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Messages - KDR_11k

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Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 558: The Quest to be Ruthlessly Topical
« on: February 11, 2018, 04:51:02 PM »
Also remember that Bonsai Barber is one of these "you've done your work for today, come back tomorrow" games that uses the real time clock. So if you want the proper experience you better start playing it NOW to get a few days into the progression..

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 557: Corrugated AIBO
« on: February 05, 2018, 12:56:20 PM »
Guillaume didn't get to the part of Mercenary Kings that invites the Monster Hunter comparisons, most missions consist of hunting or capturing giant bosses (usually mechs, tanks and such) and making new guns out of their parts.

TalkBack / Re: Moorhuhn Knights & Castles (Switch) Review Mini
« on: February 01, 2018, 01:23:45 AM »
The Moorhuhn isn't angry, it's a swamp chicken, I don't think they have any personality or traits beyond their looks... The games do frequently come in those 20-in-1 boxes though. On the other hand we had legit 20-AAA-games-in-1 boxes in the late 90s...

The whole franchise started as an advertisement for Johnny Walker whisky, as a simple and free shooting gallery. The publisher used to be a regular games publisher but at some point decided to divest from publishing quality games to focus entirely on the Moorhuhn franchise...

TalkBack / Re: New Interactive Switch Experience to be Unveiled Today
« on: January 17, 2018, 02:10:08 PM »
"Interactive experience" doesn't really sound like a game to me.

TalkBack / Re: Energy Invasion (Switch eShop) Review
« on: January 11, 2018, 12:54:40 AM »
Wow, you like that music? It seems utterly unfitting for this type of game.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 550: Strip That Village to the Bone!
« on: December 11, 2017, 03:27:36 PM »
The outer rings contain upgraded versions of the abilities. You have to unlock the ring by getting enough harmony and then do a skill-specific thing to unlock the skill itself (move the cursor over it)

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 550: Strip That Village to the Bone!
« on: December 11, 2017, 11:36:49 AM »
I'll keep pointing at A Robot Named Fight for your feels-like-Metroid needs, doesn't have the "enemies are too slow to kill" problem that Samus Returns and Axiom Verge have.

My worry with MM 11 would be that it has too many gimmick stages, that was the problem with MMX8 where a bunch of the regular stages were vehicle based or autoscrollers and then there were only like 3 Sigma stages, one of which was just an elevator with enemies dropping onto it and another the boss refights.

TalkBack / Re: Crimsonland (Switch) Review
« on: December 10, 2017, 04:18:38 PM »
It does that on PC too but also has the undocumented ability to pick up items by hovering the cursor on them. Now I wonder if they maybe forgot to remove that part in the modernized version...

TalkBack / Re: Crimsonland (Switch) Review
« on: December 09, 2017, 05:59:41 PM »
How well does the telepathic perk work on console? You can pick stuff up remotely by hovering the cursor over it, how do you do that on the Switch? Do you only get the pull-one-thing-closer part of the perk?

Mind you, the perk description doesn't mention the hover-to-pick-up thing on the PC either, that was only described in the 2003 version but it works with the modern one anyway.

Jett Rocket is a pretty mediocre game, stands out for looking pretty nice for a wiiware game but being on wiiware is really the only standout feature of that game. It's a standard 3D platformer except rather short. I don't think it's worth talking about.

Contra Rebirth got buried by the much fancier Contra 4 but it has a difficulty balance that mortals can actually deal with. So if you actually made it past level 2 of Contra 4 on normal difficulty it's probably too easy for you. Me, I never managed the latter.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 544: Let Me Tell You about the SG-1000
« on: October 23, 2017, 04:24:37 PM »
Locomalito has some other classic-likes, e.g. Super Hydorah which is a shmup and Curse of Issyos which is Castlevania as F.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 541: Toad of a Particular Colour
« on: October 03, 2017, 11:18:04 AM »
I believe Lovers is designed around 2 players, didn't even know it supports 4. The understaffing is intentional, if it was designed around 4 players it would probably have more than 7 stations to use.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 540: Reset the Metroid Clock
« on: September 25, 2017, 10:52:05 AM »
I played Sonic Wings Special on the Vita (it's PS1 or PSP, don't remember) and that would give you 9 credits to finish the game and the last 3 or so levels would always reset you to the beginning of the stage if you continued, before that it's instant continue. Made for a decent mixture of leniency and git gud. Also it had extra versions of each character and secret characters that you'd unlock by beating it with different characters...

If you feel the need for some more Metroid you can play A Robot Named Fight on the PC, that's veeeery Super Metroid but a roguelite.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 536: Yoshi Facts Matter to Me
« on: August 28, 2017, 10:56:37 AM »
I hated Sunshine overall. My favorite part was the hub plaza, so many secrets and it develops over time as you get more shines and new areas and nozzles unlock.

I think a big problem for the camera is just that the levels include many narrow indoor sections, while 64's levels are wide open the Sunshine levels often have walls closer to Mario than the camera's natural distance so it got hard to see anything. Also doesn't help that secret levels go in the opposite direction, blocks are huuuuge and to jump one block up you already need a backflip or similar.

If you want very wide Darius you can get the PC version of Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours, that supports 2 16:9 screens next to each other. It's on PS4 and Vita too but those versions don't support dual screens.

(BTW, Tate is when instead of letterboxing the screen for a vertical shooter you turn the whole TV on its side and rotate the picture to that)

I love the misery of the Giant Bomb Sunshine playthrough...

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 525: Purple Is the New Glitter
« on: June 05, 2017, 03:14:55 PM »
So when will we see a Fire Emblem game made entirely by Team Ninja? I presume they're only in a support role if that on FE Musou...

TalkBack / Re: An Interview with Rob Hewson about Hyper Sentinel
« on: June 03, 2017, 06:39:27 AM »
O SHI....

I remember the Hewson name!

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 523: War Journalism
« on: May 22, 2017, 03:05:47 PM »
R-Type but to do the charge shot you have to do the bow motion from Zangeki no Reginleiv that gets so horrible with the slow charging bows (pull back for the whole duration of the charge, if you move forward at any point the charge is cancelled).

TalkBack / Re: Why I Love Roguelikes
« on: May 14, 2017, 04:35:07 PM »
Roguelikes or Roguelikelikes?

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 519: Heroes of the Pun Storm
« on: April 24, 2017, 10:38:34 AM »
Oh there's some extra BS in Shantae HGH that deserves mentioning like how dropping into any hole or touching any spikes throws you back to the last checkpoint and these can be fairly infrequent (especially on autoscrollers). Also the giant monster chase scene where touching the monster restarts the whole thing and there are DEAD ENDS.

The refund policy on Steam is directly caused by EU regulation. EU law says that anything you order online or by phone can be cancelled or returned within two weeks. Nintendo cheats its way around that by claiming that they're performing a service (instead of delivering goods) and making you agree that because the service starts now you cannot cancel/return it (Sony does the same). I believe Steam tried the same excuse but got dragged before the European Court of Justice by a consumer rights group and the courts did not agree that digital games are a service. So Steam was ordered to offer refunds and evidently they offer them even outside the EU. AFAIK they did refunds on broken games before that but now you can return a game because you don't like it.

I haven't heard how Nintendo handles canceling preorders? Steam allowed cancelling those at will prior to release even before refunds were a thing, Sony does NOT allow that (at least in the US, they have refund policies for other countries but not the US), they may offer a single refund in the lifetime of your account but consider that an act of good will and are known to be assholes about it (e.g. punishing people who ask for refunds). I haven't tried what they do with preorders in the EU since the "service starts now" claim obviously doesn't work there at all.

I have to say the podcasts I've listened to didn't turn into Persona-fests, many still get leftover Zelda discussion or talk about Nier instead.

Well, I had to buy BOTW digitally because it was sold out everywhere shortly after I got my Switch... That attach rate certainly explains that. OTOH I wonder what their projected attach rate for 1-2-Switch was since shelves are full of that game. Was Nintendo really foolish enough to think that was the next Wii Sports?

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 518 Part 1: Come-Hither Pikmin
« on: April 14, 2017, 09:27:13 AM »
"They got John Wick, I bet they were going for Point Break"

Possibly but they do have a Point Break pack now (based on the remake however). Other crossovers include Scarface, Hotline Miami, Hardcore Henry and Ron Paulman as "generic biker" (nudge nudge wink wink)...

TalkBack / Re: Payday 2 Coming to Switch
« on: April 13, 2017, 04:49:53 PM »
They're changing the bots so you can make them give you buffs (to make up for the lack of players) and give them specific weapons now, it'll still suck to get downed in a location without bot waypoints though. If the bot revamp is good enough it might make the game viable for solo play.

Support for the game was supposed to run out 2 years ago, then they extended it. Just because the currently planned support period is ending soon doesn't mean it'll actually stop being supported. Probably depends on whether the players are still there and how successful The Raid ends up being.

TalkBack / Re: Payday 2 Coming to Switch
« on: April 13, 2017, 01:41:42 AM »
Careful, past console versions have been handled pretty badly. Besides the lack of updates compared to the PC (they've revamped most parts of the game multiple times over the years) they've had serious technical problems that didn't get fixed very quickly.

The Crime Wave Edition was already many months behind in content when it released and didn't get any content updates AFAIK. Meanwhile the PC version just got a new game mode and some more ports of PD1 maps this week plus they've deployed a huge revamp of the bot system to beta.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 517: Survey Says
« on: April 10, 2017, 11:30:11 AM »
Sam & Max gets significantly better after the first season, they were still learning how to do episodic games with the first. You should really keep going.

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