
How many games in the series have you beat?

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
7 (20%)
Virtual Boy Wario Land
1 (2.9%)
Wario Land II
6 (17.1%)
Wario Land 3
2 (5.7%)
Wario Land 4
5 (14.3%)
Wario World
5 (14.3%)
Wario: Master of Disguise
1 (2.9%)
Wario Land: Shake It!
4 (11.4%)
I've Completed Every Game Fully (The Few and the Proud)
0 (0%)
I've Never Finished/Played a Game in the Series (The Few and the Not-So-Proud)
4 (11.4%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Author Topic: Run the Series 4: Wario Platformers  (Read 4839 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Run the Series 4: Wario Platformers
« on: November 18, 2016, 05:36:47 PM »
Hello NWR Forumers. Welcome to the 4th edition of Run the Series, the latest in a long line of terrific Khushrenada forum ideas that just won't go away.  ;)

Run the Series Mission Statement

From past posts, I am sometimes surprised at what games users on these forums have played or missed in a franchise and it's made me curious about the gaming habits of all our various users here. It also made curious as to what my gaming experience looks like compared to others. I thought I'd see if I could find out more information on the matter by creating a series of threads designed to look at different franchises found on Nintendo systems to see what series the users here like. What franchises do people still find important to keep up with and what series have they let lapse or play infrequently? What are the franchises people haven't even touched or have fully completed? Which games are the most common shared experience in a series and which ones are the least?

For each entry, I've created a poll and the poll lists all the games considered as franchise entries.* Users can then select which games in the series they have beat. When I mean beat, I'm just referring to completing the main quest or storyline and seeing the credits and not if you've completed every other side quest or mission similar to how Backloggery would classify those terms. This poll is a chance to let all users see how they stack up again users from this forum.

In addition, if you want to provide more information about what your level of completion is on games, feel free to post about it. For that matter, feel free to give your thoughts on the series. Why you play it, why you don't, what's your favorite entry, least favorite entry, how you'd rank the entry in the series, what you'd like to see, what you don't want to see, etc. You know the drill. Whatever comments you want to make based on the series under discussion or specific games in the poll, this thread is open for you to do so.

*Or at least my take on what the series consists of. You are welcome to tell me how wrong I am with my selections.  :'(

Past Entries in the Series

1st Edition - 2D Mario Platformers
2nd Edition - Pokémon Main Series
3rd Edition - Donkey Kong (Country Style)

If you are new to this forum series or missed an entry, feel free to check out the past entries and comment on them too if interested. Bumping Khushrenada threads is always a welcome practice on these forums.  ;)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2018, 02:23:55 AM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Run the Series: Wario Platformers
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2016, 07:56:41 PM »
The Series Up for Discussion

My intention has always been to try and keep this series alternating between console and handheld series for as long as possible to keep one forum from being flooded by these threads. While I was thinking of going with some other handheld series for this edition, I ended up picking Wario for the simple reason it was on my mind a bit with the recent release of Wario Land: Shake it on the Virtual Console.

Of course, not every game in this subsection of the Wario franchise was on a handheld device as Shake It's existence proves. However, the majority of it is and it is where it had its origins that I still consider it a handheld franchise hence why I've put it on this forum and call it a handheld series. This will also be one of the tougher series for anyone to complete since one of it's games is still tied to the Virtual Boy with no sign or plans from Nintendo to somehow try and re-release it again.

Why Are These Games Part of the Series?

Because I say so, that's why!  ;D Obviously, the Wario platforming series had it's start with Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land. Thus, any title with Wario Land is on this list as they mostly follow the template set out in the series of Wario's goal to collect treasure and transform/gain abilities to do so. Two games on the Series poll don't include Land in the title which are Wario World and Wario: Master of Disguise. Master of Disguise is very close to being a Land type game that I don't expect much objection from its inclusion on the list.

World, on the other hand is a bit different than the rest of the titles here. It's more a platformer brawler, 3D, Wario doesn't really transform. There's no Captain Syrup although that isn't a huge issue since other Land games don't feature her either. However, the main goal is the same as other titles. Wario's treasure is stolen and he fights to get to get it back. Perhaps my view on the series is abit skewed but Wario World is the first title I played with Wario as the main protagonist and I always just considered it part of the Wario series because of that. Being the first and only 3D Wario game as well, games often play a bit different from their 2D successors. Land to World reminded me of the Mario naming convention as well going from GB Land to SNES World and that is all part of the 2D Mario series. It just seemed weird to include Wario's 3D platformer as part of the oddities section of the franchise with Wario's Woods and Wario Blast so I'm including it with the Land games whether you like it or not.  ;D

What Games Weren't Included

Like other Nintendo characters, such as Donkey Kong for example, I'd say that there are 3 different series in the Wario franchise. There are the Wario Platform games, the WarioWare series of quick microgames and spinoffs/offshoots that make up an oddities section of the franchise except I'm not sure these oddities would should even be classified in the Wario franchise but I'll get to that in a moment. First, anything with WarioWare in the title is not considered part of the platforming subseries of the franchise this thread is focusing on and will probably get it's own Run the Series thread at some point in the future. Game & Wario would be part of the WarioWare series as well even though it doesn't have WarioWare in its title.

That just leaves a few games that don't fit into either of these subsections and : Mario and Wario, Wario's Woods and Wario Blast. Wikipedia includes Dr. Mario 64 as part of the Other Games section of the Wario franchise since Wario can be along with Mario in the story mode. However, the Super Mario Wika doesn't include Dr. Mario 64 in their listing of Wario franchise games. Personally, though, I think both Dr. Mario 64 and Mario and Wario should be included under the Mario franchise and not Wario. In the case of Mario and Wario, Wario doesn't even seem playable. He's just the villain like Super Mario Land 2. As for Wario's Woods, Wario's name is in the title but he is just the villain and one of the opponents Toad faces in the game. Toad is the main "playable" character and that game should probably go in the Mario spinoff side of things like Super Princess Peach or Luigi's Mansion. Or it could go in the Mario Puzzle subseries with Dr. Mario and Mario Picross. Then there is Wario Blast which is a crossover of Wario and Bomberman and I only just learned about today when looking up Wario games for this thread. It is apparently a reskinned version of Bomberman GB and you can control either Wario or Bomberman but the game basically plays like Bomberman and should probably be filed under the Bomberman franchise than the Wario franchise. In any case, none of those games feature platforming elements or match up as well with the Wario Land series to be included, in my opinion.

And that about sums up all the Wario games out there. So, with that quick little rundown, let's open it up to the rest of you forum users and let's see how well NWR has Run the Series!
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Re: Run the Series: Wario Platformers
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2016, 08:53:19 PM »
hopped on this series early with Super Mario Land 3, and I had a friend whom had a Virtual boy for Marathoning VB Wario Land, although I didn't get every treasure. Skipped Wario Land 2 and 3 because back then I thought the idea of Wario being unable to die sounded annoying and stupid.

Wario Land 4 is... weird for me. it's simultaneously my favorite entry into the series, and a game I deeply regret buying when I got it... see, I had a choice between buying Wario Land 4 and Shantae... and I chose Wario Land 4. GREAT game, but... Shantae is in hindsight, a game I hold far more dear and a far more costly investment.

Waro World and Wario Land: Shake-it were games I beat on rentals, while Master of Disguise is something one of my friends got for his 3DS and he HATED that game, so...that turned me off from ever trying it.

Wario Land 2, I got through Club Nintendo, and I still to this day haven't played Wario Land 3.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Run the Series: Wario Platformers
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2016, 11:36:53 PM »
The Wario Land series is certainly interesting, as it evolved from the Mario Land series but took the direction and design in a much more interesting direction.

I rather enjoy the original Wario Land- the main character's sprite is massive, but the game design compensates for this with predictable enemy patterns and organic design. The coolest thing about this title is its two examples of evolving world maps and altered level design. However, its pretty clunky and the actual platforming doesn't get all that difficult. The rocket and dragon powerups are totally awesome, though.

Of course, Wario Land II is a pretty interesting sequel that sort of continues the thematic elements of the original title, but has a vastly different design. It's post-game "twist" of alternate endings and level routes is interesting, but sometimes the methods for executing these alternate level endings aren't very transparent. In this era of the internet, it's not much of a problem, and that allows players to focus on the strength of the game- throwing obstacles at the players that impede process without using death as a punishment. While this might be frustrating to some, it is pretty clever to see how this is executed, and its a rare example of alternative design in platformers. The expanded moveset for Wario is pretty fun, too.

Now, I know many people argue which Wario Land game is the best- lots of people praise Virtual Boy, which I admittedly have not played, but it often comes back to Wario Land 3 and 4. In my opinion, in terms of charm and thematic design, Wario Land 3 greatly outshines its successor. Its evolving traversal elements allow revisiting levels to feel fresh, and the day/night cycle as well as the treasure chest system make every single level's evolution something enjoyable. I also greatly prefer the boss design in this game.

But if you play the Wario Land series for its platforming, then Wario Land 4 is likely your preferred choice. I'm not sure I like the return of health, but Wario's animations are clean and full of character in this game, and the level design is very thoughtful, although not all that visually appealing. I think the bosses in this game are absolutely aggravating, especially in how they can be surmounted through spending currency. Although, I think the idea of the key switches is neat and the concept is thoroughly-explored, the game didn't necessarily have to be structured around it. Still, Wario Land 4 is a great platformer and an awesome game, but it doesn't have my favorite elements from the series on display.

I've played, but not completed Shake It! and Wario World, and can say a bit more about the latter. It's weird, but there's something rather enjoyable about beating up enemies with the silly combat system. However, the level design is very strange, and the physics leave a lot to be desired. Shake It! is gorgeous and features some very fun level design- I wouldn't expect less from Good Feel- but the shoehorned motion control levels are insufferable.
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Re: Run the Series: Wario Platformers
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2016, 08:23:51 AM »
Wario Blast should be included (but only because it would let me check off another box; without it, I can only check off three games from the list).

I know that Wario Land 2 and 3 are well respected... but I really didn't enjoy either game. They felt too cramped on the Game Boy, and some of the ideas felt experimental but not really enjoyable for me.
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Re: Run the Series: Wario Platformers
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2016, 02:58:57 AM »
I've beaten Wario Land: SML3 100% back as a kid (wanted the game thanks to a March 1994 issue of Nintendo Power where it was the cover story), beat the main story of Wario Land II (3DS Virtual Console), beat Wario Land 4 via 3DS Ambassador, beat Wario World multiple times at 100%, and beat Wario Land: Shake It! 100% as well.

I need to play Wario Land 3 and Master of Disguise, though the latter my brother said it wasn't good at all. I mean, jumping with the d-pad?!

I don't think I'll ever get to play the Virtual Boy Wario Land legally.
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Re: Run the Series: Wario Platformers
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2016, 06:06:42 AM »
Wario games are typically always 'kinda' on my radar, but I rarely ever purchase them. Currently my Wii U wishlist includes WarioLand 4 & Shake It, and at various points in time I've considered getting WarioLand 2 or 3. Also saw friends having fun with WarioWare, but again never played it myself.

Exception to this rule was Wario World which I remember buying as an impulse-purchase. It hadn't reviewed great in the gaming magazine I read back then (and was my only source of news for games), scoring maybe 5 or 6 out of 10 for being too short and rather repetitive.

However I had a surprising amount of fun with it, replayed some of the bossfights dozens of times. There were these underground jump puzzle rooms hidden below trapdoors where you could switch the camera in 90 degree angles (I think the camera was fixed in the rest of the game?). It also had this weird gimmick where you'd fall off a stage into a kind of netherworld, losing coins until you found a spring to launch you back up. Always hated that, since it also had a regular lives system and this just wasted your time.

Years later I found out Wario World was actually developed by Treasure, who did Mischief Makers on N64, the Sin & Punishment games and Ikaruga (which I've still never beaten). Not the type of game you associate with them, I tend to think of them as a shooter/2D platformer studio - so it's interesting they also made one kinda odd wrestling inspired 3D platform/brawler.

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Re: Run the Series: Wario Platformers
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2016, 12:06:00 PM »
What is going on with the forums software and polls? On this poll and the Donkey Kong poll last Run the Series thread, the first option has been dropped to the bottom of the poll mysteriously after a few days. What is doing that?
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Re: Run the Series: Wario Platformers
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2016, 07:40:25 PM »
What is going on with the forums software and polls? On this poll and the Donkey Kong poll last Run the Series thread, the first option has been dropped to the bottom of the poll mysteriously after a few days. What is doing that?

Just a corrective measure surely; it'd be unacceptable for the Virtual Boy installment not to get top billing like it deserves!