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June 26, 2001

Monkey Ball for Japanese Launch! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 1:02 pm EDT
Source: Gaming Age

Holy Balls! Oh c'mon...some one had to say it. One of the first third party Japanese GameCube launch titles revealed! And it's Sega's monkey wackyness!

Sega has announced that their GameCube title Super Monkey Ball will be released alongside the launch of the GameCube on September 14th.

No price has been announced yet, and the title hasn't officially been announced as a US launch game either....but we here at PGC believe it will be available for US launch.


Castlevania CotM Music! GBA

by David Trammell - 12:58 pm EDT

Over the next couple of days, we'll be uploading some music from Castlevania CotM.

The Castlevania series has always been known for its good music. Even the N64 versions had a couple of notable tracks. Today is the last day of music for Castlevania fans, so enjoy!

08 Observation Tower.mp3 (0:38) - 303 KB This track, as any Castlevania fan should know, has been featured in... Read more...

Famitsu interviews PETERMAINCO! GC

by Max Lake - 11:14 am EDT
Source: Famitsu

The popular Japanese gaming rag Famitsu speaks to Nintendo’s Peter Main about E3 and what's coming up next.

Core Magazine has translated a Famitsu interview with Peter Main. Main says E3 went better than they had anticipated and also explains the much-ballyhooed pre-E3 statement by Yamauchi about possibly suspending GameCube (“I know Mr. Yamauchi and Miyamoto's comments were only meant to encourage us.”)


Capcom + Ubisoft to make sweet GBA love GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 10:22 am EDT
Source: EAGB

Street Fighter, Mega Man, Breath of Fire (1&2)...OH MY!

Yeah baby! Want some old school love on your GBA? According to EAGB Ubi Soft and Capcom have signed an exclusive publishing agreement for 7 Game Boy Advance titles. They include Super Street Fighter 2X Revival, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Mega Man 1, Mega Man 2, Breath of Fire 1, Breath of Fire 2 and Final Fight for Western and Eastern Europe, Australia and New Zealand.


Black and White for GBA? GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 10:07 am EDT
Source: Lion Games

And Michael Jackson is moon walking all over the freakin' place. Wrong game. We're talking about Lionhead's game!

Liongames has spoken to Mark Webley the director of Lionhead Studios about the status of all of the ports of B&W. Nothing is mentioned about GameCube...but looks like there might be a slight possibility for Game Boy Advance...

Black & White coming to Mac, Xbox and PS2 and possibly even Gameboy... Read more...

Saliva does Peter Gunn for Spy Hunter! GC

by Max Lake - 9:33 am EDT
Source: CDNOW

Spy Hunter is coming to GameCube & will indeed come with the Peter Gunn theme! The band Saliva will be doing the honors & we have all the details.

Now that Spy Hunter is now officially coming to GameCube, PGC can happily begin telling you about the game anytime something happens with it! Although the Peter Gunn theme wasn’t heard in the game at E3, Midway does indeed intend to include the classic tune in the game!

CDNow reports...

June 25, 2001

Poll Says: Japan Still Not Convinced GC

by Andres Rojas - 11:09 pm EDT
Source: The Magic Box

A Japanese magazine conducted a poll concerning GC and X-Box's fate in the Japanese marketplace.

According to The Magic Box, a Japanese magazine has surveyed many retailers and developers about the future of the next-generation consoles. Primarily focusing on the X-Box and the GameCube, the results are very interesting.

Here's a quick rundown:

The 25,00 yen retail price of GameCube is... 67% of both retailers and developers said appropriate.


Spy Hunter, Soccer for GameCube in 2002 GC

by Rick Powers - 10:12 pm EDT
Source: IGNCube

Midway plans two for GameCube, a soccer title, and the much anticipated Spy Hunter.

According to IGNCube, Midway is planning on release both Spy Hunter (previously a PS2-only title) and Red Card Soccer in 2002.

Midway will not be developing the GameCube titles directly, having Point of View Software port the titles. Point of View was already working on NFL Blitz 2002 for the GameCube launch.


Gameboy Advances to the Top of the Charts GBA

by Justin Nation - 5:43 pm EDT
Source: TRST Data

You knew the Gameboy Advance was going to be an incredible success but wow did it storm the charts in a big way.

For anyone who hadn't already accepted the inevitable profitability of the Gameboy Advance here's some incredible data from the GBA kick-off. Please note that the dollars column can look screwy as it reflects the average retail price of the games which could range from $9 to $50...



The goods on Namco Rumor

by - 6:51 am EDT

Namco has made no secret it admires the Nintendo GameCube. What Namco games might come to GameCube? Louie the Cat is back with a full report on the prominent developer.

Namco is very enthusiastic about GameCube support. There have been reports of Ridge Racer & Tekken Tag… At E3, Namco seemed to be hinting that Soul Caliber 2 and/or Tekken 4 could come to GameCube! So what exactly is going on? How "pro-Nintendo" is Namco? What games might we really expect?


Sega Classics Coming to GBA! GBA

by Andres Rojas - 1:44 am EDT
Source: Tendo Box

According to our friends at Tendo Box, Sega's Smash Pack is coming to the GBA and two of Sega's classics are confirmed to be on the cart!

According to Tendo Box, a recent issue of UK Magazine reveals that Golden Axe and Streets of Rage have been confirmed as titles included in the initial Smash Pack to be released on the Game Boy Advance


Let Your Voice Be Heard!

by Andres Rojas - 1:44 am EDT
Source: The Magic Box

New polls discussing the future of the console wars are up at the Magic Box.

A new poll asking which game system will be the most successful is up at The Magic Box. At the time of this post, Sony's Playstation 2 has a healthy 50 vote lead over the GC, and Microsoft's X-Box is trailing behind.

Go to The Magic Box and let your voice be heard!


June 24, 2001

Pocket Monsters....the Company

by Billy Berghammer - 8:30 pm EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Pokemon = Money. Pocket Monsters = The new official megacorp money gulping company.

If you didn't know, Nintendo is making a couple dollars here and there with Pokemon. Nintendo has decided to make Pocket Monsters a separate (but closely guarded) company.

The company will be headed by the former president of Creatures. Here's the juice freshly squeezed from Core Magazine....


Looking for a good investment?

by Billy Berghammer - 8:14 pm EDT
Source: Yahoo Business

When Planet GameCube talks people listen! Er, well...like WE HAVE ANY MONIES (or serious stock experience)! A GameCube related company goes IPO this week...

MoSys heads for IPO land this week! Here's an excellent way to cover all of your GameCube games for LIFE! Hehehehe. Want to invest in the company that's producing the GameCube's memory? If you got tha' monies...make some monies! Since MoSys's main customer is Nintendo...it might be a safe bet that this company is a hot tech buy! Nintendo will probably sell a couple of these GameCube thingies ya know. Read on....


GBA Launch in Paris, France! GBA

by Max Lake - 11:11 am EDT
Source: consoles-france

The Game Boy Advance has launched all over Europe. French gaming website consoles-france has gotten in touch to let us know about the launch in Paris! Oo la la!

PGC is all about international coverage whenever we can provide it. We’re rapidly becoming a worldwide hub of Nintendo mania and that suits us just fine! Most recently, we’ve just heard from France, specifically, the friendly folks at consoles-france, who wrote in to tell us about the GBA launch there!


June 23, 2001

Zone of Enders Advanced GBA

by David Trammell - 6:58 am EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Konami is developing Z.O.E. for the GBA and aiming for a September release in Japan. More details inside.

According to Core Magazine, Winkysoft, a Japanese games developer, will be bringing Konami's Zone of Enders to Game Boy Advance this September in Japan. They apparently plan to emphasize the RPG elements for the handheld version.


Raven Blade still underway!

by Max Lake - 2:09 am EDT

Has Raven Blade been cancelled? Maybe not… You can’t always believe the rumor mill it seems. PGC comes to the rescue once again to set the record straight!

We recently posted a story mentioning concerning a Fatbabies rumor suggesting Retro’s RPG, Raven Blade was now cancelled with teams being moved over to Metroid.

We have heard from a very secret source that happens to know quite a bit of what is going on with Retro. The source indicated some... Read more...

Full Scale PGC E3 Video Progress Report!

by Max Lake - 12:56 am EDT

After some delay, the E3 PGC video is rapidly approaching completion. Here’s the shipping date (kinda) & lots of details on what’s been happening & the footage we have!

OK peoples. I’ve got bad news and good news for you all.

A video update has been long overdue, though for the longest time, there has been very little new information to report. Billy & I were hoping to have more to report to you at this time but circumstances haven’t been so great. But still, I would rather level with all of you than leave any one in the dark.


June 22, 2001

What happened to Nintendorks? (Again.)

by Zosha Arushan - 5:19 pm EDT
Source: http://www.nintendorks.cjb.net

In the Dot Bomb economy, things have gone from bad to worse for our fellow Dorks... find out what's going on inside.

Well the server is down... again. Lakitu7, (aka Chris Schwarz,) has given me a message to all the dork faithful.

While the main site is down there is an alternate up here, until their server is back in action. Please be sure to visit there until then!


Do you have what it takes?

by David Trammell - 4:17 pm EDT
Source: Twin Galaxies

Twin Galaxies is holding contests for nine high profile games in a last minute effort to get a few more records into their next book!

In just eight weeks, the deadline for submitting record breaking scores and proving your skill to the world will have passed. Twin Galaxies is gearing up to publish the next edition of their Official Video Game & Pinball Book of World Records.

Basically, you follow all of their specific rules...


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