Nintendo has a lot of franchises, so much so that they can be spread out to accomadate for steady sales. But we've been seeing a blitz of good titles coming at us for the holiday season(mario kart,mario party5, zelda tetras trackers kirbys air ride,pikmin 2) and some in the late winter early spring months. BUt do you think that nintendo should halt production of some games (animal crossing,mario 128, paper mario, Donkey Kong GC, Metroid Prime 2, a new zelda) so they would have so hot titles for the N5 when its launched. It would suck having a mario realsed a couple monthes before the N5, so the N5 doesnt have one. I think they should not hurry the animla crossing 2 devlopment, that game takes time. Paper mario is proably still in the early stages. So what do you guys think. I always like to not hurry game productions so you get a better product but if they dont hurry they might have to make that game for the N5.