Author Topic: dammit, Rick!  (Read 5738 times)

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Offline mouse_clicker

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dammit, Rick!
« on: February 04, 2003, 11:54:47 AM »
Don't you even let a guy get in HIS side of the story before you assume you know his stance and lock his thread? I had a 331 word post typed up that EXPLAINED that very thing that I was posting JUST as you locked my thread "Stop Worrying!". It was only my first post in the thread after I had put up the thread. Here's what I said- I hope you have enough of a mind to READ it before you lock this thread as well:

""but I think it's only natural that people communicate conflicting viewpoints."

Oh, I agree completely. But you have to realize that this wasn't discussing that was going on- people were spelling doom for Nintendo, people were jumping ship. It was becoming an epidemic over VIDEOGAMES! How pointless is that? It's like someone getting their blood pressure worked up over their favorite model train maker leaving. It's STUPID. Our hobby is to play videogames, not pour over sales statistics and map out Nintendo's futures. I completely agree that Nintendo fans have a right to be concerned- I DO love Nintendo- but a lot of people take that to new heighths, they take it so incredibly far you start to wonder what their mental stability is. In the other thread people ACTUALLY thought Microsoft was hiring people to go to internet message boards and spread rumors of Nintendo's death! How paranoid is that? JSR said it right- we should have ONE thread devoted to people concerned with Nintendo, which I think is perfectly alright, even preferrable (I'd rather have spellings of doom for Nintendo than fanboys claimnig they're doing nothing wrong when it's obvious they HAVE made some mistakes). CSM, I'm NOT saying you should stop discussion- have you read anything I've said? I'm just saying you don't need to freak out about it. Really, it's pointless. Even if Nintendo, or all of videogames for that matter, just pack up and leave tomorrow, the world would still be there, the same one we've probably been ignoring all this time. Conerns are good, but in moderation, not in excess.

Anyway, yes, I copied and pasted this thread from the old forum. NOT because I saw the arise of a new problem (Koopa, you were way off on that), but because I thought we could continue discussion in the new forums, and also because discussion on the old one, like I pointed out, was gonig down the tubes. I hoped I could revive it here."

Now you see? I WASN'T dictating anyone's dicsussion and you were wrong to assume I was! Don't you at least consider all viewpoints before you act?
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

Offline RickPowers

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2003, 12:28:09 PM »
You make me sad.  Quoting from the rules now ...


Public complaining about messages being moved or deleted is reason to have your account banned.

Let's repeat that. Public complaining about the removal or closure of any message or thread is grounds for expulsion.  In otherwords, bitch to the moderators in PRIVATE, not in public.  It's probably YOUR mistake, not ours.

Private messaging is here for JUST THIS REASON.  I have my PM turned on, and that is the appropriate outlet for your complaints in this regard.  Let's not make that mistake again, m'kay?

The thread was locked because despite what your point MIGHT have been, you did not have your intended effect.  Very few people were getting past your initial sentiment of "Stop Worrying!"  Yes, it was unfortunate that I happened to lock it right as you were going to make a long winded post.  Such is life.

Quite frankly, you're taking the entire matter far too seriously.  The internet exists for people to complain.  You're not going to be able to stop that, no matter how much you might try to convince them otherwise.  So you know what you should do?  Just turn a blind eye and open CONSTRUCTIVE discussions.  If a complaint post is obviously attracting flame bait, we'll squash it.  Otherwise, just let the poor souls have their moment to vent and move on.

I have a little secret for you.  90% of the people claiming that they're no longer going to support Nintendo, etc., etc., ad nausem ... are just making idle threats.  They're just venting.  Telling them not to get worked up over it is akin to poking a bear with a short stick.
:: Rob "Rick Powers" Stevens
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Offline mouse_clicker

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2003, 02:20:18 PM »
"The internet exists for people to complain."

Let me just I'm sorry I didn't PM you- I'm new to the forum, as are many other people. However, this quote, and indeed  a large portion of your own post, are hypocritical. I realize people have a right to complain, but since when did that right not extend to those who choose to to be annoyed with the people who do nothing BUT complain? Essentially, I'm complaining about people complaining, so in essence maybe I'M a hypocrite as well, but that still doesn't revoke my right to express MY opinion on the way many others express THEIR opinions. Sure, they have a right to vent, but why can't *I* vent as well? When was a restriction place on what we could vent about? My point was that, in my opinion, there was too MUCH venting.

And maybe you see me as eccentric- I'm sorry I gave that impression, as it's false (then again, it's difficult to impartially judge one's self), but I do know that most people really don't see Nintendo going anywhere. However, I've learned long ago that reaching out to people who already agree with you is pointless and takes your cause no where. So I'm reaching out to the people who are in over their heads, who really SHOULDN'T be worrying about Nintendo because essentially, where's the point? Have we lost sight that we're talking about *videogames*? You say I'm taking this too seriously- maybe so in your eyes, but what about the people we KNOW are taking this too seriously? Very few of us make a living that relies on videogames for support- hell, most of us don't even work at all- so I'm just bringing up the question on why spend hours of your life worrying about it? You claimed my post wasn't going the way I intended- while it's true it very well could've ended up as such, I've ALSO learned that 10 posts is in no way a good indication of the way an entire thread's discussion will turn out. You didn't even give it time to really flesh out, you might say! 10 posts may be uncommonly active in PGC's forum's terms, especially so with this new one since a good portion of the old forum's users haven't made the switch yet, but really I admire you if you can accuratly predict the direction of a debate within the opening arguments, if you will.

All I'm really asking is to give things time- you're too quick to make judgements and often don't consider every viewpoint before hand. I'm guilty of it as well, but I at least try to rectify it. At least CONSIDER other opinions, other courses of action, other sides to the truth, even of your own opinion, before you take action.  
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

Offline RickPowers

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2003, 03:07:35 PM »

Essentially, I'm complaining about people complaining, so in essence maybe I'M a hypocrite as well, but that still doesn't revoke my right to express MY opinion on the way many others express THEIR opinions.

Except that then all the responses to your thread are people either going "yeah, cut it out" or "shut up and quit telling people what to do".  When you get to the point of complaining about complaining, it's only going to beget more complaining.  This post being a perfect example.  It's a spiral to hell, and while I certainly understand your wanting to ride it to the bottom, I'll be damned if I'm going to let it.  I've got enough experience with internet forums, and the PGC Forums in particular to KNOW what's going to happened based on our userbase.  You seem to forget that a very large part of this userbase are made up of people who haven't fully matured yet, but are on the cusp just enough to feel like they know what they're talking about (as is evidenced by all of the teens who have yet to take a single business class in college, but seem to know all about market economics).  So rather than trying to change their points of view (which you can't, because they really aren't open-minded enough), all you can do is correct any factual mistakes and let it go.  And if their gripes have a factual basis?

Fact is, MOST of those gripes DO have a factual basis ... most of the people here are Nintendo fans because either a) It's the console they grew up on and have fond memories of, b) They appreciate Nintendo's attention to gameplay and quality, or c) Both a and b.  The problem is, for the most part, these people are NO LONGER IN NINTENDO'S TARGET MARKET.  And now they wonder why Nintendo is making all these bad decisions, and why Nintendo has "forsaken" them.  Sorry, you grew up, and now Sony and Microsoft want your business.  Honestly, all these angry teens can do is wait a few more years until they have families and are in Nintendo's target market again, or buy an Xbox/PS2.  They're worrying because they feel this is something Nintendo has done to THEM, and your post was absolutely NOT going to change it.

And that is the answer to the question you asked in the first few lines of your post.  You weren't going to get that answer from anyone in this forum, because they're all in the same boat, which left your post "complaining" at the wind.  These posts with people worrying about what's wrong with Nintendo, etc. are never going to stop as long as people who grew up on Nintendo keep growing up.

Or at least, they won't stop as long as Cassamassina keeps writing "What's Wrong With Nintendo?" editorials.  
:: Rob "Rick Powers" Stevens
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Offline mouse_clicker

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2003, 03:17:13 PM »
Okay, Okay- I'll give up my push. It's really not worth it for some thread. I do, however, realize a lot of people's concerns have factual basis but that doesn't mean it's good for you to spend all your free time worrying about it. I'm just as concerned as they are, but that doesn't mean my palms are sweating with the dread that Nintendo's goose may be cooked. My whole point is that why can't we just enjoy our passion instead of spend time we could use playing games worrying our heads off about Nintendo. Concern should not dictate one's life.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

Offline ThePerm

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2003, 04:18:44 PM »
Hes not necassarilly coomplaining you closed the thread...he's just regiving himself a chance to post his opinion. Iwas going to mention jay and silent ob strike back again. If you didnt see the movie you wouldnt nkow why i keep mentioning it. Essentially theres a forum
on the internet about movies....and they complain about silent bob and jay. Well this pisses sb&j off so they go to every forum posters house and beat them up. Do you want Nitnendo to go to you house and beat you up? Watch out!
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Offline thecubedcanuck

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2003, 12:52:09 PM »

The problem is, for the most part, these people are NO LONGER IN NINTENDO'S TARGET MARKET. And now they wonder why Nintendo is making all these bad decisions, and why Nintendo has "forsaken" them. Sorry, you grew up, and now Sony and Microsoft want your business. Honestly, all these angry teens can do is wait a few more years until they have families and are in Nintendo's target market again, or buy an Xbox/PS2. They're worrying because they feel this is something Nintendo has done to THEM, and your post was absolutely NOT going to change it.

Wow, you have, in one paragraph summed it all up.  
For a long time I have wondered what the hell happened to Nintendo. I now can see the light. Nintendo didnt change at all, I did.
Great post Rick.
Having sex when your 90 is like shooting pool with a piece of rope

Offline RickPowers

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2003, 01:47:16 PM »
Not a problem.  By the way, good to see you're logged in.  Your "ban" was probably just an IP we had banned temporarily.  Ah, the life of a beta forum ...
:: Rob "Rick Powers" Stevens
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Offline thecubedcanuck

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2003, 05:15:35 PM »

I wasnt banned from the new forums. I get the message when I try to view the EZ-board forums?

They are still operational I assume?
Having sex when your 90 is like shooting pool with a piece of rope

Offline RickPowers

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2003, 05:19:50 PM »
I'm not sure why you were banned from the ezBoard forums.  I could look into it, as it's probably just an IP problem, but just try to stay on our good sides here, m'kay?  
:: Rob "Rick Powers" Stevens
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Offline ThePerm

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2003, 03:45:28 PM »
i liked canadiancanuck's old first i htought it was wrinkled canadian flag(like theres wind blowing)...then i realised it was a pair of hooters with the canadian fla painted on it. Very nice hooters.
I would like to find soem chick willing to let me paint her red white and blue and make my own pic.
NWR has permission to use any tentative mockup/artwork I post

Offline Bloodworth

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2003, 04:39:08 PM »
Thanks Perm, you just gave us another example of why we're not hot on bringing back avatars.
Daniel Bloodworth
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Offline Kulock

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2003, 02:31:28 PM »
Someone can still be equivalently inappropriate in text, though, are sigs going to go next? :/


Originally posted by: thecubedcanuck

The problem is, for the most part, these people are NO LONGER IN NINTENDO'S TARGET MARKET. And now they wonder why Nintendo is making all these bad decisions, and why Nintendo has "forsaken" them. Sorry, you grew up, and now Sony and Microsoft want your business. Honestly, all these angry teens can do is wait a few more years until they have families and are in Nintendo's target market again, or buy an Xbox/PS2. They're worrying because they feel this is something Nintendo has done to THEM, and your post was absolutely NOT going to change it.

Wow, you have, in one paragraph summed it all up.  
For a long time I have wondered what the hell happened to Nintendo. I now can see the light. Nintendo didnt change at all, I did.
Great post Rick.

The trouble is, the video game market grew up too. Nintendo didn't pursue their niche of business because of their feelings of "values" and their want to provide family entertainment, they did it because it was the most profitable at the time. Video game consoles being marketed as computers were not fairing well. Nintendo rethought the whole process, and marketed the Nintendo like a toy, the toy every kid had to have. Thus, back then they had to appeal to families to make it an acceptible toy for younger children. Sure, some of the company leads probably had it in their heads they were doing this service for family entertainment everywhere (including a certain someone who promised to retire a couple hundred times), but the fact of the matter is they pursued family entertainment because it was the most profitable area to pursue back then. Now, over 50% of people who actively purchase gaming products are adults. Not teens, not children, adults. It's not that there's not still a market for selling to children and family-safe products. But the greater market now is to appeal to older gamers as well. But Nintendo doesn't have to "grow up" (I certainly don't call some of the Microsoft-pushed efforts "grown up", anyway) all the way, just partially, to cater to both audiences. (And I personally think they already have started successfully.)

The bigger issue in my eyes is that they're still playing a less-active role in the console competition, often making slow or no statements or movements, sticking reserved with the basics, and so on. And even that's changing a little, with the Master Quest pack-in disc (including URA? That would've never happened a year or two ago) and the GBA SP ("Whoops, we messed up..."). They still have a ways to go, but I think they're off to a good start.

Edit: I apologize for replying in-depth, I didn't intend to at first, but it was in direct reply to canuck's comment and the "You're right!" reply after. I think the teens and the lot have a right to feel angsty when the company is losing a lot of potential profit they have no reason not to try to appeal to.

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Jesus, Rick!
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2003, 09:58:03 AM »
Considering that this thread no longer has any cohesive topic, I'm locking it up.  
Daniel Bloodworth
Managing Editor