis island? you poor poor being.

the only thing about this news that dissapoints me is the 180-jump was axed. i actually liked that, althouth i never played NSMB so i dont know if it worked well in 2d or not. though i think i recall it being good in that mario vs DK game on gba or gbc a while back

TalkBack / RE:GDC 2006 Begins
« on: March 23, 2006, 03:36:25 AM »
i too will be disapointed if there is no major revolution news. even the announcment of an official name won't be too exciting as i've already adopted 'revolution'. oh well, i guess even that would be better than no news at all. lets wiat and see

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