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Topics - Requiem

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Nintendo Gaming / Caricature-making software on the Wii?
« on: June 02, 2006, 04:09:04 PM »

Katsuya Eguchi: [...] We are looking to implement a similar kind of editing feature into the hardware that will allow users to create caricatures of themselves, members of the family, people they would potentially play with. and so when they go to play tennis, those would be the faces in the game. a more sophisticated graphic look wouldn't match well with the caricatures, but a simpler one does.

Wired News: So the feature would be in the hardware and then applied to, potentially, any gameā€¦

Katsuya Eguchi: Yes. The caricatures will exist in the hardware, as data, as one of several profiles that you could save in the Wii. And if you insert compatible software into the Wii, it will pull up the images that you chose.

Wired News: What would be some of the other profiles you could save in the Wii, then?

Katsuya Eguchi: The other details that will be saved as a part of the user profiles are as yet undecided, but right now we're focusing on creating an editing tool that will allow players to create images as well as allow users to select one of several already-created images, if they're not artistically inclined.

It's from this blog, so be wary of it's credentials. It does sound plausible and likely though.

Tally up another one for the Wii if true.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo registered Wii-Domains
« on: May 25, 2006, 11:47:14 AM »
According to GoNintendo, Nintendo has registerd several Wii-domains.

Is this a glipse of the future? Will we see these while surfing on the Wii? Does using the Wii as a prefix make the name any better? Who knows?

Let the speculation begin!

Nintendo Gaming / Starfox Wii....confirmed?
« on: May 25, 2006, 11:16:26 AM »

Look under number 8.

Ya....WTF, right?

I guess we can jump for joy that's it's coming, but I don't see why Nintendo would simply slip StarFox through as if it wasn't important. Starfox could definitely be a killer-app, so what gives?

I'm happy, but I'm pissed off as well .

Nintendo Gaming / Wii E3 Video Impressions
« on: May 12, 2006, 01:13:35 PM »
Go to Wii.Nintendo.Com and you'll notice that they have new tab bars under the main image. Click "From E3" and a series of pictures will come up. When clicked, it opens up a video.

Though I am sure it is biased (they don't show anyone that doesn't like least I don't think), you can see what Nintendo means by "All Ages." Plus, you actually get to see what the hell you have to do in order to play we (some people put alot energy into it).


Nintendo Gaming / Wii: The cheapest expensive console
« on: May 11, 2006, 11:00:39 AM »
On another thread Rhoq tip me off about something. This new technology has never been seen by the casual gamer or the loving mother. This technology, simply because it's "new" and cutting-edge, will be percieved as expensive regardless of what the specs look like.

That is great news. We were afraid that Nintendo would look like it was missing something, or because it will be priced lower than the other two, that it couldn't possible be better.

However, I believe Nintendo was very wise in holding back the info about exactly how much it will cost. Think about it. If they launch an ad campaign that simply intices the consumer with no price to be seen and with the greatest and most graphically-competent games, people will say "Wow, what the hell is that? It looks cutting-edge....blah blah blah" Then when Nintendo announces the price (a month or two before launch), people will go hysterically claiming it as a steal.

It's a great plan to be sure.

General Gaming / Perfect Dark.....
« on: May 08, 2006, 08:07:43 AM »
is a tragedy.

I can't even fathom playing that game again and I only played it for 5 minutes tops!

Do you know why I am so pissed? The original was marvelous. "Rare" could of taken that and simply updated with new graphics and a steady frame-rate and I would have sh!t myself with pleasure.

Instead, "Rare" decided to "enhance" the game. What came out of their sh!t factory was the WORST FPS EVER!

That's not an exaggeration, this is fact.

What's so bad about it?

Well honestly the only thing I saw that was bad was this one tiny little aspect, but because of this aspect, the GAME CRASHED AND BURNED! I swear if I ever see that game again, I'm going to throw the disk as hard and as far as I possibly can away from me.

What was the aspect?

Well when you aim, the camera lags behind your actually movement. That's it......That's all.....

WHY RARE?! WHY?!??!? My favorite game....*crys*....My favorite N64 game.....*sobs*

Tally another win for Gameplay over Graphics.


General Chat / The Boondocks
« on: May 07, 2006, 07:11:36 PM »
If any of you have seen this show, then you know how controversial this show can get. However, even with all the political humor and the provocative language, this show is a real gem. I urge you all to see it at least once.

Nintendo Gaming / Interesting read....Wii, 1up, and Pilotwings!
« on: May 03, 2006, 11:51:26 AM »

Though he doesn't confirm it, Sam Kennedy stresses the vitality of Pilotwings. Basically mentioning how greatly it appeals to non-gamers.

Pilotwings could be the flagship that Nintendo desires. It would be almost too easy to control, and more importantly, the fun could be accessible by anyone -- even say, a grandma or a teenage girl.

Enough about that though. His opinion's on the Wii fiasco are well written and well thought out. It's a good read.

I especially like his last sentence:

"In the meantime, though, here's the big question I have: At Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference, who is going to be the one to start the 'Change it back' chant?"

Also, I know I mentioned this before, but did you know Nintendo's E3 conference is being held in the KODAK theater? That place is enormous. It kind of puts the fan back in the fanboy. Honestly, if Nintendo is this confident about their decisions, then I can't help but be confident as well.

General Chat / Drugs and Videogames
« on: April 17, 2006, 03:55:40 PM »
I had to make this topic due to it being such a fun topic.

I must say, I know alot of people who use drugs (mostly maryjane....yes I'm also talking about you maryjane) and play videogames.

The certian types of drugs people use doesn't exactly have to be illegal. I know a bunch of people who love to get drunk and play videogames, simply because that sh*ts halarious. Same goes with ganja....

Anyways, the topic of discussion is: Why not make a videogame for stoners? or boozers? or the people who love to trip balls? or all three?

Sure it's provacative, but shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.................I'd buy it.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit...........I'd buy it if it simply had crazy ass music with something akin to MilkDrop from winamp as the only thing projected on screen.

Anyways, there's alot of people who use drugs of some kind, so why not except it and embrace it?

Nintendo Gaming / Zelda DS: Phantom Hourglass
« on: March 23, 2006, 09:27:07 AM »
Click here

Hopefully he'll have the video up in time.

It looks like it's both 2D and 3D. It has a top down style akin to LTTP, but it looks far more vivid in it's color and mood. I think it's cel-shaded.

Great news all around.

What the hell does Phantom Hourglass mean though?

Nintendo Gaming / Best system launch ever?!
« on: March 02, 2006, 08:19:52 PM »
Despite whatever those who are skeptical may say, the REV launch is shaping up to be grand.

Sure there hasn't been a single screen-shot. Sure there hasn't been many specific titles officially announced. But like I always say, quality over quantity.

Nintendo is bringing their AAA game with this launch. Never has a launch had so much potential.

Think about it, if the following list ends up true, then we have an awesome launch on our hands. One that tops any previous generation.

First/Second Parties AAA titles

Legend of Zelda: People hate the idea of Zelda becoming a GC/REV title, but the fact is, Nintendo would be stupid to ignore an oppurtinity like this. This game will be great no matter which way you play it, but the game is dripping with potential. If all goes well, and the NRC is programmed into the Zelda Universe brilliantly, then we have a killer app on our hands.

Mario 128: Though we had some startling news about how the game is progressing, I feel confident that Miyamoto will pull through with an amazing game. There is so much you can do in the Mario universe. Many of us feel that Mario should go back to his roots, and if the DS is any indication, it looks as though he is. Imagine a sick blend of 3d Mario and 2d Mario. This game will definitely be a game to experience.

Super Smash Bros. Online: I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel the only thing SSBM was missing was human opponents. I bought it when it first came out, and I am still not bored with the game. If there are opponents, especially good ones, I could see myself never getting bored with it. Now Nintendo has heeded our calls and added online to the Revolution version. If they were to simply add online, I would be a happy man. But the fact is that they're not. They're going to expand on every aspect of the game. Adding new charachters, levels, items, customes, modes, events, options, and yes, even players. I feel that the transition to Online and LAN will open up the possibility for 8-player melee. Imagine a level like Hyrule Castle, but with 8-players. The only problem I see is the camera, but other than that it will be hysterical. A definite AAA title and possible Killer App.

Camelot RPG: Honestly, expect a huge blowout of media to salivate over at E3. This game has been in the works for years, and with a staff of 40 or so people, something amazing is coming. Could it be Golden Sun or is it some new IP? Whatever it is, I have complete faith in Camelot's abilities. The simple fact that an RPG is on the way is good news, but one from Camelot is far more heart-warming than say....Square. If it is Golden Sun, imagine the possibilities. All the tech magic, such as pushing, lifting, grabbing, and pulling, can now be done with the NRC. Precision wasn't needed in a 2d game, but in 3d, the NRC will go along way. I expect this game to be at least 40 hours long with secrets out the ass. Again, this title has been in developement for a very long time. Camelot + NRC + time = AAA title.

Metriod Prime 3: Arguably my favorite game of this generation. The immersitivity factor was outstanding. They polished the game from head to toe, so much so, that I have yet to encounter a bug or glitch after playing it 4 times. Retro knows how important this debut is, and I am sure they will rise to the challenge. They are in fact, one of the most creative teams this generation....easily. I mean, who thought Metriod as a FPA would be as sick as it is? Retro knows what they are doing, and even though the sequel wasn't widely appreciated, I think it had more to do with there not being much room for improvement rather than it being uncreative. Metriod Prime hit the nail on the head and there really wasn't much you could improve. Now, the NRC will play the most important role in making MP3 feel fresh. Just like Zelda, this game is dripping with potential.

New IP: Who knows what the hell this could be. What I do know is that this game HAS to be an AAA title in order to be recognized as a new, legit IP. If anyone could do such a thing, it's Nintendo.

The resurrection of an old IP: I don't know what this could be, but all signs point to Kid Icarus. I could really care less what old IP they use, I just know they are going to use one. It's like Samus coming to the cube, when her last console game was on the SNES. This one, I doubt, will make it in time for the launch window, but I would expect it next summer after a huge E3 showing. Super Punch Out! anyone?

WaveRace: As a WaveRace fanatic, I am just adding this to the list because of how much I desire it. Needless to say, the NRC could provide some pin-point precision.

Mario Paint / WarioWare: I always thought about how brilliant it would be to combine the two series into one amazing game. Mario Paint has stolen hours of my life, and though I only played the GBA version of WarioWare, I can see why it's a cult classic. If they released these seperately, they would probably charge $30 and see moderately good sales for both (actually I see Mario Paint taking off). However, if they were to launch it together, this game would become the next Brain Training. Flesh out the artistic part of Mario Paint, with a more robust music program and give WarioWare many different actions to perform (eg, NRC game demos) and it'll sell. This is another fantasy AAA title if true. However, I know Nintendo will probably ignore the obvious and simply release WarioWare (which I am 100% sure they will).

There are other games that have potential, I just don't see them acheiving the high level of quality that these games will. Those games include N-space projects, Battalion Wars, and so on....

Also, I don't know jack about Animal Crossing, MarioKart, DonkeyKong, and all the other IP's Nintendo is juggling around. If any of them make it for launch, and another AAA title to the list.

Also, let's not forget about the Virtual Console. I see myself spending equal time with the old and the new, so it is worth a mention as a launch title(s).

Third Parties AAA titles

Capcom: Capcom isn't stupid. They are a very profitable gaming company, and will continue to be so. They are developing a game for launch that supposedly isn't RE. No offence, but whoever believes this is an idiot. When Nintendo introduced the NRC, it almost beckoned Capcom to incorporate it into an RE4 type game. I mean, the game with a simple technological jump (graphics, AI, charachters onscreen) would be amazing, but the game with a tech jump and the NRC would be truly special. And how many times did Reggie, when asked about what games could be made possible or better with the NRC, mention a survival-horror game where you roam around with a gun and flashlight only. He had to of said that on three seperate occasions.

Many have speculated how scary it would be if you were to roam around in complete darkness with nothing but a flashlight and gun in tow. You can only see what you illuminate, and you can only shoot what you can see (well, kinda). I would walk around the deserted village PARANIOD of anything....EVERYTHING. If they add a couple creatures, that idly SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF YOU by running around or knocking over things, then it's over. RE can finally be scary. Mark my words, Capcom will unviel RE REV at E3.

Oh ya, if true.......easily a killer app.

UbiSoft: They are making a FPS. Also, it has been said that they have another game in the works....exclusive for revolution. Any FPS should be leaps and bounds better than any generic crap (i.e. Halo 2) that we get today. The reason I have such a better time playing FPS's on my computer is that the control scheme doesn't make me feel disabled or limited. The dual-analog system is the worst thing to happen to console FPS. Honestly, nothing beats GoldenEye and PerfectDark in terms of control, speed, and overall fun factor. Maybe the NRC's awesome ability for control and speed can finally make console FPS's feel fresh and fun again. Any indication of a FPS (Metriod is not a FPS) on the REV is a damn good start. Now, I just wish TimeSplitters would make a debut.

EA: Say what you want about EA. The fact is, they are one of the most profitable publishers today. I don't really care for there sports except for FIFA, however, if Fight Night were to debut with dual NRC control and online, then you definetly have a hit. With total control of the boxer's actions, despite any amount of graphical updates, nothing will get you more immersed into that world. The 360/PS3 version will look archaic compared to what Nintendo has.

Also, Burnout, my favorite racer for this generation, would do well with the NRC.

That's all.....

There are a couple more games that should interest us, such as Trauma Center which will be an incredible experence, whatever the hell Suda 51 is making, Sonic, FF:CC, and Harvest Moon.

With the list above, granted a few that never make it to launch, I still believe I will have the most fun I've ever had during any console's launch period.

Nintendo Gaming / Why is the console so small?
« on: February 21, 2006, 07:33:45 PM »
Besides arguing about Zelda TP, I've been thinking about the Rev lately. Nintendo said that by the time it ships, the Rev should be about the size of three DVD cases stacked together.

That's tiny.

I never actually tried stacking DVD cases together. I'm around them so much that I didn't feel the need to. I must say, now that I actually tried it out, it shocked me.

The Rev is ridiculously tiny. Tinier then I imagined. But why?

Why is the console so small?

I remember a qoute from Square-Enix


"Not just a portable, not just a console - it's exactly what we wanted in that it's the birth of a completely new platform."

What the hell does that mean?

I have a feeling that the third Revolutionary feature has to do with its size. To think about it logically, why would Nintendo essentially shoot themselves in the foot by making their system vastly underpowered than the competition, if not for a good reason? They wouldn't. They must have a good reason.

They say its to have a cheap system that everyone can enjoy, but I believe that has nothing to do with the reason for making it so small.

I don't think Nintendo is trying to sport the Rev as some console that you can attach a screen to and take on trips. If this actually happened, I'd be pleased, but I feel its a waste since the DS handles that side of things very well. Plus, it would be impossible to play REV games on it since you have to place the sensors where they are unlikely to move (at least that's my understanding). So all you could play are games already out.

I don't know what else it could be though......It's late and my creativity has dwindled. has spouted some claims about 3D projection. As much as I would like to believe that Nintendo has some Nasa like glass in store for us, my skeptical side says its a little far-fetched. And I doubt Nintendo, the one that has been spouting "Non-gamer! Non-gamer!" for a while now, would make people wear here some sort of googles or visors.

Anyway, what do you guys think?

Nintendo Gaming / REVo Beer Pong!
« on: February 16, 2006, 08:28:02 PM »
I know this may sound stupid to most of you, but beer pong is undoubtably my favorite drinking game. So what if someone made a Beer Pong Online game for the REV.

Holding down the "A" button would hold the ball. Then you simulate the motion to throw, and as you do so you release "A" thus releasing the ball. To bounce on the virtual table, you would use the same controls but with a different motion.

Pretty simple right?

Well anyway, I'd love to play the best of the best online as I drink each virtual cup's equal...thus getting drunk in the process.

But there's alot you could do with it. There could be special balls that do certain things. For instance, one ball explodes if made in a cup, thus knocking over the adjacent cups as well. One ball moves irradically making it hard to block (block the bounce that is), but to the one who through it, it bounces as if thrown normally, but goes crazy along the way.

You could also make a variety of rules similar to SSBM, such as bouncing or no bouncing, specials or no specials, how many re-racks are allowed, and so forth.

This could be great for those that want to play beer pong (basically half of all college students) but either don't have a beer pong table, or they don't want to go over to someone that does....

Anyway, just a thought....

Nintendo Gaming / Revolution Web browsing confirmed
« on: February 16, 2006, 02:21:19 AM »

Revmote browsing? Hell yes!

Nintendo Gaming / 2 DS Mockups....
« on: January 17, 2006, 07:07:53 AM »
Here is the first one...

There both...ok....but they do show you how the DS can be scaled down.

I like that first one best because it's creative. However, if they found a way to detach or switch the D-pad and button flaps, then it would be infinitely better. No more comprising the button size and space due to left-handers. Now they can simply switch it....

Nintendo Gaming / Main Menu....
« on: January 07, 2006, 08:53:29 PM »
The cube load up screen was boring. Although better that the PS2, it wasn't very original or aesthetically (sp?) pleasing.

Anyway, as I was reading up on some, I found these fake home screens.


Don't look at the video'll just end up pissing yourself off. Instead, scroll down a bit to a post with a series of screens.

These are quite beautiful. I love the Virtual Console screen. I could see myself spending hours just looking at all the box art for past games and reading there description (as well as shopping).

Anyway, enjoy.....  

Nintendo Gaming / What will you be able to do in Zelda REV?
« on: December 25, 2005, 09:51:39 AM »
I wanted to create this thread, not only so we could speculate about how this game will work, but to also find any potential game mechanics that could lengthen the production of the game. I still believe this game will come out late spring; however, it may have trouble doing so since adding in an entirely new control system and working out the bugs could potentially delay the game.

I probably should start this thread off with my own set of theories, but honestly, I don't feel like it at the moment.

General Gaming / Xbox 360 hacked
« on: December 24, 2005, 08:59:05 PM »
It's not entirely hacked....yet anyway, but games have been dumped. It is only a matter of time.....

Click here

General Gaming / PS3 doomed before it started?
« on: December 24, 2005, 08:57:27 PM »
I'm not sure if this was ever posted, so I took the liberty in posting it, although it is pretty old.

I know....tell what this is about, but I'll let you read it instead (it's a good read).

Oh ya, before I give you the link: When kutaragi is comparing systems, try to remember that he is comparing the PS to the SNES and the PSP to the gameboy. If you remember that, your good.

Click here

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