Author Topic: "Shine Get!" Stays in Japan, PGC Staffers Mourn  (Read 3462 times)

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Offline msuzuki

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"Shine Get!" Stays in Japan, PGC Staffers Mourn
« on: August 22, 2002, 10:36:31 PM »
Those who're sick of the phrase rejoice.  I'm not one of them. SHINE GET!

With the release of Super Mario Sunshine only a few days away, U.S. gamers will finally get their hands on the gaming goodness that the Japanese and overeager importers (*cough* PGC staff) have been enjoying for the last month.  And while it’s been suspected that the wonderful ‘Engrish’ phrase “Shine Get!†would be changed, the confirmation came at Nintendo’s Fall Gamer’s Summit from Bill Trinnen (a.k.a. Mr. Miyamoto’s uber-translator and NOA localization wizard) and from a quick test drive of the final U.S. version.  According to Mr. Bill, the phrase, while being perfectly acceptable and cool to hardcore gamers, would likely seem odd and out of place to your more casual gamer.  I suppose in theory, we shouldn’t want kids to pick up poor grammar from Mario...but it’s such a L33t phrase!