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Nintendo Gaming / Re: What will Nintendo release in 2025?
« Last post by Mop it up on Today at 05:30:26 PM »
Whoof, a year with a new system launch is always a real wild card! Y'know, even moreso than usual. A launch opens up a lot more possibilities that a middle year wouldn't have. I have no clue what to even guess, but might as well just toss stuff out and see what sticks!

-A new 3D Mario will be announced this year.
It may not release this year, that'll depend on when the Switch 2 itself will be launched. The team seems due for a new game and having a new 3D Mario during the first year of a system is always a good way to build hype. Perhaps they'll go even bigger this time with a 4D Mario...!

-Re-release of a previous Zelda game.
I saw someone else predict this and yeah, I'll go with it. They're not gonna have a new one ready, so if they want Zelda content for the first year, something like HD Wind Waker or Twilight Princess is the best bet. And who knows maybe we'll get Tingle's Rupee Land 99...

-A new Fire Emblem announced.
Iunno, feels like it's been a while. Plus the Smash port will need some more anime swordsman DLC.

-The next generation of Pokémon games will be announced.
And everyone will be ticked that they're for Switch 1 and not 2.

-Another new sort of Pokémon app announced.
Pokémon Bathroom Break, anyone?

-A new IP of some sort will be introduced.
Something in the same vein as first-year Switch releases like 1-2-Switch, Snipperclips, or ARMS.

-A new Kirby game will be announced.
Might be a bit of a wild card here, but it feels long enough from the last one, and it seemed to perform well.

-Smash Ultimate Deluxe to be announced.
They're gonna want Smash of some kind on this thang, and they probably feel there's no way to top the last one. So my guess is they're just gonna do some sort of deluxe version with an awful title that retains all of the characters plus the DLC in one package. Though even this could be tough to do because of licencing.

-Another HD Wii Port
What it will be? No clue! But it feels like they're running out of Wii U stuff...

-Khushrenada will earn the most points in this.
What? That guy knows things! This is a safe bet, don't worry.
Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo Switch Forum Favorites
« Last post by M.K.Ultra on Today at 05:08:04 PM »
Honestly, I have not played that many RPGs, only branching out into that genre in the last few years, but the more I play them the more I seem to like them. On Switch I would probably call out Shin Megami Tensei V. This was my first SMT game but I found it to be a good entry point into the series. I really liked the mechanic of recruiting the baddies to my party as well as all the neat foes that Atlus pulled from myths and legends of different cultures. The game is long and I spent about 100 hours on it, but I don't recall any of that being grinding. I should mention that I only played the launch version of the game and don't know how it compares with the re-release that added content.

As an honorable mention I will throw out SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech. I have been happy with all of the SteamWorld games and played everything except Tower Defense and the two newest entries. This game has all the charm and good writing you might expect from Image and Form. It is also much shorter than a typical RPG taking me only about 20 hours. The battle system was card based which was new to me, but I thought it worked really well. I also had fun searching for all the treasures. A couple of those are really tough to find.
Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo Switch Forum Favorites
« Last post by M.K.Ultra on Today at 04:58:29 PM »
For our first round of Switch favorites, let's take a look at Role Playing Games (RPGs) that are available to play on Nintendo Switch.

What are your favorite RPGs on Switch?
Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo Switch Forum Favorites
« Last post by M.K.Ultra on Today at 04:55:28 PM »
As we approach the launch of Switch 2, what better time than to take stock of all the awesome games we played on Switch. While any general favorites list will likely include the usual suspects, in this topic we will highlight a specific genre, publisher, or some other characteristic to narrow our focus and in doing so reveal a broader set of great Switch games.

I am thinking about once a week (or two?) I will post a category for us to consider (though others can surely do this as well - especially if I slack off  :-[) and then everyone can chime in with their favorite(s) in that category. Just try and stick to games that are available on Switch.
Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 913: Mario Is Curious, if You Will
« Last post by jarodea on February 11, 2025, 12:54:08 PM »
I second getting Liberty or Death on NSO.  My family didn’t have a PC when I was a kid so Koei’s line of PC-style strategy, exploration, and business games made them one of my favorite developers at the time.  Liberty or Death is easily one of the best of their strategy games.  I liked P.T.O. more at the time, but I’ve replayed most Koei SNES games as an adult and P.T.O. was the only one I found unplayable from a user experience post-2000 (others, like RotTK and Nobunaga, are simply not fun anymore). 

Liberty or Death is still the best strategy game about the American Revolution that I’ve played whether in video/computer game form or board game form.  It’s also the only Koei strategy game I’ve played where the battles hold up to board or miniature wargames (Uncharted Waters 2 as well, though I don't place it in the strategy genre, just one of the reasons it's one of my favorite games).
TalkBack / Re: The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II (Switch) Review
« Last post by riskman64 on February 11, 2025, 12:44:42 AM »
Thanks for checking out the review! I'm also curious to see what happens with Falcom and Switch 2; there's obviously an audience on Nintendo platforms, and fans will be eager to see what improvements can be made to these games.
General-3 / Re: God, the default theme is so ugly.
« Last post by pokepal148 on February 09, 2025, 11:08:16 AM »
Switch 3 or Forum Upgrade... which comes first?
General-3 / Re: God, the default theme is so ugly.
« Last post by UncleBob on February 09, 2025, 12:35:12 AM »
Switch 2 or Forum Upgrade... which comes first?
General-3 / Re: God, the default theme is so ugly.
« Last post by NWR_insanolord on February 08, 2025, 11:13:34 PM »
Huh. Well, okay.  Now,,how do we get core back? 🤣

I sent an email to our webmaster suggesting we just remove it entirely for now to see if that fixes it for everyone, but also prodding him to update the forum software.
General-3 / Re: God, the default theme is so ugly.
« Last post by UncleBob on February 08, 2025, 09:19:06 AM »
Huh. Well, okay.  Now,,how do we get core back? 🤣
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