Author Topic: FF Crystal Chronicle Review Extravaganza!  (Read 2548 times)

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Offline Bloodworth

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FF Crystal Chronicle Review Extravaganza!
« on: February 09, 2004, 07:36:23 PM »
We present three very different views of Final Fantasy's arrival on GameCube.

As many of our readers already know, sometimes Planet GameCube features multiple  reviews of major/controversial games.  And sometimes those reviews will give very different perspectives of the same game.  Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is one of those cases in which our staff simply does not agree.  Rather than having all three reviews separated (and open to more flame wars), we wanted to highlight our multiple review system and let you see FFCC from all sides.

Daniel's review focuses on single player in the Japanese version, and since his review came first, he takes a lot of time explaining many of the game's systems.  He takes a middle of the road approach and gives some credit to single-player.

Ty's review is also based on the Japanese version, but despite trying both single-player and multi-player, Ty is far from impressed.

Jonny's review examines the North American version of the game.  He enjoyed multi-player thoroughly but found single-player ultimately worthless.  

Crystal Chronicles is a game whose appeal depends strongly on the player's expectations, taste in action-RPGs, and availability of equipment and other players.  We hope you'll be able to digest all three of these positions and see whether this is a game you'd like to pick up.

Daniel Bloodworth
Managing Editor