Shut up, Mr. Mendel, I'm trying to water my plants!
Justin Baker:It’s a little shocking to see, but so far Flower Town seems to be the deepest of the new StreetPass games. Each time I hop on there’s some new shop or feature unlocked that let’s me get my gardening on. While I’m still not a very big fan of meticulously growing flowers, it certainly brings a lot of content to the table.
Scott Thompson: I know some people really like this one, but I just can’t get myself interested in it. Like Justin said, there is plenty to do, and the system of cross-pollinating and trying to get new seeds is pretty involved, but I just find the whole thing so boring. It doesn’t help that it takes the longest to get through with every new batch of StreetPasses. Frankly, I’d rather to other StreetPass games and then get straight back to pimping out my other sim life in Animal Crossing.
Neal Ronaghan: Flower Town just never shuts the hell up. I like the basics of it, and it is neat that there is SO MUCH to do, but I just don’t want to do all of it. Though I’ll fight Scott on the notion that Monster Manor and Mii Force can take way longer than Flower Town to process StreetPasses. However, they are way more fun. If it wasn’t for the fact that this came out so close to Animal Crossing, it would scratch that itch, but it just kind of feels like if Animal Crossing cut out everything except planting and displaying plants.
Becky Hollada: Flower Town almost get annoying with the amount of things there are to do and the time it takes to really get the ball rolling. I know, a game with too much to do? Well, yeah, since you need an ample amount of StreetPasses to do it. And if you don't have them, Flower Town seems to come to a screeching halt every five seconds. I'm with Neal in that I don't think Flower Town takes much more time to process than any of the other games, but I just don't think it feels like you do nearly as much in the same amount of time.
Andrew Brown: I’ll agree here, there’s a ton to do but the amount of options is a little overwhelming and takes some time to get into the routine of things. In my first few visits I never quite understood the concept of exactly when I was “done” with my StreetPass and could leave the title, as some new option or activity always seemed to present itself just as I was ready to quit. There’s some interesting and relaxing interactions to be had once you’re in the swing of things, but prepare for a ton of dialogue. And the extra-bouncy Mii animations creep me out a little.
Guillaume Veillette: I can’t recommend Flower Town to anyone looking for an actual game. It’s an endless grind with no real point to it. You grow flowers, so that you can sell flowers, so that you can grow other flowers, and sell them... it goes on like this forever. It introduces new concepts continuously, but they never have actual gameplay to them and are only another way to make money to buy flowers with. Avoid.