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Offline akdaman1

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E3 awards
« on: May 14, 2004, 12:55:51 AM »
O.K e3 is over and very few is left to be shown so I figured I will host ( I feel like rove when I typed that ) the 1st Annual E3 awards.

( keep the post long. Dont write jibberish. )

O.K the catagories are -

Greatest graphics
For me the Graphics award is awarded to Resident Evil 4, although Metroid Prime was there I dont really like its art direction. Also Im sure that if Zelda was shown a little bit more that it would have taken the prize.

Runner Up
This award goes to Zelda. I really wanted to put Zelda into first place but not enough of it was shown to pass of final judgement. Awsome art direction and I really believe that this will be the greatest game this generation.

Biggest Suprise
ZEEELLLLDDDDAAA. I really had no idea. I was sick of visiting boards where all they would do is speculate on this. Nintendo totally caught me off guard and I must hand it to them.

b]Runner Up
This must go to 2 games. Advanced Wars - Im really happy with the way this game is coming along and it is along with Geist and Zelda my most anticipated game. Geist - Reading GCA's impressions really had me thinnking  what it would be like to play this game. After lots of thought I realised this game will be AWSOME.

Biggest Dissapointment
This award must go to Viewtiful Joe. I was really expecting there to be more changes to the title. I really dont believe that this game should be in devolpment. ( to know why check the e3 thoughts thread in the Trade Show discussion ).

Runner Up
No doubt it has to be the 3rd party support. I cant really remember but was there any games that were announced at E3 exclusive for the gamecube? NO.

Greatest Audio
No doubt this award goes to Zelda. When I first heard the music I peed myself. Classic Zelda music and I love it.

Runner Up
This goes to Resident Evil 4. The sounds in this game really help to intensify the mystery of the villegers. It is really eerie stuff and suits the game very well.

Game of The Show
This goes to Zelda. Even though it was a small video, this is what got me excited most at E3. I really believe that this is Nintendos saviour, it will get all the old Nintendo fanboys back on board.

Runner Up
Geist - The concept of this game make me so ...jiddy. I really love all this possesion nonsense and pray to god that we get it this year.

Most Anticipated Game ( What games do I want after thier showing off at e3 ).
1. Zelda
3.Advance Wars
4.Star Fox
5.Resident Evil 4.

Now I will just add some impressions of some of my most anticiapated games.

Zelda - I really hope that this game takes Zelda into a whole new world. I love the concept of Fighting on a horse and really hope that you can get a lance or something. I also want the storyline to revolve around war which would be really, really cool.

Geist - This game is sounding really cool. The concept is AWSOME. The potential in this game is huge. I really love the idea of possesing beings and animals to get past security. Also the games focus on Puzzle solving as well as shooting is really cool. Lets just hope that the Graphics get cleaned up as well as the controls.

Advance Wars - I really hope that there is a milti-player mode. It would be Awsome if me and my brother are assigned our own little armies and can take out each other. I hope controls are clean and that the story is there but light hearted.

Star Fox - This game has so much promise. I mean playing as Fox on foot with a blaster while being able to get into any vehicle of choice is really exicitng. I hope that the game gets a graphical boost because after beating SFA its hard to see Fox sooo damn ugly.

Resident Evil 4 - I really hope this game isnt as hard as the previous games. I had lots of trouble in REmake and was too scared to play it on my own. I really hope that the storyline doesnt trace back to Umbrella because at the moment the RE series should be over Umbrella.

Other Mentionings

Also at the show I really liked Paper Mario. This year will be really good for the GCN and come next e3 I will be prepared for the Revoloution.

Final Note
To the Mods. I had trouble deciding where to put this. I know all e3 discussions should go into the Trade Show Discussions but I also felt that this could.should be in here where everyone will see it.  
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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2004, 01:51:21 AM »
Best Graphics
1. Resident Evil 4 - Incredible. Just look at it, I don't need to explain this.
2. Metroid Prime 2 - Metroid Prime looked awesome, and this looks slightly better!
3. Paper Mario 2 - I love the graphical style, it looks so awesome. The graphics actually make me want to play it.

Biggest Surprise
1. Zelda - I never expected Nintendo to actually do this... I REQUIRE MORE INFO AND SCREENS AND MOVIES.
2. Metroid DS - Whoa! Metroid Prime running on DS = SHOCK FOR SOME REASON.
3. Reggie - Who ever knew this guy would kick so much ass? I sure didn't.

Biggest Disappointment
1. Mario Tennis - It looks crap, and won't be released until next year, what the hell are Camelot doing?
2. Nintendo DS - It doesn't float in mid-air, it doesn't have holographic functions, it doesn't have a Pokemon game (yet), it doesn't play music, it doesn't play movies, it doesn't play GameCube games, it looks pretty lame and generic, there's no camera, not enough games shown.
3. Nothing that would make 50 million people want to go out and buy a GameCube. No MEGAT0N.

Best Audio
1. Reggie's voice - It sends shivers down the spines of all who oppose him.
2. Resident Evil 4 - The music in the trailer ROCKS.
3. Starfox - This sounds like Starfox, the techno music in the trailer for this also ROCKS.

Most anticipated games
1. Resident Evil 4 - This may well turn out to be the best game ever. The new trailer is incredible, thank you Capcom!
2. Pikmin 2 - Pikmin rocks, Pikmin 2 will rock harder.
3. Paper Mario 2 - Paper Mario rocks, Paper Mario 2 will rock harder.
4. Viewtiful Joe 2 - See above.
5. Wario Ware DS - This sold me the DS. It sounds incredibly fun, Wario Ware was born to be on DS.

I think this thread is okay, I don't see why it should be locked as long as we're giving our opinions on why we think which game is what.

Oh, and there's still a day of E3 left, I might end up changing my mind.

Offline akdaman1

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2004, 04:34:49 AM »
I just remembred that there was still another day. I got confused with out time periods after an US site stated that e3 is over. I remembred while watching T.V and thought to myself ...oh damn there gonna flame me for this. Thanks for not being annoyed.

Also with one of your dissapointments you said there were no Never HappeningS ? Zelda. Already I have seen countless posts on PS2 and Xbox boards saying how they want a gamecube now.
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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2004, 04:59:03 AM »
Time for me to join the fad!

Best Graphics
1. Zelda - Holy C-sticks!  And they still have over a year to improve it.
2. Resident Evil 4 - Just wow.  Need I say more?
3. Paper Mario 2 - I love the style.  It's adorable!

Biggest Surprise
1. Zelda - I'm still shocked.
2. Reggie -  He is the new figurehead Nintendo really needed.  He's a MAN OF ACTION!
3. Nintendo DS - Wi-Fi and wireless feature.
4. Geist - fresh and new innovative gameplay ideas.

Biggest Disappointment
1. Mario Golf,  StarFox and Advance Wars graphics.  The GC can do better than that.
2. Lack of new exclusive 3rd party games.  Where's Super Monkey Ball 3? (1 more day left of E3, though)
3. People droolin' over the PSP.
4. Tecmo - they degraded themselves even further (see DOA Ultimate trailer O_o).

Best Audio
1. Reggie's voice - When he speaks, you listen.  If he talked about onions, it would be interesting to listen to.
2. Zelda trailer - I just love it.
3. Satoru Iwata's Engrish voice! ^_^

Most anticipated games
1. Zelda - C'mon!
2. Resident Evil 4 - I'm looking forward to feeding the President's daughter doggie biscuits!
3. Paper Mario 2 - Looks fun, fun and fun!
4. Geist - A very interesting game.  I wanna see thru the eyes of a dog!  Bowwow!

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: E3 awards
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2004, 05:28:55 AM »
... You guys have seen nothing that's not Nintendo?

Offline Mario

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RE: E3 awards
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2004, 05:41:27 AM »
I've seen all three conferences, and downloaded media and read impressions for pretty much every game on all systems.

Offline Famicom

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2004, 05:59:42 AM »
I'll assume this is Gamecube related only.

Greatest Graphics
1. Resident Evil 4 - Game had this award months before E3 even started.
2. Zelda - Looks a little bit FFCC influenced (S-E hidden director??) but rocks nonetheless.

Biggest Suprise
1. Zelda - Killed the show, hands down.
2. Mario Tennis -'s gonna play like THAT? (Crazy)
3. Geist - the gameplay sounds pretty nice.

Biggest Disappointment
1. NOTHING new on Killer 7? ARRGH!
2. Mario Tennis -'s gonna play like THAT? (Too crazy)
3. Star Fox 2 - Too much SFA influence from screenshots...I could live with no land missions at all.
4. DK Treatment - What's with all these Jungle Beat and Konga games?

Greatest Audio

Game of Show
Zelda - As much as I'd hate to give that award to a trailer, it did wow the pants off of everyone...and when you take away all the sequels and non-exclusives shown, what do you have left? Nothing that touches the next Zelda, that's for sure.

Most Anticipated Game
1. Killer 7 - Hey, it looks like it's gonna have a wicked cool story and some unique gameplay. Plus I'm all for games that improve upon the Cube's perceived image.
2. Zelda - Only doesn't nab my #1 spot because it's due in 2005.
3. Metroid Prime 2 - After reading the roundtable discussion over on IGN, I'm fully convinced this game will kick all kinds of ass.
4. Mario Tennis - The original ranks up there as one of my fav multiplayer games of all time, and while the new one looks totally insane, as long as that insanity play damn good, or theres an option to turn most of that off, I'll be all over it.
5. Tales of Symphonia - I need an RPG fix.
6. Geist - A game where the premise is to f**k with people and posses them? I'm there.
7. Timesplitters Future Perfect - Loved TS2, can't wait for more.
8. Resident Evil 4 - Why so low? Well I hate the RE franchise, so this one only makes the list because it sounds like I'll like it this time around.
9. WWE Day of Reckoning - High expectations for this one.
10 . Def Jam Fight for NY - This one too.
11. Street Racing Syndicate - Haven't played a decent racer in a while (MKDD then...Wave Race, hated Burnout series), looking forward to this one.
Oops pow suprise!

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2004, 06:01:49 AM »
Best Graphics
1. Zelda - especially since they said that's all the game engine
2. Metroid Prime 2 -
3. Paper Mario 2 - Amazing style, great artwork.
I'm not a resident evil fan, so I didn't look at its trailer.  Maybe I should.

Biggest Surprise
1. Zelda - Need I say more?
2. Probably the interesting DS games, and all the different stuff you could do with the system.
3. The Jungle Beat game - Probably won't get it, but this sounds ultracool.

Biggest Disappointment
1. To be honest, I wasn't severely disappointed, because everything I was interested in looks amazing.  I'm kinda bummed out by no more cel-shaded Zelda, but the replacement is enough to make me forget my sorrows.  Perhaps Star Fox. . . the controls look a little iffy, and I was hoping they'd improve more.

Best Audio
1. Zelda - I've heard two songs for the trailer, actually.  One is the same music used on the old Wind Waker trailer, which is awesome music, and the other is a bit softer, but still pretty good.
2. Resident Evil 4 - I saw it by now, good music.
3. Paper Mario 2 - Rad little remix.

Most anticipated games
In no particular order:
1. Legend of Zelda GCN
2. Metroid Prime Echoes
3. Star Fox
4. LoZ: The Minish Cap
5. Geist

The Four Swords game also looks awesome-neat, and I may get it despite not owning a GBA, much less four.
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline couchmonkey

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RE: E3 awards
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2004, 07:44:40 AM »
Why not?

Best Graphics
1. Zelda - I'm not yet sure if it will beat Resident Evil technically, but I like the style better.
2. Paper Mario 2 - I've always loved Paper Mario's style, and it's looking so much better with this game.  I hope they sharpen up some of the environments.
3. Resident Evil 4 - Quite likely the best graphics on the system, but the whole horror theme just doesn't appeal to me.

Biggest Surprise
1. Zelda - of course.
2. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - looks really cool to me, hopefully the concept works out.
3. Reggie - he is our hero!

Biggest Disappointment
1. Lack of new 3rd party games, exclusive or not.  Gamespot has a big list of E3 games, and it's hard to see the GameCube anywhere in there until you get to the first party titles.
2. Reggie.  I love him and hate him all at once.
3. Squre Enix...I'd love to see some more of their games on the Cube.

Best Audio
I can't really judge from watching one press conference - most of the music probably wasn't even in-game.  The tunes in the Mario vs. Donkey Kong and Paper Mario 2 trailers I saw were cool.

Most anticipated games
1. Paper Mario 2.
2. Zelda
3. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

Honorable Mentions for other consoles:
Xbox: Halo 2, Fable, Conker's Bad Fur Day
That's my opinion, not yours.
Now Playing: The Adventures of Link, Super Street Fighter 4, Dragon Quest IX

Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: E3 awards
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2004, 08:30:24 AM »
Best Graphics (not as in best best, but in my favorite styles)
1. Zelda
2. Metroid Prime 2
3. Paper Mario 2

Biggest Surprise
1. Zelda
2. Nintendo DS
3. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (looks hot)

Biggest Disappointment
1. PSP (holy crap it's worse than I thought)
2. Toon-shading will never come again
3. No music in the Mario Tennis trailer

Best Audio
1. Starfox's techno track...Just awesome
2. RE4 trailer music
3. Paper Mario 2

Most anticipated games
1. Zelda X
2. Zelda: The Minish Cap
3. Four Swords +
4. Tales of Symphonia
5. Starfox
6. Paper Mario 2
7. Mario Tennis

(And everyone who thinks "graphics" can be a disappointment can piss off in my books)  
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline Koopa Troopa

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2004, 08:59:39 AM »
Best Graphics
1. Legend of Zelda - I saw the forst scene, and almost died. Then I got a good look at the detail on Links outfit... Amazing.
2. Resident Evil 4 - Dark and gritty, I couldn't get over how awesome some of the characters looked.

Honorable mention - Halo 2 and Metroid Prime: Echoes

Biggest Surprise
1. Zelda - Goes with out saying.
2. Nintendo DS - I've never been so enticed by a handheld and that surprises me. Can't wait for it.

Honorable mention -  Super Mario Bros. DS  A 2D Mario? Woo! (I know it is rendered in 3D)

Biggest Disappointment
1. Devil May Cry 3 - Why the hell is Dante's bloody shirt open? I HATE that.
2. Squenix - Final Fantasy XII is not appealing to me yet and they didn't show anything new for Nintendo.

Honorable mention - The PSP, cluttered interface, low battery life, disc media, and high cost. Blech.

Most anticipated games
1. Legend of Zelda GC
2. Super Mario Bros. DS
3. Geist
4. Fire Emblem: Trail of the Blue Flame
5. Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
6. Metroid Prime: Echoes
7. Four Swords Adventure
8. Halo 2

Legend of Zelda - What can I say? I'd list the reasons I don't wan this game, but there are none.

Super Mario Bros. DS - I've been waiting for a 2D Mario for so long...  it looks outstanding, I just hope there are some new items to play around with.

Geist - This one just looks AWESOME, I mean the concept is brilliant. I can't wait to get my hands on this one.

Fire Emblem - One has only to read my posts regarding ANY Fire Emblem to understand how much I want this one.

Legend of Zelda: TMC - I love the concept of a minature world, I've always love that idea.

Metroid Prime: Echoes - More Metroid goodness with multi-player? Can't complain about that! I just hope the multi-player works out.

Four Swords Adventure - If the DS can be used in place of the GBA this one is for sure... otherwise I'm not 100% sure.

Halo 2 - As long as there are no more flood I'm sure this one'll be really good.
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Offline kennyb27

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2004, 11:29:55 AM »
Biggest Surprise:
Legend of Zelda (GCN) - Was anyone expecting this? Best moment of E3
Nintendo DS
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (DS) - This just looks plain old fun
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GCN) - I may have to get one of those bongos now

Biggest Disappointment:
No Mario vs. Donkey Kong
No playable Mario Tennis and just how poor Mario Tennis looks right now
Star Fox 2 - Just bleh
DS controls - how about stereo sound? or maybe an analog stick?

Best Graphics:
Legend of Zelda (GCN) - This just looks great
God of War (PS2) - It looks good already and it could turn out better with the early 2005 release date
Resident Evil 4 (GCN) - Even with the greater emphasis on action this looks scary
Metroid: Hunters (DS) - Wow

Most Anticipated:
Paper Mario 2 (GCN)
Madden 2005 (GCN)
New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
Super Mario 64 x4 (DS) - This better turn out more than just a demo (as should alot of the DS "demos")
Legend of Zelda (GCN)
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA)
Mario Pinball (GBA) - it looks more than just a gimmick

Now Playing: I-Ninja (GC), Pokemon LeafGreen (GBA), Nintendogs (DS), Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (GC)
Just Finished: Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC), Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door (GC) Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (GBA)
Need money for: Advance Wars: Dual St

Offline Skyman_Welks

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2004, 01:32:56 PM »
Best Graphics:
Legend of Zelda (GCN) - "WOW"
Resident Evil 4 (GCN) - Capcom is doing a great job with this one
Paper Mario (GCN) - I love graphics that break away from the norm

Biggest Surprise:
The Legend of Zelda (GCN) - My god...... I was so shocked..... I could not stand still after reading and seeing it
Nintendo DS - I was worried about this new device, but it turns out I am very impressed with its capabilities
The Legend of Zelda: The Minnish Cap (GBA) - What kind of cap is that? Is that a bird head or what? Anyways, I can't wait to play this game and see all the new items and tools

Biggest Disappointment:
No new Kid Icarus??? It makes me want to cry... so many predictions that it would be unveiled... I had my fingers crossed that the news would come each day.  I also would have liked to see a glimpse of mario 128. That's really all for me...... I had many other hopes, but most of them weren't realistic.  If a new Kid Icarus would have been announced.... I would never have forgotten this year's E3, and in my opinion it could never be topped.

I cannot stress this point enough!

Most Anticipated:
Paper Mario 2 (GCN)
The Legend of Zelda (GCN)
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA)
Metroid Prime 2 (GCN)
Geist (GCN)

Paper Mario 2 - I never played the first game for the N64, because I just recently got into RPGs, but I know a lot of people loved the original so I am really excited to play this!

The Legend of Zelda - no matter what it looks like or how it's played I will always long for the release of the next chapter in this series.  I can't wait to see what the main concept is for this game. (i.e. controlling time, wind, etc..)

Not to get off topic but it looks like Link lives in a barren world that's overrun by armies of evil. Maybe there was a war and the Hylians lost.  Then, Link will acquire an item that will allow him to call on the souls of the dead hylian soldiers.  Then they will assist him in battle.  

The Legend of Zelda: The Minnish Cap - Again, it's a new zelda game and it looks great!

Metroid Prime 2 - At first I wasn't too interested but I absolutely love the story of this game, with the dark and light areas.

Geist - interesting and original concept. I can't wait to play this one.  

Edit: Disappointment
Where were Silicon Knights?
What is character but determination of incident? What is incident by the illustration of character?

Offline akdaman1

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2004, 02:44:17 PM »

Originally posted by: Skyman_Welks
Best Graphics:
The Legend of Zelda - no matter what it looks like or how it's played I will always long for the release of the next chapter in this series.  I can't wait to see what the main concept is for this game. (i.e. controlling time, wind, etc..)

Not to get off topic but it looks like Link lives in a barren world that's overrun by armies of evil. Maybe there was a war and the Hylians lost.  Then, Link will acquire an item that will allow him to call on the souls of the dead hylian soldiers.  Then they will assist him in battle.

LOL. Sounds like ROTK all over again.

About Silicon Knights. Something BIG is happening down there. Dyack was at Konamis press confrence but nothing was announced. I actually believe that Konami bought out Silicon Knights and are having them focus on the GCN. Either that or Silicon Knights have become first party devolopers for Nintendo and are working in collaberation with Konami on a huge game ( most likley Too Human). Silicon Knights probaly need some help with their game. Having Kojimas advice etc would really help them out. I mean Kojima is the only devolper who is Allowed to be mentioned in the same sentence as Miyamoto. Doesnt sound too farfecthed ey ?

Also GCA have a vote for most anticiapted game after e3. It seems like TOS and RE4 are thrashing the compettion while the Donkey KOng games are having thier asses handed to them.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: E3 awards
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2004, 03:27:32 PM »
Tip of the day: Most Nintendo "fans" are clowns...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline akdaman1

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2004, 03:47:27 PM »

Originally posted by: Bill
Tip of the day: Most Nintendo "fans" are clowns...

Whats that supposed to mean?
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: E3 awards
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2004, 04:14:32 PM »
I don't think I can make it much clearer than that...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline akdaman1

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2004, 07:34:45 PM »
Unless I got the wrong picture you hate this thread. If you dont like it then get out.

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Offline Shift Key

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2004, 01:07:22 AM »

Doesnt sound too farfecthed ey ?
I'm afraid so. You've gone out on two major tangents based on the appearance of one person at a conference. One of them involves SK handing over control of their direction and development to a major third party (which would be stupid considering their reputation earned with ED and what Dyack wants to do - re-evaluate the direction the company is going) and the other involves them having a "best-buddy" relationship with Nintendo (when you cosider the separation announcement a while ago, you couldn't possibly contradict fact more than that).

In short, don't wait for 2Human to make it to GC or 'Revolution' because the best time to announce anything has just passed for SK and Nintendo.  

Offline akdaman1

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2004, 02:34:24 AM »

Originally posted by: Shifty

Doesnt sound too farfecthed ey ?
I'm afraid so. You've gone out on two major tangents based on the appearance of one person at a conference. One of them involves SK handing over control of their direction and development to a major third party (which would be stupid considering their reputation earned with ED and what Dyack wants to do - re-evaluate the direction the company is going) and the other involves them having a "best-buddy" relationship with Nintendo (when you cosider the separation announcement a while ago, you couldn't possibly contradict fact more than that).

In short, don't wait for 2Human to make it to GC or 'Revolution' because the best time to announce anything has just passed for SK and Nintendo.

Hmmm ...yeah thought so. Well do you mind adding your thoughts on the awards?
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Offline Termin8Anakin

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RE: E3 awards
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2004, 02:48:46 AM »
You know, I don't follow E3 as nearly as much as you guys.
I've not seen much besides what was shown at the conference.
I'm not gonna even TOUCH the Sony and MS conference - I won't touch em with a stick, since Nintendo rocked them both.

Greatest Graphics
Definitely Resident Evil 4. It looked a little bland at first, but when the trailer got to the monks in the temple with debris flying everywhere and the massive ogre, that was droool.

Greatest Graphics Runner Up
Zelda. No doubt about it. Not bad for an early demo. But for something that will be released THIS year, I'd say Paper Mario 2. The clarity and smoothness of the graphics is astounding.

Biggest Surprise
REGGIE of course!!
Oh, and Zelda too

Biggest Surprise Runner Up
The Sony PSP. They are STILL going to bring it out, despite having seen and quivered over the coolness of the Nintendo DS.

Biggest Disappointment
Sony and their PSP.

Biggest Disappointment Runner Up
Microsoft for Halo 2 (Metroid 2 sh*ts on YOU) and Temco for lowering their standards in the DOA Ultimate trailer.

Greatest Audio
Zelda and Starfox for the trailer music. Very epic.

Greatest Audio Runner Up
Resident Evil. The rock song was awsome, and the game is still freaky.

Most Anticipated Games
- Zelda
- Star Fox
- Resident Evil 4
- Metroid Prime 2
- Baiten Kaitos (It just looks really cool. I'll see if I really want it soon)
- Paper Mario 2    
Comin at ya with High Level Course Language and Violence

Offline Shift Key

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2004, 02:57:34 AM »

Well do you mind adding your thoughts on the awards?
Nah, just making a point. I really haven't seen much of E3 this year apart from catching news from PGC, so I won't comment on that. Nintendo did put on a good show, Mario 128 was a noticable absentee, that's my two cents.

Offline akdaman1

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2004, 02:59:30 AM »

Originally posted by: Termin8Anakin

Most Anticipated Games
- Zelda
- Star Fox
- Resident Evil 4
- Metroid Prime 2
- Baiten Kaitos (I just looks really cool. I'll see if I really want it soon)
- Paper Mario 2

Dont overestimate yourself.

"We ride together, We die together, Bad boys 4 life....


Offline Termin8Anakin

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RE: E3 awards
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2004, 03:12:29 AM »
Jeez, don't make such a fuss over a typo
Comin at ya with High Level Course Language and Violence

Offline Shift Key

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RE:E3 awards
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2004, 03:13:28 AM »
Akdaman -  you heard the proverb regarding the kettle and the pot before? I guess not. AWSOME!