Pip has remained the same; only I have changed.
Back when I reviewed Adventures of Pip for the Wii U, back in 2015, I thought it was a fun, charming little platformer with an interesting gameplay mechanic whereupon our pixelated hero moved between three distinct forms (a single pixel, an 8-bit hero, and a 16-bit hero) to move through each level. This Switch release has not changed significantly apart from some quality-of-life improvements. I find myself less impressed this time around. I’m older and crankier in 2020, and I don’t really have the patience for some of Pip’s idiosyncrasies.
I won’t rehash my 2015 review--that link at the top should bring you up to speed on my overall opinion. I’ll merely go over the things I appreciate more and appreciate less.
From what I can tell, a couple of new features have streamlined the game somewhat. First, Pip starts out with the pixel money (zenni) attractor, although its range isn’t very impressive. Second, you can go right from the map screen to the town now, and this is useful for purchasing new items without having to move across the entire map. Unfortunately, shop items still cost too much for how much zenni you acquire during any given stage, and you’ll find yourself at the final boss’ doorstep before you can buy everything--you’ll have to grind for money if you want to buy everything (which you do not need to do to beat it). The game’s difficulty spikes when you get to the lava level, to the point that the final level is a cakewalk by comparison. Despite that, there are a couple sequences in the final level that made my teeth grind. There’s a certain amount of jank in the level design in these later areas that I was more forgiving of five years ago.
I wish there was more to do in the town besides buy things from two shops and talk to the villagers you rescue, as they don't have much to say.
Pip features a number of audio cue issues that I don’t remember being there before: At times where sound effects would overlap, some are simply cut out or overridden, which is unusual. The boss music in the lava level failed to initiate, which made that boss fight somewhat less epic than was probably intended. Boss fights, I should mention, are a highlight of Adventures of Pip. Similarly, Jake Kaufman’s score is as wonderful as ever, a bit more subdued than his Shantae or Switch Force tunes, as is appropriate here.
Adventures of Pip is still enjoyable and inventive, but I’m less forgiving of its quirks now than I was in 2015. I still recommend it, though--the gameplay hook is lovely and the writing is charming.