Time to save some cash on your Pikmin 4 and Bayonetta Origins buys.
A popular feature of the eShop that was discontinued in North America may be about to return.
Nintendo Switch Game Vouchers were introduced in 2019 and provided the ability for Nintendo Switch Online members to purchase first party games in pairs for US$99.99 or equivalent ($10 off / game). The vouchers were introduced around the time of Super Mario Maker 2 and are still available in PAL regions and Japan, but were only available in North America until July 31, 2019. An unlisted (now private) YouTube video was discovered on Nintendo of America's YouTube account a short time ago suggesting the vouchers would be returning.
The vouchers can not only be used for purchasing older Nintendo games digitally, but new releases are available through the program as well. A collage posted in the video lists the upcoming Bayonetta Origins and Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe among the games eligible for purchase.