I don't think religion is wrong, but it's quite clear that it can be a dangerous instrument of mind control. Sorry, I have my own ethics, and religious texts can be twisted to serve practically anyone's whims. The Bible was used to justify slavery, so I'm sure people can justify anything with it. For the record I am Christian, but that doesn't mean I take part in organized religion. As far as the war goes, it's hard if not impossible to know what the truth is. The media can lie, and the media
does lie. Peaceful protestors
are attacked by police. Police
do cause riots, going as far as to pull people's hands from their faces to pepper spray them, and chasing them down streets to beat them. Police
do seize cameras and other equipment from protestors in an attempt to hide the truth. The coporate media
does ignore this. The government
does have the ability to make people disappear. You can't trust everything the media says. If you do, you're handing your freedom away. This is the USA I'm talking about, and the deception and danger are
By the way, I've had two professors say that Bush LOST the election. Good thing he has a brother to control Florida. It was so close though (nation wide) that it seems people randomly voted for the two big parties. With large enough numbers of people that don't care or choose randomly, that's what happens.
As far as patrotism/idiotism goes, there's a fine line between patriotism and fascism. Bush and his cronies act like a religious dictatorship. Granted that we haven't fallen that low yet, but we're dangerously teetering on the edge. As long as people blindly follow the news, and as long as the news remains complacent to the regime, the regime can get away with anything.
Like I said, who knows what the truth is.
There's no point arguing about this. Everyone has views, and those views aren't likely to change.
The song Razzle Dazzle from the broadway musical Chicago applies to all sides here (and most politicians), especially George W. and Saddam. Saddam may be ten bazillion times as bad as George W. (I don't think anyone denies that), but they both succeed at doing this to people:
Give 'em the old razzle dazzle
Razzle Dazzle 'em
Give 'em an act with lots of flash in it
And the reaction will be passionate
Give 'em the old hocus pocus
Bead and feather 'em
How can they see with sequins in their eyes?
What if your hinges all are rusting?
What if, in fact, you're just disgusting?
Razzle dazzle 'em
And they'll never catch wise!
Give 'em the old razzle dazzle
Razzle dazzle 'em
Give 'em a show that's so splendiferous
Row after row will crow vociferous
Give 'em the old flim flam flummox
Fool and fracture 'em
How can they hear the truth above the roar?
Throw 'em a fake and a finagle
They'll never know you're just a bagel,
Razzle dazzle 'em
And they'll beg you for more!
Give 'em the old double whammy
Daze and dizzy'em
Back since the days of old Methuselah
Everyone loves the big bambooz-a-ler
Give 'em the old three ring circus
Stun and stagger 'em
When you're in trouble, go into your dance
Though you are stiffer than a girder
They let you get away with murder
Razzle dazzle 'em
And you've got a romance
Give 'em the old razzle dazzle
Razzle dazzle 'em
Show 'em the first rate sorcerer you are
Long as you keep 'em way off balance
How can they spot you got no talents?
Razzle dazzle 'em
Razzle dazzle 'em
Razzle dazzle 'em
And they'll make you a star!
Sorry if it's against the rules posting that, but it applies to the current situation from anyone's point of view. While I cling to my "conspiracy" stance, I fully admit that I personally have no idea what's going on.
The song isn't about politics. I forgot to mention that. It applies to any fraud though, and that's why I love it so much.