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EA Lands Exclusive Star Wars Deal

by Zack Kaplan - May 6, 2013, 1:38 pm EDT
Total comments: 27 Source: http://ea.newshq.businesswire.com/press-release/co..., EA Press Room

Will EA be the one to make that Holiday Special game we have all been wanting?

Electronic Arts signed a deal with The Walt Disney Company, the owners of Lucasfilm and the Star Wars license, to exclusively develop and publish Star Wars games.

This is a multi-year deal that will see three development studios, Visceral, DICE, and Bioware making Star Wars games, though Bioware is listed for its involvement with The Old Republic. John Pleasants, co-president of Disney Interactive talked about the deal saying "This agreement demonstrates our commitment to creating quality game experiences that drive the popularity of the Star Wars franchise for years to come."

Though no specific games were announced, it is not yet known how it will be affecting Nintendo gamers. The last notable Star Wars game on Nintendo consoles outside of Lego Star Wars titles was a Red Fly Studio-made port of Force Unleashed 2.


ShyGuyMay 06, 2013


pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 06, 2013

well, there goes any hope of any good star wars games

TJ SpykeMay 06, 2013

Quote from: pokepal148

well, there goes any hope of any good star wars games

Didn't take long for the anti-EA trolls to show up. You do know EA has made many great games, even in recent years? Not every game they make is good, but no publisher has a perfect success rate. Maybe you should wait for some of the games to actually come out?

SarailMay 06, 2013

Quote from: pokepal148

well, there goes any hope of any good star wars games appearing on Nintendo consoles

Fixed for clarification. ;)

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 06, 2013
broodwarsMay 06, 2013

Sure, why would you sell the Star Wars license to a competent company like 2K, Ubisoft, or Activision when you can sell it to the company that just lost a ton of money (which it will never get back) on a Star Wars MMO?  Makes perfect sense.

TJ SpykeMay 06, 2013

Wow, are you that dumb? What does that have ANYTHING to do with how good their games are?

First, you point to people bitching about wanting to get money back for a game while getting to keep the game? You could point to id Software doing the same with Diablo III. And shutting down servers for a game fewer and fewer people are playing anyways? Whether you like those games or not, they have NOTHING to do with the quality of their games.

So what is your basis for thinking the games will be bad? Or are you so delusional and misguided that you think your opinion on the company as a whole has anything to do with the quality of their games. I am defending the quality of their games. Your stupidity is thinking that their other actions have any bearings on that. For example, Need for Speed: Most Wanted U has been getting GREAT review scores and even people here on NWR will tell you it's a must own game.

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 06, 2013

simple, EA has become very well known for trying to milk every single penny they can from their products, even if the product itself is ruined because of it...

and Star Wars is incredibly easy to monetize...

TJ SpykeMay 06, 2013

So now you are going from damning the games because of how you feel about EA's corporate decisions, to assuming they are gonna run the games into the ground. The last few Star Wars games have not been good (see Kinect Star Wars), so I don't see them doing anything but getting better.

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 06, 2013

Quote from: TJ

So now you are going from damning the games because of how you feel about EA's corporate decisions, to assuming they are gonna run the games into the ground. The last few Star Wars games have not been good (see Kinect Star Wars), so I don't see them doing anything but getting better.

but even if they do improve what's stopping EA's corporate side from coming over and taking stuff out for dlc, giving you an online pass, all of that wonderful stuff...

TJ SpykeMay 06, 2013

The only people who are hurt from an Online Pass are people who buy a game used, so thats a good thing. It makes it so the publisher can still make SOME money from a used game sale (and all a Online Pass is needed for is multiplayer). And DLC is often a good thing because it lets them expand a game with new stuff like characters, weapons, etc. Look at Mass Effect, they kept adding DLC packs to expand the story and multiplayer.

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 06, 2013

Quote from: TJ

The only people who are hurt from an Online Pass are people who buy a game used, so thats a good thing. It makes it so the publisher can still make SOME money from a used game sale

then why do I still have to pay 10$ after buying it new? and what if you don't have internet?


(and all a Online Pass is needed for is multiplayer).

kingdoms of amalur says hi


And DLC is often a good thing because it lets them expand a game with new stuff like characters, weapons, etc.

even if its already on the disc?


Look at Mass Effect, they kept adding DLC packs to expand the story and multiplayer.

and all of that adds up to the magical price of 870$ for the whole experience... great...

TJ SpykeMay 06, 2013

What are you talking about? You don't have to buy an Online Pass if you buy it new, new copies come with a code for you to enter. I think you are mixing it up with a Season Pass. Only people who buy it used have to buy a Online Pass. And if you don't have Internet, it won't effect you anyways because the Online Pass is for playing a game online (hence ONLINE Pass). If you don't have Internet, then why would you care about playing it online?

You do know that the Online Pass for Kingdoms of Amalur (which, again, is FREE in all new copies of the game) is only to unlock 7 additional quests in the game. The base game requires no code. Also, that is the only game that requires it for single player, but like I said it only has it for an extra 7 missions.

I am not gonna defend on-disc DLC, I think it's bullshit for them to charge you to unlock content already included. I am fine with on-disc DLC when its free, but not when it gets charged money.

Um, $870? Also, DLC is OPTIONAL. No one is forcing you to buy that extra content. Do you whine about stuff like better car stereos for your car? No one is forcing you to pay for that new content. I guess you also never bought PC expansion packs. You think you are entitled to get all DLC for free, despite developers having to spend time and resources creating them just like they did with the game?

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 06, 2013

Quote from: TJ

Um, $870? Also, DLC is OPTIONAL. No one is forcing you to buy that extra content. Do you whine about stuff like better car stereos for your car? No one is forcing you to pay for that new content. I guess you also never bought PC expansion packs. You think you are entitled to get all DLC for free, despite developers having to spend time and resources creating them just like they did with the game?

no i don't think it should be free but if i don't get the DLC i'm not getting the full experience and seeing everything the game has to offer. and also do you honestly think a single game should have almost 900$ of add on content... 

and also i love how the movie/music industry has been just fine about used sales but if you buy a used video game you are a terrorist.

Sadly this may mean Nintendo consoles will receive less Star Wars games. They will probably throw some bones though..

TJ SpykeMay 06, 2013

Quote from: pokepal148

Quote from: TJ

Um, $870? Also, DLC is OPTIONAL. No one is forcing you to buy that extra content. Do you whine about stuff like better car stereos for your car? No one is forcing you to pay for that new content. I guess you also never bought PC expansion packs. You think you are entitled to get all DLC for free, despite developers having to spend time and resources creating them just like they did with the game?

no i don't think it should be free but if i don't get the DLC i'm not getting the full experience and seeing everything the game has to offer. and also do you honestly think a single game should have almost 900$ of add on content... 

and also i love how the movie/music industry has been just fine about used sales but if you buy a used video game you are a terrorist.

The movie and music industry hate used sales too, they just have no way to fight it.

And what Mass Effect game has $870 worth of DLC? ME 3 has $50 worth of storyline DLC. Even adding in all DLC (like skinpacks, and the content that was free with the Deluxe version of the game), it adds up to $60. ME2 had even less than that. Hell, you could but all 3 console versions of ME3 AND all of the DLC for all 3 versions, and it would still be less than $870. I don't even know if there is any game that has $900 worth of DLC.

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 06, 2013

a bit of a push on some of the licensing stuff but still...

and how about always online, any defense

TJ SpykeMay 06, 2013

Quote from: pokepal148

a bit of a push on some of the licensing stuff but still...

and how about always online, any defense

There is only $60 worth of actual DLC, that article is talking about buying non-related crap like art books that give you 1 optional weapon in the multiplayer mode. And like the commentator in that article mentioned, you can get most (or even all) of those weapons using in-game credits you earn. So you don't even need to spend money to get them unless you are lazy or just want those things anyways.

And I have never defended Always-online games. Unless they are by nature like that (for example, MMO's), I don't support them.

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 06, 2013

But all that sidetracking aside you honestly expect EA to not try to in any way exploit their exclusive rights to make games for one of the largest multimedia franchises in history...

TJ SpykeMay 06, 2013

I fully expect them to do it, and I don't mind as long as they do it right (like they did with the Mass Effect games). I wonder if they will do things like charge to change your lightsaber color?

thedefalcosMay 06, 2013

You know right now I'm boycotting EA for their terrible attitude toward Nintendo. And with this new deal, it's like they're getting rewarded for their bad behavior. But, I'll say this one thing:  The boycott will end for me when they release Battlefront 3 on the Wii U that is not watered down, does not include on-disc DLC, and does not charge you to play multi-player.

But, of course it will never happen, so the boycott will continue...

thedefalcosMay 06, 2013

Oh, and anyone who says it's good they can charge an on-line pass for used games does not understand the law of supply and demand. Or more specifically, the law of scarcity.  No, seriously. They don't understand it if they think on-line passes are anything other than a tax on the mathematically stupid.

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 06, 2013

I love how I have transformed this thread into everyone hates EA

BlackNMild2k1May 06, 2013

just saw this elsewhere:



shingi_70May 07, 2013

Yeah fuck EA for ot supporting my.......

wait a minute I also have a xbox and a two android devices.

Still sucks that no EA games will be slated for nintendo platforms due to them moving everything to frostbite and not giving a fuck to even do the lazy port on the sports side.

farnhamMay 07, 2013

this means no starwars games on wiiu this generation.. great.

oohhboyHong Hang Ho, Staff AlumnusMay 07, 2013

I guess this completes the destruction of Star Wars. Anyone taking bets on how long it will take EA to run this into the ground and start selling dirt from the crash site? If one was to take the Star Wars MMO into account you could say it took a negative number of years to do it.

Well, I still have the old Lucas Arts games and Rouge Squadron.

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