Author Topic: The Ultimate Good Games List!  (Read 16907 times)

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Offline ThePerm

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« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2003, 09:34:54 AM »
Game: Pac-man(a.k.a Puck Man)
Developer: Namco(Formerly Nakamura Amusement Company)
Publisher: Midway(U.S.), Namco(Jp)
release date: 1980(U.S) ?(Jp)
System: Arcade

The Nakamura Amusement Company now known as Namco started out as a pinball and pachinco company. They were probably the company who revolutionized what is now the modern arcade. Namco using its puzzle making knowlege and its technical skills devised
Pac-Man. A very simple lemon shaped character that was supposed to go around a maze
collecting dots trying to avoid ghosts. Pac-Man contained soem of the earliest powerups in
game like the superball which made ghosts helpless for a limited amount of time. I have spent lots and lots of quarters on this game. It is quite awesome. I beleive when Miyamoto asked what was his favorite game he replied Pac-Man.  
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Offline Rancid Planet

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« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2003, 10:01:15 AM »
Two words.


I am still waiting on the next installment...waiting...waiting...

Offline GoldShadow

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« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2003, 02:29:18 PM »
What's so great about Mario Paint?  It's just an art program.  There are countless ones like it on the computer.  Ah, well, whatever.

Game:  Super Mario World 2:  Yoshi's Island
System:  SNES/GBA

Yoshi's Island is a very weird game.  It is also endlessly creative and enduring.  It's graphics were some of the best on the SNES - colorful and cartoony in watercolor style.  It had huge bosses, lots of puzzles, and lots of secrets.  So many of the levels in this game are brilliant - Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy not the least of which.  The game starred Yoshi, carrying baby Mario on his back.  That's pretty bizarre, and I'm not sure what it added to the game, but it works.  The game has some great use of egg-shooting - to pop balloons, to get coins, to shoot enemies, and lots of more unique things, especially with bosses.  The game had a lot of levels and is a complete classic.  For me, it ties with Donkey Kong Country 2 for best 2D platformer.

Offline Windwaker

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« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2003, 09:33:08 PM »
Game: Mario Kart
System: N64

This game is probably the game I've spent the most hours playing multiplayer. Awesome levels, fun single player and funner multiplayer. Can't wait to play Mario Hydro-Kart on Gamecube, its going to rock.

Offline Rancid Planet

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« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2003, 10:06:08 PM »

Originally posted by: GoldShadow
What's so great about Mario Paint?  It's just an art program.  There are countless ones like it on the computer.  Ah, well, whatever.

What's so great about Mario Paint? Well it's not so much as how great it is now, as how great it was THEN. You're right, in today's world Mario Paint means nothing really. However that is EXACTLY why I want a NEW version. Something that will be as much fun as it was way back when.

Plus the fly swatter game rules all.

Edit: O KNow Mi spellrin SUxuoz!  

Offline GoldShadow

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« Reply #30 on: February 16, 2003, 03:57:40 PM »
Oh, you mean something as innovative as Mario Paint was then?  Wow, that'd have to be pretty good.  I guess I agree with you, then.

Game:  Legend of Zelda
System: NES
Release: 1985?

The original Zelda was, and still is, a great game.  For its time, Zelda was amazing.  It was a long, very non-linear game that introduced you to a whole world you could explore.  The game map was large and intimidating, and there was a lot to do.  You could go save up for that expensive blue ring, or you could try moving graves in the graveyard, or solve a maze, or return to that dungeon you couldn't beat, or try out your raft at that one area up north that you forgot about.  It was a mix of action an adventure, with some great boss battles that require thought and action (DODONGO DISLIKES SMOKE!) as well as a perfect translation (LETS PLAY MONEY MAKING GAME!  ITS A SECRET TO EVERYONE!  BUY SOMETHIN WILL YA!)

Offline AlbinoPanda

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« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2003, 03:07:57 PM »
Game: Super Mario 64
System: N64

This is a great game, it's fun, and it made gaming what it is today.  It revolutionized 3D gaming so that it would no longer be like the Crash Bandicoot platform-esque games.
I'm a Mac boy.

Offline Moonwatcher

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« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2003, 07:26:25 AM »
Sometimes it seems like I'm alone in my feelings for this game but I have to say it...

Game: Conker's Bad Fur Day
System: N64
Release: 2000-2001?

Even if this game's rather crude sense of humor is not your thing it cannot be denied that this remains the most original platformer since Super Mario 64.  The funniest game I have ever played (though it does go too far a few times) is also one of the best looking.  Anybody who has this game, go back and look at it now, its still beautiful!  My favorite part by far is the Dracula level...absolutely genius!  Not satisfied with making an amazing platformer, Rare included a multiplayer mode that rivals those of PD and GE in my opinion.  My seven year old cousin in particular is a fan of BFD's multiplayer!  It is this game alone that causes me to mourn the loss of Rare.
"Anything that, in happening, cuases itself to happen again, happens again.

It doesn't necessarily do it in chronological order, though."

Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

Offline GoldShadow

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« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2003, 06:11:55 PM »
Game:  Super Mario Bros.
System:  NES

Super Mario Bros. is the game that started it all.  Sure, Mario first appeared in Donkey Kong, but SMB gave Mario so many of its long-lasting features, such as pipes, mushrooms, fireflowers and lava.  When you think about it, SMB truly was a bizarre game - you were a plumber, who could become a Super Plumber and even throw fireballs, and your goal was to jump over gaps and onto platforms while killing turtles and evil mushrooms until you save a princess.  However, the game constantly tricks you - each time you defeat Bowser, you find some idiot mushroom instead of the real princess.  Eventually, you make it to the impossibly hard eighth world and save the Princess, only to have her happily tell you that you can do it all over again, if you wish, on a harder mode.  But aside from all that, SMB was (and is) great fun.  The controls are classic Mario - slippery and very fast.  There are lots of secrets to find everywhere, despite the fact that the game is totally linear.  The game's music has been repeated so many times that it is rather surprising that our ears have not yet melted into a steaming puddle of flesh - indeed, it is still catchy and brilliant when heard in the latest game in the series, Super Mario Sunshine.

Offline RahXephon

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« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2003, 06:28:47 PM »
Game: Monopoly
Platform: On a cardboard board.

Oh you mean Video game.

Game: Grandia II
Platform: Sega Dreamcast

Well i loved the game alot.  It tool me 50 hours to beat.  I owned it for 58 hours.  The story was just so cool i couldn't get over it.  Also i thought the love plot was great.  that all i wanna say cause i cant think of anything to say.  
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

Offline EL Pollo DIablos

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« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2003, 06:09:40 AM »
Game: World Cup Soccer
System: NES
Release: I think it was about 1994

This gameis really awesome. The NES gamers can recognise it. It was the first soccergame on NES.
Very very arcadestyle soccer with super kicks and all and hilarious tackles and postures.
And multiplayer is good to. Overall a great game but best game ever Ive gotta pick OoT.

EL Pollo Diablos
Nintendo is going to treat us good:F-Zero and Star Fox Armada, new Pikmin, 1080, Kirby, Mario Golf, Mario Kart, Mario Tennis and 2 or 3 new franchises ( maybe mature).
Planning on buying an Xbox! Now all I nead is a good gamertag for Live!

Offline sequoia

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« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2003, 09:50:54 AM »
I think this game deserves some of the spot light.

Game: Super Smash Brothers:melee
System: Gamecube
Release: 2001

Have you ever dreamed of a game where all of Nintendo's greatest videogame stars join up in a free for all melee? When Nintendo and HAL released the orignal Super smash Brother for the 64 in 99, it was videogame bliss. Then only 2 years later, about a month after Nintendo released the Gamecube. we needed a fighting game of our own and Nintendo Gave us Super smash brothers: melee. I couldn't believe how much Nintendo could fit in a little disc. It has so many Nintendo stars to chose from but, what made it even more fun was earning them. Each caracter has his own moves, streath and weakness, The controls are responsive and fluid, very ingenies. I know I'm not going to be able to think of every detail but, how could you? After you earn all the caracters you can still play event matchs and have acsess to the most complete multiplayer ever to be released. And to keep things moving, Nintendo has hundreds of hidden of trophies, trophies from every Nintendo era. This game has to go down in history as the greatest multiplayer game ever. (Please add to my list) I cant think of every thing  
I am what I created. Believing in my fate. Integrity is my name.
All that I am doin, can never be ruined. The Torn Outlaw.

Offline Kasceis

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« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2003, 10:51:39 AM »
We all can't forget one of the best games for NES.  I beat this game more times than I can count.

Game: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game
System: NES
Release: 1990

The four turtles return in one of their greatest adventues.  The boss battles were amazing considering when it was made.  The co-op is one of the main reasons it was superb.  Leo, Don, Mike, and Raph captured the hearts of so many with the cartoon series and movies and of course the games.  This game is a MUST for TMNT fans,  hours upon hours of replay value here.  From saving April to defeating the Shredder and Kane, this game is one of the best games I have ever played.

FYI:  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back!  They have a new Cel-shaded cartoon series and if that does well they are going to make a new movie.  Don't forget to support their new game coming to GC.
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  ~\_-Kids who made it-_/~

Offline Infernal Monkey

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« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2003, 11:32:13 AM »
Game: Earthworm Jim
System: Super Nintendo, Mega Drive/Genesis
Ported at a later date to: Game Gear, Mega CD/Sega CD, Game Boy, PC, Game Boy Advance
Release: Late 1994

Designed by the crazed mind of Dave Perry, Earthworm Jim was one of the most original concepts for a video game character. An ordinary garden worm who was struck by a space suit. Turning him into a rather powerful, talking, wacky hero.
Seeking revenge on crows, he set off to save a Princess (Why, nobody really knows)

This was more than your standard platformer game, this was a graphical work of art. Using animation that was previously seen in the likes of Dragon's Lair, and even Disney cartoons, it had a flawless sense of smoothness in every action Jim had.

Shooting, swinging (By his head), even ducking, looked like they had all been ripped from a high production cartoon.
Not only were the graphics top notch, but the music was of high values too. Often disturbing and strange, it fitted in with the whole insane setting quite well.
It even featured a touch of classical music during the second level "What the heck" where you were uh, fighting off old ladies and lawers in the depths of hell. But it added it's own remixed glory to it of course, adding a painful elevator type music style on the end. To further illustrate you being in hell, you see.

The gameplay has you doing things no other platformer would even consider. Shooting fridges to launch a cow into space, bungee jumping on a strand of snot, flushing yourself down a toilet to access a bonus room, shooting a chicken while falling to your death. This game had it all.
Not to mention an entire level that set itself out to be a 'Lemmings' type setting, where you had to guide a dog along the landscape. It would continue walking until it fell down a hole, walked into a death trap.. So on. Whipping it in the arse would make him jump, shooting him in the back of the head would make him duck (To prevent him getting struck by rocks silly!)

Jim could do a hell of alot too. Not only could he jump and have access to a rather funky gun (Which could also be upgraded for one giant blast), but he could also use himself (Being a worm and all) to hang onto hooks. Whipping his head would make him grab onto anything that shined. His head could also be used as a weapon. Often more effective than the gun!

This game was a work of art. Not only that, but the Mega CD added to the greatness by providing a deeper soundtrack and more levels.

Word of advice though. Don't get this on GBA. The original developers (Shiny) didn't port it over to GBA like they did with the other versions. So we're left with a shoddy company that did a rather horrible job with the conversion. Over half of the animation frames got lost, and the controls are just plain shoddy. They got the soundtrack right though (Features some of the best bass you'll ever hear from that pissy GBA speaker)

It gets seven thumbs up.

Offline ThePerm

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« Reply #39 on: February 20, 2003, 04:55:37 PM »
Game: River City Ransom
Developer: TechnosJapan Corp
release: 1989

This is an awesome game. It features both beat-em up and RPG gameplay elements. Alex's(Kunio-kun)girlfreind has been kidnapped by preps and is being held in thee school gym. Players will collect and read fighting technique books increasign their power and becoming better fighter.As players progress they will pick up various weopons found scattered around the streets and pound their enemies to the ground. This game is probably the best beat em up ever because it is so original and has so much more then most other beatem-ups.
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Offline Dirk Temporo

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« Reply #40 on: February 22, 2003, 05:39:43 PM »
Game: Neverwinter Nights
System: PC
Date: 2002

I am absolutely in love with this game. It took me a while to get started because I couldn't make a character I liked but I finally made a Lawful Neutral cleric with the Deat and Air domains. I walk around with my Skeleton Cheiftan who does 2d6+8 damage, 17-20 x3 crit. I love it to death and would seriously recommend it for any fantasy fan or D&D fan.
"You've had your dream old man. It's time to wake up!"
-Travis Touchdown

Offline GoldShadow

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« Reply #41 on: February 22, 2003, 08:24:34 PM »
We need more PC games on this list.

Game:  StarCraft
System:  PC
Release: 1998?

StarCraft was my first real-time strategy game.  It is utterly addictive.  Although I am terrible at multiplayer, I can see its genius.  There are so many ways to play this game, so many tricks are possible.  The campaign editor is very, very powerful and versatile.  Watching huge battles taking place is fun.  The only problem with this game is that it seems too often I end up simply building two dozen Protoss Carriers (huge warship that launches little fighters) and kill everything, which isn't as interesting as using a balanced force.  But maybe that's more my fault than the game's.  

Offline PaLaDiN

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« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2003, 07:49:37 AM »
Game: Grim Fandango
System: PC

This is arguably Lucasarts' last good adventure game, but it's also one of their best adventure games, and in my opinion, it's a strong contender for the Best Game Ever. It's hands down the funniest game I ever played. Not only that, but the puzzles actually strike the perfect balance between challenging and frustrating, at least for me. It's games like this that make me cry, because the adventure genre is dead now... pun not intended.

It's set in the Land of the Dead, which may sound boring, but it's not. This Land of the Dead couldn't be further from what you imagine it to be. Every single location in this game has a life of its own (if you think you see a pun, ignore it), and there's plenty of variety between them. And the characters... wow. Somehow, I don't know how, every little character in this game will stay stuck in your head for quite a long time after you beat it. From your oversized demon friend and car mechanic Glottis, to your boss's secretary Eva, to the clown in the parade on the street outside your office (carpal tunnel syndrome guy in my sig)... every character is steeped in personality, and all of them make you care for them in some way. Which is pretty remarkable, because they all look like stylized Mexican dolls.

Mexican culture plays a big part in this game, but you don't need to know jack about it to play the game, it sets everything up perfectly. Basically, the Land of the Dead is where dead people go after they die, and they stay there for four years before journeying on to the Afterlife. You're Manuel Calavera, and you're basically a Grim Reaper, except over there, Grim Reapers are nothing but travel agents ready to welcome you to the Land of the Dead. Manny's forced to do the job to pay for a crime in his other life that he can't remember committing. Pretty soon, he starts uncovering corruption in his company and leaves on his own four year journey... I'll let you find out the rest for yourself from there.

You owe it to yourself to play this game somehow. I assure you, you will not be disappointed. This game is the only game I would ever give a perfect 10.  
<BR><BR>It shone, pale as bone, <BR>As I stood there alone...

Offline GoldShadow

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« Reply #43 on: March 04, 2003, 04:40:56 AM »
Wow, before I read your post, Paladin, I was about to put another LucasArts adventure game.

Game:  Curse of Monkey Island
System: PC

This game is a great, mind-boggling cartoon-styled adventure game.  The game's plot is that you are a rather bumblingly innocent pirate named Guybrush Threepwood (I defy you to come up with a better name than that) and you must save your girlfriend from a curse that you accidentally put on her. Many of the puzzles are quite clever (often funny in themselves) and the characters are unforgettable.  The conversations (which are all voiced) are often long, but you will begin to feel a compelling need to see all possible branches of the conversation.  The lemonade kid, the beach snob, the barbers,... all hilarious.  Simply looking at everything is often very entertaining, as there may be dozens of items in a room.  The game's a classic that can't be missed if you're interested in traditional adventure games on the PC.

Offline PaLaDiN

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« Reply #44 on: March 06, 2003, 08:22:15 PM »
Yeah, Lucasarts games used to be the bomb!

Anybody here played Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, or Sam & Max?
<BR><BR>It shone, pale as bone, <BR>As I stood there alone...

Offline rpglover

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« Reply #45 on: March 08, 2003, 05:25:33 PM »
game- valkyrie profile
developer- tri-ace
publisher- enix
year- 2000

this is one of my most favorite rpgs of all time- a very good gem on the psx
i suggest if you find this game and you own a psx or ps2, then hurry and pick it up
the game has a good story- it starts kind of slow but picks up- especially if you go for the best ending
the game itself has 3 different endings depending on your different actions through the game
the interesting part is the characters you get- all of them have a different back story to go through before you reach them
but the best part of the game is definately the battle system
you can have a party of 4 characters and you map each character to a corresponding face button (x, circle, triangle, square)
you then press the corresponding button to make your character attack--
the whole point is to fill up a hit meter- after it reaches 100 you can proform a special attack
it is a very stratigic combat system which is easy to pick up yet difficult to master
this could be to me the most underrated rpg on the psx
i call the big one bitey.

Offline MorningStar

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« Reply #46 on: March 11, 2003, 07:01:47 PM »
Game:Unreal Tournament

This game is the most addictive game i've ever played! The single player isn't much but the multiplayer...whew!!! No game comes close to it, not even SSB:M! It's so great when you're playing Facing Worlds and both teams are tied and equally skilled. Im not so sure what makes this game so fun and addictive but it's nice to see that an online FPS can keep some steady ping. Nothing beats blowing somebody apart with the Shock Rifle combo...It's too bad UT2003 sucks.

Offline kholdstare

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« Reply #47 on: March 13, 2003, 05:39:57 PM »
Game: Super Mario RPG
Platform: SNES
Release: ???

This game is the funniest, fruitiest Mario game ever! Ok, so it isn't a real Mario game, but it was fun nontheless. The simple battle system, the charming characters, the fun music, and the softer side to Bowser. Magnificent!
somebody please think of the children!

Offline GoldShadow1

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« Reply #48 on: March 17, 2003, 12:42:38 PM »
Game:  Final Fantasy VII
System: PSX
Release: 1997?

Although I can't say I enjoyed it as much as FFVI, FFVII was still a good game.  It had a very interesting storyline for the most part, despite going a bit too mystical and strange toward the end.  The game's graphics were amazing, especially the huge bosses, and the final battle with Sephiroth is was incredible.  The materia system was very cool and versatile - essentially combining FFVI's Relic and Esper systems.  There's a lot of strategy involved in setting up all your magic and power-ups to make your characters as strong as possible.  The main problem I had with the game were the random battles.  I detest random battles, and they were made worse on the PSX, taking too long to load.  Oh well.

Offline thecubedcanuck

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« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2003, 04:09:30 AM »

This was the game that took a pac man like style to the next level. Loads of differant critters to chase you, differant power ups on every level and just a load of fun all in all. This was the only game my father has ever played in his life, he never played prior and hasnt played since.
By todays standard this game would no doubt suck, but the nostalgia value I have from this game is second to none.
Having sex when your 90 is like shooting pool with a piece of rope