Author Topic: GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card  (Read 47758 times)

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Offline Grey Ninja

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #25 on: December 24, 2003, 03:30:16 PM »
Mouse, I don't see what you are so upset about.  The editorial is pretty much what I have come to expect from IGN... oh wait... I get it.  This is PGC, not IGN.  All jokes aside, I really do think this article would fit in quite nicely on IGNCube.  That's exactly the reason I never visit IGN anymore, unless someone links me to a particularly good exclusive.  I suppose this editorial should serve as a wakeup call to all of you that PGC really has changed (and not for the better) since Billy left.

It's an editorial.  Editorials are supposed to sum up the author's OPINIONS about something, and use supporting FACTS to back them up.  Jonny seems to think that the GameCube is a pretty mediocre console.  Fine, he would fit in nicely over at IGNCube, but that's his opinion.  Jonny also seems to have backed up a few of his opinions with falsities or more opinion.  Well... isn't that interesting.  Jonny, are you sure this wasn't supposed to be included with your resume to IGNCube?

System Sales seemed pretty decently written, but then again, it's kinda hard to screw that up isn't it?  GameCube sells this much, Xbox sells that much, Sony sells even more.  Can't really say that I liked his choice of wording, but it's his opinion.

Exclusive Games.  Before I begin with this section, I would really like to point everyone towards this article, which was written by Billy after he went to an Xbox Live demo.  I think it was really this article that endeared me so much to PGC.  At one point in the article, Billy mentions that he asked the Xbox fans who were so excited about their "mature" games what their top 5 games were, and nobody knew what to say after Halo.  This is in stark contrast to Jonny, who mentions that most of Nintendo's exclusives are rated "E", and most are published by Nintendo.  Yep.  He certainly nailed that one.  Games published by Nintendo don't see other systems, and are often rated E.  Except of course for SSBM (T), Metroid Prime (T), Eternal Darkness (M), Resident Evil (M), Baten Kaitos (RP), Tales of Symphonia (RP), Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (RP), Rogue Squadron (T), Viewtiful Joe (T), and others which are not rated E or published by Nintendo.

Also related to this topic, Jonny mentioned that he doesn't think Nintendo's new games are innovative at all, and backs it up by saying: But when games like Mario Kart: Double Dash and 1080: Avalanche are basically graphical upgrades with a couple of new modes added to games that came out six or seven years ago... and that's really all that he has to back him up.  In response, I will say that I find Nintendo's new games such as Mario Sunshine, Zelda: Wind Waker, and Mario Kart to be HUGE paradigm shifts in the franchises, not to mention games such as Pikmin or Luigi's Mansion, which are entirely new.  And bingo.  I have supplied as much evidence to back myself up as Jonny.  But I care not to stoop to that quality of writing, so I am going to continue by explaining some things.

Mario Sunshine.  Mario games have always been pretty evolutionary.  The jump from Super Mario Bros 3 to Super Mario World was pretty small.  The graphics improved, but the layout of the game, and the gameplay remained the same.  Yet I am willing to bet that nobody here had a problem with Super Mario World.  The same goes for Super Mario Sunshine, but I would say that it's much more.  The gameplay changed dramatically with the addition of the watergun from Mario 64, requiring new skills to be developed, and opening the door to new level layouts.  The very atmosphere of the game changed with the addition of some REAL character interactions between Mario, Bowser, and the supporting cast, which is a first outside of the Mario RPG series.  As a result, the setting of the game changed to be more "real" in nature.  The way I see it, Super Mario Sunshine is the second biggest jump in the franchise.  (First being the jump from Super Mario World 2 -> Mario 64 of course).

Zelda: Wind Waker.  Take a look at Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask.  Now look at Wind Waker.  The power of the GameCube allows for much more creativity in graphical design, and the cel-shaded Wind Waker engine allows the graphical style to return to how it was on the SNES.  I suppose you could call that a step backward, but I call it a step forward.  (My opinion remember?)  What really set Wind Waker apart though was the world it was set in, and the style with which it was told.  I was honestly SHOCKED when I found out that Wind Waker had some real character development, and an honest to goodness story.  I have always played Zelda games for the gameplay alone, but Wind Waker added a story to it that was surprisingly deep, and didn't seem put there merely as a reason to finish the game.  The controls and gameplay remained intact from Ocarina of Time (just like moving from NES to SNES, or Ocarina of Time to Starfox Adventures), but the whole style of the game changed.  The main map was completely different, offering players a chance to sail the great sea... and to experience many wonderous sights in the process.  I mean, you just can't deny that Wind Waker played completely differently than Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask.  I am not a person prone to crying, going many years without a tear.  But Wind Waker got a couple out of me, where no other Zelda game ever did.  What does that say?

Mario Kart Double Dash!!.  The mechanics of the racing have changed.  A completely new strategy needs to be in place to drift around corners, you can no longer recover from banana peels, and it's MUCH harder to defend against weaponry such as red shells, as you may no longer drag things behind.  Those 3 facts come into play all the time, making the game that much different to play.  But there's more.  They have placed 2 people on each cart.  It didn't seem like much at first.  Until you consider two things.  There is a new strategy involved in picking characters, as each one will have certain special weapons that may be rare, but can be very deadly, and each character you choose must fit into the cart you want.  BUT, there's an all new mode that is pretty much a game seller in itself.  You and a partner can now play cooperatively, with one person driving, and the other shooting.  I have a friend who bought the game and a GameCube for this reason alone.  Mario Kart has always been a pretty multiplayer oriented game, and there just simply aren't many coop games out there.  Mario Kart put itself down as one of the best.

The fact of the matter seems to be that the new Nintendo games are far more innovative than previous incarnations.  They have already gone 3D.  Does Jonny want 4D now?  Be realistic.

Third-party Support.  Jonny made mention of games that only see release on PS2 and Xbox, developers publicly bashing Nintendo, and Sony's clear model to gain 3rd party support.  I will say 3 things about that.  

1)  The only developers that I know of that are publicly bashing Nintendo are Midway and Acclaim, who it's pretty much agreed on, make the world's crappiest games.  Is this supposed to be a bad thing for 3rd party support?  Do you remember the world famous developer who bashed Nintendo at the beginning of the N64 era when they jumped ship for Sony?  Don't I seem to recall a public apology, and demotion of several executives before they were given rights to develop on Nintendo consoles again?

2)  Nintendo has a clear model to gain 3rd parties too.  It's not as unscrupulous as Microsoft's strategy to buy 3rd parties, and it's not like Sony's clear model to gain 3rd party support by... what was that again?  Oh yeah.  Own the biggest marketshare.  It only involves things like building up strong relations with Square, Konami, Capcom, Namco, Sega, and a few others.  Work on some of their franchises, let them work on some Nintendo ones.  Publish some of their games.  No biggies.  

3)  Name 5 good 3rd party games that only came out on PS2 and Xbox.  Hell, name 2.  I can't think of one.

Last comment on this topic is this fine quote:  It’s anyone’s guess as to why the EA Sports titles are still consistently released on Nintendo’s console; Sega wised up long ago and pulled the plug on GameCube versions of their sports games. I didn’t blame them then, and I wouldn’t blame them now.  Yep.  Jonny is the owner of the most currently respected Nintendo news site, yet he is suggesting that it was a good idea to drop GameCube support, and keep Xbox support, even though Sega games sell like crap on Xbox.  Way to go.  If you ever want a job at IGNCube Jonny, let me know, and I will rally up a petition to get you there.  That being said, I could care less about sports games.  I am only going to even move to the next section because he said something that really bothered me.

Sports Games are something that Nintendo has never really paid any attention to.  You are correct on that.  They supply Sports Games, but not in a realistic nature.  But the fact is that EA doesn't like Xbox, and since people DO buy their games for GameCube, it's worth their while to port them over.  But face facts here.  EA pretty much killed Sega in the sports department last time around.  I doubt that anyone really cares if Sega sports are on GameCube or not, as chances are they after the EA Sports games.

As far as Technical Prowess goes, that was pretty much a no-brainer, yet strangely, even though Jonny runs a Nintendo site, he got it wrong.  I shouldn't have been surprised by that point.  But I still was.  With its relatively slow processor and strange RAM architecture...  Strange and slow relative to what?  If you are talking about that Athlon 64 with the Radeon 9800, then yes, it's going to be very strange and very slow.  But this is a console.  The processor is more than a match for the Xbox, and is definately on fighting terms with the PS2.  If it's clock speed that you are talking about, that's really truly pathetic.  By that sort of logic, the Athlon 1.53 GHz in my computer should be outperformed by the Pentium 4 1.8GHz right?  Or maybe the Apple G4 with a 485MHz processor should be overpowered by the Celeron running at 733MHz?  Luckily for the real world, both of those things are hideously inaccurate.

For Connectivity, in a recent survey, the Japanese people said that the thing they would like to see most on the PSP is connectivity with the PS3.  Don't you think that speaks volumes about GameCube's GBA/GCN connectivity?  As far as online support goes, Xbox Live! currently has the biggest selection of online games.  5% of Xbox users have Xbox Live, blowing away the other consoles, and showing great support for online games on consoles.  GameCube's single online game is about to get an exclusive sequel as well, so I don't think that PSO is as bad as Jonny makes out.  Perhaps there was something to his earlier argument about the GameCube needing NEW games.  It's just that Sega was too busy with their Dreamcast ports until recently...  The thing is that online console games HAVE NOT hit mainstream yet.  It's not a matter of them being profitable or not.  It's a matter of demand.  There just is none.  In the meantime, Nintendo seems content to supply LAN games in the form of Mario Kart and 1080.  Who am I to argue?

Public Image, I must admit is something that Jonny hit the nail right on the head about.  If anything, I would give the GameCube an F.  As ignorant as these comments are, I hear them all the time from non-gamers...  I have to hear things much alike them from gamers and editorial writers.  Consider yourself lucky.  There’s no doubt that GameCube is respected and supported by hardcore gamers like me  Really?  That aside, I think the rest of this paragraph was pretty much on the money.  Sony and Microsoft do rely on stereotyping.  Sony and Microsoft do what Nintendoesn't right?

Overall.  Nintendo fans awaited GameCube as a chance for the company to fight back into the mainstream of gaming. That has obviously not happened.  You are right about one thing.  Nintendo has not YET won back the mainstream gamer.  But I awaited the GameCube as a console that I would love to play, not as something to watch other people play.  I am simply overjoyed with my GameCube, personally.  I just can't seem to run out of games to buy for it, which was a very different story on N64.  I love my GameCube even more than my SNES to be honest.

It’s not remotely popular with casual gamers... Most of the people I know who went out and bought an Xbox early in the war now come to me and admit that they were wrong, but won't sell their Xbox because they can't get much for it.  My friends who have came over and played on the GameCube are now buying them.  The whole "kiddie" thing that Nintendo is stuck in isn't really a problem with people my age.  People I know usually have kids, and even if they don't personally like Mario or Sonic games, they can still buy them for their kids, because I assure you, kids under 10 and over 20 LOVE Mario Sunshine.

Anyway, the bottom line is that I think this article is even worse than some of the crap I had to stomach on IGN.

Things around PGC haven't been good since Billy left.  All the zest and fire of PGC left with Billy.  Soon after he left, the servers went down, and took MONTHS to fix.  I understand that Rick is a busy person, but that's just not even remotely excusable for someone who has some real dedication for the site.  Couple that with the fact that we scarcely see him anymore, and it's even worse, as the forums have been taken over by complete morons.  Bloodworth is the only good moderator that we have left, but is somewhat reduced in ability by his kindness.  I would have been banned fourfold already if he was Rick, and saw the posts I made.  I wouldn't have made them if he had been Rick and banned the people who made them or locked the threads.  It works out I guess, and I still have high respect for Bloodworth, but the rest of the staff... no.  Not after this.

I stayed here no matter how long it took to load the forums.  I always felt that PGC would return the favor to its readers by providing world class content again when the servers came back up.  But I found a bunch of articles that were mainly pulled from other sites when PGC finally did come back up.  Now there's this.  I might as well be reading IGN.  The writing is of better quality, and at least the news comes quicker, as it's updated weekly at least.

Jonny, you might think I am over-reacting.  But think of this.  I was here after Billy left.  I was here all through the DoS attacks that PGC had, and seemed unable to fix.  I was here through the months afterward.  I have been here for the week that your database queries have gone offline and you seem unwilling to fix.  I remained to see the forums overrun with one line posts with no content, and a million pointless threads that don't get locked, such as "spam in response to the post above", and "respond to this post with more spam".

My faith in PGC is now gone.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline Bartman3010

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RE: GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2003, 03:31:52 PM »
Look at it this way, to get online gaming going, they need multiple servers. One for every few regions in the world. Companies talk with Game Spy to set up an area for servers of their game to be set up, run and all that happy crap. Nintendo has talked with Game Spy and tried to see what they could come up with. Now what Nintendo wants to do is if they were to go with online gaming, they want it free. Well servers cost money, they need to pay for the server to be up and pay people who maintain it. They'd lose money that way, to pay for it they'd need some subscription service like X Box Live or something. Now I dont know a whole lot about it, apparently they cant get enough money they need to keep it going, and causes the parent company to lose money or something.

I dont know, someone might know more on this.  
- Bartman

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2003, 03:49:21 PM »
I agree more with you, Grey Ninja, by a longshot.  I never really had any faith in PGC, since I hardly ever visit the site, but I do disagree with that article.
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline CrazyWindmill

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #28 on: December 24, 2003, 03:55:58 PM »
Good read Johnny, good read Mouse clicker.  Both of you made very good points, but the main difference between the articles...

Johnny's, although ticketed as a GameCube reflection and review, is in actuality about how Nintendo isn't like Sony/Microsoft (Which he equates to success), and what they need to do to become more like Sony/Microsoft (which he equates to being more successful).  Mouse_clicker's is about how Nintendo isn't Sony/Microsoft, but is Nintendo.

Maybe it's just me but I'm HAPPY with not getting sport game remakes every year. Johnny, it's kinda funny that you shoot down Nintendo for making GCN "updates" to N64 classics but then claim they should re-release the same 4 sports games every year so they get more sales.

I'm leaving the online thing alone- The only currently successful online plan is that of the PC which is ENTIRELY different from the consoles.  I personally think X Box live and the PS2 online plans are total failures- and I'm glad Nintendo didn't throw it's money down that drain.  Maybe it will be successful soon, but it sure as hell isn't now and I, as a punk kid still in high school, don't feel that I have the place to tell Nintendo what to do about it.

And I'll depart on this note- You don't need to be the dominant company to be a good one.

Offline dreven

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2003, 04:11:30 PM »
I hate to say this guys  F**k Nintendo, screw them with a big Yoshi d**k!  If nintendo had made the N64 a cdrom based system, we would not be bitching about any of this!  Sony would be the one that was being laughed at right now and Microsoft wouldn't even have a console!  I love nintendo, I have bought every one of their consoles since the original NES, and I have ate it up and I loved it up until I bought my Nintendo64.  After Square announced they were leaving Nintendo thats when everything started falling apart.  Who can remember the good old days, when this chat (if it had been possible then) would have been about Sega Sucking and Nintendo kicking butt.  It is truly a shame Nintendo don't have a PR department that knows what they are doing.  If they did the Big N would be doing better then they are now.  Sports games I suppose are a must, and maybe online gaming is the way of the future, at least as far as some of you Broadband having mothers are concerned, but the fact is online gaming is not going to catch on until quckly and alot of people aren't going to like buying a game and then having to pay to play it.  Final Fantasy XI for instance, once people beat the game 90% of the people will stop playing and therfore stop paying  If you buy an online game for your PC you are not going to have to pay to have access to the servers.  Console makers as a whole need to learn a little bit about unification.  Online games should be sold for all 3 systems, all 3 systems should have access to the same networks.  These networks should be FREE! If the cost of operating these networks is not covered by a percentage of the purchase price of the game then these networks are not warranted, and are doomed to fail anyway.  All games excluding 1st and 2nd party titles should be released for all consoles.  To hell with having to own 3 systems to play every game you want to play.  All games could be developed for all sytems and released simultaneously on all sytems.  There is no way that there would be a loss by selling a game on the gamecube if both other systems had the game.  I want Nintendo to succeed, I want Microsoft and Bill Gates to burn in hell.  As far as Sony, all I want her to be is another Sega.  Nintendo tends to market to a crowd of slightly higher intelligence then most (even if that is a 5 year old) I mean honestly baseball is baseball is baseball, football is football is football.  I do not see how anyone can say that Zelda is a rehash of Zelda when in most of these sports games, they are the same every friggin release other then updated rosters.  If being like everybody else is what Nintendo has to do to stay afloat then I suppose Nintendo could/should say screw everyone else we're outta here.  

Offline S-U-P-E-R

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #30 on: December 24, 2003, 04:49:30 PM »

mouse clicker saids:
And seriously guys, shut up with this online crap- it's not profitable, get over it.

Wait, hold on there, how many doods are on XBox live? 500,000? Multiplied by 50 bucks a year, that's a fair return, and has the added bonus of being a selling point for lots of certain games. I bought a couple XBox games that I could have gotten on PS2 or GC (or even already HAD in the case of CVS2) just because they were supported by LIVE. It moves games off the shelves, and I think it'd be worth looking into. Of course, I don't know how much MS Spent setting up and marketing LIVE, though. If anybody has numbers, (not assumptions) that'd be interestin'.


Cowboy Bebop saids:
My computer's been on-line for 10 years now. The PC industry has some how managed to pull a profit in those ten years.

I heard PCs have the internet! IS THIS TRUE??? WOW


grey ninja sez:
In response, I will say that I find Nintendo's new games such as Mario Sunshine, Zelda: Wind Waker, and Mario Kart to be HUGE paradigm shifts in the franchises

I actually agree with tha ninja here, except I think the point that Jonny should have made is that while they are largely new games, they're still old franchises, and will seem as such to some target audience member who hasn't bought a GC yet.


2) Nintendo has a clear model to gain 3rd parties too. It's not as unscrupulous as Microsoft's strategy to buy 3rd parties, and it's not like Sony's clear model to gain 3rd party support by... what was that again? Oh yeah. Own the biggest marketshare. It only involves things like building up strong relations with Square, Konami, Capcom, Namco, Sega, and a few others. Work on some of their franchises, let them work on some Nintendo ones. Publish some of their games. No biggies.

Well, this article is an appraisal of how they've done so far, and not what they're just getting around to past F-Zero. You're also right here, but it's not really relevant to the GC's market share so far. (Oh, but it WILL be, I'm sure)


3) Name 5 good 3rd party games that only came out on PS2 and Xbox. Hell, name 2. I can't think of one.

Don't be crazy, man, the PS2 has a MOUNTAIN of good 3rd party games, although I suppose it's hidden behind the other mountain of crappy 3rd party games. I bought and love these: all of the Bemani games, Contra, Disgaea, Frequency, the GTAs, Guilty Gears , and Virtua Fighter 4. Xbox, yeah, however, does mostly suck in the 3rd party realm. Usually, though, if I have the choice of getting a 3rd party game on any system, I snag the XBox one, as it doesn't have crappy PS2 graphics and often supports LIVE. (CVS2eo, Midway Arcade Treasures)   That's all relative to the game, though - I'd say, like, R: Racing Evolution and SC2 are best on GameCube.


I remained to see the forums overrun with one line posts with no content

God seriously if you hate the site so much anymore, why are you still here? Quoted for lol:

Now I am seriously considering leaving because of the lack of moderation.

I will likely leave soon anyway

Now I am sick and f-cking tired of this whole thing, and just wish that someone would just get it over with and ban me.

I was prepared to walk away for good.

I am sure that one day within the next 6 months at most, I just won't come back. I've done it before, and I am sure I will do it again.

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2003, 04:54:04 PM »
It's because of me.  I'm just so damn cool he stays.
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline S-U-P-E-R

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #32 on: December 24, 2003, 05:00:28 PM »
Also, I think I had a little discussion with Johnny about this - maybe GameCube deserves a C grade from a business perspective, but from a "I am a gamer, should I buy it?" perspective, I'd give it an A or B.

Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2003, 05:05:14 PM »
SUPER, you know damn well where those quotes come from and what brought them on.  This is just one more thing.  I will leave when it feels right.  And in my 3690 posts here, if those are your biggest complaints about my posts, then I don't think I did much wrong.


Don't be crazy, man, the PS2 has a MOUNTAIN of good 3rd party games, although I suppose it's hidden behind the other mountain of crappy 3rd party games. I bought and love these: all of the Bemani games, Contra, Disgaea, Frequency, the GTAs, Guilty Gears , and Virtua Fighter 4. Xbox, yeah, however, does mostly suck in the 3rd party realm. Usually, though, if I have the choice of getting a 3rd party game on any system, I snag the XBox one, as it doesn't have crappy PS2 graphics and often supports LIVE. (CVS2eo, Midway Arcade Treasures) That's all relative to the game, though - I'd say, like, R: Racing Evolution and SC2 are best on GameCube.

I think you missed something there.  let me rephrase that.

SELECT title FROM current_games g, platforms p WHERE quality > 0 AND p.game_id = g.game_id AND p.console = 'PS2' AND p.console = 'Xbox';

In other words, game is available on BOTH Xbox and PS2, but not for GameCube, and it's genuinely worth playing.  Of the games you mentioned, the only one available on both is the GTA games, which I frankly don't care for, but I will give it to you.  Yay.  A port comes to Xbox a year later.  Anyway, you have one left to find.  Good luck.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline Link_Gaiden

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #34 on: December 24, 2003, 05:05:59 PM »
Online play is extremely successful on the PC, but I just don't see consoles suited for such a phase.  The average gamer out there will not care about online gaming.  The only reason why PC has a better shot at success is its incredibly large userbase of people who use it for games than on consoles, which is a lot less.  

So many people use computers for the past 5 years or so since the 'dot com' boom and all new computers have all the online gaming hardware provided in the box.  The internet connection is mainly purchased for networking (e.g. surf the internet), but can be used for online gaming at NO EXTRA COST other than the game itself.  

For consoles, the modem and internet service is extra and many people are not willing to put so much investment into it.
Where's my 'Too Human' game?!

Offline mouse_clicker

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #35 on: December 24, 2003, 05:07:52 PM »
Think about how much money Microsoft is pouring into their online system, though, Ty- I bet a sizable chunk of the money they get from XBox Live subscriptions go towards it's massive and entirely futile advertising. And those games you mentioned weren't exactly huge sellers anyway- how much did C vs SNK 2 EO actually sell? In any case, the boon in sales online play implies is very minscule.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

Offline S-U-P-E-R

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #36 on: December 24, 2003, 05:16:05 PM »
It's nice to see this wacky editorial getting new people to sign up, but seriously, PCs are not relevant to anything going on in this thread.

Er, yeah, sorry ninja duder, I read that wrong. I'll take MGS2 Substance and MVC2, then.

Offline S-U-P-E-R

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #37 on: December 24, 2003, 05:19:38 PM »
I can't very well think about how much they are pouring into LIVE if I don't how much it is. I'm not about to just assume something like that. Please link me to something that says "MS has lost money on LIVE" kay thanx.

Offline uwvark

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #38 on: December 24, 2003, 05:42:48 PM »
Good review. I especially like the Public Image portion of the article.

Offline mouse_clicker

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #39 on: December 24, 2003, 06:24:07 PM »
Ty, how can they NOT be losing money on it? Until it's proven otherwise, I think it's pretty much a given that both MS and Sony are taking hits in the online department.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

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RE: GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #40 on: December 24, 2003, 08:11:20 PM »
ahahahhaha interweb DRAMA days of our forums :lewl:

no threat to leave this time grey ninja?

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #41 on: December 24, 2003, 08:30:08 PM »
Wow, I'm glad to see that I got people talking.  When writing this article, I tried to separate myself from the fanboy within and give some objective advice to Nintendo.  I can tell you that many, many people in Nintendo agree with me on some of these points, but they are unable to do much about the situation due to the Japanese corporate mentality and control.  But I do honestly think some of these things could be improved within the GameCube's generation, and some are in the process of being changed but haven't gotten there yet.  Connectivity, for instance, looks like it will be more respectable with a few key 2004 releases.

mouse_clicker, I haven't read your editorial yet, but I will do so when I get the chance.  I will say that my assessment of connectivity deals with several issues, only one of which is online.  I don't necessarily blame Nintendo for staying out of the online games business themselves; my problem is that they have made absolutely no effort to encourage other companies to bring online games to the system.  Yes, there is a modem and BBA, which was hard to even find in stores before November.  Big deal.  If Nintendo doesn't let developers know that GameCube CAN go online, and doesn't tell these developers HOW to do it, then it's not going to happen.  Let us assume that coding an online mode for GameCube is no harder than for PS2, which is probably true.  Then why are multiplatform games like Tony Hawk's Underground online on PS2 and not on GameCube?  The hardware is there, the coding is not a problem...but the market is perceived to not be there, so Activision won't spend the effort.  That is Nintendo's fault and no one else's.  The same goes for all of EA's games, which are online on PS2 and could easily be so on GameCube, yet are not.  Realize that Sony and Nintendo have practically the same online strategy, except that Sony has made it clear that it cares about online gaming (even though very few of its own games have online modes), while Nintendo has not.  Whether these features are profitable or not, and whether gamers ever even use them, having them on the system and game boxes increases public interest and boost public image, and Nintendo could use a lot of that.

Grey Ninja, I thank you for the thorough response.  I hope to reply later with an equally thorough response; however, let me say for now that I am most definitely not interested in working for IGNcube or any other website, ever.  I am in school to be an aerospace engineer and have zero interest in ever doing this for a living.  It is a hobby that I take very seriously and do my best to contribute to in an honest and helpful manner.  I don't ever write an editorial expecting that everyone will agree with me, but I would hope that you could retort without the personal insults and hurtful insinuations.  I do my job out of love for Nintendo and for Nintendo fans.

And, I might add that Billy has read my editorial and thinks I went too easy on GameCube, but otherwise he agreed with many of my points.

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #42 on: December 24, 2003, 08:49:53 PM »
One thing I can't fault you for, Johnny, is you're not a fanboy, which is good to see. I agree with most of Grey Ninja's points with the notable exception that the editorial is fit only for IGN, and I say this because I know, just like with Game-Revolution's editorial I countered, that it was written out of concern rather than spite.

I do agree that Nintendo hasn't done a good job, or really any job in letting developers know that online is a possibility- I was really coming down on the people who think Nintendo themselves should invest millions in an online structure, when they can get let 3rd parties make their own online structures for their own game. However, even if Nintendo DID promote online games to 3rd parties as much as Sony did, I still don't think 3rd parties would follow up, and for two reasons. Firstly, they don't care enough about the Gamecube to give it much 3rd party support period, which makes online features almost out of the question. That's a major issue I deal with in my editorial, that while some of the fault for 3rd parties' apathy regarding the Gamecube is Nintendo's negligence, most of it lies within the 3rd parties themselves. The second reason is, even if 3rd parties DID support the Gamecube with online capable games, I doubt many of us would be interested in it enough to play. Many Gamecube owners simply aren't into online gaming, and that may be why Nintendo hasn't supported it, or maybe vice versa, we've conditioned ourselves not to put much stock into online because Nintendo hasn't pushed it. Either way, I percieve the market for online games on the Gamecube to be even smaller than online games on the XBox and PS2.  

Also, Billy works at Game Informer now- let's not be putting much thought into his decisions. Only kidding, of course, I love the man.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #43 on: December 24, 2003, 10:18:36 PM »

3rd parties DID support the Gamecube with online capable games, I doubt many of us would be interested in it enough to play

I think it depends what kind of game was being marketed as well as the ease of user interface.  You market the right type of game and make it easy to connect, then I am sure it will appeal to many and be a success.  But personally, I would only play Cube games online if 1) user interface is easy and 2) free.  I already have a PC that does most if not all the online gaming that I need.

P.S. Mouse Clicker, remember that article I wrote about EverQuest? Curt Schilling (ex. Arizona DBacks pitcher) plays that.  Shows how widespread an online game can become

Offline Arbok

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #44 on: December 24, 2003, 11:07:37 PM »
I have to agree with mouse_clicker in terms of how online relates to the current crop of systems.

A pet peeve of mine are the people who continue to site this as the reason GCN is "behind." I can assume they develop this assumption beacuse:
A. They are online already, posting on a Nintendo forum, and would be likely to use online play
B. They talk to other people in the same boat, already online willing to play, and develop the assumption that this is the majority and what Nintendo needs to be "#1"

Call me crazy, but I feel Nintendo needs the average gamer. Not sure if anyone has been in a college dorm lately, but these are the people Nintendo needs to reach. The ones who only have GTA, racing games, and numerous sports games. These are also the people who hardly play their system but for maybe 1-2 hours a week. These are NOT the type of people who would be interested in online play unless it came ready to use, out of the box, without additional charges or any set up.
Toho Kingdom


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RE: GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2003, 11:25:42 PM »
Some of you were wondering how much Micro$oft was losing from the Xbox (live/hardware sales).  Well here's the proof from Puget Sound Business Journal.  It's a little old but it shows what has been going on and how hard of a hit MS is taking.  I could honestly see Micro$oft exiting the console business way before Nintendo ever would.


In addition, the Xbox continues to lose money. Lots of it.

According to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Microsoft's Home & Entertainment division, where Xbox resides, lost $190 million in the fiscal quarter ended March 31, nearly twice the $97 million lost during the same period in 2002.

To stanch the bleeding and close the gap with Sony, Microsoft unveiled a slew of highly anticipated game titles, an enhanced version of Xbox Live and a brand new digital media component called the Music Mixer at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3, in mid-May.


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RE: GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #46 on: December 25, 2003, 03:48:41 AM »
In case some of you all are wondering...the reason most (i.e. everyone but Sega) does not put any online support in their GCN games is because of cost. M$ has XBox Live and thus the infrastructure is already there. Sony has a similar plan to Nintendo, 3rd parties can add online content at their leisure. But unlike Nintendo, Sony doesn't make it difficult to acquire the components necessary for online content. Someone name one place other than Nintendo's website where you can get a BBA. Doubt you can. Contrary to belief, the way to increase demand is not to lower supply.  The whole lack of availability has been hit on by others already in this thread, so I will leave it at that.
I do agree with some of the the 3rd party comments. 3rd parties port over their games from their original developments on PS2 and then said 3rd parties wonder why their games don't sell. Well as has been stated, GCN is the least mainstream of the 3 consoles. The initial owners of said system were Nintendo developed game fans at the heart. That is, they were ones who played and loved Nintendo games mostly. Hence, initial 3rd party games probably didn't sell as well as some companies may have liked. A lot of 3rd party games don't sell well on GCN because they're poor ports of shoddy PS2 code. Unless a developer gives a crap (see Ubi-Soft, etc.), then they are not going to bother to cater the title to each console.  And then developers wonder why latest installement of sports franchise with 1 new feature ($50) over last year's installment ($5) doesn't sell. Well people are not going to buy games that don't have all the features that the same game has on PS2 or XBox. Especially when said games come out weeks, months, or even years after the initial releases. Personally, I'd like Nintendo to be better respected. Especially since they single handedly saved the video game industry. Unfortunately today's mainstream gamer doesn't seem to remember what happened before Nintendo. I admit, I didn't get into video games until we got our NES in either 85 or 86 (I was 3 or 4 then). But I am aware of the near crash of the video game industry. But unfortunately that doesn't equate into sales 20-some years later.
I also disagree with the marketing comments. I agree that Nintendo needs to do a better job, but just the other day I saw a PS2 commercial. Wanna know how much game footage I saw in it? None. Funny, I thought Nintendo got criticized for doing this. Now Sony does it and wanna bet they get heralded for it? Of course...they're Sony, the market-leader, so anything they do must be the right and correct and best way of doing things.
Anyways, I think that's enough for now. Hopefully I made some good/insightful points.
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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #47 on: December 25, 2003, 04:00:33 AM »
i personally think johnny is dead on. gamecube isnt doing great, but it isnt dead. its just average....maybe below average. had it not been for the recent surge or sales, i think it would have deserved a "D".
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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #48 on: December 25, 2003, 04:21:20 AM »

Dustin O'Neal

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RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« Reply #49 on: December 25, 2003, 04:33:18 AM »

Wake up, mc! It is profitable for Microsoft to have Xbox Live- and if it isn't, than doesn't that mean that they will go that extra mile (and extra dollar) to please their subscribers? Sorry, kid. This  is when  the true fans of Nintendo (the ones worrying about them Ie. Me, Jonny, Nc) and the extreme fanboys (Hostile Creation, Mario) are divided.If this makes you lose your faith in PGC, too bad- they're right.
Dustin O'Neal

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