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Messages - Rize

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General Gaming / Re: So, I played a PS3...
« on: June 23, 2009, 11:47:40 AM »
The constant downloads the system requires is indeed annoying and no reason they should be so long when Microsoft has proven you can have large system updates be done quickly.

I also use my system mainly as a Blu-ray Disc player. I only have 2 games for the system and both were ones I got when I bought the system in November (the over-rated LittleBigPlanet and the waste-of-$70 The Eye of Judgment).

Just wanted to say that I totally agree that LPB is overrated.

General Gaming / Re: Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: June 23, 2009, 11:45:10 AM »
Yeah, you get silly results now and then with the physics engine.  I never considered realism a huge selling point when you can crash almost any destructible thing with a blow or three from your trusty hammer.

You definitely want to play the game on casual mode first time through... the EDF will still kill you.  Normal mode is just brutal with the enemies.

General Gaming / Re: Bionic Commando
« on: June 23, 2009, 11:40:13 AM »
It's pretty retarded, but then Bionic Commando's entire story is retarded so by that time it's not that big a blow.  In fact, part of me thinks it's a brilliant satire of a certain plot element in the Metal Gear Solid franchise.

Now the ending inFamous made me want to punch things because that story was doing fine up until that point.

General Gaming / Re: Bionic Commando
« on: June 22, 2009, 01:24:18 PM »
It's a shame.  For all it's flaws, BC is actually very fun once you accept it's limitations.

Famitsu actually gave it a 34/40 (9 9 9 7):

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: The Dark Spire
« on: June 14, 2009, 12:30:44 PM »
Every handheld game should have the ability to save anywhere at any time.

True, but this isn't a suspend feature.  It's the kind of save that you can abuse the hell out of to make the game relatively easy (though tedious).

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: The Dark Spire
« on: June 13, 2009, 12:58:48 PM »
My biggest problem with this game is that in lieu of proper game design, the game lets you save anywhere.  An individual fight can be incredibly dangerous at times, but if you save often in dangerous areas it's not that big a deal. If you try to play the game only saving in town, you'll never beat it without excessive grinding.

General Gaming / Re: Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: June 08, 2009, 02:58:04 PM »
If you can get a remote charge to actually stick to someone (direct hit) hilarity ensues as they writhe about trying to shake it off (it takes them about 6 or 7 seconds by which time they're usually in multiple pieces).  That's definitely an insta-kill.

But yeah, two guns you start with are pretty tame.  You'll want to dump the pistol asap.  On casual mode you can survive by carrying your explosives and two other weapons you like, but in normal mode I'm sure you would have to plan much more carefully as you get through the game.  For missions where you don't expect to blow things up, it would be best to take more anti-personnel weapons and leave the mines at home.  Of course, you can swap weapons mid mission if you find an ammo dump (you get one opportunity to swap as you collect the ammo strangely, but you'll need to find another cache or go to a safe house to swap again).

General Gaming / Re: Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: June 08, 2009, 12:55:22 PM »
How long?  Not sure as I wasn't counting.  Probably about 20 to 25 hours but only completing a half the side missions, and playing it on casual mode.  I intend to replay it on normal mode (I started on normal mode last time but switched down to casual about 25% into the game as it was getting harder than I wanted).  Now that it's over however, I find myself looking for more and think that a harder difficulty may be very interesting.

General Gaming / Red Faction: Geurrilla
« on: June 08, 2009, 12:39:00 PM »
I played this game through on the 360 and it's pretty awesome.

Unlike previous RF games, you can't harm the ground in this one.  However, EVERY structure in the game is destructible.  The destruction feels really substantial and looks and acts great.  It's far better than I thought it would be, and I didn't miss not being able to blow chunks in the ground (though I thought I would).  The game generally remembers everything that you've destroyed forever (sometimes the game pretends like you never leveled a particular structure if it needs to be present for a mission).  Very cool.

I get bored of most open world games, and I could feel the repetitiveness trying to creep in on this one as usual, but Volition did a pretty good job keeping it at bay and I actually managed to beat the game (only other time I did that was with Assassins Creed and there were mitigating circumstances that time).  The main story missions are fairly original most of the time with the final missions providing a very solid ending.  The optional missions in each area are relatively diverse.  The reason to do them is to lower EDF control and raise sector morale.  There are other ways to achieve these ends besides the side missions, so you can mostly avoid side missions you don't like.  Sometimes a dynamic side mission will become available where the EDF is suddenly attacking one of your bases or a convoy starts traveling through a sector out of nowhere.  You can ignore them with no ill effects, but it mixes things up a bit from just having all side missions being static blips on a map waiting for you to get around to them.

Ultimately the core gameplay revolves around shooting, blowing stuff up and driving.  There are a few odd construction robots lying around that are pretty awesome and a bit different however.

What really sells the core gameplay is the detail and utility of the destructible buildings.  These are really substantial looking structures that you can go inside of and such.  They were designed meticulously with a supporting frame covered in decorative materials.  Come to think of it the only odd thing about the buildings is that none of them have doors  ;D  I really didn't notice the whole time I was playing.  Anyway, you can drive a vehicle through a building (provided the speed and weight of your vehicle match up well with the strength of the building materials) to bust it open and rescue prisoners.  You can plant charges on the back of a vehicle and use it as a mobile bomb (after you've left the vehicle preferably).  You can drive a giant earth mover, but unlike most vehicles if you drive it off a small cliff it's going to lose a huge chunk of it's health bar.

All in all they just did a lot of things right in this game.  It's a lot of fun to play, and this coming from someone that usually falls asleep playing open world games (haven't played more than 30 minutes of GTAIV or 3 hours of inFamous).

TalkBack / Re: Weddings and E3 and Stuff
« on: June 08, 2009, 11:23:38 AM »

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Metroid Other M
« on: June 04, 2009, 12:02:22 PM »
Here's the interview with the developers of the game, which pretty much confirms Nintendo is playing a huge role in it's development.

In other words, this game should end up great since Sakamoto and his team are the ones in charge and directing the game and Team Ninja is pretty much there to do all the coding and graphics, since Sakamoto and his team have no experience with making 3d games.

Just like I said Ian

General Gaming / Re: New Castlevania Still Not for Wii
« on: June 04, 2009, 11:50:16 AM »
graphically and stylistically, looks fantastic.  hopefully the cut-scenes aren't retarded long and the gameplay is actually good.  it would be amazing if they could come up with a metroid prime style world where back tracking was actually enjoyable and each location looks distinct and beautiful.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Metroid Other M
« on: June 02, 2009, 07:55:52 PM »
The resolution is faked.  Maybe a dev kit can output a hi res screen, but a retail Wii cannot output 720p.  The frame buffer isn't large enough.  You need a minimum of 2 bytes per pixel (1280x720x2 bytes = 3.2 MB for a 16 bit frame buffer).  The Wii only has 3 MB of video memory which must hold the frame buffer + textures.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Metroid Other M
« on: June 02, 2009, 05:52:27 PM »
Well, no reason to keep arguing about it.  We know where we stand, now we get to wait and see what happens.  Honestly, I'm happy for a change after Prime 3 (although I've finally made peace with the controls).

TalkBack / Re: PREVIEWS: Metroid: Other M
« on: June 02, 2009, 05:46:53 PM »
Yeah, definitely looked more JRPGish. I don't like how many scenes there were that looked like cutscenes, cutscenes force linearity and that already messed up Fusion and Prime 3.

All Metroid games since in the modern era (Primes and the GBA games) have choke points that occur in a linear order (power-up acquisition and boss fights).  The game could retain exploration as usual and simply have the story occur at the choke points.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Metroid Other M
« on: June 02, 2009, 05:42:17 PM »
Star Fox only had two entries and a pile of characters that weren't very inventive when Nintendo decided that Rare should repaint their Zelda clone with Star Fox paint.  And Wind Waker was merely a graphics style not core gameplay.  I stand by my analysis.  If they wanted to make a Metroid action game (let's say to appeal to the casual audience), there wouldn't be any 2D in it at all.


I also like Fusion (can't say love, but I fully accept it as a real Metroid game).

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Metroid Other M
« on: June 02, 2009, 04:43:26 PM »
Do you remember the trailers for the Metroid Prime games folks?  It was mostly action, morph ball shots and a few environmental pans (speaking of morph ball shots, that's one thing that was absent from the trailer).

The point is, you can't show 2D exploration in a trailer, it would be boring as hell.  There is 2D in the trailer and I see no reason why the game can't (or won't) be as I describe it above.  Nintendo isn't completely crazy.  They wouldn't let people hope this is a real Metroid game and then find out it's some silly Metroid coated action game (there was never any doubt that Hunters was a UT clone and Pinball was obviously Pinball from the word Pinball).

As for Team Ninja's prior habits,  Nintendo will strongly modulate them I'm sure.  The game will be a strange hybrid of design styles and should be of high quality in the end.

I may be disgruntled, but this will be a real Metroid game and it will be good.  Mark my words.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Metroid Other M
« on: June 02, 2009, 04:22:47 PM »
I think the reason the graphics are so simple is that probably most of the game is zoomed out side scrolling 2D.  However, at times they zoom in for dramatic cut-scenes (very likely) and continue using the same models.

Also, there may be any number of odd sections involving full 3D (for boss fights or those forward scrolling action sequences), but once these areas are played out, they would likely not be accessible any longer (instead it would open a new path or you would trot through the same area in side scrolling 2D after the action sequence or boss is done).  This may well be, essentially, a 2D metroid with some 3D boss fights and 3D action sequences to punctuate the 2D exploration.

If so then WIN WIN WIN

TalkBack / Re: Mario Galaxy 2 Announced
« on: June 02, 2009, 02:08:06 PM »
I'd be more excited if I had actually loved Galaxy.  While I recognize its greatness, I put forth a minimal effort quitting after I got enough stars to challenge the last boss.  That said, I'm sure I'll get it and maybe even put forth more of an effort this time.

That other Mario game looks more interesting, although I don't know who I'm going to co-op with.

General Gaming / Re: InFamous
« on: June 01, 2009, 01:12:17 PM »
One word: alternator

With a hill or some people to help push, I have started cars and kept them going with dead batteries.

Oh, well the alternator connects to the battery and charges it.  If the battery is actually gone, then that shouldn't work.  If it's just drained then it could work.  A battery usually isn't completely drained in normal conditions, it's just too drained to start the car (but would still have a little juice to run the spark plugs).


I started inFamous up again as a bad guy.  I'm getting tired of killing those repetitive enemy grunts and every time I spend 10 seconds scaling a building instead of 2, I can't help but wish I had a bionic arm instead of electro powers.  Too bad we couldn't have gotten a Bionic Commando as polished as inFamous.  I'll probably enjoy inFamous after I wear BC out a bit more, but for the moment it feels like a gold plated turd compared to BC (which is more like turd plated gold).

General Gaming / Re: Bionic Commando
« on: June 01, 2009, 01:07:05 PM »
That's very true of course.  Obviously the core mechanic doesn't do anything in a vacuum.

People seemed to want an open worlds for Bionic Commando, but I think the level design ended up a lot tighter with the linear design.  Each individual level isn't completely linear, but you'll easily find and run into the artificial boundary (which takes the form of deadly radiation or water).  Games always have to contrive a boundary defining where the player can go no further.  That's especially difficult in a game where you can fly (or otherwise go just about anywhere you like).  An open world game like GTA ends up with a pretty natural boundary by setting the entire game in a big city on an island or something but those are getting awful repetitive.  Even BC is set on an island (I think it was originally going to be designed as an open world game).

General Gaming / Re: Bionic Commando
« on: May 31, 2009, 01:02:58 AM »
Playing this game has made me rethink how I view games based on meta ranking sites.  If the core game mechanic is really really fun (from my point of view), it almost doesn't matter if the rest of the game is mediocre or even short.

Meanwhile a game can get solid 90's (or at least 80's) because of high production values while the actual game experience is tepid at best (the latest Prince of Persia is pretty good example; the games primary redeeming quality is that it's really beautiful).

General Gaming / Re: InFamous
« on: May 30, 2009, 01:14:18 PM »
I believe for the most part a car's battery is for starting and for other minor electrical things. Once the motor is going all it needs is gas.

No, each turn of an internal combustion engine requires the spark plugs to create a spark and so ignite the fuel in the piston chambers.  If your car is rolling down the street and you somehow disconnect the battery, it will stop working immediately (i.e. you'll coast to a stop).

General Gaming / Re: InFamous
« on: May 30, 2009, 01:09:19 PM »
Score are high because the presentation is super duper polished.  I played it for an hour or so, and the core gameplay seemed rather tepid to me.  I'm enjoying the hell out of Bionic Commando on the other hand which got pretty bad scores because it's very rough around the edges, perhaps a little short (if you don't replay it) and very different from what people are used to (big learning curve).  But at the end of the day I'm loving it.  When I'm done with BC I'll see what inFamous is really made of.

General Gaming / Re: Bionic Commando
« on: May 30, 2009, 03:46:10 AM »
Mop_it_up: I'm talking about the new one (on the 360 and/or PS3) not the old NES :)

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