Author Topic: Mafia LXXXV: Metroid Dread - Rules and Roles  (Read 34530 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Mafia LXXXV: Metroid Dread - Rules and Roles
« on: March 23, 2020, 02:23:57 AM »

The Rules
(plagiarized from Pyropizm)

Every game day, each player is allowed to vote for whomever they believe is mafia or a killer (Samus). Since all roles remain anonymous, mafia members and killers will vote along with the townies.

For each game day, a new thread will be made and will open up with a narrative.  Each player then has the chance to vote off another player.  Simply type in BOLD for whom you wish to vote.  You may change your vote as much as you like. However, if you change your vote then you must unbold and put "unvote" when editing your old vote in order for the new vote to count. So, Vote Bill Aurion would become un-vote Bill Aurion.

Every night, the mafia is able to make one hit. These are not based on calendar numbers, but rather on game days. The player who is able to send in the hit order will be informed by the host as to who has that ability.

For the townies to win, they must remove all mafia members and the two Samus characters from the game.

For the mafia to win, they only need to tie the game. I.E., there are two townies left and two mafia members left but they also need to control the Metroid and have eliminated both Samus characters to achieve the tie.

For a Samus to win, the player needs to get control of the Metroid and hold onto it for one Game Day and Night cycle.

Majority Vote Rule

In past versions, Mafia game days often lasted 24 hours. For this game, the length is going to vary.

Each game day can last a maximum of 48 hours or so. I will mention what the maximum day length period will be each day in the Announcements post. However, if the players come to a majority vote before that day's deadline and that vote holds for 90 minutes, then the day will end and a night period will begin. So, let's imagine there are 16 players and 9 players vote Player A, 3 vote for Player B and 1 votes for Player C. In this case, Player A would be voted out provided there's no change in Player A's vote total in the 90 minutes from the 9th vote which is what makes the vote a majority vote. The day would end after the 90 minutes wait even if there was still 16 hours left before the 48 hour mark.

Let's say that the 9th vote was cast for Player A but an hour later, the 7th person to vote Player A decides to change their vote from Player A to Player B. However, 20 minutes after that change, another player logs on and votes for Player A restoring the 9 votes against Player A. In this example, Player A would not be eliminated in 10 minutes from the new 9th vote. The majority vote was lost in between that 90 minute wait period. Even though the majority was restored within that first initial 90 minute wait period, a new 90 minute wait period starts from when the new 9th vote cast.

In the case of 16 players, 9 votes is the majority. Even if other players hadn't voted yet, it doesn't matter since all the remaining votes combined could only equal 7 which is a minority vote. If a majority vote isn't reached before 48 hours is up, then who ever has the most votes at the end of the 48 hour period is the one voted out. So, if the votes are 6 for Player A, 5 for Player B, and 3 for Player C, then Player A is voted out because of having the highest vote total even though 2 players didn't vote and could have put Player B in a higher vote total.

Again, days won't necessarily have to last 48 hours but the possibility is always there.

Voting Tiebreaker

If, at the end of the voting period, the result is a tie then the player with the Kraid role controls the outcome. I suggest you read up on all roles but to briefly outline it here: Kraid can choose to eliminate one of the tied players or they can consider the whole day's vote as null and void for not reaching one choice and instead cast a vote against any remaining player they choose and have that player eliminated by the vote instead. Of course, Kraid can also choose to not eliminate anyone. It is entirely their decision how they wish to resolve it. The tiebreaking role can also be controlled by a Samus role if they gain control of it during the game. If Kraid and both Samus roles are eliminated then a tiebreak will be handled by the host. All players will be up for possible elimination along with the option that no one gets eliminated and it will be a random draw as to the result.

I think that about covers it for the main / standard gameplay rules and questions.

Resolving Orders

I see the game as divided by its Day and Night sections. If a player with an ability is voted out during the day portion then they should not be able to use their ability at night since they were unable to reach that portion by being eliminated in the day.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2020, 08:32:12 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Re: Mafia LXXXV: Metroid Dread - Rules and Roles
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2020, 02:10:02 PM »

Space Pirates aka Townies

Mother Brain - (Townie Detective) Can investigate any player of their choosing and learn the role of that player. The player with this role can submit their choice of investigation at any time during the day or night period. I will wait for an hour in case they wish to change their mind. After an hour is up, I will then reveal the information regarding their selection. If an hour goes by and I wasn't around and they submit a different choice, it will still be too late and I will only reveal the earlier choice that went through the wait period.

For this game, Mother Brain is allowed to stack investigations. This means the player can submit a choice to Save Investigation. Then on Day 2, the player can make two investigations instead of the normal one. Theoretically, a player could stack these up for days and then unleash a whole bunch at once so they could have 6 investigations on Day 6 as an example. Save Investigation is the one thing for which I will allow a change in orders. If the player chooses to Save Investigation but two hours later wants to investigate someone then they may change the order in that case. If no investigation order is sent in a day, it will automatically be considered a Save Investigation but it would be be nice to get confirmation to the host about this so that I'm not waiting the whole night period if I haven't heard from you yet.

Ridley - (Townie Doctor) Can choose to protect any player of their choosing to save them from either the day vote or the night actions but not both. Ridley can save someone from the vote even after voting has ended that day. Unlike Mother Brain and Kraid, Ridley can not stack his protection ability and then use multiple saves at a later date. Only 1 per Day/Night cycle. If Ridley misses or forgets to send in an order for a Day/Night cycle then that chance of protection is lost for that Day/Night cycle and does not carry over. Ridley can also select to save himself up to two times in the game.

Kraid - (Vote Manipulator/Tie Breaker) Due to Kraid's size, he gets a bit more say in matters when it comes to the vote. If he wants to tell someone how to vote then they aren't going to argue against him. Thus, he can change someone else's vote to whatever he'd like in the day even if they haven't voted yet or at all that day. The player will do this by sending the host (me) a private message detailing who's vote they want to change and what that vote is. The player is free to change their mind on their selection up until the vote ends for the day. Once voting is ended, whatever their last choice was will be the selection that is applied to the vote. Like Mother Brain, Kraid can also save up and stack this ability. If a player wants to submit a Save Vote Change as their action for a Day cycle then they could now use two the next day. Theoretically, a player could stack up this ability for days and could unleash 6 vote changes on Day 6 if they wanted.

As well, if there is a tie at the end of the day, Kraid gets control of the vote. The player can choose to break the tie or they can consider the day's vote null and void and cast a vote for any player still in the game of their choosing and that will be the player voted out that day instead. This tie-break vote can be sent at any point during the night action period. If you don't want Kraid to control the vote then don't allow a tie to happen. However, Kraid can also decide that no one gets eliminated from the vote that day. It is entirely up to the player to decide what they would like to do if in that position.

Omega Pirate - (Townie Vigilante) A tough enforcer for the Space Pirates. This player has the ability to make a hit of their choosing each night. (Although they can also submit the choice during the day if they so wish. It just won't be carried out until the night period.) However, they can only eliminate Mafia and Killer (Samus) roles. If the player targets a fellow townie then both the townie and themselves will be eliminated from the game. The Space Pirates will consider you as having lost your mind and needing to be put down. Unlike Mother Brain and Kraid, the Omega Pirate can not stack or save up their ability and is similar to Ridley in this regard. If the player does not make a hit during the night period then they do not have the option to make two hits on the following night period and so on. If the player chooses to not place a hit then please inform the host (me) of this choice so that I'm not waiting for something that was never coming. If the player does submit a hit then I will wait for an hour in case they wish to change their mind. After an hour is up, that selection will be locked in. If an hour goes by and they submit a different choice, it will be too late. If the player waits until the last hour of the night period to submit a choice then that choice will be automatically locked in with no opportunity to change it.

Black Ops Federation Soldiers aka Mafia

The Deleter - (Mafia Godfather) This player has the ability to make a hit of their choosing each night. (Although they can also submit the choice during the day if they so wish. It just won't be carried out until the night period.) In addition, if investigated by Mother Brain, the identity of the player will comes up as a regular Space Pirate. The Deleter can not stack or save up their hit ability and is similar to Ridley and the Omega Pirate in this regard. If the player does not make a hit during the night period then they do not have the option to make two hits on the following night period and so on.

However, the Godfather can also choose to skip the hit for that night and instead send out his squad on recon. Thanks to a recent break through in Federation soldier technology and mod chips, the soldiers under The Deleter's command can enhance their suit's ability for a mission. For the Commando, they can use an X-Ray Visor chip to investigate a player of their choosing and learn their role. For the Marine, they can use a Visor Scan chip and investigate a player of their choosing to learn what item/power-up is attached to that player. For the Trooper, it can use the Spineshark chip and outrun any would be assassins thereby safely lasting through the night and into the next day. The Deleter has no ability and waits for his troops to report back to him from that night mission.

If the player chooses to not place a hit or send the team out on recon then please inform the host (me) of this choice so that I'm not waiting for something that was never coming. If the player does submit a hit order or a recon order then I will wait for an hour in case they wish to change their mind. After an hour is up, that selection will be locked in. If an hour goes by and they submit a different choice, it will be too late. If the player waits until the last hour of the night period to submit a choice then that choice will be automatically locked in with no opportunity to change it although I don't suggest waiting that long if you are planning on sending your troops out as they need to get in contact with me for their investigating.

Finally, if the Godfather successfully eliminates the player in possession of the Metroid by the hit or wins it in the free-for-all of a vote then the Godfather has a choice to assign guarding it to himself or a member of the squad. If a squad member is assigned to guard the Metroid then they can no longer go out on recon missions. The Deleter can hold on to the Metroid and still make the Mafia hit each night. The question is whether they want to keep all that power concentrated on themselves in case eliminated by a Samus or spread it around.

Federation Commando - (Mafia Goon 1) This player is first in line to inherit the Mafia hit if the Godfather is eliminated. This player has no other ability unless set on recon by the Deleter (Godfather). If sent on recon, they can use an X-Ray Visor chip to investigate a player of their choosing and learn their role. They would submit their choice directly to me and not through the Deleter. When the investigation choice is submitted, I will wait for an hour in case the players want to make a different selection. After an hour is up, that selection will be locked in. If an hour goes by and they submit a different choice, it will be too late. If the player waits until the last hour of the night period to submit a choice then that choice will be automatically locked in with no opportunity to change it. If no investigation is made then the ability does not carry over to the next night. The recon mission for the Commando is a failure.

If the Commando becomes Godfather and is investigated by Mother Brain, their role will not be hidden. Only the Deleter has that privilege. The Commando can still choose to make a hit or send the squad on a recon mission. However, if the Commando selects a recon mission then the Commando will stay at home base and only the Marine and Trooper would go out provided either of them are still alive to do so. If the Commando ends up in control of the Metroid for the Mafia side then they are no longer able to go on a recon mission but must stay behind to guard the Metroid. However, if the Commando is protecting the Metroid and becomes Godfather they can still make the Mafia hit each night like the Deleter.

Federation Marine - (Mafia Goon 2) This player is second in line to inherit the Mafia hit if the Godfather and Commando are eliminated. All the same rules as the Commando apply to the Marine.

Federation Trooper - (Mafia Goon 3) This player is last in line to inherit the Mafia hit and only will get it if all other Mafia members have been eliminated. All the same rules as the Commando apply to the Marine. The one exception being that the Trooper won't have the option to go on a recon mission. If they've become the Godfather then they are the only Mafia (Federation soldier) left so there is no one to send out on recon. They will just send in a hit order every night if they choose to do so.

The Hunters

Samus Aran - (Killer) Not a friend to either side, Samus is out to stop both the Pirates and the Federation Soldiers. She can make one hit every other night (unless the player has an ability allowing for more) which will be on the odd nights (Night 1, Night 3, etc). This pattern will continue unless Dark Samus is eliminated in which case Samus will then make a hit every night. In addition, every player in the game will be host to a power-up of some type. Whenever Samus successfully eliminates a player from her hit, she will acquire the power-up assigned to them which can make her more powerful as she hunts down both sides to find the Metroid. In addition, if she successfully votes out a player in the day, she will have a chance at acquiring the power-up assigned to the person who was voted out depending on the amount of votes cast for that player. So, if a person was voted out by six votes and Samus was one of those votes then she has a 1-in-6 chance of getting the power-up in that case.

Dark Samus - Same as Samus Aran just a bit darker. ;) Dark Samus can make one hit every other night (unless the player has an ability allowing for more) which will be on the even nights (Night 2, Night 4, etc). This pattern will continue unless Samus is eliminated in which case Dark Samus will then make a hit every night.

List of Items/Power-Ups

The One Item Needed For Victory For All Sides

The Metroid - The most important power-up/item of the game is the Metroid. At the start of the game, one of the players on the Space Pirate side who does not have a role (aka a townie) will be assigned the Metroid. For any side to win this game, they must be in possession of the Metroid. For instance, if the mafia side has achieved a tie but they do not have the Metroid in their possession then the game goes on until they do. If Samus Aran or Dark Samus acquires the Metroid then the game enters a Self-Destruct period for the next day. Samus Aran or Dark Samus (whichever one has current control of the Metroid) must be eliminated by the end of that day/night cycle. If not, that Samus will escape the planet with the Metroid and all other players die as the planet explodes thus giving that Samus the win.

The Metroid is the only item that can be swapped among players. If the player with the Metroid is voted out then it will randomly go into the possession of one of the players who were responsible for that vote-out. When a player gains possession of the Metroid, whatever power-up/item they had before becomes inactive and the Metroid then becomes their item which they have until their demise or win. However, if they are eliminated then the power-up/item they had before will become active again. This is a key point since the Grapple Beam power-up will allow a Samus to get items from deceased players. Samus and Dark Samus are the only players who can have or hold on to multiple power-ups/items and use them.

Role Specific Items/Power-ups

Map (Mother Brain) - If Mother Brain is eliminated by a Samus then all of her investigations and results up to the time of her death will be given to that Samus allowing them to possible fill in some information about this game. If Mother Brain has been stacking investigations then all those stacked investigations are given to the Samus who eliminates Mother Brain to use. A Samus does not gain the detective ability and can not start stacking more investigations. Moreover, they have to use any saved (stacked) investigations that day when they inherit them or they will expire.

Energy Tank (Ridley) - If Ridley is eliminated by a Samus then that Samus will be given an energy tank which allows them to automatically survive a hit or vote, whichever life-threatening emergency happens first. A Samus can not replenish the energy tank once used up.

Super Missiles (Kraid) - If Kraid is eliminated by a Samus then that Samus will basically gain Kraid's ability. They can change someone else's vote to whatever they'd like in the day even if their target hasn't voted yet or doesn't vote that day. More critically, the Samus who gains this ability will also control the tiebreak like Kraid does. Note: Samus can not stack or save up this ability like Kraid unless they also have the Charge Beam power-up.

Power Bomb (Omega Pirate / The Deleter) - If a Samus eliminates the Omega Pirate or The Deleter then they will gain a Power Bomb. A power bomb is an extra hit that they can make. Once the hit is made then the power bomb is used up. A Samus can hold on to a power bomb to choose to deploy when they wish but once it is used then it is gone forever. A Samus can even deploy a power bomb during the day period to eliminate someone. However, they will not gain that player's item/power-up if they eliminate them during the Day period with this item. A Power Bomb is can nullify Ridley's (doctor's) protection and still eliminate its target. It is the only item/power-up that can do this.

X-Ray Visor (Federation Commando) - If a Samus eliminates the Federation Commando then the player gains the X-Ray Visor. It allows that Samus to make an investigation of any living player of their choosing in one Day and Night cycle to learn that player's role. However, The Deleter and Mother Brain will come up as a townie. A Samus can not save up or stack role investigations like Mother Brain unless that Samus has the Charge Beam ability.

Scan Visor (Federation Marine) - If a Samus eliminates the Federation Marine then that player will get the Scan Visor. It allows that Samus to make an investigation of any player (dead or alive) of their choosing in one Day and Night cycle to learn what item/power-up that player has. This could be considered more powerful than the X-Ray Visor since Mother Brain and The Deleter can not hide what type of item they have attached to themselves. A Samus can not save up or stack item investigations like Mother Brain unless that Samus has the Charge Beam ability. 

Speed Booster (Federation Trooper) - If a Samus eliminates the Federation Trooper then they will get the Speed Booster. The Speed Booster prevents that Samus from ever being eliminated from the day vote as they can now outrun it, zipping through this area (day) and smashing into the next. Only a night action hit will be able to take out the Samus with this ability or if the other Samus has a power bomb and uses it during the day period against the Samus with the Speed Booster.

Phazon Suit (Samus Aran) - If Dark Samus successfully eliminates Samus Aran then Dark Samus gains the Phazon Suit. Basically, it just means that Dark Samus will inherit all of the abilities the Samus Aran player has gained up until their death. The only exception is the Fusion Suit which does not transfer over or cause Dark Samus to be infected by the X-Parasite and have to start over.

Varia Suit (Dark Samus) - If Samus Aran successfully eliminates Dark Samus then Samus Aran gains the Varia Suit. Basically, it just means that Samus Aran will inherit all of the abilities the Dark Samus player has gained up until their death. The only exception is the SA-X transformation which does not transfer over or cause Samus Aran to be infected by the X-Parasite and have to start over.

Space Pirate (Townie) Specific Items/Power-ups

Morph Ball - If a Samus gains this ability then they will be able to roll up and hide from being investigated by Mother Brain or by the Commando on a recon mission. Instead of their role being revealed, they will come back as a normal Space Pirate in the investigation.

Missile - With this ability, a Samus can nullify someone's vote for the day. The player who is targeted will not know their vote doesn't count although it may be figured out if players want to do some testing during the day due to the majority vote rule. If the player who is targeted with a missile has a role then they can still perform the actions of that role. It is only their vote which is lost for the day. The Samus with this ability can only use it once per Day and Night cycle unless they have the Charge Beam in order to stack up and save this ability to unleash them all at once at a future time.

Ice Beam - With this ability, a Samus can nullify someone's role for the day. The player who is targeted will be informed that they've been "frozen" and cannot perform their action. However, this player can still vote in the day thread. It is only their role ability that has been frozen. If the current Godfather is frozen then they can not send out the squad on a recon mission nor make a hit. The Samus with this ability can only use it once per Day and Night cycle unless they have the Charge Beam in order to stack up and save this ability to unleash them all at once at a future time.

Charge Beam - If a Samus gains this ability then that Samus can start stacking up certain abilities to unleash all at once at their choosing. Items/Power-Ups that can be stacked are: Missiles, Super Missiles, Ice Beam, Visor Scans, and Grapple Beam Shots. Without the Charge Beam, a Samus with any of those items/power-ups can only use them once each day and night cycle they have them. If they do not use an item that day then they miss out on the opportunity for it to be used and it does not carry over to the next day's opportunity. The Charge Beam will automatically carry unused items/power-ups on to the next day until they are finally used or that Samus is eliminated.

Grapple Beam - With this ability, a Samus can swing over into the dead thread and Grapple Lasso the power-up/item from any dead player that now exists there. The player with this ability can only use it once per day and night cycle unless they have the Charge Beam in order to stack up and save this ability to unleash them all at once at a future time. Note: it is possible for a player to have no item/power-up in the Dead Thread. For instance, if they were in possession of the Metroid and were eliminated, someone else will have the Metroid and therefore there would be no other item/power-up on that player.

Torizo Statue - If a Samus finds this Chozo trick then instead of gaining an ability they will lose an ability chosen at random. They can not gain this ability back unless they have the Grapple Beam so that Samus better hope that is not the power-up that gets disabled. The item/power-up that gets disabled will be the one that is now attached to the player who had the Torizo Statue in the first place.

X Parasite - If Samus Aran finds the X-Parasite then she will be infected and lose all gathered abilities up to that point and have to start over in the Fusion Suit. If Dark Samus finds the X-Parasite then it will be infected and lose all gathered abilities up to that point and have to start over from their SA-X transformation.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2020, 08:04:37 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Re: Mafia LXXXV: Metroid Dread - Rules and Roles
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2020, 02:23:50 PM »
Almost have this section done but it'll clearly be a bit more past 2:00 pm EST before launching. Getting close though.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia LXXXV: Metroid Dread - Rules and Roles
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2020, 06:58:07 PM »
Well, actually had to do work this afternoon. (So disappointing.) Finally got the chance to finish typing things up now so for the most part that is done although I'll give it one more quick run through when I get home. When I get home is when I will finally do the role selection and hand them out so get ready for that.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia LXXXV: Metroid Dread - Rules and Roles
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2020, 10:58:56 PM »
Who likes walls of text? Everybody?!?!   :o :o :o :o

Then you're in luck because I've made a very through listing on all the roles with abilities and the power-ups. (Although even now, I know there is a rare scenario or two I should probably outline and go over so maybe we'll all get lucky and see more text.  8) )

Look, I don't set out to make a complicated game. Truly I don't. But I do want to make things thorough with each role so that the player who has it knows what they can and can't do in order to play to their best. The truth is, a lot of this could be irrelevant information in a day or two. One Samus could be voted out and the other killed by the Mafia on Day 1 in which case who care about any of this power-up stuff? Or it could be some of the other roles are removed right away. Who can say?

The info is there if you want to dig in deeper and to let players know how I'm handling the hosting and managing of roles and their abilities. Otherwise, the name of the game is still the same basic principle. Just try your best to eliminate the players not on your side and hope the other side doesn't get control of the Metroid from you somehow.

Still, I'm here now for any questions you may have or clarification needed. Make sure you are familiar with your role and you'll probably do just fine even without reading up much on the other things happening this game.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Re: Mafia LXXXV: Metroid Dread - Rules and Roles
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2020, 12:21:11 AM »
One other quick bit of clarification: Originally, I was going to let the townie players know which item/power-up was associated with them. That way, there could be no argument of favoritism or collusion if a Samus character seemed to get better items than another or swiftly progressing in the game. But then I realized that it could enable the townies to figure out who the other townies are by the specific items attached to them. Can't have that or this game is over. Therefore, none of the townies know who which power-up/item is attached to them. Since about half of them are character/role specific, I figured there's already a lot of known knowledge on the location of them to show this is all legit.

The only one I've debated about is the Metroid power-up. The Mafia and the Killers will know when they've acquired it and have to make decisions about it. Therefore, should the townie who has it know that they've got it? Likewise, if another townie later gets it via a vote-out transfer should they then be aware of it? I've debated it with myself and ultimately decided on yes. In order for the townie side to protect the Metroid they should be able to have a chance to figure out where it is and which player has it. Therefore, I've let the player who has it know this and that is the only townie to know what item/power-up is currently attached to them.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.