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Scooby-Doo! Nostalgia Contest Winners

Scooby Brat

by Neal Ronaghan - October 16, 2009, 8:09 am EDT

Check out the contest winner's entries!

Back when I was probably five or six, all I did was sit on a comfy couch and watch Scooby Doo! Where Are You. The one episode I loved to watch was Foulplay in Funland. Once, I was watching Scooby Doo and my mom and dad had planned on taking my brother and me somewhere important (if I remember correctly, the place was Chuck E. Cheese), but I wanted to keep watching my show.

I also remember playing a video game for the PlayStation called Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase. I actually still have that game! But back then, I had tons of games for PlayStation, but I was usually found playing the Scooby Doo video game. Lol! I'd love playing that game until level three on a boss level. I usually had my dad beat it for me. But on level four, not even my dad could beat it. A few years later, I managed to get past level four and on and on until I beat it one night. I was so thrilled. I ran to my brother who was in the bathtub, and told him excitedly that I had beaten the game. I was so happy!

When I turned six, I got a Game Boy Color. My first game for it was Tarzan, my favorite thing before Scooby Doo. I believe it was around Christmas time when I got a Game Boy case and, best of all, Scooby Doo! Classic Creep Capers. I've had that game for years and it's still in perfect shape. I didn't beat the game until later on when I was ten or eleven. The mystery in that game was the mystery of Dr. Jenkins and Mr. Hyde. It took me a long time to figure out how to complete the game.

My dad, in time, bought a PlayStation 2. The game I always wanted to play while there was Scooby Doo Night of 100 Frights. Later on, my dad beat the game. And about two years ago, my dad sent me his PlayStation 2 and the Scooby Doo video game! I was so happy! It also came with a new copy of Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase because back then, my original game broke in half. But I was grateful because back then, my brother acted dumb and sat on the couch backwards. He accidentally fell backwards and landed on the PlayStation! It began to act up further on in the future. But when we got the PS2, I was happy that I could both try out Scooby Doo Night of 100 Frights and I could finally play Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase again.

Ever since I was about six, I've been collecting Scooby Doo items. I have all the movies, video games, books, action figures, and more! It all sits in my closet. Lol! I even created my own little Scooby Doo comic series called The Scooby and Snooby Doo Show! It's about Scooby and his adventures with his son, Snooby Doo. I still have the first two comic books and I'm currently working on the third.

Anyways, I've had my share of Scooby Doo memories and I've cherished them. And with every Scooby Doo item I get, I look back at those memories and laugh. If I know anything, I can tell I'm a Scooby Brat! Lol!

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